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Concerning the German LanguageGOBLET OF THE TRUTH

Concerning the German language for the understanding of this book

The book that you have in your hands is a very special work of absolutely precise and accurate informational content, and it can enrich your world of thoughts if you dedicate yourself to the reading attentively, openly and without prejudice.

The informational content in the works is only of such great precision because the German language is the only language on our earth that is presently in the position to present in its richness of expressions, clearly, and without misunderstanding, all the necessary aspects and explanations as they need to be understood. The old German forms of writing, spelling and expression that are used – and that may sometimes appear somewhat strange and peculiar – are since time immemorial laid down in such a wise that interpretations and misunderstandings are ruled out right from the beginning and the theme can be dealt with exhaustively, logically and clearly, which is today only possible in the German language.

The highly precise and absolutely accurate explanations of the German cannot – at the present time – be translated with the same value into any other existing language on Earth, for the reason that no other terrestrial language allows for the same precise expressions like the German. When translating, this circumstance requires – according to the language – more or less extensive explanations, paraphrasing and synonyms, which, however, water down the informational content and make it unclear.

That is why each human being who wants to thoroughly consider the spiritual teaching and its aspects, in order to draw extensive value from it for his or her further life, is strongly recommended to thoroughly learn the German language in its complete richness and its extensive many-sidedness, so that his or her understanding is ensured at all times. Only those who make the effort to learn the German language actually have the certainty to understand completely and clearly the text at hand and to fully exhaust its richness.

FIGU, November 2009

Regarding the Translation of the German Definite Article

Even though the use of the English definite article in this translation may seem strange to the reader, according to the author, ‹Billy› Eduard Albert Meier, and the Plejaren Ptaah, the German definite article must be translated and not omitted in order to impart the meaning that is in the German text.

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