("Goblet of the Truth", chapter 3, verse 58): «Listen to the good tidings of each word of your true prophets, and be honoured to be allowed to receive the words and the tidings of the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life through the prophets, so that you yourselves also go out into the world and bring the words and the tidings of the truth to all those who want to hear it and make it their own.»
Dear Reader,
It is a high honour for me to be allowed to write the epilogue to Billy's ‹Goblet of the Truth› with the entire teaching of the prophets, which you have just reached the end of. It is a wonderful, indeed overwhelming work. If the human beings of Earth follow the wise words of the teaching of the prophets, they will enable themselves to the creational wisdom and to the being human in the real and true sense.
Perhaps you sampled the individual chapters and verses in small, digestible portions, thought about them and, in doing so, wandered through all the consciousness-based heights and depths, were stirred up, struggled and fought with yourself, were joyful, beset by doubts, made infuriated, waited patiently – and nevertheless continued to read. Or you, untiring and thirsty for knowledge, consumed verse after verse in one go, forgetting time as you did so. It makes no difference whether you selected one way or another, all that matters now are your thoughts and your feelings. Are you like me? My body is flooded with a feeling of happiness that permeates every cell of my being. I could repeat any number of verses that triggered a sensation of joy throughout my body, whether due to their linguistic beauty, their worthy proposition or their learning effect. It was a sensation similar to what I sometimes feel when listening to the belcanto of Maria Callas. I read them over and over again. Chapter 28 was particular striking for me. What Billy declares there in 583 verses is so powerful and profound that every scientist and, indeed, every human being should hurry to study them. When we are fully relaxed and also entirely impartial, we sense that our consciousness and our psyche, and everything about us and in us, feel well while enjoying such a digestible nutrition for the consciousness. I cannot find the right words truly to describe this status, because my vocabulary is a mere shadow of that of the prophet of the new time who completed this incomparable masterpiece: ‹Billy› Eduard Albert Meier, BEAM.
The ‹Goblet of the Truth› is the law- and recommendation-book of the Creation. In contrast to all our legal books on Earth, it does not contain any requirements, quite apart from any threats of punishment, as is usually the case amongst human beings with a religious and sectarian orientated thinking and the therewith connected brutality and pathological craving for might, profit and revenge – something that is evidenced by the fact alone that it is allowed, indeed encouraged, for Earth and its human beings to be tormented and destroyed through a huge overpopulation.
The ‹Goblet of the Truth› has the following to say about this (chapter 3, verse 74): «And what the prophets announce (teach) in these things are signs (evidence) of the laws and recommendations of the Creation, and so may everything be wise admonishment.»
(Chapter 3, verse 75): «And what the teaching of the prophets brings is the truth of all truth, and therefore there is no doubt in it, because it is the teaching of the laws and recommendations of the Creation so that you may follow it.»
The verses in the ‹Goblet of the Truth›, the teaching of the prophets, speak to the inner, creational logic of the human beings and further their conscious considering. If one reads the verses, it appears to one – depending on one's consciousness-based evolution-state – that everything is totally clear, logical and practicable, and one asks oneself why we human beings of Earth do not live accordingly and, on the basis of the truth-content of the statements made, do not immediately eradicate our weak points and the wrong things in our laws and our behaviour through the power of our cognition. What is the purpose of political parties and other ideologies, sects and/or religions if the idea of the Creation for the thinking and behaviour of its creation Omedam – i.e. human being, the fulfiller of the law – exists in black and white in form of the teaching of the prophets? I know that my view is still naïve for the time being, and we stalwarts and those who come across us and join us will have to go through hard times for centuries still to come until the unknowing become knowing and the outlook for a global peace comes into reach. Everyone who comes after us will be totally on his or her own; no-one will then be able to turn to Billy and take from his untiringly and inexhaustibly lived, effective love, patience, tolerance, deep feelings for the others, harmony, his knowledge and wisdom, and gain thereout encouragement, consolation and cognition. When I consider how often Billy has patiently and extensively answered practically the same questions for me time and time again – although I could also have found the answers in the spiritual teaching – I feel miserable and fight against upcoming tears. I feel like the baton is being passed in a relay race: We from the FIGU have long been able to train ourselves for the handover with his support directed towards our ability and knowledge, and yet we will not know whether we have prepared ourselves sufficiently until the baton is actually passed, because we too have often set the wrong priorities in the life.
The last prophet in the line of the true prophets, Billy, received the determination from his first prophet-personality, Nokodemion, to write down the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life in the form of the ‹Goblet of the Truth› for posterity. (None of the preceding great prophet-personalities in the same reincarnation-line, whether Henok (Enok), Elia (Elijah), Jesaia (Isaiah), Jeremia (Jeremiah), Jmmanuel or Muhammad, left behind any parts of the teaching written in their own hand – despite the ability to write. This fact and the illiteracy of the human beings at that time were certainly some of the reasons why the total falsification of the whole teaching of the prophets was able to occur.)
The ‹Goblet of the Truth› has the following to say about this (chapter 22, verse 42): «Unfortunately, for one thing, the teaching has been falsified by scribes according to their own whim after they had been tasked through the prophets to record the teaching in writing so as to deliver it up to the future, and for another thing the teaching was calumniated as the work of the evil by those who set themselves against the ‹Teaching of the Prophets›, just as they persecuted the prophets and threatened their life and decried their signs, i.e. evidence they gave as magic; therefore the bulk of your earthly humanity has been excluded from the existing and illuminating truth.»
Unfortunately, the era of the great prophets on Earth is coming to an end with the ‹Goblet of the Truth›, Billy is giving us his comprehensive work, which is one that no-one else has ever achieved before or will ever achieve again. Everything that he has written will survive the time with our help and will lay the foundation for the Earthly humanity to enjoy peace, true love, freedom and harmony one day. Our maltreated and tormented Earth will once again bear fruit and blossom with life, because the future human beings of Earth will follow the teaching of the prophets, thus using their enriched block rationality-intellect and not only end the senseless (religious) wars but also keep the population numbers in check through a suitable birth control.
The ‹Goblet of the Truth› has the following to say about this (chapter 2, verse 354): «Now, those who drink out of the river of the untruth are deepening themselves in (in bondage to) the lie, but those who drink from the wellspring of the truth promise to lead their present existence in righteousness (conscientiousness) and equitableness (fairness); and the righteous (conscientious) ones and the equitable ones (fair ones/responsible ones) and all those who have knowledge of the truth have great power against all attacks by the unknowing and inequitable ones (unfair ones/irresponsible ones), because they know with certainty that they will lead a joyful and a good life through the truth; and therefore the knowing ones in the truth as a small group will achieve victory over all large groups of the inequitable ones (unfair ones/irresponsible ones) and the unknowing ones in the peaceful struggle for the real truth, because the prosperousness of the truth is on the side of the stalwarts.»
In May 2008, a small number of conscientious and responsible ones are faced by the superior numbers of about 7.5 thousand million unknowing and irresponsible ones. However, the conscientious and responsible ones will accomplish it. We of the FIGU and our friends will stick together even in stormy times and continue Billy's great work undeterringly. More and more human beings will come to us and help us and our successor-personalities in continuing the great task – namely of creating peace, true love, freedom and harmony on our Earth – with courage and verve, bringing it to a rightful success. And, because Billy's spirit-form and consciousness-block are also respectively integrated in a normal cycle of reincarnation and incarnation, his successor-personality will certainly join up again one day. Even if his successor personality will be a simple worker and no longer a prophet, the human beings living then will hopefully realise what a high truthly knowledge this man possesses. This is because it is not prestige, might or professional function that is decisive, but rather our thinking and feeling and the kind and wise of our life-conduct – and, of course, the impulses stored in the (external) storage-banks and in the memory of our subconscious- ness. The essence, in other words the highest value in knowledge, experience and wisdom of our predecessor-personalities is transferred into the memory of the subconsciousness in the realm of the other world when building up the new consciousness-block through the overall consciousness-block. There, it is ready to be activated by the new human being after his or her physical birth through conscious searching and research. Only through catching the fine intuitive impulses out of the subconscious – whether out of the fund of the predecessor or the acute-actual swinging wave of the subconsciousness of the human beings – and through our consciously working with it further, do our involved consciousness-forms and the memory of our consciousness develop more highly.
Every single human being needs to bestir himself or herself and build up a motivation for learning and striving in order to evolve his or her consciousness-forms or consciousness levels iota by iota, following the creational will. Human beings cannot do otherwise, because the evolution – even that of the consciousness! – corresponds to a creational law. Everything in the entire universe consists of the motion of impulsations (something goes in, something develops); without motion, nothing would exist. It will take millions of years until the spirit-form and the conscious- ness-block are no longer respectively reincarnated and incarnated with a new consciousness and a new personality, and during this long time the human being must work himself or herself upwards in consciousness through seven great evolutionary levels with many sub-levels – all of which radiate their specific colour. Unfortunately, the consciousness state of many human beings of Earth is still very underdeveloped, which means almost all of them are still trapped in belief, veneration, worship, confusion, irrationality, unintellect, falseness, lie, destruction, resentment and vice – which corresponds to the lowest colour radiation value, namely pink. Step by step, every one of us, irrespective of our current level, must work himself or herself upwards to the wisdom through our own searching, researching, fathoming, recognition, cognisance, cognition, knowledge, practical experience/living experience. On the highest level that can be achieved by us human beings, all our consciousness-forms radiate in the clearest blue, i.e. our consciousness-forms will then have attained the values of the level of truth, knowledge, wisdom, power, love, deference, fulfilment, protection, might, creational will and creation. A sublime goal. Naturally, human beings also need corresponding professional training and general knowledge in order to be able to look after themselves and their dependants in the particular life, but what makes a human being a real human being is his or her conscious striving for cognition of the creational values and putting them into practice in everyday life. And this is precisely where the ‹Goblet of the Truth› and the entirely comprehensive teaching of the truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of the life provides assistance.
Even if during your reading of the ‹Goblet of the Truth› you were not able to catch any fine intuitive impulses out of the memory of your subconsciousness and therefore were not able to profit from the essence of the creational-oriented thought-work of your previous personalities –and belief-impulses inherited from your parents are possibly located in your temporal and rear frontal lobes –, then do not do the same as those who have been and still are wallowing in their unknowledge, their belief and their delusion, rather follow the wise admonishments in the ‹Goblet of the Truth› so that you and your descendants (children) and also your successor-personalities, and with them also all other human beings, come ever closer to a lasting peace, true love, freedom and harmony on our earth. Namely, when the critical mass of the stalwarts has been reached, the unknowing ones will lose their pernicious influence. Only someone who has the truth on their side and who acts accordingly, is well advised and will reap a full harvest of peace and beauty.
The ‹Goblet of the Truth› has the following to say about this (chapter 28, verse 582): «But truly, the creating of all high values of the life and the following of the creational laws and recommendations is also worthwhile, because the reward is true love, freedom, harmony and peace as well as virtuousness, conscientiousness, righteousness, fairness and being-fair in true dignity and deference.»
Mariann Uehlinger
Turbenthal, 27 March 2008