Chapter 3
201) If you throw away your life and you die at your own hand or that of hired murderers, whatever the reason for this may be, then truly that is inexcusable for you since such actions are a breach of the law of the life which says that you shall not kill in Ausartung; robbing yourselves of the life and therefore killing (murdering) yourselves or having yourselves assassinated by hired killers (murderers) means killing in Ausartung and is a breach against all laws and recommendations of the life which do not give motivation or teach in favour of death and ruin, but rather the maintenance of the life (affirmation of the life) in all its twists and turns (kinds/forms).
202) And if you should be slain or otherwise killed (murdered) because of the truth, then it is truly better to forgive those who are against you in this wise and to follow their demand for silence and to keep the truth in yourselves, than to be separated from the truth; but be certain (knowing) that you are not commanded to have yourselves slain or otherwise killed (murdered) on behalf of the truth, because it is recommended to you that you shall consider (decide) yourselves what your foreordination (destiny) shall be; however, consider that being slain or otherwise being killed because of the truth is against the laws and recommendations of the creative (Creation) and it is consequently permitted to maintain a distance (not to spread the truth-teaching or teach it in any other wise) outwardly from the adversaries of the truth, and only to care for the truth in your own inner world (consciousness) and in your thoughts so that you may be sure of your life; truly, it is better to keep quiet about the truth than to be slain or otherwise killed (murdered) because of it, because it is certain that at a later time the truth can once again be disclosed when there is no longer any danger of losing one's life; therefore you shall not allow yourselves to be slain or otherwise killed (murdered) because of the truth, but instead show yourselves amenable through silence whilst however safeguarding your knowledge of the truth in yourselves and leading your existence in the sense of the truth, only to break your silence when you are out of danger.
203) For the sake of benevolence (humanity) and equitableness (fairness) and truth, be gentle to all those who are against you and against the teaching of the truth, because if you were to be harsh and hard to them then they would curse you and insult you; forgive all those who are against you and against the truth and try to consult with them in trust so that they may become better disposed towards you; and therefore it may be that you consult them in questions of administration of any particular things so that they become aware of your trust and carry the insight; and if they have decided in favour of you and for goodness, then place even more trust in them and you will win friendship with them.
204) If you are upstanding and fair and place trust in yourselves, then no-one will prevail over you with unright and inequity (unfairness), but if you abandon your steadfastness and your being fair and you lose your trust then no-one can help you, and the unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and fraudulent ones will gain Gewalt over you.
205) Act at all times like the true prophets who are incapable of acting dishonourably, but if you act dishonourably and you defraud the truth then the time will come about in which harm arises in yourselves and you are tormented by lovelessness and unpeace as well as by unfreedom and divisiveness (disharmony); each of your actions will be fully paid back to you in some wise or other according to what you merit, both in good and evil and in right and unright.
206) Truly if you go for the pleasure of the truth, then you will also reap pleasure from people of your kind (human beings), but if you draw down the rage of people of your kind (human beings) on yourselves then you will kindle a dwelling of the shadow world (hell) in yourselves for your thoughts and feelings, therefore your inner world (consciousness) and your psyche will become sorrowful.
207) Truly, if you are knowing of the truth and its teaching, then as ones who have knowledge of the truth you only have different levels with different sublevels in terms of (according to) the scope of knowledge, but you do not have any levels as people of your kind (human beings), because you are all equal.
208) As you are all equal as people of your kind (human beings), so are also the prophets who are always people of your kind (human beings), even if their knowledge about the truth of the creative (Creation) and the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life exceeds your own knowledge many times over; and the true prophets always show their courage, as you shall also prove your courage in recognising the truth, accepting it and speaking it aloud; consider at all times: only the brave ones, the fair ones (responsible ones) and the righteous ones (conscientious ones) speak the truth, whereas the fainthearted ones, the unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and the unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) remain far from the truth and do not have the attitude (mentality) to speak it aloud.
209) The true prophets give you grace (kindheartedness) when they arise from your midst and give you signs (evidence) of the truth and present the word of the truth of the creative (Creation) before you; therefore you are recommended to cleanse your striving and to learn the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life from the your true prophets so that you may be free from the false teachings of false prophets and their gods and tin gods, as well as also from their priests and other servants of gods and servants of tin gods.
210) If a calamity strikes you in your inner world (consciousness) as well as in your thoughts and feelings and in your psyche in a simple or double wise, then consider that it comes from you yourselves, because you truly have the might in yourselves over all of your own things.
211) And to enable you to distinguish the pretenders (hypocrites) from the upstanding ones, fight with the words of the truth against them and put them to the proof and test so that you understand how to recognise their attitude (mentality) because they only speak with their mouth, but not with truth of knowledge, so they are going astray in their speaking.
212) And do not follow those who are pretending (hypocritical), because they do not keep death away from themselves, instead they kill themselves in chickenheartedness (cowardice) when they are sick of the life or when it is difficult for them and they do not want to bear the difficulty of existence; truly, those who are sunk into chickenheartedness (cowardice) are close to the unlife (misery) and the untruth, but they do not want to accept it.
213) If those who came before you (ancestors/forebears) had listened to the truth-teaching of the true prophets, then they would not have slain and killed (murdered) one another, just as they would have kept death away from themselves and would not have laid a hand on their own life (committed suicide), because truly the teaching of the veritable (true/genuine) prophets teaches the empowerment for life and maintaining it, not however strangulation, nor slaying or spilling blood (committing murder) of another kind or the chickenhearted (cowardly) flight into death at one's own hand or that of an assassin.
214) And if people of your kind (human beings) amongst you are slain or otherwise killed (murdered), then the reprehensible (villainous) actions of the murderers shall be punished in the form that the woman is separated from the man or the man is separated from the woman (excluded from society and from the other sex) and ostracised (separated/cast out/outlawed/banished) for life or for another suitable period at a place of fulfilment of guidelines (secluded region or island), according to the severity of the bloody deed (murder); and truly, it shall not be permitted for those who commit bloody deeds (murderers) to go unpunished, rather it shall be that they are punished and taken to a place of fulfilment of guidelines (secluded regions or islands); therefore it shall not be permitted either for the reprehensible (villainous) deeds of the murderers to be remedied and amends made for them by blood money (blood gelt) thereby escaping punishment and a place of fulfilment of guidelines (secluded regions or islands); however it is also not permitted to pay back in kind and demand blood for blood, and therefore not to slay or throttle murderers either, just as they must not be hanged, stoned or killed (murdered) by poison, neither shall they be decapitated nor killed (murdered) in any other wise because such acts are the same as the bloody deed (murder) and are based in revenge and in retaliation which are against the laws and recommendations of the life and the creative (Creation).
215) And if children and young people (youths) amongst you make themselves guilty of a bloody deed (murder) then they shall be taken for punishment and to a place of fulfilment of guidelines (secluded region or island) in the same wise as for those who have grown up (adults), thus a lifetime or other appropriate period in the place of fulfilment of guidelines (punishment by separation from society for a certain time), determined according to the severity of the bloody deed (murderous deed), also applies for them.
216) Do not think that those who are slain or otherwise killed (murdered) for the truth or untruth will enter into the presence of a paradise of a god or tin gods because no-one receives this who enters into the life of death (death-life) because truly, with dying, a person of your kind (human being) ceases to exist, because death brings dissolution to the activity (energy), and out of this a new person of your kind (human being/personality) with a new inner world (consciousness) is created; and it is taught that the spirit-body (spirit-form) of people of your kind (human beings) is a tiny dot (minute thing) of activity (energy) of the Creation and is not bound to death so that this is existing in the realm of the invisible (other world) and shows (manifests) itself in renewal (rebirth) once again in a new person of your kind (human being).
217) If you follow the laws and recommendations of the truth of the Creation, then you are granting yourselves delight and grace (kindheartedness), therefore you are full of joy when you follow the truth, and truly you will have neither fear nor sorrow which you are not capable of mastering.
218) And truly you will be full of joy about the truth if you lead your existence in it, and therefore the reward for this will not be lost to you.
219) Those amongst you who follow the call and the teaching of the prophets after having lived in dark unknowledgeness and received evil wounds to your inner world (consciousness) and in your thoughts and feelings as well as in your psyche, you will reap a great reward if you do good and act rightfully.
220) It is probable that unknowing ones and unfair ones (irresponsible ones) as well as unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) have gathered around you, but do not be afraid of them, rather let their bad deeds strengthen you and give fullness (sufficiency) to the teaching of the truth so that the truth itself will be a comprehensive protection for you.
221) Return to the truth-teaching and to the laws and recommendations of the Creation with kindheartedness and understanding, so that no disastrous things will strike you and you will find pleasure in true life, because you are yourselves those who show esteem, favour and mildness to yourselves.
222) Do not be afraid of evil and its friends who wish to frighten you with misdeeds; only be afraid of committing misdeeds and inequity (unfairness) and unrighteousness (consciencelessness) yourselves when you are ones who have knowledge of the truth.
223) Do not allow yourselves to be afflicted by those who quickly fall prey to evil and unrightfulness, because indeed they cannot harm the truth and yourselves in any wise if you remain steadfast; always be willing to give them a share of your knowledge so that they do not have to continue in unknowledge and in their cursedness and therefore do not have to persist in their inequity (unfairness).
224) It is certain that those who have bartered unknowledgeness and delusional teachings for the truth in order to gain a belief in a god or tin gods, that they cannot harm you or the truth in any wise if you are steadfast in the knowledge of the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life and in the laws and recommendations of the origination (Creation).
225) And those who are unknowing ones in the truth and the unfair ones (irresponsible ones) shall not assume that it will be to their boon that they deny or slander (calumniate) the truth, because indeed it will only lead to all disastrous things growing in them and they are debasing themselves.
226) Do not think that you can leave yourselves in the position of unknowledge of the truth, in which you find yourselves, because you must separate yourselves from what is bad and turn yourselves to goodness, therefore you must be concerned about learning so that what is hidden in the truth may be disclosed to you; therefore choose the teaching of the prophets because if you make their knowledge and wisdom your own, you will be upright and fair as well as virtuous, for which you will receive a great reward in yourselves, in your inner world (consciousness) and in the thoughts, in your feelings and in your psyche.
227) And those amongst you who are stingy with that which has been given to you by the fruitfulness (Creation) in its goodness, you shall not assume that your stinginess will be for your boon and for your own good, because truly you will be disdained by people of your kind (human beings) as they become aware of your actions since you have hung avarice around you like a necklace which is visible both near and far for people of your kind (human beings).
228) Your thoughts and speaking are foolish and delusional if you think and say that the truth of fruitfulness (Creation) is poor, but you however are rich in your unknowledge of the truth; and you have even had it written down by scribes, with falsification, by changing the teaching of the true prophets against the right and since then slanderously (defamingly) teaching that punishment and revenge as well as retaliation and battle (war) shall be practised against those who are of another belief and another people than your own; and therefore you have slanderously (defamingly) set down in your writings that also children take up arms in order to go into battle (war) and kill for your false beliefs and for all conflicts (enmities/disputes), but by no means is this rightful, and therefore it is against the laws and recommendations of the fruitfulness (Creation) and of the life; and your slanders (calumnies), as you have instructed scribes to set them down incorrectly, also teach, against all right and against all equitableness (fairness) and against the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring of wisdom (Creation), that every man and every woman shall be of death if there is a break in the bond between man and woman; and equally everyone shall be of death who kills (murders) or commits other misdeeds; but these lies and slanders (calumnies) are against the truth and the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of wisdom (Creation), and they are murderous (criminal) claims which are far from the truth and are fabulated (fraudulent) falsifications that are invented by people of your kind (human beings) with delusional thoughts and desires (vices/wantonness/pathological cravings/urges) in joy or vengefulness in order to torment, punish and kill others.
229) For the sake of what your thoughts create and the evil deeds that arise therefrom, you flee from the truth and set unright against right, so that you may lead an existence in evil that is far from the truth in face of the life.
230) Many amongst you are believers in gods and tin gods, just like the priests and servants of gods and servants of tin gods who together with you unknowing ones and unfair ones (irresponsible ones) call not to listen to and heed the words or the teaching of the true prophets before they might bear witness that those would be destroyed in the fire of punishment who do not turn to the truth-teaching; but truly prophets have come who brought clear signs (evidence) and bore witness that ill-gotten goods never prosper and therefore do not bring forth good fruits but only rotten ones; you, however, only slandered (calumniated) them and tried to kill them because you are not truthful in the knowledge of the truth.
231) However, those amongst you who are accused (blamed) by the unknowing ones and unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and by the unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) of lying, remember the true prophets who are accused (blamed) of lying before your time and in your time, and remember the true prophets in your time who are also accused (blamed) of lying also by you and your priests and servants of gods and servants of tin gods despite showing (revealing) the way to the guideline (principle/leading thought) of truthly life with clear signs (evidence) and the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, the teaching of the wisdom and with their open and honest words; and you and your priests and servants of gods, your servants of tin gods and swaggerers, your nit-pickers (know-it-alls) and word-splitters, none of you want to perceive what is the truth, because for you who are truth-deniers, something that is against your belief and against your reflexions and strivings is not allowed to be truth.
232) Consider: Every person of your kind (human being) will feel the dying, but even during the time of your life you will receive the full reward for your thoughts and feelings, as well as for your deeds and your actions in their time, which becomes noticeable in your inner world (consciousness) and in your psyche as also in your thoughts and feelings; only whoever fulfils their life appropriately, as laid down in the teaching of the truth of the wellspring of all life (Creation) through laws and recommendations, will be far from the fire of inner misery, woe and pain, and will verily achieve the true joys of existence without deceptive pleasure.
233) Truly, amongst yourselves you will be at all times tested by people of your kind (human beings) in terms of your goods and chattels and therefore of your own self (consciousness/dignity/virtue/honour, etc.) and certainly you will hear many injurious things from those who presume to criticise your goods and chattels and yourselves; and the criticisers belong to those who have apparently consecrated (holy) texts which indicate base (unhumane) laws and recommendations which they follow and thereby set gods and tin gods as well as priests and other servants of gods and servants of tin gods at the side of the wellspring of the fruitfulness (Creation); however, if you remain steadfast in face of them and act in an upright wise, then truly you thereby show your firm decisiveness to remain in the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life and the teaching of the wellspring of the fruitfulness (Creation).
234) Always remember that every prophet makes a bond of the connectedness with people of your kind (human beings) to whom he brings the teaching of the prophets, and so it will be until the last true prophet who in the new time will give you the writing of the extensive teaching from his own hand; and you shall then announce the teaching to people of your kind (human beings) and not keep it secret, just as you do not throw it behind you or treat (explain) it in a falsifying wise to gain the small prize of advantages (benefits) and profit, because everything that you buy in this wise is disastrous.
235) Do not assume (believe) that those who rejoice in what they have done in disastrous and unfair (irresponsible) things, or who want to be famous for what they have not done in disastrous and unright things, do not assume (believe) that they will obtain true joy and happiness in themselves, because in truth they are assuring (bringing down) punishment on themselves because they are suffering a painful chastisement in their inner world (consciousness) and in their psyche just as much as in their thoughts and in their feelings.
236) The truth is in the laws and recommendations of the realm of the inner world of all firmaments and earths (universal consciousness), and only the truth, the laws and recommendations of the inner world of all firmaments and earths (universal consciousness) are mighty over all things without however ruling them in forcefulness or goodness, because truly the primal power (Creation) of all existence is neither demanding nor prejudiced (biased), but is only determining through its laws and recommendations which people of your kind (human beings) and every life (life form) is free to observe or disregard at their free consideration (discretion/ convenience) so that the person of your kind (human being) and every life is independently responsible for his or her existence and his or her deeds and efforts.
237) In the primal power (Creation) of all firmaments (universe) and earths (worlds) and the stars and in the change from day to night and in all existence of the living, the signs (evidence) of its truth and reality (presence/existence) are indeed visible for the ones knowing of the truth and those who understand.
238) All of you who think of the wellspring of all wisdom (Creation), when standing and sitting and when you are lying on your side pondering over the wellspring of all wisdom as well as its firmaments (universe) and earths (worlds), the stars and all existence of the living, then you will become knowing that you have not been created in vain, but that you shall fulfil the sense of existence so that you may become wise and full of love in your inner world (consciousness), in order to transfer these values into your spirit-body (spirit-form) which will one day combine (unite) with the wellspring of all wisdom (Creation).
239) You will not be cast into the fire (hell) in yourselves because of the primal power (Creation), and therefore it does not throw you into defilement and helplessness because of your being malefactors (lawbreakers) either, for truly, if such a thing happens to you, then this happens appropriately in accordance with your own deeds and efforts and in your own blame (responsibility).
240) You hear the callers of the truth-teaching, the true prophets who encourage you to turn to the truth of the creative (Creation) in freedom by learning the truth and recognising and following it, then you will forgive your own misdemeanours and take all disasters away from yourselves, so that one day you will meet your dying and go into death as fair ones (responsible ones) and ones who are knowing of the truth and as righteous ones (conscientious ones).
241) You give yourselves what is promised to you through the true prophets through their teaching, and as you follow the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life so you do not cast yourselves into ignominy, but instead you experience the goodness of the laws and recommendations of the fruitfulness (Creation) as they are taught you through the prophets; and none of the prophets will be the same as the prophet of the new time, because his teaching will be of great extent and like a vast ocean wave, such as no prophet before him will have brought; and the wave of teaching will foam with enormous fullness and all kinds of richness (variety) and will flow over the world as never before; and in a wise that has never been given before, he will write the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life with his own hand so that no attributive and fabulated falsifications and slanders (calumnies) may be given by unworthy scribes, such as have villainously distorted and defiled the truth-teaching since time immemorial in shamefulness (contemptibility) and disputation (denial); do not allow the work of the prophets, the active ones in the truth-teaching, to rot and spoil or to become lost, whether man or woman, even if you are different from one another; do not flee from the truth and do not allow yourselves to be driven away from it by unrighteous ones (irresponsible ones) and unknowing ones, because truly it is the best homestead that you could have.
242) And truly, those amongst you who fight in peace and freedom for the cause of the truth, you will find consonance (harmony) in your inner world (consciousness) and in your psyche, just as you will create a garden in your feelings and thoughts through which flow the rivers of joy, love and happiness, as the most beautiful reward for your loyalty to the wellspring of all creative (Creation) and its laws and recommendations.
243) And let it be said to you again and again: Do not allow yourselves to be deceived by the wanderings and the false teachings of the truth-deniers in the land, but instead be watchful at all times and recognise their slanders (calumnies) and lies and their deception in the face of the real truth; however, if you do allow yourselves to be seduced, then you will only have a small and brief gain, because then the fire of depravity (hell) will take up its dwelling in you and devour you from within, so that you will no longer find a good place of rest in yourselves.
244) Those amongst you, however, who fear the untruth and inequity (unfairness) and everything that is unrighteous (conscienceless), love and peace will reside in you as well as freedom and consonance (harmony), just as your reflexions will be joyfulness and happiness.
245) And certainly there are some amongst you who would like to be connected to the truth-teaching, but you cannot find the way to it because you are entrapped in a belief in a god or tin god; truly, if you search for the way then you will find it but only if you approach the truth in an unbiased (neutral) wise and therefore without partiality (prejudice) and you fathom it without the blindness (fanaticism) of your false belief.
246) And if you are truly searching for the way to the truth and to the teaching of the prophets, then do not reach for the truth submissively, but freely and victoriously in yourselves, and do not allow yourselves to be sold for a small price of belief by the believers in god and believers in tin gods so that you continue to follow the untruth and delusion of a fabulated (invented) god or tin god made up by people of your kind (human beings); and do not allow yourselves to continue to be seduced by false signs (false evidence) and pictures (images of gods/images of tin gods) and figures (cult statues/statues of gods/statues of tin gods) or entities (cult objects) of the priests and other servants (hands/helpers) of the god cults and tin god cults which are unsubstantiated (invented) by people of your kind (human beings).
247) Those amongst you who are searching for the truth and the teaching of the prophets, or you who have already found it, be open at all times to it and compete in the steadfastness of learning so that you may become more knowing and wiser and may lead your existence in accordance with the laws and recommendations of the Creation, and so that you may be continuously on your guard and afeared of the doings of those who deal with belief in gods and tin gods, so that it may go well with you.