Chapter 26
1) With only a few exceptions, you human beings of Earth have fallen prey to a boundless and fateful erroneous assumption, because you assume that your belief in godheads and tin gods as well as in idolised human beings is the truth of all truth, and that the truth is dependent on you according to whether you believe in it or not.
2) Know, however, that the truth does not need to run after you and impose itself upon you, because truthly the necessity lies with you for you to search for the truth and for you betake yourselves to the truth so that you may understand it and become knowing about it.
3) However, because you do not find the truth alone, because you are guided into the unreal through your belief in gods, tin gods, idolised human being as well as through religions, ideologies and philosophies, proclaimers of the truth have, on their own initiative, sent themselves out to you in order to teach and admonish you, so that you refrain from all of your belief and you turn solely to the truth of the Creation and its laws and recommendations, in which you are just as much able to find the truth as in yourselves.
4) However, in spite of the proclaimers of the truth teaching you through the ‹Teaching of the Prophets› and bringing you the ‹Goblet of the Truth›, you laugh at them and expose them to ridicule.
5) You disregard the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life and you drag it down into the realm of your unintellect and your irrationality, and through your thoughts and feelings you create a devaluation of the truth itself, as well as of the Creation and of its laws and recommendations, which is, however, an characterlessness beyond compare.
6) Truly, your wrong thoughts and feelings and your equally wrong understanding wreak not only great harm in yourselves but also in your fellow human beings and indeed amongst all of you, you human beings of Earth.
7) It is particularly through the attitude of your priests and theologians, preachers and sect leaders as well as ideologues and philosophers that you are held away from the real truth and coerced to the belief in their irrational teachings, because they falsely present you the illusion that the religious, sectarian, ideological or philosophical belief is the real truth of all truth; through that, they are wanting to proselytise you to their own belief and to win you over to this through conviction.
8) However, all of this does not contribute to you finding the effective truth which is given alone through the Creation and its laws and recommendations, in fact quite the opposite it leads you away from the truth and from the Creation and immoderately increases in you the already pronounced conceit and delusion of your own importance, through which you are put into the delusion that you should have to be asked to do good and to become truthly human beings in humaneness; this is an overbearingness beyond compare from you, because you yourselves must strive without being requested to do good, to become true human beings in humaneness and to behave also as such towards all the created creations and everything else that exists.
9) However, truly, with your belief and with your peculiar attitude, you are in the bulk of the humankind still far from the being human in the real and true sense and far from the humaneness, because in your belief in godheads, tin gods and idolised human beings you are as examples exceedingly deterring ones.
10) Numbering in the thousand millions, you feel yourselves great and strong and you live in an overbearing satisfaction with regard to the fact that you are believers in gods, tin gods or human beings and you beseechingly offer wretchedly submissive prayers to them, through which you present yourselves the illusion to have an elevated state of your consciousness as well as of your thoughts and feelings, whereas however you are doing unright, evil, unrighteous, irresponsible, criminal, unfair and conscienceless things, and you are indulging in hatred and jealousy, pathological craving for revenge and pathological craving for retaliation as well as in strife, war, torture, lies, cheating, calumny, theft and whatever else there is that is of the terribleness, of the Ausartung and of the depravity; in so doing, you truly do not realise that in your belief you are doing things which can never be reconciled with the true love and with the truth of all truth and therefore also not with the laws and recommendations of the Creation.
11) It is in the consciousness-based elevated state brought about through the belief and in all the evil that you do as a result that you feel in yourselves a satisfaction which you for your obedience erroneously interpret as thanks to your god, tin god or idolised human being, thereby imagining a connection with it or him; and not rarely do you thereby imagine in yourselves also a feeling of happiness and feeling of joy when, in your belief-delusion, you sink into a submissive trembling.
12) Human beings of Earth, you are manifold throngs of believers of different religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies as well as of all kinds of political orientations which are wrong beyond compare and are far from the effective truth and rightness.
13) Through your belief-edifices, you live blindly in a false, imaginary reality, and in your self-created delusion, you believe that you live in love and happiness.
14) Very many amongst you, you human beings of Earth, with regard to your belief and its exercise, are bigots, fanatics and other zealots, hypocrites, boasters and deceivers as well as slanderers, haughty fools, swaggerers and megalomaniacs, which you entirely also carry over into your inner and outer life, thereby creating hatred and jealousy, unpeace, unfreedom, torture, war, death penalty, disharmony, criminality and all evil, terrible things and Ausartungen in the world.
15) You harbour false thanks in your thoughts and feelings, and in your irrational belief you indulge in giving thanks to your god or tin god in imperiousness for not being like the others, through which you want to make yourselves better than you are, whereby you raise yourselves up megalomaniacally over your fellow human beings, despite the fact that you are no more and no better than them, namely fallible human beings who must first strive for the truth and must understand it in order to become true, responsible, conscientious and righteous human beings through the following of the truth.
16) In many cases, you do not speak what you think, rather you lie to your fellow human beings, hypocritically feigning love and inclination, although you find them unsympathetic and despise them, and the many amongst you who do this, you are cowardly against the truth, because you do not dare to pronounce it and you fear that your prestige might suffer setbacks and material loss if you speak the truth.
17) And when you lie or thank your god or tin god, then you are thereby creating thoughts for yourselves through which uplifting feelings arise, whereas in fact in your deeper inner, in your inner nature, nothing else but a gaping void prevails.
18) Your feeling-based elevated state is, as a rule, nothing more than a wanted reaction of your thoughts in order to create a gratification for yourselves.
19) And those amongst you who bow down in submissiveness before your god or tin god or before an idolised human being, kneeling down or casting yourselves into the dust before it or him, you are in reality very far from having esteem for yourselves and for the real truth.
20) In your submissiveness, you will never find yourselves nor the truth, because your inner self and the truth do not demand submissiveness, but rather esteem, courage, dignity and venerability.
21) You do not achieve a true inner condition of the real truth, of the true love, freedom and harmony, peace and upright delightedness through submissiveness, and indeed not even if you believe that you will already certainly have them.
22) Liberate yourselves from each form of the submissiveness, from the being doggish and from the dignityless subjugation, and see that you do not lose yourselves in your imperiousness, in the megalomania and haughtiness, which you wrongly believe to be esteem, courage and dignity.
23) All of those amongst you who are without any religious, sectarian, ideological, political or philosophical belief and are without submissiveness, you will find it very much easier to search for the truthly truth and to study it carefully than those who have fallen prey to any belief whatsoever; truly, many amongst you have however fallen prey to the conceited submissiveness, through which you do not see the reality and therefore doggish-submissively ask your invented god, tin god or idolised human being for help, although you must help yourselves in every wise.
24) You cannot stand before a god, tin god or idolised human being in order for it or him to reward you for your beseeching, doggish-submissive requests, prayers and sanctimonious words, because they are powerless and only hazy forms of your delusion.
25) Your beseeching requests and prayers are only cowardly demands, because in your belief you cannot bring forth the esteem, courage and dignity to help yourselves in every respect and wise; however, this corresponds to a hypocrisy, since through your beseeching requests and prayers to a god, tin god, to saints, angels or an idolised human being you are chickenheartedly concealing your own incapability.
26) And as you conceal your own incapability, you also deny the truth in the same form, the truth that is given through the Creation in its laws and recommendations; and through your lying and rejection of the truth, everything is whirling wildly around in your thoughts and feelings like empty chaff that is devoid of the valueful grain.
27) Your own incapability is built up on a wrong, silent and submissive expectation with regard to something better, that shall be given to you by your godhead, your tin god or idolised human being, your saint or angel, and this expectation is in reality nothing other than a selfish, brazen and hypocritical demanding arising from out of your cowardice; and it is chickenheartedness, even if everything is expressed in such beautiful and beseeching words, which prove that you yourselves are not great and powerful enough to liberate yourselves from the believing and connect yourselves with the effective truth, in order to help yourselves out of it.
28) And those amongst you human beings of Earth who are hypocrites, the reward therefor will be certain, but quite different than you think, because due to the fact that you satiate yourselves with your hypocrisy, disadvantage will be given to you in your consciousness-evolution, and indeed in the same measure as the unvalue that you yourselves create.
29) Your well-feeling in your hypocrisy, however, also passes from you if you are shunned through your fellow human beings for your wrong-doing, so your thoughts and feelings cause you certain pains and your conscience stirs in a disagreeable wise.
30) Each of your hypocritical demands is an overbearingness beyond compare which you can never vindicate if you in truth guide your life according to the truth of the Creation and its laws and recommendations.
31) You shall not ask and not beseech, but rather give enough consideration to the truth by mobilising in yourselves your energies and their powers and help yourselves according to the best of your ability in all conceivable things of the consciousness-evolution, which is exceedingly extensive and has very many things inherent in it.
32) You shall only request external, material help in modesty from your fellow human beings, because only in this wise can you expect help, whereas with regard to your evolutive consciousness-concerns as well as your inner nature, your individuality, your character and your personality, you can help yourselves only alone, because only you alone are able to change and evolve yourselves in these things.
33) Even the true prophets who come to you are unable to change you, because you can really only do this alone for yourselves, hence they only bring you the teaching of what you shall do in order to call forth a developmental change to the good and best in yourselves; and the proclaimers of the truth do not entreat you and do not demand anything from you either, because they merely bring the message of the truth in a neutral wise and warn so that you yourselves may work on yourselves in order to give enough consideration to the truth of the life and to guide your existence in love, fairness, in peace, freedom, conscientiousness, harmony, righteousness and responsibility.
34) The proclaimers of the truth, the true prophets, they only give you explanations with regard to the truth and sign-postings for your life-conduct, in return for which they are not thinking about enticing rewards for themselves; and as they themselves do not demand any reward for their teaching of the truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of the life that they bring, therefore they do not either promise you any enticing rewards if you turn to the real truth and to the true life according to the creational laws and recommendations; you must give yourselves any reward for your endeavours through building up in yourselves a general mental as well as feeling-based and thereout psychical and consciousness-based wellbeing, in true love, freedom and harmony as well as in inner peace – therefore go forth and act accordingly, you human beings of Earth.
35) With your demanding, you are always standing before yourselves, when you enticingly beseech, entreat and pray, as you also stand only before yourselves with your complaints and sorrows, because you must also arrange, reconcile and master these things with yourselves and in yourselves; truly, there is in fact no god or tin god as well as also no idolised or other human being who can take away your complaints and sorrows and master them for you, because you can at all times only in yourselves and alone master and overcome everything.
36) Truly, when those amongst you, human beings of Earth, you who in your belief in a godhead, a tin god, idolised or other human being continue to place demands in hypocrisy, instead of carefully studying the truth and guiding your lives accordingly, then – in your badness and in your vacillation – you remain lying in the gloom of your truth-unknowledgeness, and you cannot dedicate yourselves to the upwards striving to the true life and being human in the real and true sense; truthly, in this wise you are continuously exposed to the attacks out of the darkness of the truth-unknowledge, through which you cannot come to realise your erroneous assumption of your belief in a godhead, a tin god, saints, angels or an idolised human being, and you cannot free yourselves from the false religions, ideologies and philosophies.