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Chapter 9 (1-100)GOBLET OF THE TRUTH

Chapter 9

1) Make a declaration of a solemn release from any attachment (obligation) towards gods and tin gods and their servants of gods and servants of tin gods to whom you have made promises and in whom you believe.

2) Free yourselves from all beliefs (assumptions) of your godlinesses (religions) and sub-godlinesses (sects/cults) and learn the knowledge about the truth of the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation), so that you become knowing ones of the truth, following the true laws and recommendations of the life, so that you do not ruin anything that has been given to you through the appearance (nature) and through anything else of the fertilisation of the life (Creation); do not continue to spend your existence (life) in submissiveness and servitude (bondage) to gods and tin gods and to servants of gods and servants of tin gods, because submission casts you down into an abasement of yourselves, into subservience and denial of yourselves (self-denial), so that you are unfree and chained and cannot live according to your own determination (will) because you are bound by amenableness (obedience/servility).

3) Be unattached (free) from all gods, tin gods, servants of gods and servants of tin gods, regret your belief (assumptions) in them and turn yourselves away from them so that you become strong and can no longer ruin anything that is given to you in the extent (entirety) through the fertilisation of the life (Creation), such as true love and freedom, peace and consonance (harmony) in yourselves; make yourselves unattached (free) from gods, tin gods, servants of gods and servants of tin gods, because it is through their belief (assumptions) which they have forced on you that they cause you pain in your thoughts and feelings, so in them you fall prey to uncertainty as well as anguish and fear, wherein you persist because they threaten you with punishment and judgement of the gods and tin gods.

4) Also, do not make any exception for those servants of gods and servants of tin gods as well as those godlinesses (religions) and sub-godlinesses (sects/cults) with whom you have entered into an agreement (credo), because they are in their entirety connected to the lie against the truth and they slander (calumniate) the fertilisation of the life (Creation) by praying and supplicating to gods and tin gods which are however nothing more than hazy pictures (fantasies) of people of your kind (human beings) who have fallen into confusion in their inner world (consciousness); do not heed the agreement (credo) entered into, because it is without value and is based on confused directives (regulations) of godly (religious) belief-oriented zealots (fanatics).

5) But consider that even the servants of gods and servants of tin gods are people of your kind (human beings) and therefore also they are not safe (protected) from erroneous assumption and confusion, therefore they pray to gods and tin gods and spend their existence (life) in belief (assumptions) in them; and because they are also people of your kind (human beings), treat them as such and do not persecute, seize or kill (murder) them, rather be kindhearted to them and instruct (teach) them the truth wherever you meet them; therefore do not wait in ambush for them and do not establish any ambuscade against them, rather instruct (teach) them rightfully and in love so that they may recognise (see) their unknowledgeness of the truth and repent, so they turn to the real truth of the fertilisation of the life (Creation) and its laws and recommendations, and become free for the way to the truthly truth.

6) And if a servant of gods or servant of tin gods searches for protection amongst you, then grant him or her commensurate protection and, if he or she is willing, instruct (teach) him or her in the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life; and grant him or her protection and provision (nourishment) until he or she can once again safely continue on his or her way and reach the places of his or her safety (homestead, etc.) without danger.

7) And consider, there can never be an agreement (arrangement) between yourselves and the gods and tin gods, because they are only hazy pictures (fantasies) and without power, without knowledge, without love and without wisdom, and therefore, for the same reasons, there can also be no agreement (arrangement) between gods, tin gods and servants of gods and servants of tin gods, and thus if the servants of gods and servants of tin gods nevertheless claim that they have an agreement (arrangement) then they are shameful (disgraceful) liars and knowing (conscious) manipulators (cheaters), miserable ones (rascals) and Hanaken (riff-raff).

8) And even if the servants of gods and servants of tin gods prevail over you through agreements (credos), then there is nevertheless no bond (connection) between them and you, neither any blood relationship, nor do they heed any agreement made with you (any connection of belief), because they believe themselves to be superior to you; truly, they think they are more than you, and therefore they only say pleasing things to you with their mouths, whereas their attitude (mentality) refuses to set themselves equal with you, because truly most of them are full of malice.

9) The servants of gods and servants of tin gods sell you for a miserable price in order to multiple their riches through you and to lead you into the erroneous assumption of belief (assumptions), false signs (evidence/testimonies/avowals/confessions) of the godly (religious) belief (assumptions) and of the fabulated (invented) gods and tin gods, so that you turn away from the way of the truth, and so they can repugnantly enslave you (make you in thrall to them).

10) Truly, they do not heed any bond (connection of belief) with you and therefore they do not keep (maintain) any faithfulness in a bond because they only heed their own false belief (assumptions) and are true misdoers against you because they lead you into evil erroneous assumption through false teachings.

11) They practise their submissive service to gods and tin gods and lie that they are your brothers and sisters, and they give you false signs (evidence/testimonies/avowals/confessions) of their belief (assumptions) so that you assume (believe) that they are signs (evidence) of the truth, whilst everything is mere lies, slanders (calumnies) and cheating.

12) And if you ask them about their agreement (credo) and about their oath and you approach their belief (assumptions) in an objective (neutral) wise, then they assume themselves attacked (accused) and fight (battle) against you as self-appointed leaders and representation of their belief (assumption) and of their gods and tin gods and accuse (blame) you of unbelief, because truly, they have no respect (venerability) towards you, because you do not stray from the truth.

13) And many amongst them violate the rights and offend against the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation), because they secretly commit an offence in libidity (sexually) on children and on man and woman; and it is the servants of gods and servants of tin gods who are in dispute against the truliness of the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life and want to drive those away from it who live in constancy (unity/coalescence) with it; but do not be afraid of them because they do not have any might over you if you do not give it to them, because consider that if you are ones who are knowing of the truth then you stand above all fear with your dignity.

14) However, do not fight against the servants of gods and servants of tin gods through strife or through punishment from your own hand, rather let them be lost in their belief (assumptions) in their submissiveness to their gods and tin gods, because they must find the truth themselves; and it is only when they turn to the truth and they achieve victory over their false belief that you can teach them and help them onto the way of the truth, so that they may bring themselves healing (cognition) from their unknowledge of the truth, and become ones who are knowing of the truth.

15) If rage rises up in you against the servants of gods and servants of tin gods, then banish (drive out) the rage in you and choose forgiveness in yourselves so that you do rightfully and are attached to (follow) the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation).

16) Never assume that you have been abandoned by the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) because you do not recognise them or do not understand them, because if you turn yourselves to them and do not conduct strife against them (do not set yourselves against them), then they will become trusted friends to you if you become knowing (conscious) of them and you know what you are doing.

17) The servants of gods and servants of tin gods are however unable to recognise (see) the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation) in their submissiveness, because they testify against it (Creation) through their belief (assumptions) in their gods and tin gods; and truly the deeds of the servants of gods and servants of tin gods are in vain, so they burn in the fire of their false belief (assumptions) and cannot liberate themselves from it.

18) Those amongst you who are connected to the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, you shall be an ideal to all in following and fulfilling the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) so that you are a sign (evidence) to the ones who are unknowing of the truth that they do not have to be afraid of the truth if they find the right way.

19) As people of your kind (human beings), you are all the same, you have the same rights and conscientiousnesses (duties), therefore the one is no more than another; and all people of your kind (human beings) are integrated into the unfolding (evolution) of your inner world (consciousness), so you are also integrated into fallibilities (errors) that you commit and learn from them in order to give enough consideration to the unfolding (evolution).

20) Do not assume that you can spread the truth-teaching of the true laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation), as is presented through the true prophets, by means of battles (wars) or in any otherwise through Gewalt (terror) and coercion, because truly you only take the highest level in this and make a gain (success) if you fulfil your deeds of teaching in accordance with the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) and so you act out of love alone and heed freedom and peace as well as consonance (harmony).

21) Spread the joyful message of the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life in a peaceful wise amongst all those who open their ears to it and want to learn; never attempt to draw attention to the truth-teaching with Gewalt (terror), just as you shall also not represent the teaching with the sword or with other weapons of the dangerousness and killing, but rather only in true love and equitableness (fairness), in peace and freedom, so that a consonance (harmony) is given and that delight and permanent happiness may arise.

22) The teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life shall never be passed on (spread) outrageously (using Gewalt), nor through lying and nor through slander (calumny), because as a teaching from the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation), it is a teaching of the love, peace, freedom and consonance (harmony) from which neither outrage (act of Gewalt), bloody deed (murder), persecution, battle (war) nor strife can be allowed to emanate, but only permanent well-protectedness and all values of goodness.

23) Truly, living in well-protectedness in the love of the fertilisation of the life (Creation) is the highest good that can accrue to people of your kind (human beings) and in which you can dwell (live) forever as a magnificent reward if you are only fruitful (bearing) of your true discernment (rationality) and you recognise and follow the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) through your insight (intellect).

24) If you are undisguised (sincere) and strong in the knowledge about the truth, then it is also possible for you to keep your sisters, brothers and your father and your mother without blemish (without virtuelessness) in honour and dignity, even if they prefer a belief (assumptions) in gods or tin gods to the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, because they are the ones who are unknowing of the truth; therefore you are not unfair ones (irresponsible ones) if you have them as friends and love and honour and appreciate them, because they belong to your blood; therefore you are not unfair ones (irresponsible ones) either if you have acquaintances and friends, man and woman, and they prefer a belief (assumptions) in gods and tin gods, but you are however undisguised (sincere) and strong in the knowledge about the truth, so that you do not become inconstant in it.

25) And if your father and your mother, your brothers, your sisters, your wife or husband or your clan (relations) or people of your kind (fellow human beings) have fallen prey to gods and tin gods, then you shall not make them your enemies because of this, rather esteem (honour and value) them highly because, regardless of how you look at it, they are people of your kind (human beings) who are due (entitled to) honour and dignity which you shall show them; and if they prize their riches and their commerce and their dwellings more highly (more valuefully) than the truth about the fertilisation of the life (Creation) and the recognition and fulfilment of the laws and recommendations of itself and its appearance (nature), then love and honour and appreciate them nevertheless as people of your kind (human beings), because they have proceeded from the primal (creative) unchangeabilities (principles) as you have, so you are one and the same kind, without difference, with the same rights and obligations (duties) with regard to the fulfilment of your existence (life) and the unfolding (evolution) of your inner world (consciousness).

26) Truly, if you wage battles (wars), then there is no god and no tin gods who lead you on the battlefield (field of war) because they are only hazy pictures (fantasies) of godly (religious) zealots (fanatics) who want to make you proud of them; everything godly (religious observances) is useless because fabulated (invented) forms such as godheads and tin gods possess neither power nor ability to effect anything; therefore, if you wage battles (wars) then they can neither help you to victory nor to flight.

27) Truly, it is decided (determined) through the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation) that peace and love, as well as freedom and consonance (harmony) shall rule amongst people of your kind (human beings), therefore you shall follow them in order to receive a good reward.

28) Therefore it is also recommended to you that you also turn to those people of your kind (fellow human beings) in goodwill (respect), who are unknowing in the truth and need your instruction and help.

29) Consider however that the servants of gods and servants of tin gods who are unclean (without knowledge) in the knowledge of the truth, do everything to keep their believers in their gods and tin gods away from the truthly truth of the reality of the fertilisation of the life (Creation) and the laws and recommendations of itself and of its appearance (nature); therefore they attempt to ensure that those who are looking for the real truth of the fertilisation of the life (Creation) cannot approach the truth, by besetting their believers with apprehensions (anxieties and fear) of punishment from their gods and tin gods if they leave the belief (assumptions) in them, whilst promising them at the same time a liberation from punishment as well as a fullness (abundance) of love, blissful happiness as well as richness in consciousness and wellbeing if they stay with their belief (assumptions).

30) Fight in yourselves against the enticements of the servants of gods and servants of tin gods and against all those who have the audacity to slander (calumniate) and call into question the truth of the fertilisation of the life and the laws and recommendations of itself and of its appearance (nature); and be certain (knowing) that their actions are illicit (forbidden) and heinous (villainous) for the sake of right and equitableness (fairness), because by doing so they lead people of your kind (human beings) into shameful erroneous assumption far from any cognition of the truthly truth of the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation); they do not follow the real truth, and they will only do so when they have to pay tribute from their own inner world (consciousness) for the acknowledging of the real truth when they become knowing (conscious) of it.

31) What the servants of gods and servants of tin gods are speaking about and fallaciously teaching is not the word of the truth, but only the word from their mouth which they think up through their thoughts and their inner world (consciousness); and therefore they only imitate the speeches of those who were already ones unknowing of the truth before them and who were of the same kind in their zealotry (fanaticism) which weighs banefully on them because they are misled.

32) The servants of gods and servants of tin gods have taken the old scribes and false prophets as their masters (examples) who extensively falsified the real truth of the fertilisation of the life (Creation) and its laws and recommendations and made it unrecognisable; and they also lied that the truthly prophets were gods and children of gods or their representatives (substitutes) or heralds of evil (devils); and like the old servants of gods and servants of tin gods, the old scribes and false prophets demanded, your servants of gods and servants of tin gods and those versed in godly (religious) writings also demand (command) that you must join their belief (assumptions) and pray to their gods and tin gods or to the evil (devil) and supposedly venerable ones (holy ones) and that you shall not place the real truth of the fertilisation of the life (Creation) nor its laws and recommendations next to these.

33) The servants of gods and servants of tin gods would very much like the light of the truth of the fertilisation of the life (Creation) to be extinguished by the words coming from their mouth, but they are unable to do this over time because the light of the truth is perfect and will light up the world in its time, even though those unknowing of the truth and the servants of gods and servants of tin gods may dislike it.

34) And the real truth is that given to the true prophets so that they may guide the leadership of the truthly teaching of the truth and bring their cognition of the truth to you in order that it may prevail in you and liberate you from all the false avowals in gods and tin gods, in servants of gods and servants of tin gods and in godlinesses (religions) and sub-godlinesses (sects/cults); be knowing (conscious) that many of the servants of gods and servants of tin gods and their godlinesses (religions) and sub-godlinesses (sects/cults) seize your goods and your riches and consume them through false means of belief (assumptions), and so they attempt to lead (turn) you away from the way of the truth with regard to the fertilisation of the life (Creation) and of its laws and recommendations; and truly many amongst them heap up gold and silver by enriching themselves from you.

35) And they clothe themselves in expensive garments and have valueful coverings (hats) on their head, decorated with gold and silver and precious stones, and also they wear much valueful jewellery which they gain from your riches by exploiting you; and through their garments and their covering (hats) and through their jewellery they accuse (blame) you for your foolishness for giving them, as a result of your belief in gods and belief in tin gods, the things which you laboriously heap up (save) for yourselves to live on in old age.

36) Just as the servants of gods and servants of tin gods altogether exploit you with lies and slanders (calumnies) and fight (battle) against you so that you cannot find the truth of the fertilisation of the life (Creation) or its laws and recommendations, so you shall also fight (battle) against them in a good wise so that you do not open your ears to their lies and slanders (calumnies) of the truth, so that you do not present them with your riches and do not nourish them at your breast (do not pay for their welfare).

37) Truly, putting off learning the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life promotes a multiplication of the truth-unknowledge, because the ones who have no knowledge will be deluded even more through this by the untruth of the teachings of the false prophets and of the servants of gods and servants of tin gods who ban you the truth-teaching and do not allow you to learn from it; truly they only want to allow you to learn things of writings and teachings that correspond to their godlinesses (religions) and sub-godlinesses (sects/cults) and with their dogmas and submissiveness (belief), because they are zealots (fanatical believers) who make the goodness and the truth of the fertilisation of the life (Creation) and of its laws and recommendations appear evil (devilish) and make the real evil appear pleasing to you.

38) Do not be believers in gods and tin gods and in their servants (hands/helpers), for whom you are supposed to cast yourselves down onto the earth and worship and honour them, when they say to you that you shall walk on the way of the gods and tin gods; truly, you shall turn to the truthly life here below on Earth and be content with it; however, you shall not pray to gods and tin gods or to people of your kind (human beings) who raise themselves up as gods, their envoys or representatives (substitutes); and truly, the enjoyment of earthly life is not small, but very great and full of happiness and joy, full of peace and love, freedom and consonance (harmony) if you follow the teaching of the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation), the teaching that is given through the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life.

39) And the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) not only demand (recommend) to maintain peace, love and freedom and consonance (harmony) amongst all people of your kind (humankind) and to take care not to go out to fight or wage battles (wars), but they also demand (recommend) that you do not practise outrageous (inhumane) punishment on people of your kind (human beings) and that you shall not harm the body and life of people of your kind (fellow human beings), either their inner world (consciousness) or the psyche; truly, you have might over all things, but be fair and use your might rightfully as well.

40) Help people of your kind (the next ones), and help the other people of your kind (fellow human beings), just as you shall also help all people of your kind (humankind) so that everyone may escape from unknowledge, hardship and misery and are not forced to remain therein; and teach them that they must not be sorrowful for their unknowledge, their hardship and their misery if they turn to the truth which contains love and knowledge as well as peace, freedom and consonance (harmony) in itself, by means of which every person of your kind (human being) can elevate himself or herself to the highest heights and no longer debase themselves through the word of the slanderers (calumniators) against the truth and the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation).

41) But do not go forth, lightly or heavily (in lightness or onerosity), and do not struggle with your goods and riches or with your blood for the sake of the truth, because love, peace, freedom, consonance (harmony) as well as joy and happiness cannot be purchased with goods or riches, or paid for with blood.

42) And do not take any reward or any other gain if you teach the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life with your own mouth amongst people of your kind (fellow human beings), so that you are not as the servants of gods and servants of tin gods who pronounce with their mouth their false teachings of the false prophets for a high reward and blind (delude) you before alters, and who also rebuke people of your kind (human beings) from high places (pulpits) in hypocrisy; never take any compensation (payment) if you proclaim the truth-teaching out of your mouth, because the truth is not yours, but rather belongs to the fertilisation of the life (Creation) and its laws and recommendations, therefore you shall not conduct commerce with it through your mouth, because it is unrightful to trade (sell) the truth-teaching or advice from it through the mouth in return for compensation (payment); however, it is indeed rightful for you to take signs of gratitude (gifts) for your teaching and advice from your mouth if you do not demand (ask for) the same, but rather if it is given to you out of voluntariness and kindheartedness; and it is rightful for you to take compensation (payment) for the journey if you go out and travel in order to explain the truth-teaching through your mouth at a desired location; and also it is rightful for you to take in exchange (purchase price/remuneration) if you produce writings and sources (books) with the truth-teaching and you release (sell) them.

43) If you follow the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation), then your worries will be taken away from you, and truly you will not lag behind in your unfolding (evolution), because when you know the real truth and follow it, things will be fine with you; and truly, if you recognise the truth and follow it, then you will recognise those amongst you who want to do you harm and who are liars and slanderers (calumniators) against the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, so you will be able to guard yourselves against (watch out for) them and not allow them to make you turn away from the truth.

44) You who know about the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) and about the fertilisation of the life (Creation) and who follow the laws and recommendations, you do not have to apply in yourselves especially for permission to be liberated from strife and not to fight with goods and blood for the truth, because through the following of the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation), you are already liberated from all strife, as well as from fighting for the truth with your goods and your blood.

45) And you who know about the truth of the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation), do not let yourselves be asked by those who are unknowing of the truth to stand by them and instruct (teach) them with your knowledge about the truth and the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, rather be open (honest) with them, without conceit (imperiousness) and always ready to give (pass on) your knowledge without having to be asked to do so; do not leave people of your kind (fellow human beings) in doubt that you will always be helpful to them in finding the truth if they are striving to turn to the truth; and you shall not be vacillating in doubt regarding whether to help each person of your kind (next one) in finding the truth if he or she is striving for it and searching for enlightenment (clarification) from you.

46) And if you are not equipped with good knowledge in the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, then do not decide to go out in order to spread the truth-teaching, rather be averse to such because without sufficient knowledge you can do more harm than good (success), therefore you shall stay back (remain at home) with the other sedentary ones (ones remaining at home) if you are not sufficiently skilful (well-versed/well-read) in the teaching.

47) If you go out to spread the truth and you are not sufficiently skilful (well-versed/well-read), then you will increase the worries of those who are to be taught, and also your own worries, because it is through your insufficient knowledge in the truth that you will run backwards and forwards without finding any stability, which gives rise to discord between you and the ones to be taught because some will listen to you and some will be against you if you cannot explain the things of the truth to a sufficient extent (insufficiently), therefore leading to doubt and misunderstandings as well as outrage (acts of Gewalt).

48) And consider that many truth-unknowers and many unfair ones (irresponsible ones) are only concerned with striving for chaos and forging intrigues (guilefulnesses) against you, therefore they maliciously slander (calumniate) you if you are not steadfast in the truth-teaching; so you shall wait with the delivering (spreading) of the truth-teaching until the truth prevails (thrives) in you to such an extent that you are able to teach it rightfully, so that the unfair (irresponsible) conflict-seekers (troublemakers) who are unknowing of the truth cannot be averse to your explanation of the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life.

49) Truly, many amongst those who are searching for the truth search for permission to stay back in the learning (just reflect) so that they are not put to the trial (proof), but truly, everyone is constantly put to the trial (proof) and cannot stay back (cannot continue reflecting), because the unfolding (evolution) continues without interruption and cannot be stopped, therefore everyone is befallen by it at any moment, even if many are unknowing and unfair in their inner nature and therefore create an inner shadow world (hell) in which they enclose themselves.

50) And there are many amongst those unknowing of the truth and unfair ones (irresponsible ones) who are mocking (gloating) if a calamity befalls you, and are saddened if goodness and wellbeing comes to you, but do not heed their evil impulsations, because they are unknowing and unfair and do not know what they do, and truly you can only show them compassion since they are going into confusion; do not however turn yourselves away from them, rather show them goodness and love and attempt to instruct them in the right attitude (behaviour) of their thoughts and feelings as well as in their assessment of things, so that they turn away from their wrong doing and enjoy right and fairness (responsibility).

51) And truly, nothing can befall you as your own foreordination (destiny) other than what you determine for yourselves, because just as you are your own protectors, so you are your own determiner (initiator) over yourselves and your doing, so you shall always trust yourselves and decide (determine) everything yourselves as is best, so that it may go well and favourably with you.

52) If you are expecting good things for yourselves, then direct your thoughts and feelings and your deeds in a good wise towards these things, because it is only thereby that you will come to what you wish and hope for yourselves, because all power always lies only by yourselves; however, if you act against this approach, then punishment will befall you through your own blame, because what you wish and hope for yourselves is not fulfilled.

53) And if you give (donate) to the poor and needy willingly or unwillingly simply for the sake of semblance (hypocrisy/sanctimoniousness), then you are making yourselves guilty of deceit, falseness (deviousness) and lying, therefore you shall only give donations in honesty and truthly kindheartedness, in order that you may receive honour and dignity for this in honesty.

54) Do not prevent yourselves from honestly giving alms (gifts) to the poor and needy or to any other good cause, because if you are righteous ones (responsible) then you do not allow yourselves to fall into passivity when you see poverty and need which you can relieve through gifts (alms and donations).

55) And truly, those amongst you who reproach those who are giving alms (gifts) in honesty, you would probably only be satisfied if you were to receive the alms (gifts) yourselves, but as you receive nothing of them then you are angry and reproach the righteous ones (conscientious ones) and fair ones (responsible ones).

56) Alms are only for the poor and needy, so those who are the entrusted ones (distributors) charged with the distribution of alms shall not make use (be beneficiaries) of the same, because truly sharing in the benefit of the alms by the entrusted ones (distributors) would be deception and thievery (theft) against the givers of alms and against the poor and needy; collectors of alms, as well as the entrusted ones (distributors) who hand over (give away/distribute) the collected alms in fair (commensurate) measure amongst the poor and needy shall not be entitled to take (siphon off) a cut (percentage) of the collected alms for themselves, because alms are a help in hardship which are expressly intended for the poor and needy and from which the entrusted ones (distributors) are not allowed to reward or enrich themselves; and if people of your kind (human beings) fall into hardship and misery through all kinds of inequity, cataclysm and destruction (catastrophes), whether it be through the appearance (nature) or through the hands of people of your kind (human beings), and if goods and gold and silver (money) are collected in order to help the desperate ones (those affected), whether the collection is undertaken by individuals amongst you or by several in a federation (group/society/organisation), then it is also not rightful for the collectors or the entrusted ones (distributors) to gain benefit (success) from what has been collected by channelling smaller or larger parts (percentages) off for themselves for their efforts (exertions) in order thereby to reward themselves and to reimburse themselves for their burden (expenses), because truly acting in this wise is full of shame, without dignity, full of deception and thievery (theft) and contrary to the sense of providing help to those who need it; truly, it is a primal law of the Creation that people of your kind (human beings) shall always be helpful to people of your kind (human beings) without demanding any reward (remuneration/compensation) for this in any wise, because this effect proceeds equally from the laws and recommendations of the appearance (nature), based on the presence (existence) of the fertilisation of the life (Creation).

57) Do not be amazed about the stinginess of many who have great riches, because they always demand more and more and greater riches, and at the same time they cannot rein in (moderate) their demand because they do not know any bounds (limits) in their greed for more and more riches; therefore do not be amazed about your children if they do the same as you, if you have yourselves fallen prey to stinginess, greed and riches.

58) Do not make yourselves guilty of thievery (theft) and do not swear on the truth that things truthfully belong to you which you have unrightfully appropriated, because truly they are the property of others from whom you have stolen them, therefore you are in the unright and will always live in fear of punishment, just as you will also be accused of thievery (theft) and you must give back the stolen goods.

59) And if you are unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and breakers of the law (lawbreakers), then you will find no refuge amongst the fair ones (responsible ones) and the righteous ones (conscientious ones) of people of your kind (fellow human beings), except with those who are also unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and breakers of the law (lawbreakers); and truly, if you make yourselves guilty of breaking the laws (lawbreaking) then you will only find refuge in caves or in a bolthole if you flee there in great haste in order to escape giving account for your actions; but truly, equitableness (fairness) will catch up with you sooner or later even in caves and boltholes, so as breakers of the laws (lawbreakers) you will not be safe from punishment in any place.

60) Be at all times satisfied with what your life gives you and what you receive from it, what you create (work for) yourselves in assiduousness, because truly, your sufficiency (contentment) shall not be an endless fullness (unrestricted amassing), rather a measure of modesty.

61) Truly, amongst you there are many who are hostile to (make barbed remarks against) the truth and who offend the true prophets, slandering (calumniating) them, forging intrigues against them and attempting to kill them; and you cannot accept (tolerate) that they open their ears to all and lend their attention to all in order to advise them in goodness, whilst you, acting as seducers, are striving to make all into believers in your gods, tin gods and demons, and to drive them into the clutches of the servants of gods and servants of tin gods.

62) And you who are seducers, you are conspirators against the truth, and you swear by your gods and tin gods in order to please people of your kind (fellow human beings) and to seduce them, so that they may appreciate your gods and tin gods and pray to them and be pleasing to you if they become believers in you.

63) But truly, those of you who defy the truth and the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation), you are living in yourselves in a shadow world (hell) full of flaming (blazing) fire which burns you up from the inside in hatred, submissiveness, inequity (unfairness), in lovelessness and unrighteousness (consciencelessness), so you will find neither rest nor peace, nor love, nor freedom and no consonance (harmony).

64) Truly, you are hypocrites to yourselves, and you are permanently afraid that the truth might be revealed in you, showing you what attitude (mentality) you are the child of, in other words what you are in your inner nature; go ahead, mock now, because truly, the truth will also bring your inner nature into the light, which you are afraid of.

65) And when the time comes that the truth becomes obvious (recognisable) to you, then you prove yourselves to be liars, because you recognise that you have not just chatted and japed foolishly against the truth, but have mocked and slandered (calumniated) it, as you do equivalently with the true prophets and their signs (evidence) of the truth.

66) And it will not help you in any wise if you apologise to the true prophets for your wrong doing, because you – even if they forgive you – must excuse yourselves to yourselves in order to find forgiveness in yourselves, because truly it is only if you can forgive yourselves in respect (venerability) before the truth and righteousness (conscientiousness) to which you turn that you will find truthly forgiveness, because you can only liberate yourselves from your blame, if you truly live in the following of the truth.

67) Consider, however, that it is difficult for you and it requires your entire effort and attention if you are searching to liberate yourselves from your blame, because as you are hypocrites so you constantly search for the protection of people of your kind (hypocrites) whom you close ranks with and demand (endorse) unright and forbid what is right, so you go along in unright; therefore it is recommended to you that you leave (withdraw from) the circle of the hypocrites in its entirety (entirely) and search for the way to the truth so that you truthly turn yourselves to goodness and find in yourselves and outside of yourselves love and freedom, peace and consonance (harmony) and so it goes well with you in everything.

68) If you are hypocrites then you live in a shadow world (hell) in yourselves, the flaming (blazing) fire of which burns you up from the inside, so you curse yourselves and you punish yourselves constantly because you do not find in yourselves and outside of yourselves any true love, any freedom or any consonance (harmony) and no peace, just as it was with all those who came before you and were malefactors against (ones who neglected their duty to) the truth of the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation).

69) Truly, even if you are mighty in power (influence) amongst people of your kind (human beings) as unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones), and if you have many goods and riches and children, you will enjoy your fate for only a brief time, because you constantly hunt after new goods and riches, and your children take ways that do not please you and bring you grief and worries, because you spoil them with your goods and your riches and no longer let them be granted any good guidance (education); and as unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones), you take delight in idle (feeble) speeches, although your works yield nothing, therefore you are lost ones in everything that you do.

70) You unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) have not been reached by the tidings, like those who came before you and did the same (equivalent) as you do; and as the true prophets came to them and brought them the message of the truth, so you will also have the real truth pointed out (instructed) to you by the true prophets, so that you shall not do anything that is unright.

71) Truly, you, man and woman and child, you shall be a true friend to the other, and therefore you shall demand (encourage) yourselves to do the right thing and to ban what is unright, so that you all undertake what is rightful and show pity to yourselves in such a wise that you eschew everything that is evil and unfair (irresponsible) and unrighteous (conscienceless).

72) If you as man, woman and child, prove yourselves to be ones who are knowing of the truth, fair ones (responsible ones) and righteous ones (conscientious ones), then there will be gardens of love and freedom in you, in which streams of peace and of consonance (harmony) and the highest happiness flow, in which you will find pleasure.

73) And if you, man, woman and child, are connected to the teaching of the prophets, then you are no hypocrites, and therefore you are not at strife against the prophets and the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, as you others amongst you, who are unfair ones (irresponsible ones), do in a loveless wise because you live in a shadow world (hell) and you have created yourselves a disparaging (dishonourable) destiny (decision) for acting in unright.

74) Truly, you unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones), you lie to and slander (calumniate) people of your kind (fellow human beings), and you do evil things, conduct indubitably slanderous speeches, do not bother about the truth and then you swear that you have not said anything; truly, you have not accepted the truth and are only brooding on what you cannot achieve in an honest wise, and there- fore you nourish yourselves with hatred against people of your kind (fellow human beings) who have come into goods and riches through their own power; but you do not regret your wrong doing, but rather punish yourselves painfully with further hatred although it would be better for you with remorse because you would create a world in yourselves which would be your friend and helper for a good existence (life), in equitableness (fairness) and love, in inner freedom, in inner peace and in consonance (harmony).

75) Truly, if you would make a bond with the truth and turn yourselves to the truthfulness of the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation), then you could knowingly (consciously) gain love from a fullness (abundance) of fruitfulness of the primal power (Creation), so that you would not have to search for alms (gifts) of the life, which you do not find because you are ones who have contempt for the truth, unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones).

76) And truly, if you could, in your inequity (unfairness), knowingly (consciously) gain love out of the fullness (abundance) of the fruitfulness of the primal power (Creation), then you would be stinting with it and want to have everything just for yourselves alone, without giving any to people of your kind (fellow human beings), because you have an aversion to them

77) You unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones), you pay back all kindheartedness that is given to you with hypocrisy and with evil deeds, but consider that one day you will meet the truth with might to which you must give your promise that henceforth you will only follow the way of equitableness (fairness) and no longer lie, slander (calumniate) or be inequitable (irresponsible).

78) Truly, you unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones), place your trust in the true prophets because they know the secrets of the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation); and therefore you shall build on the confidential counsels (talks) of the true prophets because they are the best knowers of what is hidden of the laws and recommendations of the appearance (nature) and of the fertilisation of the life (Creation).

79) And you unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones), do not rebuke the ones who are knowing of the truth, the fair ones (responsible ones) and not the righteous ones (conscientious ones) who voluntarily and in honesty give alms (gifts) for the poor and needy; and do not disdain and ridicule those who cannot give any alms (gifts), because they only have the earnings from their work and have to live off this.

80) If you unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) want to become fair (responsible) and righteous (conscientious), then create forgiveness (reconciliation) in yourselves and then also ask forgiveness from those whom you have ridiculed, because it is only through finding forgiveness (reconciliation) in yourselves that you can take the way rightfully.

81) If you do not want to remain behind (persist in the old) and not continue to live in unright, then you are not allowed to remain behind the back (the teaching) of the prophets and sit still (learn nothing) and remain inclined towards (ready for) what is without law and without recommendation.

82) And if you do not incline (bend) towards the truth in its entirety (entirely), then you will laugh little and have to cry a lot as reward for what you acquire of evil in yourselves.

83) You shall never turn yourselves away from the truth of the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation) and never fight (battle) against the truth as an enemy, because otherwise you will remain behind (not come closer to the truth).

84) And do not be resentful if people of your kind (fellow human beings) have done terrible things, rather forgive them and let everything be forgotten when it sinks into the past, so that you do not bring it back to the light of day anew, and you are not reproachful (incriminating) if there is no necessity for it; and also do not be resentful if a person of your kind (fellow human being) dies, and do not slander him, just as you shall not defile a grave either; consider, that if someone has died then he or she can no longer do anything in his or her defence, therefore it is a disgracefulness (defilement) to slander the deceased or to defile their graves.

85) Do not be amazed about people of your kind (fellow human beings) if they have goods and riches, because it is not for you to decide whether they have worked for, acquired (inherited) or won their goods and their riches rightfully; and do not be covetous (jealous/envious) of the goods and the riches of others, so that you do not depart (fall away) from the goodwill (recognition) for those others who have more goods and riches than you.

86) And if a truth is disclosed to you, then do not fight against it, rather search for the true value in it so that you may understand it and act according to it.

87) And be at all times satisfied together, man and woman, when you are connected to one another (married) so that you do not seal (close) yourselves off from one another and do not behave towards one another in aversion (weariness), and neither hating nor harming in any other wise.

88) And do not quarrel with one another as people of your kind (human beings) because you are not of the same opinion, and do not quarrel about your goods or about your riches, because only goodness shall be granted to you as people of your kind (human beings) so that it may go well with you.

89) Prepare in yourselves, in your inner nature, gardens of joy and of the highest happiness, so that you may have streams of true love and inner freedom as well as of inner peace and consonance (harmony) streaming through you.

90) Never search for pretexts if you have to adhere to something, so that you remain honest and give equitableness (fairness) enough consideration.

91) If you are weak ones (disabled ones) or sick ones and have nothing to give (donate), then no reproach shall strike you if you are upright and fair (moderate) as well as righteous (conscientious), because there is no cause for scolding against you if you do rightfully, but nevertheless cannot give (donate) anything.

92) Truly, if you do rightfully in all things then nothing will be found for which you could be rebuked; therefore do not allow your eyes to flood with tears either out of grief when you cannot find anything that you can give (donate).

93) There is only cause for reproach for those who are beseeching you for alms (gifts) and donations (hand-outs) despite themselves having many goods and riches, so that they can pile up a greater store of goods and enrich themselves even more.

94) Truly, heed (be careful of) the unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and the unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) when they want to take alms (gifts) and hand-outs (donations) from you, therefore you shall not lend them your ears if they present excuses to you.

95) They swear to you many deceitful oaths (false oaths) that you shall not leave them to fend for themselves, but do not heed them because they only want to deceive you; but if they do need your help in any wise, then do not hold yourselves back and do help them, but when doing this make sure that they do not receive a hand- out (donation) from you if they have sufficient from what they earned themselves.

96) The unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) deceitfully swear oaths (false oaths) to you, that you shall be satisfied with them, but you cannot be satisfied with them because of their false oath (perjury) and their hypocrisy, because as they commit an outrage against you (treat you banefully), they are only exploiting you, therefore you shall have to be concerned to clarify everything and to act rightfully so that you are not harmed.

97) People of your kind (human beings) who unrestrainedly commit bloody deeds (mass murders) as boundless killers (mass murderers), whether they be individuals from the people or rulers, they are the worst amongst all people of your kind (humankind), and truly they are greatest hypocrites and the most obdurate against the truth of the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life (Creation), against love of the next one (love for the next one), against freedom and consonance (harmony) and against peace amongst people of your kind (human beings); they lead a villainous life in unknowledge of the truth of the primal power (Creation), the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, and they make their own laws and standard measures (regulations) on which they insist and through which they conduct their deadly dominance (rule).

98) And the boundless killers (mass murderers) are miserable creatures who regard all the values of the truth and of dignity as well as the kindheartedness and benevolence (humanity) of people of your kind as coerced atonement, therefore they only wait for you to perform a mischance so that they can commit outrages (torture) on you and kill (murder) you.

99) But all you amongst people of your kind (humankind), you should be concerned at all times that you do not tolerate any boundless killers (mass murderers) amongst you, whether they be individuals amongst you or rulers, and if some do indeed arise amongst you then you shall practise gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit by catching them and sending them to a suitable and special place of fulfilment of guidelines (secluded island/secluded place) in banishment for the term of their life as a fair (commensurate) punishment, without the possibility of return amongst people of your kind (society); but allow equitableness (fairness) to prevail over them so that they have the opportunity to provide for their provision (food/clothing, etc.) in a strict (hard) wise and to learn the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life and therefore also the truth of the laws and recommendations of the fertilisation of the life, so that they may approach the truth and follow it; truly, doubtlessly this is the only possibility for boundless killers (mass murderers) to approach a life and to change themselves to the good, so that they no longer kill (murder), but truly there is no staunchness (certainty) that boundless killers (mass murderers) will change to the better and good, and to the truth-teaching therefore it is provided in any case that they shall be ostracised (banished) for the term of their life.

100) The foremost ones (administrators of the authority/government) of a people shall only be people of your kind (fellow human beings) which the people itself elects according to its best knowledge and best admonishment (conscience) so that only people of your kind (fellow human beings) are called (elected) to the authority (office/government/administration) who are in all respects upright (of integrity), fair (responsibility-conscious) and righteous (conscientious); and therefore the called ones (elected ones) shall be modest, assiduous (hard-working) and skilful (adept) in the leadership (guidance) of people of your kind (human beings) and in all affairs of the people.

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