Chapter 25
201) And consider, you humankind of Earth, also your true love contains great swinging-wave-based energies and powers, therefore you shall be concerned about letting the love in you become ever greater and letting it grow in your fellow human beings, so that all will be involved in it and are peaceful, harmonious and free amongst one another.
202) Consider, love is the true way of the truth and of the life, and if you do deeds of the love, then these will follow you, so love will therefore also be given to you in return.
203) Even thought-creations are works that catch up to you again, namely depending on how they are formed in the negative or positive, so they build light or dark swinging waves in you which you must get through in order to get into your consciousness-world; no help and also no protection can be offered to you from outside in this, since you live in self-determination and therefore only you alone can help yourselves; so the first step and every step thereafter must come from you yourselves, and you yourselves determine whether the first step and every step thereafter will be easy or heavy, because this lies in your thought- and feeling-world, through which you determine the volition in the negative or positive, so the heaven or the hell lies in you yourselves, depending on how you decide in the good or evil.
204) You yourselves can decide all things, over whatever you want to assess, but for this, no god, no tin god as well as no idolised human being is responsible except you yourselves, so you alone must bear the consequences of your thoughts and feelings as well as of your volition without imposing any requirements thereto.
205) You humankind of Earth, you alone create everything through your own thoughts, the feelings and the thereout resulting deeds, which is why you alone must also bear the consequences thereout; do not therefore foment unpeace, unfreedom and disharmony and do not create hatred and war, but keep your thoughts and feelings pure in true love, so that you spread peace, freedom and harmony and give righteousness, fairness and conscientiousness enough consideration.
206) Be at all times watchful in your thoughts, feelings and in your deeds and do not forget that every thought created and sent out by you, and also every feeling, whether negative or positive, attracts everything on its way out which is of the same kind, and they furthermore adhere to the consciousness of many of your fellow human beings if they get into them, if the latter are, perhaps only for a second, unattentive, forget themselves and have no control over themselves, the consequence of which is that the thoughts and feelings become ever stronger; and if such hovering-around thoughts and feelings are given the opportunity through unattentiveness etc. to get into the consciousness, then the corresponding goods of thoughts spread around, whether negative or positive, and thus also the thereout resulting feelings, ever more amongst people of your kind, where in accordance with your unequalised and unneutral goods of thoughts, the ungood, the evil and the negative prevail.
207) And consider what responsibility you bear with your thoughts and feelings, both with regard to yourselves and with regard to your fellow human beings, because your goods of thoughts and goods of feelings bring forth effects not merely in yourselves but also externally amongst your fellow human beings, which manifest themselves in acts and deeds, and indeed, as a rule, in a negative, bad, ungood and evil form, because your thoughts and feelings are to a large extent of such a constitution; and if your thoughts and feelings take effect on any of your fellow human beings and if they put your negative, evil, bad and ungood goods of thoughts and goods of feelings into action, then you bear the responsibility for this.
208) And truly, you humankind of Earth have to consider that in you as a whole, as well as an individual human being, your responsibility is triggered simply by your nourishing the ungood, negative, evil and bad thoughts and feelings, because namely each thought and each feeling sent out by you retains a permanent connection with you, without your being aware and conscious of it; the thoughts and feelings that you send out charge themselves on their way out with new energy and power and return thus strengthened to you like a boomerang, wherethrough you will be burdened or delighted anew with them, depending on whether your sent-out thoughts and feelings are of a negative, evil, ungood and bad or of a positive, good, excellent and kind nature.
209) You form your own thought- and feeling-world and send this out, wherewith you also create the possibility that they can get into the consciousness of those of your fellow human beings, who are unattentive or who nourish similar thought- and feeling-forms; thus you can also be befallen by the thoughts and feelings of your fellow human beings, just as they can be through your own goods of thoughts and goods of feelings, therefore also in this relation an interaction comes about once again, as in everything that is existent.
210) Thus, the teaching out of the creational laws and recommendations is that you shall not squander the energy and power of your thoughts and feelings but use them rightfully by guiding, nourishing and cherishing them in a good, positive, right, excellent kind and wise, and that you defend yourselves consciously against intruding strange thoughts and feelings by making your own thoughts and feelings to a sharp defence; create in this wise out of your own thoughts and feelings a protection against everything which is of the ungood, the evil, the negative, the bad and the ausgeartet that breaks in upon you from outside, so that you do not take it on but rather remain free of it and you in yourselves always fight only for the good and heal wounds in the whole realm of everything Creation-given.
211) If you want to act in accordance with the truth and move forwards in terms of the evolution of your consciousness, then you must arrange your thoughts and feelings to this in a controlling wise, which means however that you must lay down many false views and shake many rigid pillars that carry the false and erroneous teachings that have made you since time immemorial to believers in godheads and gods and in idolised human beings as well as in religions, ideologies and philosophies.
212) Since time immemorial there have been false and irrational teachings, false terms and words, which you, you humankind of Earth, have received in a mistaught wise and which you comprehend wrongly and which do not let you find the true way of the truth, which you must search for in yourselves as way of the truth, which is itself the truth and the culmination-point.
213) On the way of the searching in yourselves you must return to the true way of the truth from which you have turned away and have not found again or have never found since time immemorial.
214) Let the light of the real truth light up in you and get into the darkness of your truth-unknowledge, so that you bring down the construct of the untruth in you that you have built since time immemorial and during your actual life, so that you may finally get to work and turn to the reality and to the truth of all truth.
215) Make sure, if you search for the truth and learn it, that you do not suffer anew from a standstill, that you do not fall into new stagnation, but take the time as an example, which does not end but goes unstoppably forward, which you shall do as well when searching for, fathoming, understanding and living the effective truth, as it is given in the creational laws and recommendations and that you can find both therein and in yourselves, if you make an effort.
216) Truly, you humankind of Earth, the time passes, and indeed without you being able to do anything against it, and in the passing of the time all things change in your material world and in the universe as well as in yourselves, in your body and consciousness, in your inner nature, in the character, knowledge and the personality, as well as in the interests etc.; thus you see the times changingly pass you by, as you also realise every developmental change in yourselves, if only you pay attention to it, which you as a rule do not do, because truly there are only a few amongst you who do not make the pictures of the changes a habit but instead observe and perceive everything precisely and lay a firm ground out of this upon which you can build up everything further, to which you dedicate yourselves with interest, motivation and strong will, so that you research, fathom and direct yourselves according to what you learn and experience as real truth.
217) But those amongst you, you humankind of Earth, who are believers in godheads, tin gods and idolised human beings and who move only arduously through your life and do not research in full interest and volition for the truth, in order to fathom it, to experience it and to live it, it does not take long until you are confronted with hindrances that stand in contradiction with each other, so your will and interest break down, and everything doesn't fit together anymore; thus you lose yourselves in yourselves and create many gaps in the researching and fathoming that in spite of all your rumination you cannot close.
218) And if you have created gaps in your researching and fathoming, then you assume, if the logic no longer offers you any indication, because your rationality and your intellect are over-strained, that only a belief as a substitute can help you further, which results in you falling prey to false ideologies, philosophies or religions.
219) Consider the real truth of the Creation, as it is given through its laws and recommendations, it alone is reality, whereas every belief is wrong, irrespective of the form in which it is practised; so you shall not believe in any wise, also not with regard to things that you cannot understand, rather you must in all things search to understand, so that you find the real truth in everything over which you make thoughts and feelings, so also with regard to the effective truth and reality, wherein you can no longer be erring if you have found it and recognised it; therefore you must learn to search, fathom and understand, because otherwise you tear open the gigantic gate to the Hell of the endless irrationalities, and with these irrationalities you fall prey to the belief in godheads, tin gods and idolised human beings, as you therewith also deny the truth and the life and degrade them down to the evil.
220) Not comprehending, i.e. not understanding something and thus taking refuge in a belief instead of searching for the effective truth and fathoming it, means indolence and cowardice as well as thought- and feeling-laziness; this however does not drive the evolution of the consciousness upwards, but rather hinders or suppresses it; thus, you humankind of Earth, raise your eyes, search for, research, fathom and test the real truth according to your natural instinct that is given in you by nature, so that you become truthly knowing therein and do not turn to a belief of any kind, which you can never prove as rightness, because each belief is based on a fiction which can never provide a proof-power.
221) The time is given through the Creation, the universal consciousness, and it also lives in the time, as you humankind of Earth, because as an idea of the Primal-Creation it found a beginning in the big bang and has an end, when it reaches its age of 311 million-million, 40 thousand-million (311,040,000,000,000) years by earthly time calculation and then forms itself to the Primal-Creation through its process of developmental change; how erroneous it is, therefore, to assume that the time stands still, when the Creation itself is integrated into the time, which it itself has created.
222) Therefore, basic thoughts with regard to the time cannot be confronted with hindrances, therefore it is also possible for you, you humankind of Earth, to think further than only just for the moment, because as the time runs, so do your thoughts and feelings and they can move forwards through the stream of the time and even spread forwards; if however the time stood still, there would be no movement and everything would stagnate, which is however not the case, because in the whole Creation, in the universal consciousness, in the universe and in everything created by it and existing, everything is in an unstoppable, flowing movement.
223) You humankind of Earth, you do not hurry towards the time but rather you go together with the time and thus also with the becoming and passing which is connected with the time; therefore you storm ahead with the time created through the Creation, which is not eternal but restricted through the time-determined BEING of the Creation itself, and in the passing of this time you live your life and search for the real truth of all truth.
224) The time does not stand still and does not remain the same, because it has been going since the primal beginning of the Creation and all its myriad-fold creations, thus since time immemorial, yesterday, today, tomorrow, in thousands of years and in all future until the end of the time, when the Creation together with all its creations contracts and lies itself in slumber in order to appear in the new awakening as Primal-Creation.
225) You humankind of Earth, you appeared at some point in the time and were created through the activity of the creational laws and recommendations, and to you it is given to gain out of the womb of the Creation, wherethrough you can learn and evolve in the consciousness; and thus you can create true love, knowledge and wisdom in yourselves, as well as peace, freedom and harmony, in order to spread all this outwards amongst your whole humankind.
226) And truly, since the beginning of all things of the Creation, everything remains stored in the collections of the time, in the storage-banks, whatever it may be, because all and everything, even the smallest speck of dust of a weight from every one of you human beings, is saved therein, so that not even a single iota ever goes lost.
227) And thus, you humankind of Earth, as you yourselves developmentally change in your current life and in all your many new personalities, which you were since time immemorial in always new births, so also the Creation itself changes developmentally, by creating in itself ever more love, knowledge and wisdom; this happens by it learning through your spirit-form which gives life to you and evolves itself spiritually by integrating into itself everything that you create in terms of love, knowledge and wisdom, and then your spirit-form will one day unite with the Creation itself, long after it no longer requires a human body, but evolves further only as a pure- spirit-form; then the Creation takes in from it everything that your spirit-form has learnt through your love, your knowledge and your wisdom over many reincarnations; through that which the Creation integrates into itself, it evolves itself spiritually, just like you as human beings do with regard to your consciousness.
228) You humankind of Earth, you do not always remain the same ones, whether you are now young or already in the old age, because you developmentally change in your inner nature, in your individuality, in the Wesen, as well as in your consciousness and on and in your body, because everything is included into the developmental change and it cannot be circumvented; even your spirit-form and the Creation itself are included in the change through the evolution and the enrichment of love, knowledge and wisdom and therefore are not permanently in their condition; thus the truth, the knowledge and the wisdom are also included into the developmental change, and indeed in the wise that they become ever more deep-grounding and more deep-reaching, the deeper you get into them, because through your searching, researching and fathoming you continuously gain further cognitions and cognisances.
229) You have since time immemorial been searching for the truth, but you constantly ask yourselves what the truth really is, because that which you today assume to be the truth, you will already tomorrow recognise it again as an erroneous assumption, but only because you have not really found the truth, but only a partial truth or something that you have assumed as belief, i.e. as fiction and which has no proof-power; recognise: truth is not belief, but truth is certainty in recognition of the reality.
230) Therefore you must strive to find the real truth, which does not leave open any doubt and is not subject to any erroneous assumptions, but you have to consider though that even in erroneous assumptions there may be truth-grains to discover that can lead to the effective truth.
231) Truth is, that all cognitions and revelations permanently change their forms in this wise, in that an achieved truth always brings with it further factors that must be researched and fathomed and logically lead to new cognitions, through which the truth deepeningly widens itself and continuously becomes increasingly relatively absolutely fully developed.
232) Therefore your life continues with the constant searching, researching and fathoming, in which case you ripen through the whole developmental change and change of the learning and the winning of cognitions, knowledge, practical experiences and their living and become steadily wiser.
233) The truth in and of itself remains always the same in its core, does not change and is eternal, but it varies for you human beings in its depth in the wise that it is divided into uncountable steps, i.e. levels that must be climbed up one after the other; this can be compared to school classes, so the first class, i.e. step, i.e. level is the lowest, then following an exam the next class must be climbed up, then the next one and then the next one after that, until the highest class, which in the consciousness-evolution corresponds to the relative absolute full-development.
234) The truthly truth of all truth, the creational truth of the laws and recommendations thus always remains the same in the depth of its core, does not change and is not subject to any developmental change, but to reach this core you, you humankind of Earth, must begin at the lowest level of the truth-cognition and slowly work yourselves deeper and deeper into the truth, layer by layer, step by step, level by level, through which your truth-cognition will steadily widen and become more and more compact, and you will constantly become more truth-knowing.
235) Since the creational truth of all truth is eternal and is relatively absolutely fully developed in its core as well as in and of itself, so it is, you humankind of Earth, in your earthly sense not comprehensible in its full deepness, therefore it can also never be pure and final for you, but only relatively absolutely fully developed according to what you are able to create in terms of effective truth according to your intellect and rationality.
236) In order that you can recognise and understand more of truth, it is necessary that you become more consciousness-based, i.e. that you use your consciousness more amply in an evolutive kind and wise, by being free of evil, negative, ungood and ausgeartet thoughts and feelings, so you yourselves become the truth and live in the truth, so you are in yourselves permanently irradiated by the light of the truth.
237) To learn the truthly truth, which you alone can find in yourselves and in the creational laws and recommendations, you do not need to arduously learn a science, and you also do not need to fear erroneous assumptions, because if you recognise the real truth, then the answer to every question becomes obvious to you in the truth itself; yes, you gain very much more thereby, because the questions and the answers of the truth continuously widen and begin to comprise everything, because you comprehend more and more with your consciousness and live in the truth itself.
238) And understand, you humankind of Earth, the truth of all truth is of creational nature and given through the creational laws and recommendations; and in this form the real truth is the active basic significance of the effective knowledge, which is far from any doubt and any unprovable fiction, i.e. a belief; real truth is the concordance of the actual and contradictionless, uncontrovertible knowledge about the reality which in each form excludes any belief-based, i.e. fictive imagination; the criterion of the truth is the realisation of the truthful being, in which no theoretical values inhere, but solely and exclusively the reality, in which no belief, i.e. no unprovable fiction finds any place.
239) You humankind of Earth, burst all your bonds of the truth-unknowledgeness that hold you down, and become finally free in your consciousness, so that you may search consciously for the truth and strive for it; and if you are confronted with hindrances, then face them with joy, because they mean for you that you are on the right way and are treading the way of the truth in yourselves which is itself the truth and the culmination-point and on which you will find new energy and power.
240) Look at and consider all hindrances on the way of the truth as proof-stones, out of which you can learn and resolve your errors, so new cognitions and benefits grow out of them through which you are in turn able to master any hindrances that arise with ever greater ease.
241) Hindrances on the way of the truth are pushed in front of you so that you learn to master them and thereout win knowledge and wisdom and strengthen your requisite for the rise up to the real truth; there may also be hindrances that arise as the result of a guilt and that you must resolve through the truth-recognition in order to free yourselves from it; both forms of the hindrances bring you forwards, therefore you may not avoid them.
242) Be rational and do not speak of tests and strokes of fate that strike you in the life, because these serve your general progress and your consciousness-evolution; nothing happens without reason, so you must also accept fight and affliction if you want to achieve progress and evolution, since this gives you the opportunity to resolve errors and to extinguish transgressions of all kinds; and truly none of you, you humankind of Earth, can be released from even a minute speck of dust of a weight of errors and transgressions, therefore you must work up everything and direct it into the lines of the rightness and of the truth; consider that the running circle of the becoming and passing is anchored in the creational laws and is absolutely unmovable, so also is the becoming and passing of the errors and the transgressions that you commit and that are revealed to you through the learning, so that you can resolve and extinguish them and light up the darkness in you; and if this were not given so through the creational laws and recommendations, then the smallest deviation therefrom would bring all life to extinguishment and destroy the entire universe including everything existent.
243) Truly, those amongst you, you humankind of Earth, you who have very much to clear up from your life, be it from today or out of the past, you shall not be faint-hearted, just as you also must not be horrified by the redemption of your guilt, because if you truthfully turn to the truth and are willing to resolve your errors and transgressions, then you can consolingly and joyfully begin with freeing yourselves from the bad, evil, negative, irresponsible, conscienceless, unrighteous and unfair in all things, so that you can therein without worries and without a bad conscience in honesty turn to that which is rightful, good and righteous, conscientious, responsible as well as positive and fair, so you have a good conscience.
244) Consider at all times that you can always create an equalisation through your energy and its power and through the honest will and motivated volition, through which other and positive thought-forms and out of them other and better feelings come to life in your consciousness, which as strong weapons make you capable of fighting victoriously against everything dark in you and of freeing yourselves from the burden and heaviness of the truth-unknowledge.
245) The energy and power of your thoughts and feelings as well as of your will and volition is for many of you an unexpected might that attracts all energies and powers of the same kind, like a magnet; and these attracted energies and powers grow ever-stronger and unite in turn with similar or equally directed consciousness-based mights that act backwards and return to the point of origin and thus in turn strike the sender of the thoughts and feelings; and thus you, who are senders and receivers, will be raised up to the good and the wellbeing, or you will be cast down and sink ever deeper in your own mud and dirt, depending on how you as originators of the whole determine and bring about everything.
246) Thus it is given that your thoughts and feelings swing out and strike your fellow human beings, as well as that you are also struck by the thoughts and feelings of your fellow human beings, so therefore an interaction is given, as in all things of everything existing in the whole realm of the Creation-universe.
247) And if you know this constant interaction that is absolutely certain to occur, that is given through all ways in the entire Creation-realm and that with absolute certainty unstoppably triggers and unfolds itself again and again, then you can also use it and love it consciously and without fear; and if you comprehend this, then you can use your knowledge to impart many things through your thoughts and feelings to your fellow human beings that you cannot do through your words alone; and truly it is then also possible for you to be able to co-live the thoughts and feelings of your fellow human beings with them, because it is possible for you to perceive and logically follow their thought- and feeling-world, which has nothing to do with telepathy, however, but is a factor of empathy, i.e. of the ability for deep feelings for the others.
248) Through the empathy, the invisible thought- and feeling-world of your fellow human beings comes to life for you, step-by-step, and you receive their efficacy with such clarity that it dissolves every doubt in you, thus you can without making an error, take in and assess with absolute certainty the inner nature of thoughts and feelings of your next ones and fellow human beings.
249) You however, you humankind of Earth, you must first of all arduously learn these things, because you have refrained from doing so since time immemorial and have gone wrong ways of the life; you must also learn to receive consciously the strong energetical waves of the restless activity of the creational laws and recommendations that have an effect on you from out of the existence of the Creation; and if you pay only a little attention to it in a halfway conscious wise, then you will realise that the creational energies and their powers are very strong streams which effect in you very much of the positive, the good and the best as well as vitality and healing from all the unrighteous, inequitable, irresponsible and conscienceless as well as from truth-unknowledge, if you only use them consciously and willingly.
250) Truly, you are able through your thoughts and feelings and through your firm will to use the creational energy- and power-streams consciously, if you really want to; but you shall use the neutral creational energies and powers only for good and positive purposes, not however for evil and negative ones, so that you bring prosperousness to yourselves and to your humankind of Earth and not lead them into depravity; you shall with the creational and your own consciousness-based and physical energies and powers do works of the good and the best, for the relative absolute fulfilment of your consciousness-evolution; you shall not however light a blazing fire of the depravity that perverts your true inner nature into hatred, jealousy and war, into envy and stinginess as well as into unpeace, unfreedom, disharmony, crime and into all possible terrible things, as you have done entirely since time immemorial, wherethrough you have brought death, depravity and destruction upon your humankind and world and also still today call forth everything within the same frame.
251) If you do kindle a blazing fire, then it shall be a fire of the knowledge, of the wisdom and of the truth in yourselves, a fire of the joy and of the love, of the fairness, responsibility, of the conscientiousness and righteousness, through which there will finally be true peace and also true freedom, harmony and equality in you and amongst you all, you humankind of Earth.
252) And to achieve all these high values, it only requires the energy and power of your volition, through which you yourselves are the master of your life and hold the determination of your foreordination in your hands; truly, your own energy and power of your consciousness, of your thoughts and feelings and of your own volition brings you into the highest heights, to the progress and to the consciousness-evolution, to the true love, to the inner and outer peace as well as to the freedom and harmony; therefore you create your reward and your punishment yourselves with inexorable certainty, depending on what thoughts and feelings you always nourish and what you complete with your works and deeds.
253) Be conscious that this knowledge leads you to the real truth and does not weaken your life, but rather strengthens it and builds it up.
254) The cognisance about the creational laws and recommendations and their modes of functioning can be used by you at any time, through which the life and all things of the existence, and the entirety of the creational appear far more sublime to you than before – if you have ever perceived this sublimity at all, in which edifying greatness is given.
255) And if you recognise the great sublimity of the Creation, its laws and recommendations and their truth of all truth, then you, you humankind of Earth, can no longer want any evil, because you then reach for the true love, the best support that exists for you ever; the miraculous Creation itself with all its created creations, its works, everything existent, is the love itself, and you shall follow suit, you humankind of Earth, and you shall also love your next ones, your fellow human beings and your whole humankind, in order to also bring the truth to all of them, so that they also may find the true love, the peace, the freedom and the harmony in themselves and in turn pass them on outwardly.
256) If you search for cognition and for the effective truth, then do not entangle yourselves in confused thoughts and feelings, as well as not in the irrational teachings of the garden of the irrational belief, in which the rotten fruit of the gods, tin gods and idolised human beings invented through people of your kind pollute everything.
257) Do not let yourselves be deceived through priests of belief and the like, who worship godheads and tin gods, as you shall also not fall prey to the deception with regard to idolised human beings.
258) Do not let yourselves be made irrational through the god-worshippers and do not assume that through an eternal law an atonement-coercion lies upon you that you cannot push from you nor transfer to someone else, because truthly there is no such atonement-coercion through an original sin or the like, because all such things only correspond to a senseless invention of people of your kind, you humankind of Earth.
259) Truth is, that there is no coercion for atonement, because everything that you load onto yourselves, you hold against yourselves, therefore you also in yourselves must stand up for it and give account for it, and indeed for all your thoughts and feelings and for your words; you are accountable only to yourselves for the thoughts and feelings you nourish and cherish and the false and evil words you speak or write; but you can also be accountable externally, if you do wrong deeds and works that bring disadvantage to others in any wise, through which you stand in their debt and you will be called to account by them or by the jurisdiction; however, you must never make atonement to a godhead or a tin god, because all of them are only fantasiful inventions through people of your kind, in which no energy and power is inherent and which in their insubstantiality and nonexistence are not able to even change the colour of a single hair on your head.
260) What you therefore bring upon yourselves in terms of thoughts and feelings, vices, addictions, stinginess and envy, passions, bad character, unvirtues, lovelessness, jealousy and strife, inequity, irresponsibility, as well as unrighteousness, respectlessness, decencilessness and consciencelessness etc., no-one can solve, resolve and lead into the right lines except you yourselves; if it were otherwise, then the real truth of all truth would be merely an insignificance, and thus the whole Creation, the universal consciousness and universe, would collapse in itself, yes, the whole could not even have arisen and therefore could not have become existent.
261) As you yourselves are responsible for all and everything, you must free yourselves from all senseless belief- teachings, forget every imaginary godly coercion for atonement and set yourselves a culmination-point in the truthly truth, so that you, you humankind of Earth, strive only for this culmination-point and cast away and dissolve every belief.
262) If mere words are your truth, this avails you nothing, not even if you can recite long words and phrases word- for-word out of the memory and thus assume that you can therewith teach yourselves and your fellow human beings; truly all this doing avails you nothing if you have not found the real truth and do not act according to it, if you do not direct and arrange your thoughts and feelings and your whole earthly existence according to the effective truth; but if you do this, then it must be an implicitness for you, that has practically passed over into your flesh and blood and that cannot be separated from you any more; and only if this is so, will you be able to gain out of the eternal truth the values of the consciousness-evolution, of the true love, the peace, the freedom and harmony, and indeed in the wise how everything is given through the message of the truth that you bear in yourselves and how it is realised through the creational recommendations and laws.
263) You shall recognise yourselves by your own values, by your thoughts and feelings, by your deeds, by your activities and by everything you do, to which your words and speeches that you make in the daily life of your earthly existence also belong; thus also your thoughts and feelings belong to your doing, which in their effects must not be underestimated, so you cannot think that thoughts and feelings are ‹duty free›, and in this regard you think that you cannot be brought to account for them, because they take place on a level that is unreachable through material hands and courts; but therein you delude yourselves in the wise, because you will be called to account for them sooner or later in yourselves.
264) If you, you humankind of Earth, nourish thoughts and feelings in an unconsiderate wise, then you unconsiderately indulge in a dangerous game and in an unconsiderate delusion, that you can come forth out of it untouched, but you are tremendously wrong in this, because your thoughts and feelings belong to your inner coarse-substantialness, therefore they also carry out their effects in yourselves, to which you must bow, and indeed whether you want to or not; this means however that the consequences of your own thoughts and feelings sooner or later demand accountability from you, therefore you must stand up for them in your own inner nature, because only therethrough can the consciousness raise itself up with regard to its evolution.
265) Search for the truth in your thoughts and let them also jointly swing in your feelings in such a wise that only everything noble awakens in you, so you do not sink into confusing lownesses and you do not imagine that no-one can perceive your thoughts and feelings.
266) Thoughts, feelings, words and external actions are equal to all coarse-substantialness of your consciousness and your body, but the thoughts and feelings have an effect into the levels of the fine coarse-substantial, the words and speeches on the other hand in a middle coarse-substantial-realm, whereas the external deeds belong in the densest and coarsest coarse-substantial-level.
267) The three forms of the coarse-substance-levels of the thoughts and feelings as well as of the words, speeches and the deeds are closely connected with each other, therefore also their effects are intermeshing and have an incisive and determining effect on the developmental change of your life, which you, however, firstly are not capable of appraising and realising.
268) Truth is, that each conscious or unconscious thought and each thereout resulting feeling continue to be automatically active in their kind once they are created; in their middle coarse-substantialness they can strengthen themselves and thus become even more powerful forms than they were at their creation, and in this strengthening they can continue to effect until coarse-substantial deeds result out of them, without you, you humankind of Earth, being able to realise immediately that these are a result of your strengthened thoughts and feelings.
269) If you comprehend everything and become knowing in it, then you will be astonished about this in your thoughts and feelings because you will recognise the unconsiderateness and carelessness in your thought- and feeling-world, as well as the fact what might the thoughts and feelings have and what all in the good or evil can be negatively wrought or positively brought forth with them.
270) Through your thoughts and feelings alone, you humankind of Earth, you are involved in many good and bad actions of your fellow human beings without being conscious of it, because you do not strive for the cognition of the things and not for their truth, but go forth irresponsibly and unconcernedly in the life.
271) Consider, you, as humankind of Earth, are a we-form and as such are connected more or less with one another through your thoughts and feelings as well as through your subconsciousness, and as you nourish and cherish negative or positive thoughts and feelings, so they strengthen themselves once you call them forth, and in this strengthening they can strike any of your fellow human beings, through which they awake something resting in them that they bring to the coarse effect, although they had never previously thought about bringing it out and realising it; therefore you comprehensively bear the responsibility for your thoughts and feelings also for your fellow human beings, at least for those who are influenced through your mental and feeling-based impulsations and thereout carry out corresponding deeds or call forth thoughts and feelings in themselves of the same kind.
272) So many of your fellow human beings very often have thoughts and feelings in them or carry out actions that in their origin lead back to you yourselves and that through the strengthening take effect in the others and call forth the corresponding reactions, which they then themselves reject and condemn, although they, like you, are also jointly responsible for them in accordance with the creational laws and recommendations, because they nonetheless act from out of themselves with the foreign thoughts and feelings that are striking them; and thus you can have thoughts and feelings for any things in you that you would never carry out into deeds etc., however, your fellow human being who has been struck by your thoughts and feelings, and who is not able to work them out and bring them under control, does carry them out.
273) Consider such processes and search for the truth with regard to the effects of the thoughts and feelings, so that you learn to understand rightly and keep the hearth of your thoughts and feelings free and do not wreak terribleness, but rather create true love in you, as well as peace, freedom and harmony, and therefore high values that you shall carry forth through the swinging waves of your thought- and feeling-world to your fellow human beings and to the entire earthly humankind, so that war, hatred, jealousy, strife, inequity, disharmony, irresponsibility and consciencelessness come to an end as well as the unpeace, unfreedom, torture, the death penalty and all other terrible things with which you humankind of Earth are burdened.
274) You must therefore clean yourselves and become stable and strong in a good and positive wise in your thoughts and feelings, because only therethrough will the many crimes and unrighteousnesses as well as Ausartungen of all kinds happen less and decrease more and more, of which many amongst you are heavily co-guilty without you knowing it, because you do not care about it and also do not know the truth.
275) Consider, the swinging waves of your thoughts and feelings always impinge there, where they come upon equalities, therefore upon thoughts and feelings of the same or similar kind, in which case distance is of no significance, since the swinging waves are so fast that they hurry around the world in a fraction of a second and strike your fellow human beings at the farthest parts of Earth and bring about new effects in them.
276) So it is given that negative or positive thoughts and feelings from you individuals, you humankind of Earth, can bring about good or evil in all the world, by striking individual people of your kind, small or large groups or even whole peoples who are aligned to your thoughts and feelings; thus they can then forcibly trigger deeds and actions that are completely different in their forms to your mental and feeling-based impulsations, and yet nonetheless find their origin therein.
277) Since your thoughts and feelings swing out into the world and somewhere strike any of your fellow human beings, so you carry co-responsibility for their actions, and indeed both in the negative and in the positive; it can also be that when carrying out deeds and actions, abominable things happen which you yourselves had never thought of, the origin of their coming about, however, still leads back to your own thoughts and feelings; truthly you are in constant connection with all your fellow human beings and their deeds and actions, whereas you yourselves are also struck by the returning effects of the thoughts, feelings, deeds and actions, which burden your consciousness and through which a building up of going in a circle results.
278) Due to the fact that amongst you, you humankind of Earth, a building up of going in a circle of your thoughts and feelings as well as your deeds and actions exists as a permanent connection, you must not only developmentally change towards the truth of all truth and follow the creational laws and recommendations as individuals but as a whole humankind.
279) As individuals you can only be efficacious on a small scale and encourage people of your kind to the rationality so that they turn to the effective creational truth and to the following of the laws and recommendations, but in order to really let true love grow in the whole humankind, as well as peace, freedom and harmony, righteousness, fairness and responsibility as well as conscientiousness and a clear following of the creational laws and recommendations, it is necessary that every single one amongst you, you humankind of Earth, gives ample consideration to the real truth and to all the high creational values and to the following of the laws and recommendations.
280) And truly, you, you humankind of Earth, can also contribute strongly as individuals to the love, peace, freedom and harmony and to the happiness of all humankind, even if you can be efficacious only on a small scale, because you can be glad and have pure and joyful thoughts for good deeds that others do and that unfold both near and far through their own as well as your good, healthy and positive thoughts and feelings, whose swinging waves they receive from you and which they evaluate to the good and positive; and from this, of which you shall be certain, streams everything equally and prosperously back to you again, even if you do not know it and if you do not consciously perceive it.
281) So you, you humankind of Earth, are entirely connected with each other, and as a developmental change to the good, to true love, freedom and harmony as well as to the peace amongst all of you shall be called forth and emerge, it is necessary that you altogether connect yourselves together in these high values through your thoughts and feelings, build them up in yourselves and jointly nourish and cherish them, since only through that can everything become truth and reality; so listen to those individuals amongst you who strive for it and do rightfully, and heed the ‹Teaching of the Prophets›, the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit and the teaching of the life, which is given through the ‹Goblet of the Truth›, so that you finally comprehend and follow the creational laws and recommendations and lead a life in delight and truth.
282) You must finally perceive and acknowledge the unmovable strength of character and of all virtues of the Creation and its laws and recommendations, because solely in their effects is everything given that leads to the truthly knowledge and the real truth, which gives you also wisdom and lets you become true human beings, so you become worthy of consciously receiving the great goodness, which the Creation gives you through your life and therewith also gives everything which is intended for your human consciousness. (In the "strength of character and of all virtues", everything is included: All high values such as love, peace, freedom harmony, positive-negative-equalisedness and all virtues.)
283) And if you use everything rightfully that the Creation with its laws and recommendations has given you, then you will thankfully and in joy change everything in such a wise to the good and best, that you can pass it on to your fellow human beings and to all those created creations, which are capable of a good and positive developmental change through you human beings.
284) Do not remain cut off from all that which the Creation has given you for your life in the good and positive, also the energy and power of your consciousness, so that you use this in the sense of the evolution and do not suffer a decline in it; do not let yourselves sink deeper than you have already sunk, but strive for the real truth of all truth and fall away from your god-belief and from your belief in tin gods and idolised human beings, so that you go towards better times and a high-swinging humanhood.
285) Heed the truth as it is given to you in yourselves and in the creational laws and recommendations, and as it is also taught to you through the ‹Teaching of the Prophets›, so that you find the vitality of the real truth and also experience it in yourselves.
286) Finding the truth is hard for you human beings of Earth, but it becomes continuously easier for you the more you get into it and win cognitions, knowledge as well as wisdom and thereout fulfilments, which make miracle over miracle of the creational goodness and beauty just as recognisable in you as they also make great miracles visible and accessible in the outer.
287) Be careful on the way to the truth, because if you go unattentively and do not heed and overcome all hindrances and dangers that result out of the unrightness of your thoughts and feelings, then the might of that starts to unfold which constrains you into very distinct forms of specific purposes that are based on your own wishes, which fulfil themselves and shall thereby leave aside the truth; and truly this might and danger can devour you, so you go down in it, if you tread the way of the truth unattentively – because consider, your old goods of thoughts and your old feelings try again and again to break through to hinder the learning and fathoming as well as the following of the truth, because the time-immemorial belief-factors are of immense strength and do not want to be pushed away or dissolved.
288) When searching for and fathoming the truth, guard yourselves against crampfully directing your thoughts and feelings in a fighting wise against the untruth of the time-immemorial and against the untruth of the religious, ideological and philosophical belief; fighting against the untruth does not mean to go in quarrelsomeness against it, rather taking up a defensive position in accordance with the gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit, so as to put everything untruthly and thus everything belief-based in its proper place; if however you do not act in this wise, then you force yourselves again into distinct lines and further your unfreedom as well as the unpeace and disharmony in yourselves, through which your striving becomes a ridiculous imposture and coercion and shows no lasting value, because truthly nothing is learnt and the great effect of a permanence never comes; fight-based strivings mean Gewalt and coercion, and such bring no advantage, but only great disadvantage, therefore you must refrain from them and turn to the free unfolding of the truth, and indeed in the wise, that you willingly and without aggression against the untruth extend your hand to the real truth and bring everything untruthly to a standstill by only accepting the truthly and the truth itself, if you have found it; only thus can you fight against the untruth without quarrelsomeness in gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit and win against it, so you go forth with the truth as victors in true greatness.
289) Think of the word of the truth that true greatness is uncomplicated and uncomplicatedness is true greatness, as well as uncomplicatedness is true simplicity and modesty, which you must nourish and cherish in your thoughts and feelings, so that you do not go overboard therein in one wise or another, through which you can no longer control them.
290) Consider that you cannot bring your thoughts and feelings into a real purity with a thought-volition alone, because the volition thereto must come forth and rise up simply and unrestrictedly out of your inner nature, and it cannot be put into words, because words can only very restrictedly let the whole arise in a term.
291) The all-embracing natural instinct to the good and to the best must come out of the core of your inner nature itself, so that that which gets mightfully into your thoughts and feelings and also enwraps them can arise, so that the natural instinct of the volition proceeds from out of it and takes that form which is that right thing which you need.
292) And know, that it is quite difficult to give enough consideration to the natural instinct of your inner nature, but it is not as very difficult as you think, if you let modesty and simplicity prevail over you, and if you do not bring your rational and intellectual conceit and your overly boastful ability and your imagined power into play.
293) Let yourselves be free of your megalomaniacal thoughts and feelings as well as of the imagination that you would be greater than the Creation and absolute rulers of the life; let the core of your inner nature and its natural instinct for good, the best and higher break forth; let the noble and good in you be free, so you can create in yourselves a new foundation of your thought- and feeling-world that correspond to the capabilities of your consciousness; and if you act accordingly, then you can quietly leave what emerges out of it to the work of rationality and intellect as well as to the realisation in every right form, because in this wise nothing unright can form itself out of it.
294) Cast far from you all that which tortures you in your thoughts and feelings and trust thereby the intellect and the rationality; make the consciousness free, which will itself rightly open the way of the life and the way to the real truth and to the creational laws and recommendations, if you do not restrain yourselves against this and obstruct everything through an irrational brickwork of any belief in godheads, tin gods, religions, ideologies, philosophies and idolised human beings.
295) To become free in your consciousness means that you shall let the consciousness in you go its evolutive way, because it is determined by nature and through the creational laws and recommendations, to go towards the height of the relative absolute full-development; you however, you humankind of Earth, are holding it back from this, because through wrong thought- and feeling-based as well as deed-based machinations you work against it and as a result put it in chains, through which it can no longer freely unfold itself.
296) Cleanse your thoughts and feelings, because they are the most important factors of your evolution and leading of life, and through them you must create a new humankind which comprehensively follows the creational laws and recommendations, and leads its life according to their truth, so that there will finally be true love amongst you human beings of Earth, so you can, in yourselves as individuals as well as groups and peoples, live in real freedom and harmony as well as in truthly peace.
297) And you must begin with your thoughts and feelings, so that you bring them under control, to the rationality and righteousness as well as to the fulfilment of the responsibility and to the conscientiousness and to the rightful in all things; this is the first task you have to master and which makes you slowly but surely to what you shall be, namely true human beings in dignity and humaneness.
298) You shall be a shining example for yourselves and for all your fellow human beings that strives ever further for truth and love.
299) And you shall be thankful for your life, and indeed through the whole kind of your existence as well as through the following of the Creation-given laws and recommendations, so that it may go well with you; and if you fulfil this duty, then you need no other guidance.
300) If you fulfil the duties of the life in this wise, as they are pre-given through the laws and recommendations of the Creation in the wise that you can carry them out and fulfil them according to your own intellect and your own rationality and according to your own choosing, then you will receive all helps of the existence, which await in creational laws and recommendations, so that you make them useful for you and thereby go upwards in your consciousness-evolution.