Chapter 6
101) If you fabulate (invent) lies against the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) or claim that the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life has become obvious (recognisable) to you and claim that you have understood it although this does not correspond to the truth, then you are not only unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and liars, but also slanderers (calumniators); and if you commit such inequity (unfairness) and spread lies and slanders (calumnies) then you are malefactors (doers of misdeeds) and slanderers against the truth which you see in the maws (jaws) of death (unknowledge of the truth) from which hands are outstretched attempting to drag you into depravity; and truly if you allow yourselves to be dragged into the depravity of unknowledgeness of the truth then your reward is defilement because you say false things against the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) and slander the truth, therefore you are turning yourselves away from the signs (evidence) of the truth with disdain.
102) Those amongst you who commit outrages against the truth, you are probably looking for the real truth, one after the other just as you move (bestir) yourselves to this, but you are not looking to the truth itself but to gods and tin gods and their servants (hands/helpers) as is erroneously taught to you by the false prophets of the untruth through godlinesses (religions) and sub-godlinesses (sects/cults); truly, you who are looking for the real truth and nevertheless are following the fallacious teachings of false prophets, you can only find the truth if you have intercessors (counsellors) for you and you leave the false teachings behind yourselves; but by doing so do not assume (believe) that your intercessors (counsellors) for finding the real truth are intercessors (counsellors) of a god or tin god, because if they were such then they would continue to ensnare you in inequity (unfairness) and lie, in slander (calumny) and in unaccountability as well as in all things of unright; truly, intercessors (advisers) of the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life do not proclaim to you lies and slanders (calumnies) of the truth by binding (linking) you to gods and tin gods, rather they teach you the real truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation); if you do not listen to the intercessors (counsellors) of the true truth-teaching then you will be cut off from the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation), so everything will disappear from you which you assume (believe) to receive through the truth.
103) Truly, only the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) allow the seeds to germinate that you put (sow) into the earth so that the living in it may come forth, which you imagine (consider) to be dead but is only sleeping and has life within it which however thrives again and grows up to a new aliveness through moisture (wetness/water), therefore new life comes forth out of the apparent lifeless; learn from this that you also are a seed, so to speak, which is reawakened (rebirth of the spirit-form) after death through the spirit-body (spirit-form); truly, be connected to this teaching and do not let yourselves be turned away (restrained) from it for the sake of false teachings by false prophets.
104) Let the day break in you (start the search for the truth) so that you may escape from the rest (semi-consciousness) of the night (unknowledgeness of the truth) and the weak light (searching) of the moon (semi-consciousness), in order to show your deference to the sun (wisdom) so that you may make your studies of the teaching and take the necessary time for this.
105) And truly, the lights (celestial bodies) in the firmament are also created for you that you are able to maintain the right direction with their help in the day and in the night when you are going across the land and travelling over the waters (seas) or flying through the airs if this will be possible for you; truly, these signs (evidence) are presented down to the last detail for people of your kind (human beings) who have the knowledge of this.
106) And as you have proceeded from the earth through its sequence (process) of unfolding (development) from animated (organic) acidic waters (amino acids) and from the minutest creatures (microorganisms) and you have unfolded (developed) into people of your kind (human beings), so Earth is also given to you in order for you to have a dwelling and a place to stay on it until you raise yourselves into the airs and search for new earths (worlds/planets) in the firmaments (universe) as new homesteads; and truly, these signs (evidence) are presented down to the last detail for people of you kind (human beings), if you want to understand it, if you open your ears and are connected to your true discernment (intellect) by taking the teaching of the prophets as the real truth.
107) And truly, the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) decide (determine) everything according to its value, therefore also that you unfold (evolve) yourselves in the striving for knowledge and wisdom, so that you will one day explore (control) the appearance (nature) and make the waters (rain) fall from the clouds according to your will and all growth to be brought forth (formed) according to your wish (will); therefore, everything will blossom and thrive according to your will, and you will make rowed corn (cereals) and many other things sprout according to your consideration (discretion) when you change it in its nature (gene manipulation); therefore you will bring forth (create) growth (plants) of which you yourselves are the creators, which however can only prosper through the laws of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation); and through your unfolding (evolution) you bring forth gardens in which many growths (plants) prosper, which are similar or unsimilar to one another, so that you have a wide variety of provision (food) from all parts of the world; truly these are signs (evidence) for all those amongst you who understand the truth.
108) But as you transform (manipulate the genes of) growths (plants) in their growing and their yield, as well as transforming (manipulating the genes of) animals and other creatures and you modify (breed) them, then you cannot raise yourselves up as gods and tin gods or place yourselves at the side of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation), because it alone is given the might to create out of itself created creations (creatures/creations/life forms) of all species and forms; people of your kind (human beings), however, are created creations (creations) of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation), therefore you are integrated into its laws and recommendations, so you can only bring forth (create) new created creations (creatures/creations/life forms) and growths (plants) through transformation (gene manipulation) and change (breeding) as is permitted to you through the laws of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation).
109) Do not be presumptuous and do not regard yourselves as rivals of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation), because no matter how knowing (conscious) and wise you may be, you as people of your kind (human beings) can never be equal to it; through its laws and recommendations, you have come forth from the earth as people of your kind (human beings); but do not impute to the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) any sons or any daughters in your unknowledge, because it is sublime (superior) over having other mights next to itself, except itself.
110) The primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) is the sole and unaccompanied creator of all firmaments (universe) and earths (worlds/planets) and lights (celestial bodies) in the firmament, and therefore of all vitalities (life forms/existence), therefore how should it have sons and daughters as it has no companion and created everything alone and is knowing (conscious) of all things?
111) And truly, the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) is the sole might of all presence (existence) in the firmaments (universe) of all earths (worlds/planets) and lights (celestial bodies) in the firmament, as well as of all things over which it is the guardian.
112) The eyesight of people of your kind (human beings) cannot reach the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) in its value (power) of its invisible spirit-body (invisible spirituality/spirit-energy), but you can see its creation in the appearance (nature) and in the firmaments (universe) as well as on the earths (worlds/planets) and in the lights (celestial bodies) of the firmament, therefore it, which is uncomprehensible to you, reaches you with its fullness.
113) Through the firmaments (universe) and through the earths (worlds/planets), and also through the appearance (nature), through all created creations (life forms) and all things, you are given visible evidence of the presence (existence) of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation); and whoever amongst you sees and comprehends (recognises) them, it is to their own benefit; but whoever is blind (does not see, i.e. recognise the evidence) this is to their own disadvantage because they do not recognise themselves as guardians over what has been given to them through the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) and has been entrusted for protection and preservation.
114) If you heed all the manifold signs (unsurpassabilities) in the appearance (nature), then you will comprehend (recognise) the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) so that you will learn to interpret them and to make them clear to yourselves of what importance they are for people of your kind (human beings) and for the existence, so that you may know about the real truth and no longer go into confusion.
115) Follow what is revealed to you by the signs (unsurpassabilities) of the appearance (nature) so you comprehend (recognise) that there are no gods or tin gods and no people of your kind (human beings) who could accomplish such miracles (outstanding things) as the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) does and presents (gives) to you as a gift of love; therefore turn yourselves away from gods and tin gods and people of your kind who raise themselves up as gods or servants of gods or servants of tin gods and lead you into the delusion and servitude (bondage) of godlinesses (religions) and sub-godlinesses (sects/cults).
116) Servants of gods and servants of tin gods compel your power to act (will) so that you fall prey to a belief (assumptions) in gods or tin gods and place these gods and tin gods at the side of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation); but heed the truth that you shall be guardians of the real truth and watchers thereover that the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life keeps out all untruth and inequity (unfairness), all unrighteousness (consciencelessness) and dissonance (disharmony) from the world so that true love and peace shall prevail amongst all you people of your kind (humankind), as well as freedom and consonance (harmony), so that all hatred, all jealousy and all strife, all outrage (torture/Gewalt/coercion), all bloody deeds (murder in any form), all battles (war) and all pathological craving for revenge and pathological craving for retaliation may also disappear (vanish), just like destruction, lying, deceit, slander (calumny), misdeeds and defilement (crime)
117) And do not vilify (humiliate) those who call on (search for) the truth and fight against it in doing so without knowledge (unknowingly) because they do not know how to come in contact with it on the right way and therefore do wrong things; therefore you shall be guides and intercessors (counsellors) to them so that they appear pleased towards the truth, find the right way and understand the truth-teaching and all its things; and if you do this then they will proclaim to you the prosperousness (success) of their learning and they will be thankful to you and announce to you what efforts they have made.
118) Do not swear a solemn oath on yourselves or on gods or tin gods that signs (evidence) should come to you which are favourable (pleasing) for you and which you want to believe in if they would appear to you, because truly if you do this then you are swearing an oath against the truth because you cannot understand it; true signs (evidence) are only with the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) and with its appearance (nature), as well as with the true prophets who bring you the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal well- spring of all vitalities (Creation).
119) And do not confuse your inner world (consciousness) and your eyes through false signs (false evidence) from false prophets who want to convert (proselytise) you to their fabulated (invented) gods and tin gods through lying and deceptive pictures (delusions of the brain), as their priests and servants of gods and servants of tin gods also do.
120) And be certain (knowing) that neither gods nor tin gods – because after all they all are only fabulations (inventions) of people of your kind (human beings) – send down to you rescuing liberators (angels) in order to bring you salvation (redemption) from your missteps (blame/unvirtues/offences) and vices and in order to wake the dead, because truly these are only lying words of enticement, without content of reality, which are only intended to make you fall prey to the belief (assumptions) in the hazy pictures (fantasies) which are presented to you as an illusion.
121) Therefore you cannot meet any liberator (angel) who saves you face-to-face, rather you can only see images of the delusions of the inner world (consciousness) if you go astray in it (have delusions), but this happens to you through the unknowledgeness of the truth because you devote yourselves to the belief (assumptions) in fabulated (invented) gods and tin gods, and because you also believe in their fabulated (invented) rescuing liberators (angels) and demons.
122) Truly, as you believe in gods and demons as well as in liberators (angels) and venerable ones (holy ones) and in the evil of your kind (personified devil), then you do this in unknowledgeness of the real truth of the true presence (existence) of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) which in its consonance (harmony) and neutrality creates neither good nor evil, therefore such doings are solely in the might and in the reflection and striving of people of your kind (human beings), as you perform it (carry out) according to your free will.
123) And truly, as those amongst you who have your free will and act according to it, so you create in your rows, according to free will, a picture of enmity against the true prophets as well, thus you are the personified devilishness against them; and you make flaunting (pretentious) speeches against them amongst people of your kind (fellow human beings) which are lies and deception and slander (calumny), and you act as if the true prophets were wanting to influence your will through coercion with the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, so you truly go forth in your fabulated (invented) lies and slanders (calumnies) and sow lies and unpeace against them.
124) And so that those amongst you, who do not open their ears to your words of lying and slander (calumny), shall fall in bondage to your words, you fabulate (invent) all kinds of false signs (false evidence) so that the ones to whom you are lying shall find pleasure in this, so that you can gain (rob) from them all that they acquire (earn) such as gold and possessions.
125) But truly, if you are amongst those who are evildoers and unfair ones and are connected to those who deceive the fair ones (responsible ones) and righteous ones (conscientious ones), then you will find no other judges than those who administer punishment to you in a fair (responsible) wise, so they lead you to places of fulfilment of guidelines (secluded places/isolated islands) where you shall stay for a time during which you turn yourselves away from unfair (irresponsible) and unrighteous (conscienceless) things.
126) Do not be doubters in these things, because it is the truth, but if you doubt it and do unfair things (irresponsible things) and unrighteous things (conscienceless things) and evil, so you will have to carry this burden because you will be called to account.
127) The laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) are fulfilled in truth and equitableness (fairness), and as people of your kind (human beings) you cannot change one speck of dust of a weight of them.
128) And if you follow the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation), then you are knowing ones and wise ones; those of you, however, who follow the majority of those who are on Earth and are dismissive of the laws and recommendations, they are leading (guiding) themselves into delusion and are going forth on the wrong way, following a hazy picture (delusion) and lying against the truth and slandering (calumniating) it.
129) Truly, when you are of open sense, then you will very well recognise those who are not treading the right way of the truth and are straying from one terrible thing to the next and from one inequity (unfairness) to another, and are keeping themselves at arm's length from the rightly led ones.
130) And when you are eating and drinking, consider that everything is given to you because everything only prospers and grows through the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation), and that your existence also is integrated in this and you only breathe because it is regulated (determined) through the primal (creative) rights of the laws (principles).
131) And truly, you have no reason not to eat and drink of everything that is given to you through the appearance (nature) of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation), excepting that which is inedible and poisonous to you; and therefore do not allow food and drink to be banned to you through coercion by worshippers of gods and worshippers of tin gods, and neither by priests and false prophets and the like, if it tastes good to you and serves for your provision (food); and truly, there are very many amongst you who pray to gods and tin gods and lie that you are not allowed to eat and drink of this and that because it is unclean, but do not open your ears to them because they are only lying and wallowing in their evil cravings of their might over you, and therefore they are wallowing in their lies through a lack of knowledge with regard to the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) by making themselves guilty of infringement of the laws of the primal power (Creation).
132) And do not eat and drink and acquire anything that has been stolen and is offered to you, because truly it is unrightful to do so; also, do not buy anything that is stolen in order to offer it to others again in return for gain (dealing in stolen goods), because this is also unrightful; therefore do not allow yourselves to be ensnared in deeds of unright when false friends tell you to do so; and therefore do not fight with them regarding stolen goods either, but keep yourselves away both from the unright goods and from the false friends, because if you listen to them then you will fall into unright and do unrightful deeds, and your reward will be shameful.
133) And avoid obvious infamous actions (crimes) and outrages (deeds of Gewalt) as well as clandestine ones, because truly whoever commits infamous actions (crimes) and outrages (actions of Gewalt) will receive a poor reward for it.
134) And do not lend your ear to practitioners of suggestive spells and acts (magicians) who lie that they could return to life what is dead through the activities of the shadow world (activities of hell/magic), because truly suggestive trickery (magic) and activities of the shadow world (activities of hell/magic) are merely delusion and pretence (deception) against you if you consider it to be the truth, because whatever is dead cannot be brought back to life again; therefore none are able to walk amongst you who were dead; but whoever insists on (claims) something different is one who is chained in the blackest darkness of the lie and is unable to come forth from it (unable to liberate oneself); truly, whatever they do in terms of suggestive trickery (magic) and activities of the shadow world (activities of hell/magic) and whatever they say about it is lies and deception and only serves them to appear pleasant towards you (to enjoy a high standing).
135) Truly, there is neither suggestive trickery (magic) nor activities of the shadow world (activities of hell/magic), because all this is merely lying and deception and acts of trickery (legerdemain), like everything that requires suggestive sayings (magic formulas).
136) Wherever you may go, over land, in any place and in any town, everywhere you will find impostors who boast of suggestive trickery (magic) and of activities of the shadow world (activities of hell/magic), but do not open your ears to them because everything is merely an illusion of the insubstantial and hallucinations (delusional constructions) in order to exploit you and to make you believe that inexplicable (supernatural) things exist which might bring you harm if you are not connected to the practitioners of suggestive spells and acts (magicians) and do not give them a high payment.
137) Do not allow yourselves to be deceived by practitioners of suggestive spells and acts (magicians) so that you do not live in total darkness in your thoughts and feelings and in your inner world (consciousness) and forge intrigues (guilefulness) yourselves in order to deceive others through suggestive trickery (magic); truly, if you do such things then you are merely forging intrigues (guilefulness) against yourselves, which you do not notice however because you are caught in yourselves through forging your own intrigues (guilefulness).
138) Truly, only the truth is the smith of all irrefutability (rightness/reality/flawlessness/realness/truthfulness), and if you receive a sign (evidence of the truth) of the real truth, then open yourselves to it and comprehend (recognise) what realities you are receiving so that you may know what you must begin with the truth, so you can pass on the message of truth to people of your kind (the next ones); but if people of your kind (human beings) do not want to accept your message then do not allow yourselves to be suppressed by them, and therefore show no submissiveness if they forge intrigues (guilefulness) against you.
139) You shall be strong and guide (lead) yourselves so that you broaden (open) your breast (feelings) for the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, so that you accept the truth and do not fall into delusion, because if you make your breast (feelings) narrow (you close your feelings) for the truth, then you cannot rise into the insight (firmament/height) of all cognition (wisdom), because you impose affliction (danger) on yourselves and are unknowing ones in the truth.
140) Consider that the real truth is the way of the life, the straight way which is right; and only the truth presents to you the signs (evidence) of its reality so that you can consider (heed) them.
141) In yourselves is the dwelling of peace, of love and of freedom as well as of consonance (harmony) determined in all truth, so that you make all of these high values to your united (confidential) friend, with which you determine your deeds.
142) Truly, if you gather as righteous ones (conscientious ones) and fair ones (responsible ones) with people of your kind (fellow human beings) then search out those amongst you who are not dependent on infamous actions (crimes), inequity (unfairness) and unaccountability (consciencelessness), rather search out people of your kind (fellow human beings) as friends so that you may enjoy advantages (benefits) from one another in uprightness and dignity, and determine a lasting friendship at the end of the period of gathering.
143) Your dwelling place shall not be the fire of a shadow world (hell) in yourselves, but instead a garden of joy and love, of peace, of freedom and consonance (harmony), and you shall stay in it and be full of happiness.
144) Never place malefactors (doers of Gewalt) and shameful ones and other unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) and unfair ones (irresponsible ones) above yourselves in order to lead (guide) you, rather be your own leaders (guides) in righteousness (conscientiousness), in equitableness (fairness) and dignity in order that it may go well with you.
145) Truly, the true prophets have come to you since time immemorial, come forth from your midst, to teach you the signs (evidence) of the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) and proclaim to you and warn you of the unrightful doings you shall not do so that you will not be brought to account one day for misdeeds and outrages (acts of Gewalt) and so that you allow love to awaken in you, creating freedom and peace and consonance (harmony) in you and connecting you to equitableness (fairness) and righteousness (conscientiousness).
146) Do not bear witness in unright against yourselves, so you do not deceive your life on Earth, and neither give false testimony (false oath) against the real truth and do not become unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) so that you do not have to be ashamed of yourselves.
147) Do not harbour enmity against yourselves, and also not against others who have different skin colours and languages as well as different customs from you, or who have fallen prey to a belief (assumptions) in gods or tin gods, and therefore do not wage battle (war) against them either, so you do not destroy their cities and hamlets (villages) or kill (murder) people of your kind (fellow human beings); and this shall be so irrespective of whether you warn or threaten the inhabitants of the towns in advance, because it is not rightful to harbour enmity against people of your kind (human beings) to wage battle (war) and to wreak destruction.
148) Heed yourselves to be fair ones (responsible ones), so that you are not out to condemn others for any sort of reasons that may be convenient for you, do not cause them harm or kill them in order to rob their possessions or destroy them; consider that all people of your kind (human beings) are on different steps (levels) of unfolding (evolution), so that some are further along than others and some are believers in gods and tin gods, in liberators (angels) and demons, whereas others are connected to the real truth; and therefore you cannot assess people of your kind (human beings) according to these things with regard to their being of your kind (being equal to you); and truly, you are all different from one another according to your doings, therefore you cannot oversee (assess) all people of your kind (human kind), but only one or another as you cannot consider (assess) an entire people according to the deeds of an individual or a collective (group).
149) Truly, you are the master over yourselves in all things, so you are self-sufficient ones and create for yourselves benevolence or malevolence; if you want, you can take away everything from yourselves that is of love, of peace, of freedom and of consonance (harmony), or on the other hand you can allow true love and freedom and consonance (harmony) as well as true peace to prosper in the place of your inner nature according to your preference; and therefore you can do the same for your descendants if you instruct (teach) them in one or another wise.
150) Truly, what you promise yourselves will happen for you, and you cannot thwart (prevent) it because your power to act (will) is your kingdom of heaven.
151) Act both alone (individually) and together as a people according to good ability with regard to the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) so that others will not act against you ac cording to bad ability, therefore consider that your final reward will always be in accordance with how you acted in good or bad ability; therefore it will go well for the fair ones (responsible ones) and righteous ones (conscientious ones), and it will go badly for the unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) because they will be called to account in punishment.
152) And do not allow fruits of the field to grow and livestock to be raised (bred) in order to be misused as sacrificial offerings to gods or tin gods because you fallaciously believe that it would bring you advantage (benefit) or placate the gods and tin gods; but truly, neither your prayers (invocations/edifications) nor your supplications, nor your offerings (sacrifices) reach the gods and tin gods because these are mere unsubstantial figures of delusion (illusions) which can neither bring you goodness nor evil; consider that only the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) with its laws and recommendations and its appearance (nature) is truth and reality, therefore you are making a terrible decision (conclusion) if you believe in gods and tin gods.
153) Truly, since long before you (time immemorial), you have been led astray by the false teachings of false prophets and by priests and all kinds of servants (hands/helpers) who pray to gods and tin gods and bring down calamities upon you; therefore, many of the priests, of the servants of gods and servants of tin gods have made the killing of your children and also of people of your kind (adults) appear as pleasing to you so that you become depraved and your belief in the gods and tin gods confuses you; and they do it so that you may be debased (made dependent) and subjugated (placed in bondage) by the false prophets and priests as well as by the leaders of the godlinesses (religions) and sub-godlinesses (sects/cults) and exploited by them; and they rob you of your goods and chattels as well as of your riches, at the same time as also outraging (committing torture and murder) on your blood, body and life and fulfilling (gratifying) their ausgeartet libidinous lustfulness (sexual Ausartung) on you and on your children in secret; and they lie that all these terrible things are pleasing to their gods and tin gods so that they can coerce everything from you and from your children that they want; and if their nefarious activity (villainy) is openly (publicly) cried out (known) amongst you then they deny it or fabulate (allege) that you and your children wanted it; truly, it is particularly heinous (villainous) to defile (sexually misuse) children through libidinous lustfulness, therefore everyone, man and woman, shall be brought to account for this through severe punishment.
154) And the false prophets and servants of gods and servants of tin gods lie to you that one or another domesticated animal or game animal as well as other creatures, fruits of the forest, fruits of the water, garden fruits and fruits of the field are forbidden to you so that you should not eat and drink of them, but truly everything is allowed to you for your provision (food) which is edible and drinkable for you and is good, if you do not take any harm from it; such forbidding, as is taught to you by the false prophets, priests, servants of gods and servants of tin gods, is in truth only a lie and fabulated (invented) machinations in order to lead you astray and to strike you down into servitude (bondage) of belief (assumptions) in gods and tin gods.
155) And do not be foolish and do not open your true discernment (intellect) to the lies of the false prophets, to the priests, the servants of gods and servants of tin gods who deceive you and say that what is flesh of this or another animal and of this or another creature shall be exclusively reserved for the man and forbidden for the woman, or that it is exclusively reserved for the woman and forbidden for the man; truly, such assertions are lies against the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) and of its appearance (nature), because all things that prosper, grow and live through the appearance (nature), so also all animals and other creatures and all the things that belong to them are equally given for the woman and for the man so that equitableness (fairness) shall prevail in all things for people of your kind (human beings) of both kinds (gender).
156) Truly, it is heinous (villainous) to kill children, whether out of unknowledgeness, out of jealousy or revenge, out of hatred or rage, in strife or on any grounds whatsoever, because the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) do not allow the killing of children, and neither the killing of those who have grown out of youth (grown up), except if it is in defence in extremis (self-defence) and no other possibility of defence (self-defence) is given; therefore you shall not overstep the bounds (limits) of defence in extremis (self-defence) and you shall not bring it about intentionally (consciously), so that you will not be called to account (punished).
157) And domesticated animals have come forth for you from the appearance (nature) through the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation), created in pairs, male and female, such as sheep and goats, horses and camels, and therefore also cattle, cats and dogs and poultry of various forms, so that they may be useful for you in work and as protection, as well as that you may feed yourselves from them; and nothing is forbidden to you as your provision (food) therefore you shall not lend your ears to the lies that people of your kind (human beings) concoct (hatch) against the truth namely that you shall not eat from this and that, because consider that those who are lying to you are without knowledge and merely want to lead you into confusion, both you alone and all people.
158) You will find nothing in what is obvious (recognisable) to you through the truth that is forbidden as food and drink, except for animals that are sick and perished or spilled blood which is unclean (slimy/bad) and no longer edible; and no flesh, no blood and no lard (fat) of any animals and other creatures is truly unclean (slimy/bad) unless it is dangerous for you because of noxiousness (toxicity); therefore it is permitted to you to eat all the flesh and all the blood and all lard (fat) of domesticated animals, poultry and game without exception so that you do not have to starve for want of provision (food); and you are permitted to eat all creatures and all animals as your provision (food) which have claws and shoes (hooves) on their feet, toes, claws and skin, and therefore you are allowed everything that crawls and flies and search out all innoxious things (non-toxic things) as drink and wine and other fermented juices providing you enjoy it in right measure, so that you do not fall prey to drunkenness.
159) And if the unfair ones (irresponsible ones), the unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) and believers in gods and believers in tin gods accuse (denounce) you of lying, that, on the contrary, you are not allowed to eat and drink of this and that, then tell them that it is a complete lie and that those turn away rigorously from the truth, who are lying in such a wise and are leading you and the entire people astray and wanting to make you guilty against the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation).
160) And consider those who want to lead you into confusion and who place gods and tin gods at the side of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation), they are committing their defilement in vain because the wisdom of all wisdom (Creation) cannot have any gods and tin gods placed next to it, neither any people of your kind (human beings) who raise themselves up as gods or tin gods, because it is itself the highest heightening (sublimity) above everything else in its all-embracing wisdom; therefore not even your fore-forefathers and fore-foremothers (fore-forebears/forebears before them) and your forefathers and foremothers (ancestors/forebears) could place any gods or tin gods or any people of your kind (human beings) next to the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation), just as you cannot either, because in your lowliness you are by no means of its kind, therefore you cannot illicitly place gods and tin gods or people of your kind (human beings) next to it; however, if you dare in the presumptuousness of a belief (assumptions) in gods and tin gods and people of your kind (human beings) to place these at the side of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) by praying to your gods and tin gods and people of your kind (human beings) instead of being connected to it, then you are deceiving yourselves and committing an outrage against the truth.
161) And if you commit an outrage against the truth, then you are doing the same as those before you did, because truly, if you do the same as your forefathers and foremothers (ancestors/forebears) did, then you also curse the true prophets and accuse them of falseness (deviousness) so they get to taste your strictness and inequity (unfairness); and if you do such things then you truly do not have any truthly knowledge that could come forth in you, because you are only following a deception (delusion) and are merely lying.
162) And the convincing evidence that you are behaving in this way is given in that you blame the true prophets of lying and slander (calumny) and attempt to kill them so that they shall be silent and shall not announce the truth; and if it were down to your strivings then you would force them to say what you want to hear and to act only according to your convenience (will); but the true prophets do not allow themselves to be threatened (frightened) through your embitterment (tormenting), but continue to strive to lead (guide) you rightly.
163) And if you slander (calumniate) the true prophets and accuse them of unhonesty and false teaching, and claim that their teaching of the truth, their teaching of the spirit, their teaching of the life is forbidden through the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation), then provide evidence and witnesses for this, but you cannot do this because if you bring forth evidence against the truth then it is full of lies, since there is no evidence against the truth; and if you bring witnesses against the truth, then they are making a false testimony (false oath) against the truth and thereby bear witness themselves that they are speaking a false testimony (false oath) and only following the cravings of those who are lying against the signs (evidence) of the truth and believe it to be machinations of unfairness (irresponsibility), because they equate the real truth with evil in their limitedness (unintellect).
164) But listen to what the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) teaches and what is to be presented to you so that you may understand what is rightful and what is unrightful; you shall not place anything at the side of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation), and you shall also honour your parents and do good things to them; and you shall not kill your children, not out of poverty, not in strife, not out of jealousy, not out of revenge and retaliation, not because you are waging battles (wars), and not either because you would prefer to have sons rather than daughters or would prefer to have daughters rather than sons, also not from any reasons whatever they may be, rather look after them rightfully as you also look after yourselves; and you shall not approach the terrible (do nothing terrible) whether it is open (public) or concealed; and you shall not either kill any other life of people of your kind (human beings), because life is made through the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) such that it shall be inviolable by people of your kind (human beings) except through the right, when demanded by defence in extremis (self-defence) because you must protect your life; and killing people of your kind (human beings) is not permitted to you either through battle (war) or through a judgement of the authority or the jurisdiction, or through a kangaroo court (revenge) or through a law of honour created by people of your kind (human beings), because such killing is Ausartung against all laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation); this is what is recommended to you so that you may understand it.
165) And do not approach the possessions of orphans (do not appropriate for yourselves the possessions of orphans) except if you are using the possessions for the best outcome of the orphans until they have grown out of youth (come of age) and can themselves determine (decide) over the possessions; and if you sell anything then give full measure and weight in equitableness (approval/fairness); and do not impose on people of your kind (fellow human beings) more (do not demand more) than they are able to bear (pay), and this shall apply in commerce as well as in true discernment (intellect) and with regard to admonishment (conscience); and when you make a judgement then practise equitableness (fairness) so that no-one is advantaged and no-one disadvantaged, even if it is someone from your own clan (family), from your relatives or from your friends; and you shall always retain the bond (agreement) with the truth so that you may always be admonished and may take the right way.
166) Learn everything of the teaching of the true prophets and go forth and announce that this is the true way, the straight one, the right one; follow this way and not the other paths so that you are not led far astray by them into the darkness of inequity (unfairness) and unknowledgeness of the truth; this is what is recommended to you through the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) so that you enable yourselves to protect yourselves from evil.
167) And again: You receive the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life through the true prophets so that you may fulfil it and gain goodness for yourselves when you do good deeds; learn from the teaching of the prophets about the clarity of all things and form from it the leadership (guidance) for your life, so that you may always recognise the truth in all things and at all times, whether you meet it by day or in the night.
168) And truly, the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life is full of boon (prosperousness) and fullness (gain), when you strive to follow it and you guard yourselves against doing things that are evil, unfair (irresponsible), unrighteous (conscienceless) and unrightful; and if you follow the truth then you are creating benevolence for yourselves, and therefore you find in yourselves true love and consonance (harmony) as well as peace and freedom.
169) The teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life is given to you today as it was also given to all peoples before you, but like those before you also say that you indeed had no tidings of its explanation, but truly these tidings have been given to you therefore you only have to strive to understand it.
170) The truth-teaching is given to you as already to your forefathers and foremothers (ancestors/forebears), but like those before you, you do not want to have yourselves led (guided) better through it; however, the true prophets give you today a clear proof of the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) through their teaching, so that you may finally understand it and follow the truth.
171) However, you are unfair and reject the signs (evidence) of the truth and turn yourselves away from it; but those amongst you who turn yourselves away from the signs (evidence), you will have a miserable existence and will serve yourselves with punishment in return because you will not find any true love or freedom or any peace or consonance (harmony) in yourselves.
172) Do not wait for liberators (angels) to come down from gods or tin gods to bring you help if you supplicate and wail to them, because they are without truth (forms invented by lies), which cannot give any signs (evidence).
173) And if signs (apparent evidence) happen which you demand through your belief (assumptions) in gods and tin gods, then the signs (apparent evidence) are only hallucinations (delusional constructions) that you form as pictures of deception (delusions of the brain) through the might of your inner world (consciousness); therefore your belief in gods and tin gods serves you no purpose, because as fabulated (invented) insubstantialities, they bring you neither disadvantage (loss/damage) nor advantage (benefit).
174) And truly, if you are split (not firm) in the truth, then you easily fall away from it and turn yourselves to a belief (assumptions), so you fall prey to godlinesses (religions) or sub-godlinesses (sects/cults) and no longer have anything to do with the real truth.
175) And if you are far from the truth and unfamiliar with it, then the untruth announces itself in you and you fall prey to everything that is unrightful, of unright, of unrighteousness (consciencelessness) and virtuelessness.
176) Therefore take heed that you turn to the truth and do good deeds, because these will be rewarded to you ten-fold; if, however, you perpetrate evil deeds then you will receive the same reward in evil and suffer under its unright.
177) See, the true prophets walk on the right and straight way which is given by the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation), and truly, they are the upright ones who do not pray to any gods or tin gods or any people of your kind (human beings), and do not let themselves be subjugated (placed in bondage).
178) The true prophets have no-one next to them to whom they bow or pray, instead they are surrounded by true friends, by man and woman and child, who recognise (see) their love and kindheartedness to all created creations (life forms) and try to do the same as them, as they are the ones who follow the true prophets on the right and straight way and do not allow themselves to be led into confusion through the false teachings of false prophets, priests and all the servants of gods and servants of tin gods.
179) Truly, no other truth can be sought except for the real truth which is given through the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation) and through its appearance (nature).
180) And no-one amongst you and no other created creation (life form) can act without the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation); therefore none of you can act against or in favour of themselves or against or in favour of others because everything is directed (regulated) through the laws and recommendations so that a distinct condition (cause) brings about a distinct decision (effect = cause and effect).
181) And see, the true prophets instruct you in these things because you are disunited in yourselves and amongst one another, so that you may become knowing (conscious) and wise and that it may go well with you by you heeding and following the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation).
182) And know that the true prophets are their own successors after their passing away (dying), always as new personalities, who are above you in knowledge and in wisdom with regard to the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all vitalities (Creation), but nevertheless they are modest and do not place themselves at higher levels above you, so they put themselves on an equal footing with you and do not demand any privileges over you, therefore they are people of your kind (human beings) in every wise in modesty and put themselves on an equal level with you.