Chapter 28
301) And once the truth has become the certainty, reality, action and activity in you, it will pervade everything, your thoughts and feelings, your spiritual fine-sensitive feelings and emotions as well as all your activity, actions and deeds.
302) The real truth of all truth must, from out of your inner, become visible in everything that belongs to you; and it must be unobtrusively perceptible and visible in you as well as become an implicitness.
303) And you must not hold the truth in front of you as a dummy nor as a shield, because the naturally radiating of your truth created in you must swing outwards and let everything become feelable and recognisable externally.
304) Put simply, the true inner truth of all truth is an energy and power which, radiating from your consciousness, interweaves your whole body and your blood and which makes the truth itself and your life to an implicitness for you, through which nothing artificial and enforced can take over the rule in you anymore but only the real, actual life.
305) Recognise yourselves still as believers, you who claim not to lead an artificial and enforced life, because truthly with this it is not as you claim, just as it is also not as you say, that you absolutely believe in a continued life after the dying, but you do not know what that continued life is like; even if you direct your thoughts and feelings upon it, you do not see it in a truthly kind and wise, but merely through your religious, sectarian, ideological or philosophical belief.
306) And if you should ever have the opportunity to obtain a proof of your continued life after the dying and after the death which goes beyond your material observation- and perception-possibilities, you would be frightened and shaken about the truth; because truly, your continued life after the dying and the death is not in the same personality, but in a completely new one which has nothing in common with the present actual one; only your spirit-form remains the same because it alone is, as creational energy, integrated into the reincarnation, i.e. the rebirth, whereas your personality ceases to be in a becoming of neutral spiritual energy out of which a new personality is built up which will then be born.
307) In the bottom of your truth-unknowledge, you have no certainty with regard to the otherworldly life in the death-life nor in the new life of the new actual personality when it is born into the new life.
308) If you had the certainty of the true facts of the life, dying, death and the rebirth, then everything would seem so natural to you as it really is, and this certainty would also be the proof of your continued life which continuously occurs in another and new personality that is no longer identical with that of the former life; and if you have this certainty, then you will no longer be frightened and in no wise shaken over the truth of these things of your continued life.
309) Apart from these things of the rebirth, the life, the dying and the death, there are very many and even innumerable processes in the life and death as well as in everything existent of the Creation and in its laws and recommendations which you do not know nor comprehend and which show with startling clarity how frighteningly unknowing you are with regard to the real truth of all truth and with regard to the Creation, its laws and recommendations as well as its effects; truly, the knowledge about all these things is no more living in you than the wisdom as essence of all knowledge and the truth in itself.
310) Something that you human beings of Earth know without exception is the procreation, the birth, the life, the dying and the death; each one of you lives in this certainty, but this is one of the few facts about which there is no unknowledge at all in you and about which no strife can be kindled amongst you – except if you have fallen prey to a religious, sectarian, ideological or philosophical delusion and believe that you were immortal as material human beings.
311) If you, as material human beings, do not live in an immortality-delusion, then you must expect from childhood onwards that you will have to die sooner or later, but as a rule you ward off the thoughts and feelings thereon and push them away.
312) And there are many amongst you who have a shyness to discuss the theme life, dying and death, just as there are many amongst you who react very violently and indignantly if the subject comes up in your presence or you are confronted with it directly.
313) And you amongst you who are carefully concerned about not entering a cemetery and who shun every funeral, you try to efface your impressions, thoughts and feelings concerning the death as quickly as you can whenever you are somehow, through foreordination or unavoidability, confronted with the Grim Reaper.
314) In you there is always a secret angst that all of a sudden you could be struck by the death, and at the same time an undefined fear prevents you from spending serious thoughts and feelings in order to face the unalterable fact in full consciousness, namely that your current life is limited and that you will sooner or later inevitably die and go into the death-life which, through religious, ideological and philosophical irrational teachings, is so wrongly explained to you that you can understand nothing at all of it, let alone get closer to the truth even by a speck of dust of a weight.
315) In your life, you human beings of Earth, there is hardly any other happening which you make worse than the death, about which you push aside every thought and every feeling.
316) But apart from the death, there is also the preceding dying which you do not dare think about and push away everything related to it; but also with regard to the procreation and the birth you make no or hardly any thoughts and feelings, because you normally simply procreate thoughtlessly and take birth as implicitness, even though either is a significant process in which a very great responsibility is laid and which requires a great conscientiousness.
317) It is terrifying to see that you occupy yourselves so little with the fundamental beginning and the unavoidable end of your earthly existence, and if you do at some time occupy yourselves with it in an attack of must-do, then only in anxiety or fear and with creeps; and this while you thoroughly occupy yourselves with other and insignificant and irrelevant processes and things, such as with your pathological craving for pleasure, the material joys, wishes, passions and desires etc. to which you attach an extremely great importance.
318) You research and ruminate over various kinds of unnecessary things, over your riches, your self-elevation above your next ones and fellow human beings as well as over countless useless things and excessive apparent joys of your life, but not over what would bring you clarification with regard to the fundamental beginning and the unavoidable end of your earthly existence.
319) Procreation, birth, life, dying, death and rebirth of the spirit-form, together with a continually new personality, are very closely connected to each other, because one thing is the consequence of the other, but you do not take the whole thing seriously, instead you irresponsibly live only for the day; out of this, you create in you pathological cravings, vices, hatred and unpeace as well as unfreedom and disharmony in order to live out everything externally and to let it pervert into bloody and destructive wars, as you learn this through the senseless and irrational teachings in your belief in a god, tin god or idolised human being, and live from day to day in pure egoism and imperiousness, and irresponsibly procreate offspring beyond all measure and therethrough bring about immense catastrophes.
320) Already for the procreation of offspring you do not attribute the appropriate seriousness and responsibility, so you do everything only for the sake of the sexual pleasure, as a result only in rare cases are intellect and rationality, responsibility and some degree of human dignity to be found thereby.
321) And truly, when you many amongst you human beings of Earth look at yourselves, you who live out in this wise and do not carry out the procreation-act in full responsibility in every wise, but only for the sake of your lack of intelligence, sexual greed and unconcernedness, then you delight in putting yourselves on a par with apes, namely the bonobos and chimpanzees, which only lie with each other for the sake of the pure sexual lust, and they do this in a harmlessness to which you, in your irresponsible acting, do not come close; as a result of this, you all amongst you who act in this kind and wise, you put yourselves below the ape creatures which act in accordance with the low development level that they hold.
322) And you amongst you human beings of Earth who are not able or because of your free will are not wanting to integrate yourselves as human individual into your appropriate level of the higher consciousness-based development, which is above that of the apes; you have sunk deeply and continue to go down further, so you must not be surprised that it is always getting worse and worse and more catastrophic with your whole humankind and with all your various relationships, and indeed also with the interpersonal ones, and that you, in your being human in the real and true sense, precipitate steeper and steeper and faster and faster into the abyss of the depravity.
323) Look at the customs of your bond-bindings, when you espouse each other, be it between man and woman, woman and woman or man and man, because everything is directed only towards seeing the bond merely as a matter without any responsibility and obligation, which, moreover, can be dissolved at any time according to your desire and mood, if the one partner has had enough of the other, if money- or other problems arise or if the two spouses grow apart or if there is a marital breakdown; the fact that children are procreated or adopted in such bonds, who in the whole process are the main victims and as a result often become human beings who are asocial or forlorn in themselves, that does not worry you amongst you human beings of Earth who belong to those unfair, irresponsible, conscienceless and non-righteous ones who go forth in this kind and wise in a bond of marriage.
324) You amongst you who belong to those who carry out bond-bindings, your marriage-bindings and the celebrations connected with them are not rightful, but only matchmaking-orgies without any responsibility and conscientiousness, without dignity and esteem with regard to a righteous connectedness.
325) But there are also those amongst you human beings of Earth who, in your seriously created nature, shudder in disgust at these unambiguous machinations, which is why you would like to turn away from them, but you are rarely successful in doing that, because you are oppressed in your free will through the coercion of the society, the friends and all those involved.
326) And you young and elderly human beings who do not allow disgust to arise in your thoughts, feelings as well as in your dignity and in your feeling of honour when you are confronted with such celebrations, customs and traditions and therefore, out of your own responsibility, conscientiousness and righteousness as well as virtuousness, opt not to stay away from such doing, activity, organising and contributing, you put yourselves on the same level with those for whom the act of entering into the bond is only a matchmaking orgy, and as a result you can no longer be taken into consideration when it comes to evaluating what is right and righteous.
327) You who are in this wise fallible and hostile of the truthly life-conduct in accordance with the creational laws and recommendations, everything has developed in you in such a wise that you live as if in a poisoned delirious state through which you cheat yourselves about the fact what life and death really are; and the reason for this is that you do not want to be confronted with it through your thoughts and feelings, whereas the creeps and shyness play just as an important role as cowardice and the fact that already as children you had – because of the irresponsibility of your parents – not been instructed and taught with the thematic of the dying, the death as well as the procreation, the birth and the life, just as this irresponsible omission of the clarification already goes back to their parents and grandparents and the ancestors, to far into the past.
328) You human beings of Earth, you have built up your life upon unconsidered foundations, so all your customs, vices, Ausartungen and traditions have long become fixed and permanent terriblenesses from which you can only break away with great difficulties and as a rule only through evil disadvantage that strikes you.
329) And in the confusion and in the chaos of your terriblenesses, you can no longer understand that you cheat yourselves about your dying and death by crampfully trying not to think about it.
330) And if you recognise yourselves as those amongst human beings of Earth who were not procreated willingly and not consciously but haphazardly, then your pushing away of all serious thoughts and feelings with regard to your dying and death stands in a very close connection with the unconcernedness and moral low-state which was given at your procreation; and resulting out of this in many cases is that you as haphazard and undetermined procreation-fruit go like a shadow through your earthly life, as unright of a careless and undignified deed, because you were not procreated on the basis of a conscious and deliberate decision.
331) And if you do not recognise this truth and therefore can find neither the right way nor rest in your life, then you will in the end artificially and crampfully cling to a self-deception by seeing yourselves as a wanted fruit of a procreation, and therewith refusing the responsibility for your existence and hence are of the wrong opinion that your responsibility for your life lies with those who procreated you; but that is not the case at all, because once you are in this life, even if you did not contribute to the procreation, you nevertheless have to take the full responsibility for your life, for your thoughts and feelings as well as for all your activity and for your actions and deeds; but that means, even if your parents do not teach you this, that you yourselves are responsible for what you do with regard to your life, how you form and lead it, whereupon and how you direct your thoughts and feelings and what your attitude is towards the procreation, birth and the life as well as the dying, death and the rebirth of the spirit-form and the birth of each new personality.
332) And do not let your thoughts and feelings roam to this, that with the death everything is totally and definitively over, because with that you only evince that you keep your consciousness in inferiority and that you cowardly duck your responsibility towards the life and the death, whilst you also assume that you are not much better or worse than your fellow human beings.
333) If you nourish your thoughts and feelings in this wise, then you live in suspicious imaginations which, however, do not change a speck of dust of the weight of the fact that sooner or later you will be caught up to by the dying and the death, and that this can happen each day, each hour and each minute; and consider, when you are born and live into the life, the dying and the death are already coming closer and closer, and you do not know when your time of the life according to your right-based life-conduct will be expired in accordance with the effects of the creational principles.
334) Bethink yourselves of the true life and the truth of the creational laws and recommendations, so that you are not chickenhearted ones, and so you do not try to deny away in rigidity all responsibility for your own life and also the continued life after the dying as well as the rebirth of the spirit-form and the new birth of the new personality, through which in you, when your dying comes closer, great and angstful questions begin which prove that all of a sudden you become confused in what you erroneously believed in all your life.
335) But if you only come to intellect and rationality while you are dying, then you have missed the actual life and in cowardice missed the bearing of the life-responsibility, because you do not derive any benefit for your passed life anymore, if, shortly before the major step out of the earthly life into the death-life, you suddenly recognise the fact of the continued life of your spirit-form as well as its rebirth in a new life together with the birth of a new personality in a new consciousness-block.
336) Neither anxiety, fear, cowardice nor defiance allow a redemption or reduction of the interaction of all thoughts, feelings as well as all activity and all actions and deeds, because an insight and the recognition cannot be gained through a switching off and reducing of the interactions, but solely and exclusively through the searching and finding of the effective truth which you must fathom in yourselves, and indeed by finding the way of the truth in you which is both the truth and the culmination-point in one.
337) And you are many amongst you whose intellect-based discernment – so often used by you in your life – plays, out of fear, a vicious game on you in the last hours while you are dying, namely in that you suddenly, in accustomed precaution, want to become quickly intellectually and rationally diligent when you realise that the release from your coarse-substantial body is continuously reaching a higher degree; but truly, that will not bring you any gain, because you cannot, in the short time of the dying, catch up on and finish off that which you have neglected throughout your life, so what you will die with as harvest is what you have sown during your life through your thoughts and feelings, your activity and through your actions and deeds.
338) So if you do come to your senses during the dying, then you will not change the least therewith nor bring about any change and betterment, because it is not possible for you in the process of dying to finish off everything that you have neglected in the course of your entire life through the process of the perception, cognition, cognisance, knowledge, experience, living of the experience, and wisdom.
339) It is sad for you who tumble away in your earthly existence in reckless self-deception as if in a delirious state, and as a result you live in anxiety and fear and cause yourselves a bad destiny.
340) Lucky are however you others who do not waste your earthly existence, even though perhaps you only come out of your anxiety and fear and out of your determinations with regard to bad strokes of fate late in life and only slowly find the way to the truth and the consciousness-based evolution.
341) Your serious searching for the truth is a staff and a support for you, so that you can therewith make the conscious step in your evolution and towards the finding of the truth without anxiousness, trembling and fear, and without stumbling.
342) The time of the serious searching for the truth and the thought-feeling-based careful study of the life and death as well as of the procreation, the birth and the rebirth of the spirit-form and the birth of the new personality, all this you determine yourselves; but if you go this way in free volition, then this is an absolute progress for you which will bring you good things, make you happy and make all heavy things surprisingly easy for you, because your good volition will be so much more powerful than you have ever had as a presentiment; and if you go the way of the truth with regard to your thought-feeling-based careful study of the life and death, and of the procreation, the dying, the rebirth of the spirit-form and the birth of the new consciousness with the new personality, then the purely material will disappear as the most important aspect in your existence and grants an equalisedness between the spiritual, consciousness-based and material.
343) If you strive for the effective truth and for your consciousness-evolution, you may often ask yourselves with regard to the pure earthly matters, whether you shall free yourselves from your material goods or whether you shall simply pay no more attention to them, but truly that would be foolish, because you are material life forms and therefore you also need the material goods.
344) You shall only not cling onto your earthly goods and not let yourselves be oppressed through them, because you cannot tread the way of the fathoming of the truth through servitude; so in the searching for the truth it is not recommended to you to give or throw away your earthly goods so that you shall live in poverty.
345) Truly, you shall happily and freely appreciate and rejoice whatever material goods are accessible to you, provided that you acquire them honestly and that you do not let yourselves be enslaved through them, so that you do not omit striving for the real truth of all truth because of such a servitude, so despite your material richness and all possessions of your earthly goods you live in a fulfilling wise in the creational laws and recommendations.
346) That you shall not cling onto material goods only means that you shall not let yourselves get carried away to assume that the grabbing together of material possessions is the highest and most important purpose of your earthly existence, so therefore you do not predominantly direct your thoughts and feelings upon them and do not fall into possession-greed.
347) But if you do fall prey to the possession-greed with regard to material values of any kind, then this attitude will keep you away from the higher culmination-point of the truth-search and from the fathoming and following of the creational laws and recommendations, wherethrough you will go about in great erroneous assumption with regard to the fulfilling of the life-sense.
348) If you fall prey to the material, the earthly goods and possessions, then you will no longer find the time to search for and find the truth of all truth of the Creation and its laws and recommendations, just as is the case if you have fallen prey to a religious, ideological or philosophical belief and therewith a devotion to a god, tin god or idolised human being.
349) Falling prey to material possessions and clinging thereon means being attached with all fibres of your life as well as your thoughts, feelings, wishes and your hopes and desires only to the sole purpose of the acquisition and possession thereof, and to worry about them; and this irrespective of whether this attachment is for the sake of the possession and the goods themselves or for the sake of the avariciousness and the pleasure which is made possible through the amassing of money and goods; but no matter what causes and purposes lead to the greed with regard to goods and riches, in the end, the result remains always the same.
350) With the greed for possession and riches, for money, goods and chattels you bind and cling yourselves onto the purely material, wherethrough you lose the sight for what is ahead and above, for the effective truth and therewith for everything creational and for the Creation-given laws and recommendations.
351) Your wrong understanding however, that material possession and earthly goods do not belong to the assiduousness for the truth of all truth and not to the higher-striving of the consciousness-evolution, has, through the belief in a god, tin god or idolised human being, created the senseless attitude in the majority of you Earth-humans that all endeavours, if they are taken seriously, with regard to the search for the effective truth must have nothing to do with material possession and earthly goods; but you are not conscious that you equate the effective truth with your wrong belief in a god, tin god or idolised human being, nor are you conscious of the fact that you as entire Earth-humankind have brought upon yourselves great disadvantage in your consciousness-development, as also with regard to your humaneness, your behaviour concerning the love for the next one, the love in general as well as the being fair, the conscientiousness, fairness and righteousness and the bearing of the responsibility in all things.
352) In your wrong religious, ideological or philosophical belief you devaluate your consciousness-based, therefore the highest gifts that can be given to you in your life; through your belief in an invented god, tin god or idolised human being you have indeed won a strange attitude with regard to your consciousness-based endeavours, because you confound these with religious and sectarian submissiveness and beggary, in which case you are doggishly dependent on sacrifices and donations which you offer to your god, tin god or a human being raised to a divinity hoping to get help and enlightenment in exchange; therefore you have the same attitude as beggars who in a beseeching-submissive wise debase themselves in front of you in order to get a beggar’s penny, and as a result they are as unable to create respect for themselves as are you, you who act just like them, only towards your god, tin god or idolised human being; the respect which you ought to give yourselves and which would also be due to you, if you perceived and recognised yourselves as lord and master of yourselves and behaved accordingly, that respect you give, in doggish humility, to your fabulated god or tin god or else to a human being that you have raised up as a divinity.
353) All your wrong endeavours bear from the beginning a seed of the destruction in them, which can grow more and more, to the point that you cannot put yourselves on your own feet, but instead remain dependent on your religious, ideological or philosophical belief, on your belief in a fabulated god, tin god or a human being that you idolise.
354) And precisely for the sake of the effective truth and your consciousness-evolution as well as the following of the creational laws and recommendations you must protect yourselves against any belief, and it must be clear to you that you are not allowed to disdain the earthly goods because they are essential for your existence, and therefore you shall not listen to the wrong and irrational speeches of those who go about in their religious, ideological or philosophical delusion and claim, contrary to all truth, that the consciousness-evolution could not be brought into agreement with material goods; but that you thereby, with regard to the consciousness- evolution, talk of an evolution of the spiritual, because you do not know the truth and do not know that as human beings you are, through your perceptions, cognitions, cognisance, the knowledge, the experience and the living of it as well as the thereout resulting essence, the wisdom, integrated through the creational laws directly into the evolution of your consciousness and only indirectly into the spiritual, that is uncomprehensible to you; therefore, you must first search for and find the truth of all truth, and indeed in the wise that you search for the way of the truth in yourselves, fathom it and follow it, because only in this wise will you find the real truth which is itself the way and the culmination-point.
355) In your coarse-substantial world, the material must serve you as a shield so that you can avert like with like, that is, you avert the material with the material in the wise that you do not let yourselves be deluded by the material, so that your material possessions, your riches, goods and chattels do not become excessive and the burden to you of this, that you become dominated by them and you thus lose the way of the truth in you through which you find the true love, freedom, harmony and peace in you.
356) Consider that you shall also not let yourselves be pushed into an unhealthy state of the truth-refusal and truth- denial through your materialistic fellow human beings, if they present you their material possessions and riches and want to bribe you therewith; be conscious that if you are ones who are striving upwards in terms of the evolution of your consciousness and searching for the truth, then your scrupleless opponents will bring forward their strongest weapon in order to delude you, namely their material riches and possessions as well as their goods and chattels; and if you are ones who are striving upwards with regard to the effective truth of all truth, then it would be evil carelessness, if you let yourselves be deluded by your opponents who are hostile-minded towards the truth through their material goods and values, because that could prove to be a major disadvantage for you.
357) But you truthful searchers for the real truth and for the effects of the creational laws and recommendations, do not disdain the earthly goods, if you acquire them, use them in right measure and do not let yourselves be deluded in avarice through them, so that you do not become their slaves, are always free and make good use of them so that you are able to fathom the truth and follow it and thus give enough consideration to the Creation-given laws and recommendations.
358) But do not be beggars with regard to material richness and possession either, because as human beings you shall not wear a beggar’s clothes and debase yourselves, but neither shall you set a crown of possession and richness upon your head in order to be ostentatious with them and to raise above others and to let them believe in miracles, if you give them a little bit of your riches, out of whatever reasons.
359) However, there are no miracles in the conventional sense, because the term miracle only clarifies something that you do not understand, namely a process about which you fall into ununderstanding, i.e. into astonishment.
360) For you, a miracle is something that you do not consider possible and also do not understand that it can become reality nevertheless; but you merely consider it impossible, because by occurring and becoming reality it proves that that which is ununderstandable and astonishing to you nevertheless is and becomes reality.
361) In accordance with your religious belief-imagination, a miracle is something which truthly does not exist, namely that something is, as a happening, brought to the manifestation and reality by a god, tin god or human being raised to a divinity, something which contradicts all laws of nature and is related back by you to supernatural, godly, tin godly human beings or those raised to the status of a divinity.
362) You think a miracle is something that happens outside of the laws of nature and thus something which stands against all laws of nature and wherein you illusively see something which is supposed to be of godly or tin godly origin or originated by an idolised human being; the reason for this is that for you, because of your religious and sectarian belief, a miracle can only be something which shall only be possible for a god, tin god or idolised human being who therethrough is apparently showing you a special grace and who for the carrying out of the miracle is making use of his or her omnipotence – thus you believe in your religious and sectarian godliness, through which you give the effective truth no chance to get through in you.
363) You human beings of Earth are poor in your intellect and in your rationality, because you erroneously imagine by the all-mightiness – which is a characteristic only of the Creation as Universal Consciousness itself but not of any fabulated god, tin god or idolised human being – the possibility of arbitrariness and hence a miracle as an act of arbitrariness, because you do not consider how much you therewith minimise the creational laws and recommendations and their effects, because if they acted in a wise of the arbitrariness, then they would no longer be in accordance with the Creation-given laws and recommendations.
364) Primarily, there is an absolute, relative full-development in the creational activity which shows no errors and no gaps and is therewith integrated into strictest logic, i.e. an absolute logicalness down into the last iota, although the logic can, in its truthly form, be continuously further developed and never stands still.
365) Therefore, according to the relatively absolutely fully-developed logic, a so-called miracle in logicalness must have an outcoming effect as a distinct happening, and indeed, depending on the cause and the thereout resulting developmental process, right up to the effect which is seen as a miracle, but in logicalness is merely the ultimate effect out of the cause.
366) If you look at what you call miracles, then you realise that, according to your understanding, a miracle takes a longer time to happen, whereas the development-process however happens in the usual time frame, namely with incredible speed, just as is the case with the course and speed of the thoughts and feelings.
367) Miracles come about through you yourselves, be it through an energy and its power that you yourselves have created in you, or by means of another kind and wise; and because it occurs through an unusually quick happening which manifests itself through your hopes and wishes or begging and beseeching, so you are astonished, find it wonderful and simply call it a miracle.
368) And if you create a miracle, then you create it through your own energy and power which you in any kind and wise concentratedly bring to use, and thereby it is also possible that the occurring miracle goes beyond your present consciousness-evolution, and the reason for this is that you have unconsciously created and mobilised energies and powers in you, over which you have no control in your normal consciousness-state.
369) But the entire process never takes place outside the existing laws of nature nor does it in any wise set itself against them; if something did happen outside the laws of nature or set itself against them – which is absolutely impossible – then everything creational would in that moment lose itself in itself and reduce itself to absurdity, because the whole would become an act of the arbitrariness; therefore, the case is exactly the opposite of what you believers in fabulated gods and tin gods as well as human beings raised to the status of divinities wrongly assume.
370) Know that everything that is devoid of the strict logic, i.e. the logicalness cannot be brought in connection with the activity of the Creation Universal Consciousness nor with the laws and recommendations of the Creation as well as with their effects.
371) And also know that every miracle is an absolutely normal and natural process, which, however, comes about in high speed and solely through concentrated energy and power; miracles can sometimes also take longer before they occur, because fundamentally, their kind is always of importance; but miracles correspond in each case always to a natural developmental process of cause and effect, because never ever can something unnatural happen, as this is in each case absolutely impossible; the laws of nature cannot be bent or falsified, because they are based in the Creation-given laws and recommendations which are at all times unchangeable through the Creation Universal Consciousness, contrary to your human sense and human view.
372) To your human sense and your human view are also connected your earthly jurisdictions, but you must not expect that these are equivalent with the strength of the character and of all virtues of the Creation Universal Consciousness nor with the Creation-given laws and recommendations to which your earthly courts and their laws do not even get close; exactly the opposite is the case, because between your understanding of the fairness and of the creational fairness (i.e. the Creation's strength of the character and of all virtues) there is generally in the true sense of the word a scandalous and shaking difference.
373) This bottomless difference can be explained by your intellect that is restricted by space and time and your poor rationality, in whose narrowness you are not able to perceive and recognise the actual unright in order to separate it from the true right; but the actual right you cannot recognise because it is for you, on account of your restricted and atrophied perception-capability, only seldom recognisable and comprehensible in its outer form and truliness; fundamentally, according to your sense, the right lies only in your inner, i.e. in you yourselves, because you bend it in accordance with your requirements to suit a present situation; this in addition to the fact that you decide everything on the basis of the legal norms of your society and that you are in bondage to the rigid law-paragraphs and the school-knowledge.
374) What is sad about your behaviour of the personal and social fairness and the thereout resulting laws as well as your jurisdictions and many decisions and punishments resulting thereout, is that they directly counteract the creational laws.
375) And if these counter-actions are spoken of, then not those are meant, which happened in the sad times of the Middle Ages in the form of tormentful tortures and so-called burnings of the witches through your delusional belief, the Inquisition and your jurisdictions as well as the delusion of your imperious religious fanatics and various other crimes; nor shall there be talk of the other methods of torturing, murdering and waring, the blame for which goes to practically all religions which, in the name of their fabulated god, tin god or a human being raised to the status of a divinity, committed all these tremendous crimes, and this was done as supposed well-pleasing favour for their god, tin god or idolised human being who were then made responsible for these actions.
376) Altogether, your past has brought tremendous atrocities and misuse in this respect, which must not be forgotten, nor must they be high-stylised in any kind and wise, such as through remembrance-festivities and such nonsense which only lead to the fact that those incapable of using their intellect and rationality take up the old and act in the same wise as their ancestors.
377) What has to be done is that the atrocities and misuse be warningly assessed in a rational wise, that particularly those committing the crimes at that time did so in the delusion of their religious, ideological or philosophical belief and erroneously assumed that they were in the right on account of the irrational teachings of a religious, philosophical, ideological or political kind that had an effect on them, so they acted in their delusional belief.
378) Many things have changed amongst you human beings of Earth since then, but you still zealously believe in your religions, ideologies, politics and philosophies and hence in your gods, tin gods and idolised human beings; but truly, you still do many things wrong in your administration of justice, and therefore your farther descendants will look back on you and your legislations with shudder and horror, just as you look back on the Middle Ages and the old times before when the insanity of the religious horror ruled and human sacrifices were still offered in the belief that this had thrilled the gods and tin gods.
379) How you look back on these old times today, which according to your present cognitions and terms were bearing in them blatant misery and boundless unright as well as unbelievable unhumaneness, is how your descendants will one day look back on the past, if they think about your time, your actions which are far from the creational laws, your unintellect and your irrationality, your contempt for humankind, the destruction of the nature, the eradication of many plants, fishes, birds, animals and other creatures and the destruction of the climate.
380) Since those old times, you have made great progress only in the outer forms, in the technology, in the medicine and in your material achievements, whereas in your consciousness-development you continue to lag behind immensely, because truthly, the deeply incisive all-mightiness of your personal irresponsible turning-away from the creational laws and recommendations in your existence is still the same.
381) Truly, since time immemorial you have neither changed as human beings yourselves nor have you brought about changes in your actions and activity, nor in the nurturing of your thoughts and feelings, because you still believe in your gods, tin god and idolised human beings and still are attached to your wrong religions, ideologies and philosophies; and as yet you have created real love and freedom, harmony and true peace neither in yourselves nor amongst you all of the whole humankind, and instead you still practise hatred against each other, be it because of the belief, the money, the partner or the race, and so you continue to go through life in jealousy, resentment and avarice and as ever you conduct strife and wage wars, commit torture, murder and manslaughter and indulge in all vices, pathological cravings and crimes.
382) Truly, you have not changed and the few who did you insult and persecute them with your lies and slander, because as your inner life is still the same with regard to your individuality, so the interactions are still the same as well, and consequently the creational in the core of your inner nature cannot come to fruition.
383) If you human beings of Earth as entire earthly humanity were all of a sudden seeing and knowing, then one single tremendous scream of the horror and despair would resound through the world, and a tremendous dread would lay over all your peoples; and if that happened, then there would not be one amongst you who could raise his or her hand against his or her next one in reproach, because the cognition would consciously come to each one amongst you in one wise or another that the same guilt burdens him or her that also the other has to bear.
384) And the cognition that each one in some wise carries the same guilt would lead to the certainty that no one amongst you human beings of Earth has the right to come up against your next one or other fellow human being with reproach, thoughts of revenge and retaliation or with hatred, because every single one of you – no matter how good and blameless you think you are – up until now erringly assesses only according to outer appearances, and in so doing you ignore the true life as well as the creational laws and recommendations which you should observe and follow.
385) Truly, there are many amongst you who would end up in despair in yourselves at the first cognition, if it came into you without preparation, and you many others amongst you who have during the course of your life never thought about these important things, you would be befallen by excessive bitterness, because you have neglected the whole during your life.
386) Everything should be an impulse for you to the calm consideration, in order to further the development of your own true discernment, which rejects any dependence on strange and wrong views and only accepts what you create yourselves in logic, intellect and rationality through your own thoughts and feelings as well as through your speaking, acting and activity and what you can logically follow in you as effective truth.
387) You must never forget that you alone have to take responsibility for all and everything, irrespective of whatever thoughts and feelings you create in you and what you bring forth through your actions, deeds and through your activity; and this full responsibility you also carry if everything which you bring into effect in any kind and wise was the result of you taking it over from others in an unquestioning wise.
388) But good for you, you human beings of Earth, if in your doing, actions and activity as well as in your thoughts and feelings you reach a height that allows you to meet every assessment in an examining wise in order to act according to your own choosing in any wise you like.
389) And if you are so far that you can act and be active in full responsibility of your own choosing in any kind and wise, then you do not make yourselves guilty of all the unright and unrightful, as many amongst you do, because there is only an acting out of thoughtlessness, calumny, prejudice and a lust for sensation etc., and this leads into realms in which only affliction, hardship, and pain as well as sorrow, anxiety and fear rule, which do not have to be experienced on your own body and in your own consciousness in an actual-acute wise.
390) However, if you act against the truth and all the forms of the appearance-possibilities of the life, then you let yourselves be kept from many really good things of the existence and hence neglect to do a lot for yourselves and your fellow human beings, because you irresponsibly gamble with everything valueful which your life has to offer you.
391) Already in the times of old, you human beings of Earth gambled with all your well-being and spread endless hatred, jealousy, war, crime, destruction and ruin, namely with regard to your entire humankind in general and against your true prophets in particular; you have maltreated, tortured and murdered millions of your own kind and still do the same today, but the real reasons for all this are known only to the few screaming and irresponsible criminals who you tolerate as authorities and rulers and who, through the death penalty and through wars and other terror bring terribleness upon you and the world; but thereto also belong those out of your own rows who as instigators of a people call, in manifold religious, sectarian, ideological, philosophical and political form, for murder, manslaughter, terror and destruction, and so it is also those amongst you who terrorise their families and at any time out of insignificant reasons take the first opportunity to have a quarrel with the next ones and with neighbours and let themselves be driven by jealousy, hatred, revenge and retribution.
392) And you as mass of humankind of Earth, you let yourselves be seduced by the irresponsible shouters, terrorists, instigators of a people, murderous rulers and criminals of all kinds and be put into blind fanaticism, in which you howl with the wolves and sow death and ruin amongst your fellow human beings and amongst entire peoples, and indeed without thinking even in a speck of dust of a weight about what it is you are actually doing, and this is why you also cannot differentiate between right and unright.
393) In your wrong doing you also insult and slander your true prophets, the proclaimers of the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, the ‹Teaching of the Prophets›, the ‹Goblet of the Truth›, without ever actually coming together with the proclaimers, and hence you do not know them; truly, you who insult and slander the true proclaimers and their teaching, you are lost ones with regard to the truth and the life.
394) No less lost with regard to the truth and the life are also you amongst you human beings of Earth who, due to wrong views of your fellow human beings, turn away from the real truth and do not want to hear the words of the teaching of the truth and who do not make the effort of an factual proof, through which you finally could recognise the true and great value of the teaching of the truth.
395) Through all your doing, activity, behaviour and actions which are erroneous and hostile to the life and the evolution of your consciousness you have time and again called forth immense tragedies and brought death, misery, hardship, destruction and ruin over your humankind.
396) And you have persecuted, cursed and slandered those who have brought you the real truth, through which you could have led your life rightfully, namely your true prophets who since time immemorial have come to you and brought you the teaching through which you could have learned about the creational laws and recommendations in order to follow them and to form your existence for your own pleasure.
397) Your doing, activity and actions have, since time immemorial, been so grotesque that with dazzling clarity they show your narrowness of intellect and rationality which has not changed to the better since, but still continues to exist and still puts you as entire terrestrial humankind into a state of anxiety and horror.
398) Up until today you have not progressed any further innerly in the realm of the inner nature built up by you yourselves as individuality as well as in your consciousness-evolution with regard to the effective truth of all truth, the knowledge and the wisdom, because truly you have only created an outer change through your discoveries and inventions, but with regard to the evolution of your consciousness you lag behind and continue to indulge in the evil and malicious temptations of your religions, your sectarianism, your politics, ideologies and philosophies through which you are kept away from the effective truth and you do not recognise the creational laws and recommendations, in fact you do not even search for them.
399) Truly, you only have outer successes to mention, for example with regard to your technology, medicine and other achievements, but this outer state of progress is no more than a conceit through which you try to cover up your own narrowness of intellect and rationality, but this conceit in itself is already a pronounced characteristic of the narrowness.
400) And for almost four thousand years, in which your great religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies and your catastrophic forms of politics have arisen, the basis of your Ausartungen of all kinds and the turning away from the real truth of all truth and hence from the Creation Universal Consciousness and its laws and recommendations has become increasingly dreadful.