Many readers will quietly ask themselves why the ‹Goblet of the Truth› has only been set down and recorded in writing in these current days of the dawning new time, in a phase of the most profound uncertainty and elementary upheaval, and why this work of such great import has only appeared now when the human beings of Earth have almost irretrievably strayed into the dark abysses of their cult religions and convictions, and the difficult, tortuous way back lies ahead of them. Indeed, many might wrack their brains and pore over the question of why the human beings of Earth have not been spared from all the cultish works and innumerable errors and confusions, and why the ‹Goblet of the Truth› was not written down at a much earlier time and passed on to the current generations. The ‹Goblet of the Truth› itself provides an emphatic, clear and unambiguous response to this (chapter 6, verse 10):
«Truly, the source of wisdom (book of wisdom) could be given to you by a true prophet already before that far-off time, then it would be if it were to be feasible (possible), but the possibility can only be if the necessary contingencies (conditions) will be given so that the source of wisdom (book of wisdom) reaches the hands of all those who are ready for it; therefore it is still necessary to give you a deferment until the new time, however after that you will no longer be able to trot out the usual pretexts (excuses) that you had not been brought the real truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) in the form of the teaching of the prophets as the ‹Goblet of the Truth›.»
Although the clarity of these words set our insides vibrating like the deep strokes of a gong, they have to be explained for many people who are incapable of tracking down, feeling and following the truth in themselves. Who else, however, could better and more truthfully explain why the ‹Goblet of the Truth› was not set down in writing by the first prophet than Billy, the last prophet in the series of the seven proclaimers on this Earth who are descended from the Nokodemion line (extract from the 459th contact, Sunday, 3.2.2008):
«In old times, there were only very few human beings that were able to master script, because the people was not generally well educated and, being illiterate, not able to read and write. Therefore, if only for this reason, there was no sense in producing large-scale writings. And those amongst the few scribes to whom the prophets gave the task of setting down the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, i.e. the ‹Goblet of the Truth› in accordance with Nokodemion's guideline, falsified everything beyond recognition. In the old times, also, there were no schools like today in which human beings in general can learn reading and writing, and there were also no technical possibilities for duplicating the written records that were produced. Whenever anything was reproduced, everything had to be onerously written out by hand. However, this was also only possible if handwriting was involved. Hieroglyphs, cuneiform scripts, etc. had to be laboriously copied and even those who were versed in these forms of writing were extremely few and far between, and were practically not to be found amongst the common people, but only amongst scholars. The impression is given in the current time that many human beings could read and write even in the old times – although this was of course not the case – but this fact is consistently hushed up nowadays. It is only in the new time, that started in 1844, that reading and writing became widespread throughout the people and the technology for duplicating and mass-producing books, texts, journals and newspapers etc. on a large scale. Also, it was only towards the end of the 20th Century that the means of electronic distribution of books and texts via computer and over the Internet developed to such an extent that everything could be easily spread all over Earth. All this had already been foreseen by Nokodemion and the Arahat Athersata level, which is why the whole thing was prepared and laid out so that the ‹Goblet of the Truth› shall be brought in its definitive form and full extent, and spread worldwide, in the new time and therefore Nokodemion's teaching of the truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of the life. However, this shall happen in the new time because only then are all technical and electronic conditions in place to make the whole thing possible. And therefore it was intended for this time that the entire teaching, rather than just parts, shall be brought and no longer recorded by entrusted literates who have, since time immemorial, falsified everything beyond recognition, but that instead the last proclaimer of Nokodemion's line will record in his own hand the ‹Goblet of the Truth› and further parts of the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life and reprocess it and spread it worldwide with the help of his loyal supporters.»
This has now happened, and an overwhelming work has been created that is of an enormous density and complexity not only in its whole but also in every single verse. Word for word, it stands as chiselled from granite and every letter of it breathes truth, creational magnitude and beauty and the laws and recommendations of the life. Even if anyone approaches the book with the intention of only reading it without really studying it, the book breathes true and real life, and it is capable not only of showing us the current dark and labyrinthine status of our thinking and our world, but also of permitting us a look into the paradise of true and really lived humanity by showing what the human being is per se and how he or she should be, how he or she should handle freedom and how to act in a particular situation. Never, however, is the reader cajoled or corralled in a schoolmasterly wise, instead what is said strikes the true core of the life and human present existence in a clear and precise wise – and it makes no difference whether the human being is from this undulating planet or presently exists in the expanses of the universe on some unknown world – the words are solely directed towards universal human nature and towards who and what and how this being is and has to be.
Word for word and verse for verse, the reader who is so inclined comes to grasp the beauty and the overwhelming task that humanity must solve during its long evolutionary time until forming and developing its consciousness to such an extent as to advance in knowledge, wisdom, love, logic, intellect and rationality so that its spirit-form will be able to unfold its power until no longer requiring a human-material shell and find its further way into the light of creational beauty and harmony without the help of a material consciousness – not alone, but in connectedness and in connection with innumerable other spirit-forms who have to take the same way and have already done so. Bringing to life this way in our consciousness that is endlessly long for our thinking, and yet so short for the spirit-form, not only raises our feeling as a human being but it also depends on the knowledge and the certainty that we as human beings are interlinked with one another just as much as with all other existences throughout the universe and beyond. This consciousness – the cognition of true universal love – is not quickened and strengthened with great and ostentatious words, but with the simple and iron words of modesty and true, factual instruction. The ‹Goblet of the Truth› is not only a source of knowledge, truth and love, but also a straightforward handbook, text book and factual book for everyone who is asking themselves what they need to pay attention to in life and how they have to behave. Therefore, this work is not only a wonderful book to read with inexhaustible wisdom, but it also represents a ‹recipe book for life› in the true sense, a book that shows human beings how life is to be lived, what it is made of and what needs to be borne in mind to make life a success, without however patronising the human being in the choice of ‹ingredients› and in the procedure of the art of living, or curtailing and restricting the human being's freedom. It simply makes known the indicators by means of which success or failure in leading one's life can be detected and corrected, because the conditions already exist concealed in every human being. Balance, equanimity, connectedness, love, inner peace, joy of living, happiness and satisfaction are the result of good, correct and successful creational-natural evolutive work on oneself, whereas any form of Gewalt, Ausartung, unsatisfaction or other negative impulsations or even Ausartungen of character are signs that the course must be corrected and levelled out. In this wise, the ‹Goblet of the Truth› gradually puts our thinking on the right course when we open ourselves to the power and the profound wisdom of its words, and take it and use it as that for which it is intended, namely a true help in life and as teaching of the life, teaching of the spirit and teaching of the truth.
The following preface contributions by Core Group members of the FIGU show that the words of the ‹Goblet of the Truth› are able to unfold their momentous and significant effect even within only a few verses, impressing their readers to the core, stirring them up and touching a chord that they had perhaps not been looking for in themselves. When they were entrusted with the task of honouring Billy's new book in a few phrases, most of the respondents only had access to 35 verses from the 28th chapter of the book, in response to which they expressed themselves as follows:
I came to know Billy at the end of 1978. At that time, it was impossible for me to understand the full consequences of this. It is merely a fact that my previous life changed completely for the positive, and I gradually started to free myself from a wallflower existence.
At a stroke, I found many human beings with the same ideas, with whom I could discuss all those topics that were and are so important for me; I am referring to relationships between human beings as well as living together and evolving together.
I have not regretted this step to this day, and I am happy and glad to be an energetic member in the Core Group of 49, thereby giving effective support to the best of my ability to the edifice of thoughts of the FIGU, and therefore the Mission of the prophet of the new time.
Madeleine Brügger
«Truly, only the type of your conscious or unconscious volition, that for which you decide yourselves is decisive for the interaction and therefore also for your destiny, because all the innumerable fine- fluidal and half-material swinging waves with which you are connected permit everything that you send out through your thoughts and feelings to flow back to you, and it does not matter what you happen to want and what you create with your volition as causes.» (‹Goblet of the Truth›, chapter 28, verse 120)
In other words:
A human being who is searching for the truth finds a group of human beings who are searching for the same through a happy foreordination. He briefly made the firm decision to join these valueful human beings, to lend his entire strength to them to the best of his knowledge and conscience in their worldwide and hard work for the benefit of the entire earthly humankind and the planet that is still greatly maltreated, and also for its healing.
Engelbert Wächter
For about 66 years (2008), BEAM has been fulfilling his unique task and Mission with indescribable and exemplary forbearance and love. Numerous explanations and explications of the teaching of the spirit bear witness to his proverbial stamina and great patience for the human beings of Earth. In the face of my own occasional discouragement because of the obstinacy, irrationality, prejudice and stupid allegations by the antagonists, he is due all my thanks for all his supporting words of encouragement and consolation. They have always been a source of enduring learning and strength for me during many years in freedom and my decision to go my own way, to recognise my callings, to train my abilities and my performance and to invest in the fulfilment of our common task. As long as the blood flows in my veins, as long as my heart continues to beat, my consciousness is untroubled and my senses perform good services, my work and all my efforts should and will be aimed at honouring his life's work in an appropriate wise.
Hans-Georg Lanzendorfer
The thing that convinced me that FIGU and what is told and experienced here was and is indeed the truth, is that above all the emphasis is placed on self-responsibility and everything that is explained by Billy is logical and comprehensible. Equally, during all those years I have been able to know Billy and the human beings here, and I know with absolute certainty that this is my place and way.
The knowledge and the associated possibilities opened up to us by Billy and the Plejaren are simply unique and overwhelming, although I often think that we are in no wise aware of the import of this Mission. I know one thing with absolute certainty – there is on Earth no other place where the teaching is so truthful, consistent, comprehensible for everyone and logical as here at FIGU and the things we are doing here will one day bear fruit so that humankind will in the end find its way back to being human in the real and true sense – even if this will take a very, very long time.
Andrea Grässl, March 2008
‹Goblet of the Truth›: A goblet that should not pass by anyone, because it is not only this book but all of Billy's works that show me the way to the leading of the life that is directed towards the Creation. The spiritual teaching is life itself, the way and the objective of every single human being and even though I may not really be able to assess the full extent of the unbelievable wealth of knowledge, truth and wisdom in Billy's works, they are nevertheless my life. Therefore, it is scarcely possible to express in words how thankful I am to Billy and also to the Plejaren for the spiritual teaching, but above all for the deep love and friendship, for the patience and schooling in life. As I am taking steps, small though they may be, along the way of the spiritual teaching, I can make a small contribution so that the immense work of Billy and the Plejaren will take root all over Earth in the far future and will serve all life.
Barbara Harnisch
My evolutive progress is continuously being guided in the correct, namely the creational direction, by the valueful statements in the ‹Goblet of the Truth›. It is simply down to me to increase my cognitions daily and to apply the knowledge that I have obtained, to search for the truth in myself and put myself reliably on the life-way, which is not always simple; this means turning the teaching of the life into deeds. – Actually, I cannot find the words to express my infinite gratitude for Billy's love, knowledge and wisdom that he is using for all humankind. The things that are expressed in each of his writings, deeds and in conversations with him can be read all the more impressively in the ‹Goblet of the Truth›. It is an indescribable gift to humankind – on Earth, in the entire universe and beyond!
Daniela Beyeler
One day, Billy said to me: «I can write much better if you sleep in the office next to me on the sofa.» I was really astounded because I do occasionally tend to snore slightly. Well, this did not disturb my beloved life partner at all when writing, and because he does most of his writing at night, I am so happy to help him in this – in the sweet land of dreams.
This is how his latest work the ‹Goblet of the Truth› came about. It is a wonderful teaching book that accompanies us ‹dreamers› through our entire life. An unending source of thought-provoking ideas. To read a verse, a page, gives us brain food which nourishes and occupies us for a long time – and evolves us. What could be better? – Nothing.
Eva Bieri, 13 March 2008
In this book, the greatest friend of humanity of all time on Earth, Billy Eduard A. Meier (BEAM) has once again succeeded in astonishing not only myself, but probably most human beings who read this major book. Although I have a similar reaction to every new book that Billy produces, above all when the OM appeared, which is in its way really the ‹book of all books›.
Now Billy has once again surprised us, because the ‹Goblet of the Truth› is also a work of unique preciousness. It is a ‹heart-rending call› to the human beings of Earth finally to follow the laws and recommendations of the Creation and to live according to them. This book casts ‹light into the darkness› of human ignorance about the relationships between coarse-substantial and fine-fluidal material of the life; it is an explanatory call to come to our senses and refrain from the entirely misdirected ways of human life-determinations for purely coarse-substantial, material values, to finally set about searching for the only real sense and purpose of our life.
It is a book that evocatively shows human beings the great danger that the human beings of Earth have manoeuvred themselves into because of their continuous behaviour against the law of creation, against nature, human beings, animals and our planet.
The words of the truth in this book are so mighty and stirring in their clarity and admonition that they will be able to reach the deepest core of every human being. «It is not only as if a hurricane or typhoon were setting the sea in uproar, but also at the same time as if a gigantic earthquake were shaking the innermost inner», because the statements in this book with their explanations and instructions struck me with a comparably gigantic power.
Just like an arrow strikes the innermost centre of the target, every single verse, every chapter in this new work from Billy – the human being whom I have chosen for myself as ‹teacher of all teachers› – triggers not only deep agitation but also great joy and thankfulness for the unsurpassable explanations and precise words of the truth in all regards.
Surely the humankind on our planet will never be able to grant the ‹master of the days›, the light-bringer ‹Billy› Eduard A. Meier (BEAM) the honour and thankfulness that is his due for his untiring work in giving the misdirected human beings of Earth not only all previous works but now also this new and precious book of instruction.
With respect, in thankfulness and giving the highest honour
Brunhilde Koye-Hoppe
The ‹Goblet of the Truth› is the culmination of a uniquely brilliant idea that Nokodemion contrived 96 billion years ago and set on its apparently endless way, sometimes a stony one, as a life- and spirit-teaching.
The teaching of creational laws and recommendations, cast and forged in the hot fire of the truth, reveals itself to us children of the Mission today as an elemental, gigantic tool for creating a true art of living, freedom, harmony, dignity, respect and love.
These noble words shock the pitiable present day world like a rumbling thunderstorm, and in the future too, the hard yet fair word of the prophets, steeped in love and compassion, will be brought to the peoples as a brightly shining light of the truth, as since time immemorial.
As companion, pupil and son of the Mission, I feel a deepest connection with it. Unhesitatingly, I would again join the ranks of those who accompany the prophets over millions and billions of years, supporting and therefore helping them to bring their hugely taxing work to full fruition.
As a small part of this Mission history, I bow down in respect.
Stephan A. Rickauer, 15 March 2008, 10:49 AM
Nothing better could have happened to me in my life than meeting ‹Billy› Eduard Albert Meier and the FIGU organisation he established (‹Free Community of Interests for the Border and Spiritual Sciences and Ufological Studies›), Semjase Silver Star Centre, Schmidrüti in Switzerland. I slowly approached Billy's writings and began to study his spiritual teaching somewhat later, which is also the teaching of the Creation and the teaching of the life. Increasingly, I came to understand the interconnections of being human in the real and true sense as well as the topics of rebirth, living and dying, death, spirit and consciousness, thoughts and feelings, the psyche and the fine-spiritual perceiving, the causality of cause and effect, bipolarity of positive and negative, striving, the obligation of self-responsibility and evolution. One of the most important fundamental principles for me is love. In this wise, I also learned to deal with difficult situations in my life. Spiritual teaching has become one of the most important tasks in my life. As the veil was gradually lifted from my eyes, I finally began to understand that this is the real truth, namely what Billy is giving and teaching to us human beings in terms of knowledge, wisdom and love. I became aware that the human beings of Earth have been going astray for millennia because of religions, sects, false prophets and pseudo-sciences, have been blinded, irresponsibly raised, filled with falsehoods and hindered in their evolution.
When I came to know Billy better as a Core Group member, I finally realised how his nature radiates love. His character and his mode of life is simplicity, selflessness, hard work, honesty, intelligence as well as kindheartedness and everything that is worthy of life. He works almost round the clock to fulfil his Mission, he has an open ear for everyone and provides advice and help wherever necessary. Billy lives the teaching of the spirit, i.e. the teaching of the truth, i.e. the teaching of the love for us, in all the treasure of this book, the ‹Goblet of the Truth›, everyday as an example.
Dear Billy, you took millions of years to learn your teaching about the Creation, its laws and recommendations, and for many years now you have been active as a proclaimer and prophet of the truth to pass on this treasure untiringly and with great self-sacrifice to all the human beings of Earth, in order to bring them back to the right way, to freedom, to peace, to love and harmony on our so ausgeartet world. Dear Billy, your spiritual teaching cannot be measured in gold and silver. What use does a bird have for the most beautiful cage if it cannot fly within it, what is the use of the present existence for the human beings of Earth if they do not feel free and happy any more, and cannot live with one another and for one another any longer in freedom, peace and love. Dear Billy, a feeling of happiness flows through me when I think that I have been able to help in a small part of your so difficult task of the Mission. I wish to give you a thousand thanks in love.
Erhard Lang, 10 March 2008
This book is probably the greatest treasure of humankind. However, its value is not in the material things, but in the spiritual. The humankind of this earth would be well advised to take the content to heart and therefore learn to understand the messages and allow them to flow into daily life. Only so would the true value of this book develop absolutely fully for human beings, as they would developmentally change themselves and their behaviour and therefore would lead their life based on creational freedom, in peace and harmony.
This procedure would also be the only thanks for what we think are the almost infinite efforts taken by the prophet of the new time, ‹Billy›, and his self-sacrifice almost to the limits of his strength in order to communicate to us his wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, step out of the darkness into the light that has been given to you and try a little harder to ensure that everything falls on fertile ground, for the sake of a shared, peaceful and creation-related future.
Daniel Lutz
The search for truth has just begun, and yet it is a gift to live at its source.
To meet a human being who is ‹teacher, proclaimer of the truth and friend› all rolled into one is a gift that cannot be exceeded in life.
To belong to a community in which one is ever more closely involved and yet feels as free as a bird, shows that one is on the right life-way.
To receive support and connection from human beings who live millions of light years away from us and with whom one feels closer and more connected than the rest of humankind, is something that speaks for itself.
How lost and lonely do all those human beings look who are stumbling on the search for the sense of the life, who are chasing after an imaginary objective or victory and simply do not notice that the sense of the life is passing them by. Always on the search for a new purpose in life, hunting for a record and fleeing from themselves.
Günter Neugebauer
The ‹Goblet of the Truth› is a book that changes human beings' view of their lives, just as it changed my vision and showed me that life and truth is much more comprehensive in many things than I have previously assumed. The last book of the spiritual teaching teaches with an unambiguous clarity the knowledge, the logic, the wisdom and the virtues for the right leading of life and the duty that every one of us has as a human being. Comprehensibly, logically and able to be put into practice.
In spite of his deeply stricken state of health, my father worked every night and every free minute on this book, during which time he had to concentrate to download the data from the storage banks and code everything, involving such a level of exertion that he was so weakened and ill at the end of the book that he would have lost his life without the help of the Plejaren.
The ‹Goblet of the Truth› is a complete work of teaching from all the prophets of the Nokodemion – Henok – Henoch line which is completed by the words of my father, something which fills me with great pride, consideration and respect.
Dear fellow human being, guide yourself based on your natural being as a human, and learn, recognise and experience the teaching of the spirit which my father, the prophet of the new time, communicates. Do not search for what you do not understand, and do not preach water but drink wine yourself, but instead be honest with yourself as a human being and sample the ‹Goblet of the Truth› so that you will be clear about your own words, your thoughts and about yourself as a human being, because you will be able to recognise everything since the teaching of the spirit is clear, logical and can be put into practice based on your estimation and your abilities.
Natan Brand
Dear Billy, you have guided me onto the path of self-awareness, true life and actual love with unending patience and venerable selflessness. In so doing, you have opened the greatest and most valueful thing to me that can be given to any human being, namely true self-determination and effective self-realisation, in the knowledge of self-responsibility towards self and own duties.
You can rely on my thanks and inner solidarity at all times.
Your true like-minded friend
Pius Meinrad Keller, Fischingen, 15 March 2008
In earlier times, it was unfortunately not possible on our Earth to declare and spread the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life in written form, because in these early times most of Earth's population was unable to read and write. For this reason, the teaching of the truth or the spiritual teaching could chiefly only be presented and spread in spoken form, meaning that falsifications could not be avoided, some of which have achieved a shocking extent, so that no recognisable value remained of the original teaching. This is a condition that can only be rectified currently, because a large portion of the human beings of Earth have learned to read and write since the beginning of the new time in 1844, therefore the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life can now be written down and, thanks to technical progress, be spread worldwide either as a book or with technical and electronic means of communication, making it accessible to the majority of humankind on Earth. This is a situation that represents a great blessing of inestimable value for all of humankind, because the known earthly literature from the areas of religion, science philosophy and culture is unfortunately only of little value and is often neither reliable nor true.
Since my youth, I have been looking for the truth, which means I have delved intensively into many things in life, natural sciences and esoterics, etc, which led to me only finding part of the answer and not really being satisfied with the tiny mosaic fragments of the truth. To my great happiness and true to the words «Seek and ye shall find» and «Good things take time», I came to know and esteem ‹Billy› Eduard Albert Meier more than thirty years ago. When I started to read his writings and study them, I instantly knew with inner certainty that the content of these writings corresponded to the irrefutable truth that I had been looking and searching for through many decades of my life. Since then, I have worked hard to put into practice the teaching from the exceedingly valueful content of many writings that Billy has written and published in the past, and implement it in my entire life sphere.
During these long years of intensive study, I got to know Billy better and better, which showed me over time that I was dealing with a unique and wonderful human being who has spent his life with great and untiring effort on the progress of his Mission, and fulfils and lives this under the most difficult and contrary conditions, in spite of worldwide animosity and difficult health problems, etc., day and night – practically until total exhaustion. It is a Mission intended to spread the teaching of the truth or the teaching of the spirit by means of which humankind will eventually find its way to peace, effective freedom and true love.
Billy is a human being characterised by great wisdom, love and kindheartedness as well as being exceedingly straight and ambitious to achieve his determination, who lives and copes with his life with selflessness, readiness to help others as well as in deep love and connectedness with his fellow human beings and fellow life forms. It is quite true to say that Billy possesses a vast and unparalleled knowledge and pronounced wisdom which, particularly with regard to the teaching of the life and the teaching of the spirit or the teaching of the Creation and its laws and recommendations, achieves an extent and a degree that is unmatched on Earth by any other human being.
If even only a small part of the terrestrial humanity would read and study Billy's writings and his teaching, and would show an honest attempt and volition to live according to their values and instructions and put these into practice, things on our Earth would be much more peaceful, loving and humane, and there would be many fewer wars and other conflicts as well as other brutalities that would terrorise humankind to a much lesser degree. Therefore, it would be more than merely desirable for as many human beings as possible to take Billy's writings to hand and study them with an honest intention, and in particular his crowning work the ‹Goblet of the Truth›, in order to derive goodness, rightness and constructiveness for their own life and the community of all life forms from the wealth of exceedingly valueful teaching, guidelines and instructions that have their origin in the venerable teaching of Nokodemion.
Basically, the human beings of Earth cannot thank Billy enough for their inestimable luck in having such an important prophet in their midst, one who untiringly and often under almost inhumane circumstances and adverse conditions has written such important guidelines for life and a teaching for us human beings, so that if we follow them and apply them the entirety of humankind would march forward into a better and happier future that they had worked out for themselves, a future in which the individual could shape and form his or her own life in a loving and constructive wise.
I, for my part, wish to express my most respectful and heartfelt thanks on behalf of all of earthly humankind for all the efforts and sacrifices that Billy has made in order to write all of his works and writings of the teaching of the spirit, that he has called into life for the development of humankind so that, thanks to his work and efforts, we can create a valueful and good future for ourselves in which every human being will be able to lead a happy and satisfied life.
With all my heart, and in profound connectedness in love, I wish Billy above all good health and well being, as well as nothing but the most loving and best for the well earned evening of his life.
Guido Moosbrugger
In Billy we have a human being on this planet who has the confidence to speak the truth plainly and honestly. It is certainly not always simple to deal with the truth because all too often it sounds very harsh. Those affected by the truth often feel it as a personal attack, although this is not the case, because the truth only ever shows the facts of the situation and nothing more. Human beings are never attacked by it, because they can only advance in evolution via the way of making errors as has already been determined by Creation itself, so this is why only the actions and deeds of human beings must be criticised, never the personality itself. For this reason, the human being in that situation in life needs the open word of the truth, as has also been disclosed through effective love. Only because of pure love for the entire humankind of this planet Earth does Billy accept the attacks that unavoidably encounter him whenever he has once again expressed an extremely uncomfortable truth. We can regard ourselves as lucky to have a human being of this kind on our world because there are very few of this kind on Earth.
The book, ‹Goblet of the Truth›, makes a special contribution to finding the truth, therefore I am personally extremely happy that Billy has set down this magnificent work in writing for the first time and recorded it for reading and study over hundreds and thousands of years to come. It is truly a gift to we human beings of Earth, we who urgently require instruction in the truth in order to liberate ourselves finally from the yoke of untrammelled materialism and the numerous false teachings. False values are rife on our planet, in our consciousness, our genes, our thoughts and feelings and in our psyche like weeds in an untended garden. Therefore, it is high time for us to learn again how to cultivate our consciousness, our thoughts and feelings and our psyche. To do this will not take so much at all, because everything starts by us changing our edifice of thoughts. However, we cannot do this with the many misleading teachings that are extant around our planet, instead we require the true creational edifice of thoughts.
We can recognise the effects of the Creation in nature and divine the corresponding laws from this, according to which we should then direct our lives. However, for all of the external things that can be seen and recognised, there is also the inner processes that can only be felt, heard, seen and fine-fluidally perceived. Besides the external image that we make of all concerns, it is important above all to recognise the inner values of everything. To do this, it is necessary to perceive the nuances that take place in the human being himself or herself, and to heed them, e.g., intuition. In order to do this, however, the world needs to become ‹quieter›, without the level of frenzy that exists at present. A time of retreat and general meditation is required again. By doing so, human beings could also get to know themselves better and, at the same time, detect what it is that they do not like about themselves. This is because only this cognition brings them to the idea of wanting to change something, which is of course essential in the frame of evolution. The sense of the life is in the development of the consciousness, to refine the entire content of the consciousness more and more, and absolutely fully develop it.
This wonderful book can certainly contribute to achieving the set creational task of further development, and it can teach us to direct our thoughts to sensible ways which are rich in content in order to banish the ugly thoughts from our consciousness that hinder evolution, and fill it with love, knowledge and wisdom.
My thanks go to Billy for his painstaking work that was involved in writing this book.
Elisabeth Moosbrugger
In the course of my evolution, whilst spending my life searching amongst the confusing ebbs and flows of the current time, I encountered the prophet of the new time. The teaching he has brought forth is the one I have selected for my home. Thanks be to him and his helpful extraterrestrial friends from me for the clear words and untiring explanations that I look forward to taking into the future in the further course of my life.
Andreas Schubiger, Turbenthal, 2 March 2008
Now, the great work has been completed, dear Billy. You have ‹retrieved› the complete ‹Goblet of the Truth› from the storage banks. Although this sounds so simple, it was in reality a gigantic work of which you alone amongst citizens of Earth were and are capable. To write a book of 260 densely filled A4 pages within a few months and have it ready for printing is in itself a masterful achievement, whilst the task of downloading the teaching of six prophets of your predecessor personalities through the gigantic might of your consciousness from the storage banks, then formulating this data in a traditional style that would be understandable to us and putting into words the extensive teaching of the 7th prophet in accordance with Nokodemion's guidelines, this is simply something that is beyond our power of comprehension. We who have experienced you for decades in the Centre, we knew that you were always nothing but untiringly productive. During your work on the ‹Goblet of the Truth›, you succeeded in increasing your commitment beyond that of any human extent, irrespective of your already severely compromised health situation – but this was of course the reason for your urgency.
Dear Billy, you wise man amongst all the wise and culmination of your prophet line, you good, warm-hearted selfless friend and teacher, we thank you in respect and esteem, also in the name of all generations that will come after us.
As I first read through this work, your latest to date and most extensive subsequent to the OM, I was somewhat overtaxed by the density and fullness of the information, despite much of it already being familiar. I comforted myself with the thought that I do not have to cram everything into my head in this one life or implement it. The ‹Goblet of the Truth› is, as has been said, a work which future human beings and all the peoples of this earth will orient themselves towards – even if they currently mock and laugh at it as the prophets – and, thanks to this, there will be peace on our planet at last in the far distant future. And this, dear Billy, is something that we have to thank you for. My thanks, the thanks of the entire core and passive group and all the human beings who wish you well should not be exhausted in words, but should primarily find expression in that we are learning in an undeterred and evolution-striving wise in order to use your teaching that has grown out of the laws and recommendations of the Creation in order to enable us to set an example and help our fellow human beings, as you are for us, were and always will be, so that they also will find the way to the truth and finally bring light to our world that is darkened by discord, hatred and wars.
Brigitt Keller, 1 March 2008
Is there anything more beautiful than drinking from a clear spring if one is thirsty after a lengthy period of wandering? As the cool moisture trickles down one's throat and refreshingly reinvigorates the body with new energy, everything returns to a balance whilst a sensation of satisfaction and wonderful well-being permeates the entire human being.
The situation is the same with the truth if the human being is looking for it and discovers it, because as a never sealed source of the life, it opens up to him or her the sense of his present existence and is able to help him or her in all life's situations.
Finding fulfilment through truth is however associated with lots of work and requires the capacity to endure, because it is important to take responsibility and quite consciously strive to fulfil one's task as a human being and to fathom the understanding of the things in life through effort. Although the truth has many faces and it can be both pleasant and unpleasant, even bringing forth shocking situations, and yet it is never one thing, namely fickle, which explains why it is always and everywhere the one thing that human beings can really rely on.
I can only give assurance that every effort, no matter how great, arduous and onerous it may seem, brings a thousand-fold reward if it enables recognition of the truth that one is connected to everything and can partake of the inexhaustible possibilities that life has to offer, in order to create in oneself love, peace, freedom and harmony and to pass these on to our fellow human beings, as our friend and teacher Billy E. A. Meier, the author of this book, presents by his own example and is able to pass on in this wise. I simply do not have the words to express the profundity of my feelings and the enrichment of my life which I received through him and his Plejaren friends.
In the ‹Goblet of the Truth›, life with its positive and negative sides is reflected in all its creational magnitude and its human inadequacy. Unfortunately, this book initially remained inaccessible to most human beings because it was written in German, for this reason I do not wish for anything more avidly than that human beings should address this book and open themselves to the truth with all their senses in order to learn how to understand their true value in honest striving. Then, they will discover that the ‹Goblet of the Truth› is also in their hands and they can use it to quench their thirst at any time if they make an honest attempt to do so.
Philia Stauber-Gabriel
When the teaching is accepted and one succeeds in distracting one's thoughts from the egocentrically spinning hamster's wheel then the internal and external horizon opens out and broadens, and the consciousness is filled with unending joy and thankfulness. With joy to be able to study and grasp the sense of the life, and with thankfulness for having found the bubbling source of truthly traditions and ground-breaking teachings in the desert of human foolishness. This treasure trove of sparkling diamonds of wisdom must not be allowed to rot in dark dungeons of avarice; we want to contribute with all of our strength to making it accessible to every human being who is searching for the truth.
Christina Gasser, March 2008
Right from my childhood, I was searching for the interconnections of the life – on the search for the sense of the life. Many years later, when I read the book ‹Genesis›, written down by Billy, I felt for the first time in my life that I had arrived at what I was looking for. It was as if I had received a key that I could use to open the gate wide to a new world – the world of the Creation.
The many valueful writings and books that Billy has written have so far answered all of my questions, and the OM book gave me the necessary explanations for the Mission's thought.
The profound need developed in me to become a small, steadily shining star and to use my best ability to contribute towards the great task of the ‹silent revolution of the truth› on this planet.
I give my special thanks to the dear and wise teacher Billy who has brought the entire Mission so far forward, due above all to his knowledge and his infinite love, his selflessness and his untiring endurance. These thanks also include our Plejaren friends and the entire federation.
Last but not least, I sense a deep joy in emanating a brighter and more radiant light with all the other members as a strong community, one that shows a large and gleaming star for human beings who are looking for the truth, the way to the creational life.
Simone H. Rickauer, 12 March 2008
It is an honour for me to be able to support the ‹prophet of the new time› in his difficult and immensely important Mission. I still feel moments of astonishment and joy when I realise that I am directly involved in what is the most important event in the history of humanity on Earth. Unnoticed by the bulk of Earth's population, an event of the highest historical import is unfolding and completing before our eyes, one that was planned ages ago and will remain unique on this planet.
The gleaming emergence of the ‹Goblet of the Truth› means the beginning of the end of the religious aberration of human beings that has prevailed for millennia. The seeds of knowledge sown by the old prophets have finally germinated and found fertile ground in various places. Already the tree of knowledge and of cognition is rooted so firmly in the ground that it can no longer be destroyed. The truth that was suppressed for so long has come to the light of day with gigantic might. We, the members of FIGU, guarantee that we will keep what we have received from you, dear Billy Eduard, the ‹guardian of the treasure›, for free use, forever free from contamination so that it will lead future generations on Earth – and in other places later – to peace, harmony and love. Your untiring effort is a shining example and encouragement for me to contribute my share towards the success of the Mission. In cognizance of the law of cause and effect as well as the interaction, I intend to continue to be sensitive to my self-responsibility and, by taking small sips from the ‹Goblet of the Truth›, to attempt to create in myself a unity between the material and the fine-fluidal world.
With dear wishes and great thankfulness
Christian Frehner, 15 March 2008
The dimensions of the words of the truth are gigantic and human beings will initially only understand few of them. However, over time, the light of knowledge about the existence of the Creation and the actual purpose of the present existence of humanity will break through the dark covering clouds of misunderstanding, illogicality, delusional ideas, blindness, etc. and in the brilliance of this creative light, true freedom, peace and love will once again bloom in human beings. Nothing is more precious than the truth, and therefore this book is also a true treasure for human beings who search for the truth impartially and honestly. The author of this book, ‹Billy› Eduard Albert Meier, deserves profound thanks for having recently opened to human beings a source of knowledge about the actual connections of the life through his untiring and exemplary creative actions.
Wolfgang Adolf Stauber
The level of evolution which I have currently reached or will reach in future is something for which I must thank Billy in person or his written teaching above all, although I learned most of this by myself, Billy nevertheless laid the foundation stone – the starting stone – and therefore I am obliged to express my great gratitude to him.
We can indeed regard ourselves as fortunate to be able to learn from this inestimably magnificent work already, considering that it will take at least another 800 years until the bulk of humankind starts to learn the spiritual teaching and to live accordingly. We have the great opportunity to put into practice what we have learned and live accordingly, but also the responsibility and the obligation to pass on all of what we have learned to all interested human beings.
Freddy Kropf
Dip into the ‹Goblet of the Truth› and you will be astonished by the magnitude and sheer endlessness of the goblet. Even after thousands of years, you will continue to find new, profound places of knowledge, logic, wisdom and love. Dip into the goblet and make your contribution to emanating the creational in order to influence everything to the good with your swinging waves.
Piero Petrizzo
Every human being is therefore an essence created through the Creation, a special life form equipped with a part- piece of the Creation in order to develop all of his or her requirements and longings. The human being is not one of those more highly developed animals that only acts according to its requirements – and that is a huge difference. The human being is therefore also an individual with his or her own consciousness and in connection with all life and BEING of the Creation, even if he or she as a human being will probably never be able to see the entirety of it. The human being's true individuality is actually always in accordance with the BEING of the Creation, perhaps like a tiny mirror, nevertheless he or she attempts to develop further with a false individuality, something which is however counterproductive and entails damage and non-understanding.
One should also know that it is never possible to grasp and understand and get to know a human being entirely, but probably only ever far less than the half. Nevertheless, the more one is capable of understanding what is going on in a partner of either sex in love and compassion and perception of their present existence, in order to understand and know everything better and to assist in love and evolution, promoting and expanding everything in harmony and freedom, the more one exists together in certainty and creationally given love which flows through everything and encourages all connectedness.
Therefore it is the truth that a good and simple life in modesty, which in the final analysis is always also ‹spiritual teaching›, contributes everything to promoting the consciousness and sense of reality and is a constituent part in this, given by the natural creational laws and recommendations and by evolution, the love of the Creation and by all spaces and times of the nature of being.
Therefore, the reality in which one moves and lives must always be in accordance with the true reality of creational nature! This is the only possibility of building up cognitions, love, harmony, knowledge and ‹higher realities›.
One always looks into being from one point. Therefore, one experiences the various realities on small and large scale depending on the consciousness, place and form of present existence of a life. One takes part in the change of a great-time of the Creation, which is in turn a life form, in a larger and different and higher reality of BEING. Even the tiny forms of the life, a grain of sand, an insect, a flower, animals and all human beings are, as changing life forms, always an expression of the present existence in life and the love of BEING. Creation is the great family of every human being and he or she lives with all of them. All humanities in the universe are also one family. Creation is like the mother and father of all life. The BEING in the human lives eternally, actually independent of the abilities and understanding of the human being. The love of BEING is perhaps the driving power for all requirements of the BEING for living and creating eternally. It is also as if the love of BEING were living in order to love and life were loving in order to live.
Actually, the Creation is like an infinitely shining star, equipped in itself with the most beautiful things of BEING, like a present of eternity and always being, for every human being, irrespective his or her outward appearance, what and who he or she is, and yet still perceives everything at some time and starts to live with this point by point and in love with everything. May a star always sparkle above us and shine in the love, the understanding, the connectedness and all efforts to improve everything, to turn all life in the good and happy present existence in the eternal BEING of the Creation into love, in order to be together in an infinitely changing form of the life and always in harmony. One of the most beautiful things is to bear love in oneself, to give love, to receive love and to align one's present existence accordingly. The human being must also live positively and with a confident attitude, always creatively and constructively, learning in peace, joy, freedom, harmony and love – because the Creation and all being and BEING is love.
Christian Krukowski, March 2008
What rain is to plants, the ‹Goblet of the Truth› is to human beings. When they drink from it, they grow out of the darkness of forgetfulness towards the light of knowledge. There, the blossom slumbering within them opens and gleams in the colours of a new world.
Atlant Bieri
When, 27 years ago I joined the Core Group of 49, I did this from my inner striving to make the contribution to the Mission that was possible for me, and to do my best for this. Nothing has changed in this attitude since, and yet then and now are worlds apart for me.
It very soon became obvious that the Mission of FIGU was to spread the teaching of the spirit and the creational laws it contains in an instructive form to our fellow human beings who are looking for the proof, primarily in order to instruct oneself about the truthly life and to strive towards the associated change in thinking, acting and feeling.
Therefore, I began to walk a way which has the high and worthwhile objective of being human in the real and true sense in following the creational principles. Through the study of spiritual teaching and its practical application, I succeeded over time in overcoming many hurdles on my journey through life, accomplishing steep and often onerous ascents, and therefore removing many an obstacle from my way. I am well aware that I still have a long section of the way to complete, however I can always continue to walk it in confidence, because I find in the spiritual teaching a guideline for present existence in conscious self-responsibility and according to the principles of natural law.
It is a great honour for me to be able to contribute my part to the Mission of FIGU, and I count myself very lucky to know Billy as a wise, honourable teacher and a dear friend in our group.
I thank him most profoundly for his unmeasurably valueful work on behalf of us human beings of Earth and for his wise counsels that have been and are very helpful for my family.
I thank our Plejaren friends for the great commitment and their patience with us human beings of Earth who are ‹unwilling to learn›. My thanks also go to all members of the Core Group; I am happy that I can count you amongst my true friends, a friendship that will continue to meld us together in future when we continue our very responsible Mission work with the objective of finally bringing the human beings of Earth into knowledge of their self-responsibility and striving for lasting peace as well as a present existence for all human beings that is worthy of humanity.
Elisabeth Gruber
The greatest work of the last true prophet and proclaimer of the truth of Earth now reveals for the first time the really true and unique ‹Goblet of the Truth› that will finally bring peace in and amongst the human beings of Earth.
You will discover that there has only been one single teaching of the truth since the very beginning and continues to be only one, that was delivered to all peoples of Earth by various prophets again and again through all the world's eons, and continues to be delivered by the current and last prophet of the new time, BEAM, from the true line of prophets. This consists of the prophets Henoch, Elia, Jeremja, Jesaja, Jmmanuel, Muhammad and BEAM, who all were and are bearers of Nokodemion's spirit form. They all proclaimed and are proclaiming one and the same teaching of the Creation, teaching of the spirit, teaching of the love and teaching of the truth, which guarantees evolution in harmony with the Creation.
Whenever current human beings see the world harrowed by affliction, war, overpopulation and natural catastrophes, it becomes clear that neither a god, head of religion, ruler, mighty leader, wiseacre or other propagandist will be able to produce any improvement at any time. Only every individual human being is able to bring about a reversal by following the true teaching of the spirit. Solely the individual human being is responsible for this with his or her free will, thinking and actions and with what he or she makes of the truth.
Karin Wallén, Switzerland
In the writings of Billy, it has always been the passages dealing with fundamental principles and statements that appealed to me especially. Take for example the statements about the laws of negative and positive or about the mindfulness and clarity of knowledge or about the row of the seven values of perception that is described in the spiritual teaching, etc. I have also been fascinated by the explanations of the universe and Creation as well as the mathematical descriptions, such as the temporal developments in overall evolution, etc.
This and much more in the writings of Billy have helped my life to progress enormously. Without this additional enormous trove, I would probably have tackled conventional literature in life, without ever really obtaining clear answers about life and the actual truth.
As far as the entire Mission is concerned, I for my part can only say that this represents a clear self-responsibility and a necessity in every respect.
The language in the writings of Billy, is in my opinion, extremely comprehensible and explanatory, and it speaks to the capacity of rationality that is present in every human being, even though it may often be blocked up. The statements and principles as well the further explanations and descriptions of the life are often of such spontaneous obviousness and true to reality in a straightforward wise that one might even feel one had personally been able to reach certain truths without outside assistance. However, this is fundamentally incorrect because only in the moment of reading does one have a faint inspiration of how much one's own thinking and intellect have been blocked up and often remain so.
Only after years is one able to recognise how universally profound and comprehensively simple the statements and principles of the life have been kept. It is then also possible to recognise that this variety of statements in the entire teaching of Billy can be researched and fathomed, and that one can then achieve one's own cognitions, if only limited ones.
This fundamentally simple significance in the writings of Billy is highly communicative and appealing to the intellect, and could be described as a sort of tip of an enormous iceberg. It is scarcely possible to conceive what a variety of recommendations and profound creational laws are concealed in coded form behind every single verse.
I have so far only been able to read a few excerpts from this book. However, I am certain that it will once again be a confirmation and an elevation of everything I have read so far, and that it will certainly shake and surprise me profoundly again, just as much in it will be completely new for me.
In conclusion, I would like to draw attention to the following statement: The difficulty in comprehending and understanding the writings of Billy is not to do with searching for complicated things in reality, but rather this difficulty has to do with being able to recognise the simplicity that occurs everywhere in reality to a large extent. And this can only be achieved with intensive work, namely the work of one's own thinking.
Louis Memper, 15 March 2008
The teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life and the teaching of the good and correct leading of the life is based on the laws and recommendations of the Creation and was offered and taught in its original form billions of years ago by Nokodemion. This teaching is of inestimable value for human beings and their consciousness-based, spiritual and material evolution, therefore we can be grateful that Billy has been able to set down this teaching in its overall value in written form and explain it anew for humankind thanks to his wisdom and his capabilities, by means of which it represents an enduring, upbuilding and unmeasurable value and an extensive evolutive help for human beings. It is to be wished that human beings will grasp these profound values and make them their own, in order to be able to use and apply them in a good and upbuilding form.
Patric Chenaux
Self-responsibility is one of the most precious qualities of human beings, one that has to be nurtured and lived, and which however means self-responsibility to decide by oneself – freely – and to take the responsibility. It is a requirement that is part of every human being. And yet what is usually forgotten is that freedom and self-responsibility are inextricably linked.
It merely remains to hope that the reader of this book will now better understand and follow the value and the instruction of self-responsibility in the detailed explanation.
Silvano Lehmann
Dear Eduard,
Now I am addressing you by your true name, because in my estimation the name Eduard suits you better than Billy, the name by which you are known worldwide. Eduard means ‹guardian of the treasure›, and you are a true treasure guardian. Thanks to your help, your knowledge, your wisdom and your love, you have made it possible for the Core Group of 49 and all other human beings to get to know and use evolutively the treasure of the spiritual teaching that you have communicated to us in a wise that is indicative of the Creation.
Jacobus Bertschinger
«It is you alone who can raise your Earth again if you stop with all your terror and with your destructions, and if you get your overpopulation under control, out of which all evil terrible things and problems proceed; but consider that your way will be very long to restoring on your planet the state which for you is a true life-source.» (‹Goblet of the Truth›, chapter 28, verse 151)
In other words:
A girl who was thrilled by spiritual teaching could not escape from the growing desire to undertake expeditions all round our Earth. Her very profound thoughts directed her across the endangered rain forest, and the dreadful happenings that she was obliged to see there made her shudder in horror. Wonderfully beautiful, primeval trees were mercilessly felled using rusty chainsaws and simply left to rot, while the falling trees also killed small and large animals of the rainforest and left them abandoned.
Deep in thought, the girl quickly changed her course towards the sea where terrible destruction was also being wrought, such as her young eyes had never before seen. Whales, parents together with their young crying out for their mothers, were speared with terrible harpoons and dragged onto deck over the rusting railings, to bleed to death crying out in pain. The same fate was suffered by many small whales and intelligent dolphins.
Horrified by the cruelties of today's human beings of Earth, who are heedlessly destroying the life of the flora and fauna, the girl was deeply wounded in her seeing thoughts and torn back to the awakened present, full of inner woe …
Maria Wächter, 25 March 2008
My destiny means doing it myself.
The way and how I bestride it are for me to decide alone.
Events can be simply accepted and one surrenders oneself to them – but doing nothing means giving up. Anyone can make the best out of any situation, no matter how hopeless.
Every day is a new start, and in spite of all the human beings who may be around you, you alone have got to decide to take your step.
No-one will take your decision from you, because only you know yourself, know how you are and where you want to go – it is in your hands.
Cornelia Wächter
Whenever there are occasionally discussions at FIGU about the obligations and duties of the individual members, it is certain to be remarked that Billy does the main work with regard to the Mission. It is a reflection of the selflessness and inner stature of the man that he always points out that he would never have been able to undertake the hard and demanding work of fulfilling the Mission without the active and indefatigable help of everyone. Also, when the time came to write this shared preface to the work, the ‹Goblet of the Truth›, that you have before you, dear reader, voices were once again heard loudly proclaiming that Billy had done the majority of the work. This may well be true, in accordance with his skills and possibilities. And yet once again here, it is apparent that this writing could never have been published without the energetic assistance and corresponding build-up work over many years by all of the members. And therefore, I believe, this preface should set the impulse in motion that everyone has his or her task in order to bring the Mission to a successful conclusion to the best of his or her ability – and it will only be possible for us to achieve this together and with one another.
Atlantis Meier
Brimming with thankfulness, breathless with joy, overflowing with happiness, my consciousness moves from one delight to the next as it engages with the ‹Goblet of the Truth›. I find calm and peace in the eye of the hurricane, whilst the whole world is being swept away, to find itself again in a new order when the storm has abated – at the end of the ‹silent revolution of the truth›.
The whole depth of truth, creationally directed life and evolution, speaks to me from the clear, strict and logical words that bring near to me the beauty and harmony of the life selflessly and with lofty simplicity. The book can be a companion for life – more, indeed, a life partner – and I can scarcely believe my good fortune and the signal, undeserved honour not only of being able to hold it in my hands but also even to take part in its further spreading, so that I am allowed to contribute something for the whole of humankind and all coming generations.
I thank Billy with every breath and in every second that I have been able to make working for the Mission into my life's task. Through his never failing help, his striving constantly full of love and understanding and his ceaseless support and encouragement, I succeeded in abandoning the wastelands of consciousness-based confusion and became what I am today and will be tomorrow.
No work is too small and no effort too taxing to be active on behalf of the Mission, and these acts are also my steadfast and perpetual, if only slight, thanks for everything that I have been allowed to learn, experience and achieve in recognition of the truth and the importance of the Mission.
Bernadette Brand, 11 April 2008