Chapter 7
1) This is the ‹Goblet of the Truth›, which is the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life given through the laws and recommendations of the appearance (nature) and the wellspring of the love (Creation); allow yourselves to be led (guided) by the teaching which is also the teaching of the prophets who teach you so that no trepidation may arise in your breast (feelings) and so that you may be warned as an admonishment so that you do not do unrightful things.
2) Follow what has been given to you through the truth-teaching, and do not follow any other protector than the real truth; how little you are mindful of this (how little you think about it).
3) Remember what has gone before (the past), because you have destroyed so many cities and killed (murdered) the inhabitants out of revenge, hatred, jealousy and enmity when you fell upon them by day or in the night whilst they were sleeping; and truly, you also do the same today because you have not freed yourselves from your unright; and those amongst you who have freed themselves from it, you have contempt for them and you accuse them of chickenheartedness (cowardice) when they protect their lives and people of their kind (family members), because you want them to be people of your kind (people just like you) so that they join you in killing and destruction.
4) However, if you are called to account for your outrage (murdering and destruction, etc.), then you yourselves fall prey to chickenheartedness (cowardice) and you bewail yourselves and make supplications for undeserved mercy in false remorse; but then, if equitableness (fairness) catches up to you, feign realisation of your infamous actions (crimes) and admit that you are malefactors (lawbreakers), but because your remorse is only a game you will continue your outrages (lawbreaking activities) unless you are brought to fair (commensurate) punishment and sent to a place of fulfilment of guidelines (secluded island or secluded place) for a certain period of time.
5) Truly, all those who are outrageous (breaking the law) will be brought to account, and if it is not through the law of condition (cause) and decision (effect = cause and effect) of the wellspring of the love (Creation) then it will be through the jurisdiction and its laws which you have conceived (created) as people of your kind (human beings).
6) And the laws conceived (created) by you will be implemented by your jurisdiction and authority because they are ever present and never absent when they have to condemn you; and they also will enumerate your actions to you which you have committed with knowledge and thereby infringed the law, so you will be judged according to your actions and sent for punishment.
7) And the weighing (assessing) of your actions will be conducted truly harshly by your jurisdiction or authority, because everything will be put into the scales of equitableness (fairness) and will amount to a great weight because nothing will be left out that you have done in unright and infamous actions (crimes).
8) And truly, there are many amongst you who have your own scales for yourselves which drag you down under because of their weight, because your lovelessness and unfreedom (bondage) in you as well as your dissonance (disharmony) and your own unpeace as well as your chickenheartedness (cowardice) weigh so heavily that you cannot free yourselves from them, because you constantly commit misdemeanours against the signs (teaching/ evidence) of the truth.
9) A dwelling has been given to you on Earth through the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation), as has the land, so that you may build on it and thereby create the means for your welfare, but you defile your dwelling and the land because you are ungrateful; and in your ungratefulness you are presumptuous and you assume (believe) that you may place yourselves next to the wellspring of the love (Creation).
10) You are created from the appearance (nature) of the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation), and it is from the appearance (nature) that your form has also come forth, however also your freedom (autonomy) so that you are independent in your determinations (decisions) and in your power to act (will) and you do not have to submit yourselves to the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) if you do not strive to do so; but consider in this that even if you have your free determination (decision) and your free power to act (will), you are nevertheless integrated into the activity of the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation), therefore your actions bring forth distinct decisions (effects) (law of cause and effect).
11) And as you are not coerced to submit yourselves to the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation) therefore you can always act according to free determination (decision) and in free power to act (will), so you shall not submit yourselves to people of your kind (human beings) either, and not to baseless (supposed/made up) gods and tin gods or liberators (angels).
12) You shall always prevent yourselves from submitting yourselves because ample freedom has been given to you in all things and for your life and everything that is in it, therefore it is beneath your dignity for you to submit yourselves whether it be submission to someone of your kind (human being), to a fabulated (invented) god, tin god, liberator (angel), venerable one (holy one) or to anything else.
13) Consider that in your freedom (autonomy) you are always better than those who demand submission from you; therefore you shall heed your freedom and keep it for always.
14) And do not believe in false prophets and false believers, who bind themselves to gods and tin gods and believe that they have been created by the same from fire (breath) or from loam, because everything is only lying and slander (calumny), because you have been created from the earth and its appearance (nature) through its cycle (processes) of unfolding (evolution) from which animated (organic) acids (amino acids) were created and from which the minutest creatures (micro-organisms), and truly people of your kind (human beings) came about from that.
15) Therefore do not be slimily subservient and assume (believe) that you have come forth from the fire (breath) of a god or tin god or through its might and kindheartedness from loam; truly, it is not appropriate to open your ears to this delusional teaching, and if you do so nevertheless then you are making yourselves into abased ones who are bound to (dependent on) fabulated (invented) gods and tin gods.
16) Allow yourselves only to see the truth, to accept it and to live with it so that you do not need to demand deferment in order to understand the truth.
17) And truly, if you follow the truth, then you are not lost, therefore you do not condemn yourselves either to having unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) lying in wait for you, who certainly want to lead you away from the straight way of the truth.
18) If you observe people of your kind (fellow human beings) who have done evil and unfair things (irresponsible things) to you, then do not wish them evil and unfair things (irresponsible things) from all sides, but forgive them even if you find the majority of them are not grateful for it.
19) And if people of your kind (fellow human beings) do evil and unfair things (irresponsible things) to you and are unrighteous (conscienceless) towards you, then do not disdain them and do not push them away, but do not do as they do so that you do not create a shadow world (hell) in yourselves that you fill with unright, with evil and with unrighteousness (consciencelessness).
20) You people of your kind (human being), man and woman, dwell in a garden of peace and love, of freedom and of consonance (harmony), which you create in yourselves, and eat from all the good fruits thereof, wherever and whenever you wish; however, do not create in yourselves a garden in which fruits of lovelessness, of unpeace, of dissonance (disharmony), of unfreedom (bondage) grow as well as trees (conditions) of inequity (unfairness).
21) Always consider that many amongst you are unfair ones (irresponsible ones), unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) and virtueless ones, and they are always concerned to whisper evil to you and to plant a tree (condition) of shame in you so that you will be ashamed to liberate yourselves from unright and evil, and so that you assume that the truth is forbidden to you so that you do not become fair ones (responsible ones), righteous ones (conscientious ones) and not full of virtues; and those who do evil and who are unfair ones (irresponsible ones), they are companions of the false prophets and other false teachers, of the priests, servants of gods and servants of tin gods, who present you the illusion that you are protected by liberators (angels) and that you will have eternal life if you commit (obligate yourselves) to the false teachings of the false prophets as well as the priests, gods and tin gods.
22) And be heedful, because the unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones), the virtueless ones, the priests and other servants of gods and servants of tin gods are continually concerned to catch you in their rapacious clutches, and they lie to you with vows that they are your good and sincere advisers, although they are not because truthly they only lead you into delusion and attempt to cast you down into the abysses and into the darkness of unknowledgeness of the truth.
23) They deceive you through lies and deception to sample from the tree of evil that grows in them and to eat its fruits so that you may become the same as them, so you are ashamed to live with the truth; and if they succeed in persuading you to eat their evil fruits then you take the leaves of their evil garden and wrap yourselves inside them, so that the truth remains closed to you and you do not realise that evil is your obvious enemy.
24) And if evil takes possession of you, then you bring shame down upon yourselves, and you cannot either forgive yourselves or take pity upon yourselves because you make yourselves into ones who are lost from the truth.
25) And as you are lost ones from the truth, so you are also lost ones and enemies against yourselves, as you make yourselves into enemies against people of your kind (fellow human beings); and truly, as you are enemies against yourselves on Earth and enemies against people of your kind (next ones), so you make your home planet into a shadow world (hell) and place of existence for a limited time, because you wreak destruction on the appearance (nature) and destroy your world through battles (wars) and hatred as well as through jealousy, through pathological craving for revenge and pathological craving for retaliation and through everything evil.
26) Truly, you only live on your world for a limited period (one lifetime), and you also die thereat in order to be brought forth from the life-in-death (death-life) as a new individual being (personality), when your spirit-body (spirit-form) is reawakened (reincarnated).
27) Truly, the truth is given to you through the teaching of the prophets, this being the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, so that you may have a clothing (protection) through it, by means of which you can cover your shame with regard to the untruth and you can free yourselves from it, so that the clothing (protection) may become a pleasing garment (security) for you in order to learn the truth-teaching; but consider that the garment (security) shall be a dress of the truth for you, but not a dress of the godliness (religion), so you are not attached to false prophets, priests and other servants (hands/helpers) of gods and tin gods; therefore heed the signs (evidence) of the truth so that you may always think of (be reminded of) this.
28) Oh people of your kind (human beings) all around, do not allow the evil and unfair (irresponsible) things to deceive you, and do not allow yourselves to be driven out of your good garden in yourselves, rather always wear the clothing (knowledge) of the truth and do not allow it to be robbed from you so that you do not have to be ashamed of yourselves in front of yourselves and also in front of people of your kind (fellow human beings); truly, be careful that you do not become propitious (well-disposed/inclined) towards the untruth and are not overrun by the crowd of unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) if you do not see their secret doings by means of which they want to deceive you, because see, the unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) harbour evil towards you, because they are themselves caught up in it since they have made evil their friend through not being connected to the truth.
29) And if the unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) commit an infamous action (crime) then they think they are in the right because their forefathers and foremothers (ancestors/forebears) had already made the same deed their own which they had commanded themselves to do; but truly, the laws and recommendations of the appearance (nature) and therefore the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation) never command infamous actions (crimes) of any kind whatsoever, neither lovelessness, hatred and revenge nor retaliation, jealousy or outrages of any kind (murder, killing, manslaughter, crimes, torture, act of Gewalt, violation, etc.), nor lovelessness, unpeace and unfreedom (bondage) and dissonance (disharmony); this is taught by the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life so that you may understand and follow it; therefore what do you want to say against the truth if you do not understand it (do not realise it), and what do you want to say about the truth if you know nothing of it?
30) The wellspring of the love (Creation) has recommended (included) equitableness (fairness) in its laws and recommendations and in those of the appearance (nature), therefore you shall search with attentiveness for this equitableness (fairness) and shall follow it at all times, so you are always open in honest knowledge when striving (endeavouring) to search for edification, so that you always return to equitableness (fairness) in the wise that you found it.
31) Truly, a certain proportion amongst you is well led (guided) by the truth, because you have made it your own, but another portion amongst you is in doubt between the truth and untruth, because you do not find the way to the truth, and another portion amongst you has erroneous assumption meted out to you in a fitting wise (own wrong behaviour), because you have made friends with evil and the unfair (irresponsible), as well as with the unrighteous (conscienceless), with Gewalt (terror) and coercion as well as with all terrible things, and you fallaciously assume (believe) that you would be rightly led therewith.
32) People of your kind (human beings), put on your jewellery at any time of your choosing, pursue your enjoyments, visit places of edification and take pleasure in this and that, and eat and drink, but do not exceed the limits (boundaries) in doing this, so that you always do rightful and fair (responsible) things, so you do not get very badly out of the control of the good human nature and do not fall prey to immoderacy.
33) And do not wear jewellery for gods and tin gods, but only in accordance with your fancy for your beauty, and therefore also do not wear jewellery for services to gods and services to tin gods, and not for the priests and other servants (hands/helpers) of gods and tin gods, and also not for the false prophets and those who practise godlinesses (religions) and sub-godlinesses (sects/cults); and do not wear jewellery for the good things and the provision (subsistence) that is given to you through the wellspring of the love (Creation), because truly it does not need your jewellery, and therefore jewellery is only intended for your own requirement for the sake of beauty; and as you act in this wise you are connected to the truth for all the days in this life; and therefore this part of the teaching is given as a sign (evidence) for people of your kind (human beings) who have cognisance of the truth.
34) Truly, through the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation), all disgracefulnesses (badnesses) are not recommended to people of your kind (human beings) through upholding (maintaining) insight (rationality) and true discernment (intellect), neither those which are committed openly (in public) nor those which are done in secret; thus, however, disgracefulnesses (badnesses) are Gewalt (terror) and coercion and everything that you place next to the wellspring of the love (Creation) which you have no right (entitlement) to do; and therefore it is disgracefulness (badness) if you curse the wellspring of the love (Creation) and say things about it which are the untruth and what you do not know of it; and disgracefulness (badness) is inside and outside of you, as well as lovelessness and unpeace, unfreedom (bondage), dissonance (disharmony) and also hatred and pathological craving for revenge, pathological craving for retaliation and jealousy, strife and battle (war), bloody deed (murder), outrage (act of Gewalt and coercion), inequity (unfairness), causing harm to the body and life and the psyche and the inner world (consciousness), as well as misdeeds (crimes) of all kinds.
35) For every action, a time is set at which a reckoning will be demanded for it, and when the hour has come then the demand for reckoning cannot be put off by even one moment, nor can it be postponed, be it by your jurisdiction or through the primal (creative) law of condition (cause) and decision (effect = cause and effect).
36) Consider, if true prophets come to you from your midst who present (teach) you all the signs (evidence) of the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, then they come to point out (reveal) to you the way to the real truth in respect (venerability) so that you may do good deeds through the truth and no fear and no sorrow may come over you over which you cannot prevail (master).
37) Those amongst you, however, who condemn the signs (teaching, the explanations and marvels) of the true prophets and turn yourselves away from them with disdain, you are the inhabitants of an evil fire (unknowledge) and inequity (unfairness) in yourselves, in which you tarry so long until you bethink yourselves.
38) And truly, those amongst you who fabulate (invent) lies against the truth and against the true prophets or who accuse (blame) their signs (marvels) of being lies and deception, you choose your own destiny by afflicting yourselves with unpeace and unfreedom (bondage) as well as lovelessness and dissonance (disharmony) against yourselves, because truly, instead of you turning to the truth, you are accustomed to calling on and praying to gods and tin gods and people of your kind (human beings) despite the fact that you cannot find in them the truth and neither advantage (success) nor disadvantage (loss/damage) therefore you give an evil testimony against yourselves, against your own power and your own action (capability).
39) Those of you who are against the truth, you foment in yourselves a fire of evil and you band together with throngs of people of your kind (like-minded ones); and if one of your throngs meets another throng then you curse one another so that the ones talks badly about the others and yet once again return to doing terrible things together; but you also lead one another into delusion and deceive one another, therefore you are befallen doubly by anguish and the fire of hatred, and no righteous (conscientious) friendship comes about amongst you.
40) And those of you who are against the truth, you are unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) and unfair ones (irresponsible ones) in yourselves and amongst one another, therefore you say to the others that they do not have any benefit (advantage) over you and are even worse than you are, and by doing so you bring forth hatred and strife amongst yourselves and start to strike and to kill one another.
41) Truly, you unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) you condemn all signs (evidence) of certain (actual) truth and turn away from it with disdain, although in doing so you do not realise how you are increasingly closing off your inner world (consciousness) to the true existence (reality) and are withering in your world of thoughts and feelings as well as in your psyche; truthly, you cannot open your firmament of your inner world (consciousness) and cannot go into its firmament (consciousness-levels) in order to fathom them and to gain unfolding (evolutive) advantage (success) from them, and truly a camel would be more likely to pass through the eye of a needle than for you to turn to the truthly truth without you first suffering great and painful harm and a serious calamity because you are truthfully great malefactors and only learn through harm and calamity.
42) And see that it is only if you turn to the truth in good measure and follow the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, and if you learn from it and do good deeds both for yourselves and also for all people of your kind (fellow human beings), who always meet you and who need your help, only then do you cease to burden yourselves with inequity (unfairness) and unrighteousness (consciencelessness) as well as with virtuelessness, so that you find freedom and peace and therefore also consonance (harmony) in your inner world (consciousness) and in its firmaments (consciousness-levels), so you are no longer inhabitants of the shadow world (hell) of evil in yourselves and you can henceforth also dwell in true love in yourselves.
43) And if you are knowing (conscious) in the truth and do good deeds from this, if you confirm (spread) true love and freedom as well as peace and consonance (harmony) in yourselves and outside yourselves amongst people of your kind (fellow human beings), then you do not burden yourselves and people of your kind (fellow human beings) above your and above their ability, so you find wellbeing in your inner world (consciousness) and in your psyche as inhabitants of your inner firmament (levels of consciousness) just as the inner firmaments (levels of consciousness) open for people of your kind (fellow human beings) and allow wellbeing to flood in.
44) Strive to sweep away everything that is in your thoughts and feelings in terms of resentment against people of your kind (next ones), and sweep away everything from in yourselves which burdens you through strife and jealousy, through hatred and pathological craving for revenge as well as through depravity, pathological craving for retaliation and vice, as well as through avarice and pathological craving for recognition (ambition/megalomania) and all other terrible things; prize the true love and freedom in yourselves as well as the peace and consonance (harmony) so that you may be rightly led (guided); and truly, you can only find the right leadership (guidance) if you follow the truth of the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation); consider, that at all times the true prophets only brought to you the truth for you to follow, and never lies; call (say) to yourselves that the true prophets have given you the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life as an inheritance for you to follow it and pass it on to your descendants and for your descendants to pass it on to their own descendants (children's children, etc.) in turn so that you and your descendants and their own descendants (children's children, etc.) are rewarded for what is effected through following the truth-teaching.
45) See, if you follow the truth-teaching then you are inhabitants of the firmament (delight) because you have found what the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation) teach; but if you do not follow the truth-teaching then you are inhabitants of the shadow world (hell/dolefulness) because you cannot find what the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation) teach; and because you cannot find the truth through your own blame since you are connected to the evil and unfairness (irresponsibility), and not connected to the truth, therefore you curse yourselves and turn yourselves into malefactors against the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation).
46) And those of you who are unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) and who are ones who curse the truth, you are at all times busily striving to make people of your kind (fellow human beings) turn away from the right way of the truth which you strive to make crooked so that those who are uncertain or wavering may fall victim to you.
47) Therefore there shall be a separation between you two, between the fair ones (responsible ones) and righteous ones (conscientious ones) and the unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones), this separation taking such a form that it is apparent through the characteristics of consideration (kind of thinking/attitude) which attitude (mentality) you are the child of; however irrespective of which attitude (mentality) you are the child of, respect one another nevertheless so that peace may prevail in you and with you so that you create the firmament of your inner world (consciousness) in goodness as you secretly hope it to be.
48) And if you meet one another and your eyes meet, then keep the peace amongst one another so that you do not kindle a fire of ruin between yourselves and do not commit outrages on one another (are not acting with Gewalt).
49) Truly, whether you are men or women who are attempting to reach heights of cognition and who recognise one another by the characteristics of your attitude (mentality), see to it that you are not arrogant (vain), but that you strive to it that your effort (endeavour) to obtain cognition regarding the truth bears good fruit.
50) And if you follow the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, then you do not have to swear false vows, rather you can show benevolence to yourselves so that you create a paradise in yourselves and no fear of unright and no sorrow comes over you which you are unable to accept.
51) Do not be inhabitants of dread in your firmament of your inner self (nature) in which a fire of erosion burns so that you do not have to pour water (remorse) into the fire, so that you do not burn in your inequity (unfairness) and unrighteousness (consciencelessness); verily, you must protect yourselves against the fire of inequity (unfairness) in you eating you up.
52) But if you take the knowledge of the truth as a pastime and as a game and allow yourselves to be seduced by mortal (earthly/material) life, then you are forgetting yourselves just as much as your unfolding (evolution) of your inner world (consciousness); and therefore you are forgetting the primal (creational) compulsions in yourselves to live according to the truth as you deny the signs (evidence) of the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation).
53) And truly, the true prophets bring you the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, in which their knowledge and their wisdom are explained, so that you may have a guideline (sign-posting/ leading thought) from it and you may gain benevolence (humanity) in yourselves for yourselves and for people of your kind (fellow human beings) by accepting the teaching and understanding its explanations.
54) Do not wait for the warnings of the true prophets to be fulfilled if they predict warning things of the time to come (future), because on the day when the warning call of the prophets comes about it will be too late; do not be of the kind, that, when the predictions are fulfilled, you are obliged to say that you had forgotten the prior warnings of the true prophets and had lent your ear to the false prophets although in fact only the true prophets spoke the truth; truly, if you do not listen to the predictions of the true prophets and they fulfil themselves then you will find no intercessors (attorneys) because you have suggestively and forcefully brought about calamity on yourselves; and truly, when the predicted events come to pass then you cannot turn back (wind back) time in order to undo everything, because it is through your foolishness (irrationality), which you cultivate, that you bring yourselves and the world to ruin, and everything that you present to yourselves as an illusion (fantasise) regarding gods and tin gods and other senseless things will leave you alone (let you down).
55) See, the only thing above you is the wellspring of the love (Creation) which created all firmaments (the universe), all lights in the sky (celestial bodies) and all earths (worlds/planets), and it placed you people of your kind (human beings) on the throne (above everything) so that you shall be keepers (guardians) over the appearance (nature), over all firmaments (the universe) and over all earths (worlds/planets), as well as over all kinds of life (life forms), both when the night conceals the day as well as when the day supersedes the night; and truly as everything is integrated into the wellspring of love (Creation), the sun, the moon and all earths (worlds/planets), the lights in the firmament (celestial bodies in the sky) and all kinds of life (life forms), so everything is under your guardianship for you to take care of it and protect everything in accordance with right, law and recommendation, because you have the loaned rule over it.
56) And truly, you are your own influence (dominance) over yourselves, therefore you shall uphold and honour it also and not fall into submissiveness and not pray to gods and tin gods, neither openly (visibly) nor in concealment, because otherwise you are misdoers against the truth which does not demand (ask for) any submissiveness or worship.
57) And you are given the recommendation that you shall heed and honour the rules and regulations of the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation) and shall not foment chaos on Earth, so that you do not have to call out for hope in fright for regulation to come about on Earth anew.
58) See, the appearance (nature) – which is created through the power of the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation) – carries winds ahead of it as a joyful message when the weather will be good, and it carries heavy clouds when rain is coming so that everything may thrive and the land be moistened if it is dry; and through the raining down of water, plants bring forth fruits of all kinds; and also the waters falling from the sky bring back secluded things (apparently dead things, i.e. withered things) back to life, just as also the spirit-body (spirit-form) will be reawakened (reborn) after the dying of people of your kind (human beings), together with a new individual being (personality) in a new body; may you be conscious of all this truth.
59) And the good land lets plants and vegetation grow and brings forth fruits in abundance, always in accordance with the laws of the primal power (Creation); but of those plants and vegetation that are bad for the good plants and vegetation, they thrive (grow) only meagrely, nevertheless you shall take care that they do not grow out of control and displace good plants and vegetation; therefore pay heed to the signs of the appearance (nature) so that you always do the right thing, so that you harvest good fruits and have sufficient provision (food).
60) And true prophets are sent to you from your midst so that you may hear the truth in all things and live rightfully, and also cultivate (till and plant) the land so that you do not have to fear the misery of hunger (famine).
61) But also be concerned that you do not have to suffer the misery of hunger (famine) if you breed a superfluity of descendants, therefore you shall not multiply like vermin; if you do however breed too many descendants then you are evidently acting in a mistaken wise because by doing so you invoke a calamity in great measure on yourselves, for your wellbeing (health) as well as for your world; and truly it is through your excessive descendants that you bring about great and worldwide battles (wars) and destruction, as well as hardship, misery, calamity and cataclysms in the extent of huge collapses (catastrophes) which you cannot set anything against, so you are helpless.
62) Be certain (knowing) that this will be the case if you do not do rightfully, because the true prophets do not foretell any erroneous assumptions, because they are the ones who know the time to come (future) and the time to come (farther future) and the time to come after the time to come (even farther future).
63) And the true prophets bring to you the message of what they have fathomed and learned about the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation), and what they have learned from their foresight into the time to come (future), on the basis of which they give you sincere counsel, because they know many things that you do not know.
64) Therefore, do not be surprised that admonishments come to you through the true prophets who have arisen out of your midst, that they warn you and admonish you to be righteous (conscientious) and fair (responsible) and compassionate towards people of your kind (fellow human beings) and for all kinds of life (life forms), for the appearance (nature) and for your earth.
65) Therefore, do not accuse the true prophets of falseness (deviousness), because they want to save you from your inequity (unfairness) and unaccountability (consciencelessness) and virtuelessness, and truly they offer you an ark (boat of rescue) so that you may not drown in evil, in your lovelessness and unfreedom (bondage), but also in your dissonance (disharmony) and in unpeace, because you reject all signs (evidence) of the truth and truly smite yourselves with blindness.
66) Turn to the truth, because in the end you have no other way (possibility), because your ultimate destination is defined in the unfolding (evolution) of your inner world (consciousness), if only you would comprehend this.
67) Do not be ones unknowing of the truth as individuals and as a people, like your heads (authorities/mightful ones/governing ones) are ones unknowing of the truth, so you are not prejudiced in foolishness (irrationality) like them and so you do not consider the true prophets to be liars, so that you also do not, in submissiveness, fall prey to lying before people of your kind (human beings) and before gods and tin gods and false prophets, priests and other servants (hands/helpers).
68) Know that there is no foolishness (irrationality) in the true prophets, but rather they are out of their own initiative proclaimers of the truth of the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation).
69) The true prophets bring you the message of the truth, and they are your sincere and true counsellors.
70) Do not be surprised that they come to you to give you an admonition when they state to you your time to come (future), which you are willing to terribly run into in your undiscernment (unintellect); and do not be surprised that the true prophets come from your midst and have more knowledge and wisdom than you, but consider that they have determined (selected) themselves to do this and therefore they have also fathomed and learned the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation) and of its appearance (nature), so that they warn you about what will happen if you do not follow the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life and thereby create a disaster; and think of the time of your existence (life) which you shall use to become knowing (conscious) and wise so that you may manage the inheritance that has been benignly (benevolently) given to you as Earth and each kind of life (life form) as well as all firmaments (the universe) and as earths (worlds/planets) and lights in the firmament (celestial bodies), so you are put in place as their guardians (protectors); and consider the constitution of your body which enables you to stand above all animals and above all creatures so that you may intentionally (consciously) unfold (evolve) in your inner world (consciousness), something which is only possible to you alone as people of your kind (human beings).
71) And the true prophets come to you so that you may meet the wellspring of the love (Creation), and everything that it has created, in veneration (deference), and not worship and pray to gods and tin gods or people of your kind (human beings); and truly you shall not worship and shall not pray to people of your kind (human beings) but, if they are worthy of it, you shall only show them deference as well as esteem and dignity; and consider that the true prophets indeed bring you admonishments and the truth-teaching, because they are truthful, but they do not bring you anything with which they threaten you, because if terrible things threaten you then you yourselves create threats in the wise that you do things which are wrong, by means of which the threats are fulfilled.
72) True prophets have never brought down punishment or rage on you, they also do not dispute with you about the truth and its name (the outstanding) as you do this and as your forefathers and foremothers (ancestors/ forebears) did it, although they had not received authority to do this from anywhere, just as you have not either; and because you do this, you remain amongst the waiting ones (ones unknowing of the truth) until you bethink yourselves and you turn to the truth.
73) The true prophets are attempting with their teaching of the truth, their teaching of the spirit, their teaching of the life to rescue you in benevolence (humanity) from all the harm, the misery and the hardship and from everything that you bring about deliberately and unfairly as well as unrighteously (in consciencelessness) in virtuelessness through lacking the knowledge of the truth, but you cut off the last twigs and branches from the tree on which you are sitting, because you repudiate the signs (evidence) of the truth and are unknowing in the truth.
74) Truly, turn to the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation), and also to the laws and recommendations of its appearance (nature), because apart from these laws and recommendations there are no others through which all of the existence (life) with regard to the condition (cause) and decision (effect = cause and effect) would be determined; truly, right from the very start of your existence, clear signs (evidence) of the truth of the wellspring of the love (Creation) and its decision (nature), as well as of its laws and recommendations, have come to you so that you may recognise (see) them and follow the truth; therefore allow yourselves to be instructed (taught) in the truth so that you may follow all love-power (the creational) and you do not bring about any harm to yourselves, as you do not have to suffer anything painful in yourselves.
75) And consider the earth on which you are dwelling and which is given to you benignly (benevolently) as an inheritance so that you may build your dwellings and palaces upon its plains or so you can dig them into the mountains in order to be protected against the weather (elements); do rightfully in these things and do not rob land from one another, neither the plains nor the mountains nor the dwelling places, but do rightly and fairly in all things so that you do not commit any unright whatsoever on Earth and do not foment any chaos.
76) And therefore do not elect arrogant (vain ones) and godly (religious/sectarian) heads (authorities/rulers/mightful ones) for your peoples, because they are weak and are believers in gods and tin gods, for which reason they issue evil laws and bring about (incite) battles (wars) through which many people of your kind (human beings) are killed (murdered) and also great destruction is brought about, quite apart from the fact that such heads (authorities/rulers and mightful ones) are responsible for much hardship and misery, unfreedom (bondage), unpeace and dissonance (disharmony); be certain (knowing) that they are delegates of their own evil in themselves and that they truly do not accept the truth which is brought to them by the prophets.
77) The arrogant (vain) and godly (religious/sectarian) heads (authorities/rulers/mightful ones) of your peoples do not care themselves about the truth and equitableness (fairness) either, nor do they care themselves about righteousness (conscientiousness), peace, freedom and consonance (harmony) in the people and for the people, as it is in the nature of those heads (authorities/rulers/mightful ones) to raise themselves up into their area (position) through outrage (Gewalt/murder/crimes/bribery), etc.
78) And these heads (authorities/rulers/mightful ones) defy your desires with commands of Gewalt (terror) which they instruct to be carried out upon you by their henchmen, and they threaten horrible things to you if you fail to follow their commands which are meted out by their envoys; therefore they have you tormented (tortured) or killed if you act contrary to what they are demanding from you in inequity (unfairness).
79) And if you are struck by an earthquake such that you are stretched out on the ground (dead) in your dwellings in the morning, then they instruct their henchmen to rob you even in death so that they can enrich themselves with your possessions, as is also done by many unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones), unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and virtueless ones who belong to godlinesses (religions) and sub-godlinesses (sects/cults) and undertake robbing of corpses (body stripping), which is something that ones knowing of the truth, righteous ones (conscientious ones), fair ones (responsible ones) and virtuous ones never do.
80) Do not follow these unfair ones (irresponsible ones), unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) and virtueless ones, rather follow the truth-teaching which is brought to you by the true prophets as a message of the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation); this message alone offers you sincere counsel and shows you the way for leading (guiding) existence (life), therefore you shall listen to the sincere counsel that the prophets give to you as true counsellors.
81) Follow the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life so that you do not commit any infamous actions (crimes) and are not worse and do not commit even more despicable actions, such as no-one before you in the world has committed.
82) Do not be excessive in your mode of the life and do not engage in desires (vice/wantonness/pathological cravings/urges); and if you have congress (sexual intercourse) as a man with a man, or as a woman with a woman, or man and woman together then keep discipline over yourselves (self-control) so that you do what is rightful.
83) And always be a people and of one sense for progression (progress) and prosperousness (success), as well as with regard to upholding the peace and everything that is good and of value; and never drive people of your kind (fellow human beings) out of your houses, hamlets (villages) or cities through hatred or jealousy, through unpeace, revenge, retaliation or for any other reasons of unrighteousness (consciencelessness) and inequity (unfairness), but keep yourselves clean (free) from such activities.
84) And if strangers come to you from other peoples and search for protection with you, then take them in, provide for (feed and clothe) them and offer them safety and activity (work) if they can show (prove) that they are persecuted and their body and life have been threatened; also, do not leave those behind (leave helpless) who are able to show (prove) that they need your help.
85) Provide for (feed and clothe) those who give you signs (evidence) of their poverty (need) so that things may be fair to them and you, and so that no powerful rain of disgust (inhumanity) may sweep down over you which will drown you in shame and guilt, such that you find a miserable end in the estimation of people of your kind (fellow human beings).
86) Truly, kindheartedness and beneficence towards people of your kind (fellow human beings) is a clear sign (evidence) of your dignity and puts you on a par with benevolence (humanity); therefore give at all time in full measure (ampleness/sufficiency) and full weight (extent) and do not reduce the belongings (possessions) of people of your kind (fellow human beings), just as you shall not foment chaos on Earth or unpeace amongst people of your kind (human beings); keep your world in all things in regulation so that you do not destroy it and your space (dwelling space).
87) And do not threateningly lie in wait on each way for people of your kind (fellow human beings) because you want to make those turn away from the way of the truth who are striving for the truth and fulfilment of the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation); do not try to make their way crooked (to lead them away from the way), and remember that through your wrong doings you increase the calamity in yourselves and you will be befallen by unpleasant things if you foment chaos and unpeace and lead those away from the right way who are searching for the truth.
88) There are some amongst you who believe that the true prophets are envoys of a good god or tin god, and others who believe that they are envoys of the evil one (devil) of all abysses (hell), but whatever you believe, you are wrong in your belief (assumptions), because there are neither gods nor tin gods, nor evil as an individual being (devil as person/Wesenheit); however exercise patience and learn so that you experience the truth and are able to decide between it and your belief (assumptions), because you alone are the true determiners over whether you want to open your ears to the truth or to the untruth.
89) And as you yourselves must decide between the truth and untruth, the same must also be done by your heads (authorities/rulers/mightful ones); even if they still want to deny the truth and drive it out (eradicate it) in order to wallow in their own might; and therefore they secretly foment unpeace and resistance amongst you (in the people) against the true prophets so that you drive them out of your hamlets (villages) and cities and chase them across the country, so you return to your avowal (belief) in gods and tin gods and in your heads (authorities/rulers/mightful ones), also then if you do not have the volition to do this, in which case they then wreak Gewalt (terror) on you.
90) And like those amongst you who fabulate (invent) your lies against the truth and against the true prophets, your heads (authorities/rulers/mightful ones) do the same as people of your kind (as you), so you are not rescued by the truth which would make things fine in your existence (life), instead you are subjugated through the lie of the untruth and the heads (authorities/rulers/mightful ones) who maliciously exploit you and coerce you into hatred and pathological craving for revenge and pathological craving for retaliation, so that they can misuse you for battles (wars) and destruction and you become manslayers (murderers); and also the false prophets teach you the same thing and lie saying that it is not seemly for you to lend your ear to the true prophets or not to return to the belief in gods and tin gods and the heads (authorities/rulers/mightful ones); and the false prophets have the audacity to lie – as do your heads (authorities/rulers/mightful ones) – that it is the gods and tin gods who want everything according to their will and that their knowledge encompasses all things which is why you should place your trust in them, therefore you shall decide between them and the teaching of the prophets, the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life; therefore, however, they say you should decide according to their sense, according to what they want, so that you are not the ones who take the decision but rather them, the false prophets and heads (authorities/rulers/mightful ones).
91) Your heads (authorities/rulers/mightful ones) who believe in gods and tin gods, and your false prophets who are truly no prophets, and their priests and other servants (hands/helpers) of gods and tin gods lead you into servitude (bondage) and into the truth-unknowledge and they lie that you are the lost ones if you follow the truth-teaching of the true prophets; truly, they misuse you as slaves for their dark purposes (plans) so that they may exploit and deceive you through teachings of the lie; and they lie that it has been commanded by gods and tin gods for you to exert punishment on fallible ones and that you shall harm their body and life and their psyche and their inner life (consciousness); and they also lie that the gods and tin gods have commanded that you must wage battles (war) and kill (murder) and destroy by falling upon your next ones, people of your kind (fellow human beings) and other peoples with pillage, robbery, defilement (violation) and bloodthirstiness (killing) and mete out evil revenge and retaliation in hatred, or that you commit outrages (acts of Gewalt/torture/murder, etc.) in voracity for the riches of Earth (resources/mineral deposits) and for land and water; but truly, if you follow these false teachings of false prophets and of your heads (authorities/rulers/mightful ones) then you are lost to the truth, because the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation) and of its appearance (nature) only teach true love and freedom for every kind of life (life form), as well as peace and consonance (harmony), and in no wise the opposite.
92) And truly, if you follow the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life then you are following the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation) and of its appearance (nature), whereas those amongst you who follow the false teaching of the false prophets cast yourselves downwards into the darkness of your unknowledge of the truth, so that on the morning of cognition (when you recognise the truth) it is as if you are struck by an earthquake and are stretched out on the ground in shame (shaken down to the ground).
93) As you are attached to the false prophets and denounce the true prophets of lying, so you take the truth away from yourselves (make the truth a stranger to yourselves), so you make yourselves into lost ones and fall into delusion.
94) Therefore turn away from the false prophets and from their gods and tin gods so that you connect yourselves with the message of the truth and may find sincere counsel with the true prophets who do not sadden you as the false prophets do and the priests and other servants (hands/helpers) of gods and tin gods who lead you into delusion and make you beg and supplicate for help and goodness, for which you never receive any premium (gain/benefit).
95) Wherever false prophets appear, you as inhabitants of Earth, your hamlets (villages) and cities and everywhere are befallen by hardship and misery and by tribulation, battle (war), punishment and death and destruction due to their false teachings of the lie, because truthly they humiliate you and demand that you prostrate yourselves before their gods and tin gods and bloodthirsty (murderous) laws, as also do false heads (authorities/ rulers/mightful ones) and priests as well as other servants of gods and servants of tin gods who bewitch you with their belief (assumptions) and rob you of your own freedom (autonomy), peace, love and consonance (harmony).
96) Take your terrible state (condition) of belief in godlinesses (religions) and sub-godlinesses (sects/cults) as well as in false prophets and false heads (authorities/ruler/mightful ones) and change it into a good state (condition) so that you may gain a great wealth of truthly knowledge and wisdom and love, as well as of your own inner freedom and peace and consonance (harmony), so you switch from sorrow to joy and you are unexpectedly seized by happiness.
97) If you are righteous (conscientious) and you strive for the truth of the laws and recommendations of the well-spring of the love (Creation), then fruitfulnesses (wellbeing) will be opened to you by your firmament (consciousness) and your earth (psyche) which will exceed all your wishes; but if you are unrighteous (conscienceless) and you do not strive then you will persist in the state (condition) of inner misery and inner hardship, because you realise (create) in yourselves what you acquire through what you do and how you guide your thoughts and feelings.
98) Do right at all times and do not fear the truth so that you are not inhabitants of your own inequity (unfairness) and unrighteousness (consciencelessness), so that you do not create punishment in yourselves which comes (breaks in) over you in the daytime whilst you are awake or at night when you are sleeping.
99) And do not be inhabitants of your own state (condition) of evil in yourselves, so that no punishment comes (breaks in) over you from out of yourselves neither in the day nor at night, nor in the early hours of the morning, nor in the early hours of the evening, not in the morning and not in the afternoon, neither when you are working or playing or taking enjoyment.
100) Never be sure in the face of evil and of the deceiving intentions (purposes) of the false prophets, because you can never feel secure when confronted by them, since they condemn you to downfall (unsatisfaction) through their lies and false teachings just like the priests and other servants of gods and servants of tin gods do in order to enslave you (place you in bondage) and exploit you, so that they can lead a life in pathological craving for admiration (pathological craving for glory/conceitedness/vanity) and in debauchery.