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Chapter 4 (201-230)GOBLET OF THE TRUTH

Chapter 4

201) So that you may be knowing (conscious) in the truth, you shall turn yourselves away from your gods and tin gods and from your priests and other servants of gods and servants of tin gods who all together speak slanders (calumnies) against the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) and against the true prophets and their teaching.

202) Truly, those amongst you who are in disunity and doubt regarding the real truth and its teaching, you do not have truthful (unfalsified) tidings from the truth-teaching, rather you are simply following a conceivableness (assumption) and you cannot turn this into certainty.

203) Those amongst you who live in unright and do evil and slander and infringe against the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring (Creation), forbid yourselves your wrong doing and only permit yourselves to do what is rightful, so that you no longer remain secessionists from the truth and only do clear things.

204) And if you speak about the truth and teach it, then do not take payment for it, because you shall not be allowed to turn the truth-teaching into commerce when you are teaching (instructing) it to the ones who are unknowing in the truth and therefore to the ones who are searching for the truth; only take a payment for this if it is given to you out of love and kindheartedness and given freely as a gift without your asking for it; and therefore you shall only take a payment in order to pay your costs which accrue to you when you are producing writings for which you yourselves have to give a payment; and in this wise the payment is rightful so that you do not suffer any disadvantage and may further spread the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life.

205) And it is not allowed for the ones who are truth-knowing to be recompensed as teachers for instructing the people in the truth-teaching by their municipality (community) or by the people (state), unless those who are thirsting for truth freely give forth gifts so that the instructing ones (teachers) may cover their living expenses.

206) And it is rightful that you do not pay false prophets and priests and other servants of gods and servants of tin gods, and do not build for them any temples (houses of gods and houses of tin gods) or houses of prayer, so that they do not become mighty over the peoples (humankind) and lead them into delusion and plunder (exploit) them with their false teachings; truly, if you pay the false prophets, the priests and other worshippers of gods and worshippers of tin gods, and if you build for them temples (houses of gods/houses of tin gods), then they will take you and turn you into their servants in belief and will steal your possessions and your wealth (fortune), because their guilefulness knows no limits (is boundless).

207) And instruct (teach) your descendants amongst yourselves in the teaching of the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of all love (Creation), the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, once they have grown out of feeding at the mother’s breast (suckling) so that, even from an early age, they may be knowing (conscious) in dealing with the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of all love (Creation) and with the laws of the appearance (nature); but the instruction shall be an instruction only, not however a coercion, so that the descendants may decide for themselves at a later age whether they wish to follow the truth-teaching or not.

208) And it is rightful that children shall be taught (instructed) in the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life at special places of learning (schools) based on free determination (decision); however, all instructing ones and preparing ones (educating ones) shall be concerned with instructing (teaching) the children in the truth-teaching so that they may find the true way to the existence (life) and may tread and fulfil (accomplish) it in equitableness (fairness) and righteousness (conscientiousness) as well as in the truth-knowledge and in all virtues.

209) You shall teach your children so that they are firmly grounded (taught) in the knowledge of all things of the existence (life) and in the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, therefore also in the things of the life, dying and death, so that they do not worry about life and do not have one iota of uncertainty and so that the greatest reward of the life may be granted to them.

210) Truly, the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life is grounded (founded) on the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all life (Creation) and it is created by Nokodemion, the originator of the truth-teaching, and therefore after his demise (passing away) the true prophets from his line revealed the teaching again and anew over lengthy periods of time, so that true love and consonance (harmony) as well as peace and freedom shall be amongst all people of your kind (humankind).

211) The true prophets have come to you since time immemorial, amongst others who raised themselves up as false prophets, bringing teachings of unoccurrence (unreality) and founded many religions through which the many cults came about, all of which are far from the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal power of all things (Creation).

212) The true prophets have been, since time immemorial, bringers of joyful news through the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, and therefore they are also admonishers and reveal plagues (misery/want/war/fight/unfortune, etc.) and disaster (catastrophes/destruction, etc.) for the coming time so that you consider them and change your actions and effects and your attitude (mentality) and lead them to the good so that the things do not occur which had been announced (proclaimed) by the true prophets as a warning of threatening plagues (misery/want/war/fight/unfortune, etc.) and troubles (evil happenings) and disaster (catastrophes/destruction, etc.).

213) The true prophets provide evidence through their revelations, through their teaching that they bring you, and through their signs (marvels) that they allow you to see that only the truth of the laws and recommendations of the Creation is able to guide everything in mightiness (mightfully) in all firmaments (universe) and on all earths (worlds/planets) and the heavenly lights (celestial bodies/suns/galaxies).

214) However, those amongst you who are unknowing in all things of the truth-teaching, truly, you have gone far astray, so you are persisting in the unknowledge about the truth and carrying out unright, so you cannot forgive yourselves and neither may you guide yourselves onto the right way.

215) Truly, if you are unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) and ones without virtue, then you are walking on the way of the shadow world (hell) which destroys you in your inner and burns you up in its flames.

216) Be knowing (conscious) that the true prophets come to you so that you become open to the truth and may be able to differentiate between what is good and what is evil, and so that you do only good for yourselves and for people of your kind (fellow human beings) and keep yourselves away from everything disastrous that you are able to commit in evil through hatred and the pathological craving for revenge, and through retaliation and jealousy.

217) Consider at all times the truth and the laws and recommendations of the power of all reality (Creation) and open your ear to the teaching of the prophets as you shall also heed their signs (marvels) that they do so that you may recognise the truth of all truth and be connected to it alone.

218) And when you think of the prophets, then make sure not to insult them by putting them on a level with false prophets and the priests of gods and tin gods to whom you pay homage (show extolment), because the true prophets do not tolerate any homage (extolment/glorification) and reject such doings; consider, all of the gods and tin gods are fabulated (invented) unsubstantialities without character (body/consistency/content), to whom equally no homage shall be paid as also not to their priests and other servants (hands/helpers) of any gods and tin gods, but also not to any other people of your kind (human beings), whoever and whatever and however they may be.

219) And do not pay homage to (glorify) either concoctors (founders/originators/creators) of pieties (religions) or concoctors (founders/originators/creators) and provosts of pious (religious) customs and rites (sects/cults), because they are only servants (hands/helpers) of fabulated (invented) gods and tin gods or of those who raise themselves up as gods and tin gods or to the state of heightened ones (sublime ones).

220) And therefore do not pay homage to (bow down before) any battle leaders (warlords), because their deeds are evil and against the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of all wisdom (Creation) concerning the life, love, freedom, peace, consonance (harmony) and the preservation of everything created by people of your kind (human beings); and if authorities and rulers or battle leaders (warlords) instigate battles (wars) then stand as a whole people in gewaltsamer Gewaltlosigkeit against them and refuse them your services, because every type of battle (war) is against the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all existence (Creation), against the dignity of people of your kind (human beings) and against all the right of the life, which teaches that there shall be no killing (murdering) in Ausartung, but only then if a life-threatening emergency (self-defence) makes it necessary; however, a life-threatening emergency (self-defence) does not arise through acts of battle (acts of war) and the like, because truly acts of battle (acts of war) amount to bloody deeds (murder) committed in consciousness (consciously).

221) And therefore it is also a bloody deed (murder) to cast away one’s own life (commit suicide) in the delusion of godliness (religious delusion) and also through pious (religious) hatred and pious (religious) fervour (fanaticism), in order thereby to rip others out of the life (into the death) by these means (assassination).

222) And consider that the laws and recommendations of the primal power of all life (Creation) also do not give any right to wage holy (consecrated) battles (wars) against people of your kind (fellow human beings) because falsifiers of scrolls are slandering (calumniating) the teaching of the prophets and bringing dishonour upon it and making you stupid thereby; and also it is not given by any laws and recommendations of the primal power of all life (Creation) that you shall wage holy (consecrated) battles (wars) for the purpose of godliness (religious war) in order to coerce (proselytise) believers in gods or tin gods to your belief (assumptions); and therefore it is beneath all right of the laws and recommendations of the primal power of all life (Creation) to bring about calamity and spread death and destruction amongst people of your kind (fellow human beings) through pious (religious) Gewalt (terror) so that people of your kind (fellow human beings) suffer harm to body and life and possessions as well as in their inner world (consciousness) and psyche; truly, the dignified (honoured/controlled) battle (war) presented by the true prophets and through their teaching is the holy (consecrated) battle (war) against yourselves, the fight against yourselves in your inner nature so that you form it for righteousness (conscientiousness) and equitableness (fairness) as well as greatheartedness (dignity) and esteem, and so that all-embracing love and consonance (harmony) as well as peace and freedom may come about in you in dignity and deference.

223) And never exceed the limits of the life which are set so that you may heed all life and treat it in respect, whether it be people of your kind (human) or the life of animals and of creatures (birds/fishes/snakes and all creatures that are not regarded as mammals); and as you kill animals or creatures (birds/fishes/snakes and all creatures that are not regarded as mammals) for your nourishment, do not slaughter (kill) them disgracefully by cutting through the neck of the animals or creatures (kosher/halal slaughter), as you are confusingly led to do by false prophets and priests and servants of gods and servants of tin gods, because doing this to animals and creatures (birds/fishes/snakes and all creatures that are not regarded as mammals) is just as much of a murderer's doing (killer's doing) as when you do the same to people of your kind (human beings); therefore it is taught that killing animals and creatures is indeed rightful for you providing it serves the need for obtaining nourishment or amounts to another act of necessity, but at the same time it is given that the animal or creature shall not undergo any pain, but that it shall be killed in such a wise that it does not realise that it is dying; and therefore neither an animal nor a creature shall be struck or mistreated in another wise or exposed to torments because it too has a psyche, and therefore the animal and the creature also feel pain and suffering like people of your kind (human beings).

224) And just as you shall pay heed to animals and creatures, so you shall also pay heed to your world and not bring affliction or pain on it by bringing misery upon it (harassing it) through your unfolding (progress) and your gains (achievements) and by the large numbers of people of your kind (humankind); and do not go forth and multiply like vermin, because as vermin destroys itself when it spreads uncontrolled, so would also happen to you by you bringing about your own downfall.

225) And do not exceed the limits in your knowledge and always remain with the truth, because as you exceed your knowledge you bring your inner world (consciousness) and your true discernment (intellect) into confusion and you fall prey to megalomania, so that you then drive people of your kind (humankind) and your world to downfall (catastrophes).

226) And think about the truth at all times, namely that true prophets are not envoys of a god or tin god and are not servants (hands/helpers) of priests and other servants of gods and servants of tin gods, because they appoint themselves to their task (mission) through their own efforts (determination/empowerment) and through their own power and responsibility, so you shall not assume anything else.

227) And consider that if you know all about this truth of the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life that emanates from the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all wisdom (Creation) then you will give a full reward for your inner world (consciousness) and your psyche, as also for your inner nature so that you may be in gladness full of happiness in true love, peace and freedom and consonance (harmony).

228) However, there are many amongst you who mistreat your inner nature and therefore your inner world (consciousness) and your psyche, making killers’ pits (murderers’ pits) out of it because you do not follow the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of the life (Creation) but nonsensically create your own and false laws and recommendations which deny all truth so that you can thereby satisfy all of your voracity and vice, your avarice, your unrighteousness (consciencelessness) and your inequity (unfairness/irresponsibility).

229) You do not give any grace (favour) to the truth that you can increase, rather you disdain it and you are proud that you can live according to your own unfair (irresponsible) laws and recommendations; but all of you who live according to this false sign (pattern), you will find neither a true friend nor a helper amongst people of your kind (fellow human beings).

230) All of you, since you came into existence (were created as human beings) have been given the signs of miracles (outstanding things) as the evidence of the reality (existence) of the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of all wisdom (Creation) and the laws of appearance (nature), therefore a clear light of the truth has been given to you; allow yourselves to be led by the light of the truth so that it may go well with you in all things of existence (life); therefore, you are advised to follow the instruction of the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life so that you may be fair and righteous (conscientious) and virtuous and all of you may be treated alike, man and woman and child, and that you are rightful to them in all things; and do not play one off against another, but respect one another in honourableness and equality so that none of you may be more than another, whether man or woman or child; therefore one shall not receive more than another, but everything shall be apportioned to all in equitableness (fairness) with equal proportions, as must be arranged by the apportionment and the right thereto; therefore the equal distribution also applies to heritages so that male and female descendants receive equal shares of their inheritance, without any differentiation.

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