Chapter 25
1) You whole humankind of Earth, you are since time immemorial searching for the truth, but in doing so you do not know what you are actually searching for so busily, because you do not know the real truth.
2) Your search for the truth goes through the world like a huge roaring and echoes on all ends of the earth, but you find not that which you are really searching for, as over and over again you become entangled in some religious, ideological or philosophical belief or other and pray to a god, tin god or human being, through which you move further and further away from the truth that exists only in the Creation and in its laws and recommendations and that you must fathom and recognise in yourselves, if you strive towards this uprightly in a neutral wise and thereby without any connection to a belief, god, tin god or human being.
3) You whole humankind of Earth, you are being guided into the unreal through false prophets and teachers with false teachings, to one god or to several, to tin gods and to human beings that you shall worship and beseech.
4) And you are flooded with a gigantic torrent of religious, esoteric, philosophical, ideological and sectarian books and writings, and also with radio and television programmes, and with websites in the internet, as well as with proselytisations of every other kind, to make you captured believers of a religion, sect, ideology or philosophy or to bind you yet more strictly to them, that you become not secessionists and that you turn not to the truthly truth of all truth.
5) Amongst all peoples, the schooled academics dig into old books and writings of all kinds, try to research them and ruminate thereon until their consciousness is exhausted and confused.
6) And there appear amongst your entire humankind of Earth ever more false prophets and teachers with false teachings, who lead you further into the unreal and far from the truth, as has happened since time immemorial; they call themselves prophets, leaders, masters and sublime ones, and also substitutes and representatives of a god or tin god, and drive you with false warnings, promises, hopes and predictions into anxiety and dread; and truly, they try everything to make you subservient to their belief, in which case a considerable number of them not only guide you into the unreal but also exploit and abuse you in terms of your goods and chattels, your riches, and more than a few of you also sexually.
7) And the new time brings with it that you humankind of Earth let yourselves be deceived by all sides of the false prophets and false teachings by all the irresponsible ones that attack you like a swarm of poisonous insects and suddenly, in the fever of their delusion for wellbeing, want to bring over you a new light of the belief and godly redemption.
8) As never before in all of time, new sects of all kinds are springing up like poisonous mushrooms out of your society and are rummaging through your mental-block, your consciousness and your thoughts and feelings as well as your psyche with their belief of wellbeing, and this truly in a kind and wise that is neither refreshing nor quickening, but that on the contrary causes terribleness in you, sears you through the fire of the deluded belief and suckles and takes from your last energy and power, and also from your weak rationality and your inadequate intellect that still have remained to you in your demolished gloominess of your present life, in a present in which through your irrationality and selfishness you strive to destroy the world, its nature as well as the life through your rampant overpopulation which out of sheer egoism you do not want to get under control.
9) Stirring in you in a religious-belief-based whispering and murmuring wise, is the hope of a growing expectation that help is approaching that will release you from all terrible things, which is why you are uncalm and full of expectation in your longing; you however let yourselves be talked into this false hope and this false expectation through false prophets, false teachers, gurus, masters, sublime ones and others that exploit you and guide you into the unreal, so that you become fanatical and incapable of recognising and realising even one iota of the real truth; so you vegetate away in irrational belief in godheads, tin gods, demons and human beings who raise themselves up above you religiously, ideologically or philosophically in order to abuse you in many wises and even to drive you to commit suicide en masse.
10) You whole humankind of Earth, it undulates and surges in you through your religious, sectarian, ideological and philosophical belief-forms, and truly there lies upon you in a gloomily brooding wise a stupefaction of fanatic belief and just as fanatic devotion and submissiveness, that you do everything, even murder human lives, to fight for your belief.
11) The whole scenario of your belief of any kind is pregnant from terribleness, out of which only evil and Ausartung can spring forth and be born.
12) Truly, you whole humankind of Earth, you live in a belief-based confusion filled with pusillanimousness and ruin; and if you do not finally tear up powerfully the dark coating around your belief, which enwraps also you yourselves, then you will have a very evil future.
13) The dark coating around your belief is like a sticky and stringy, dirty and swampy mass that absorbs and chokes every free thought of light that comes to you before it can even begin to act to the smallest degree and become strong.
14) The swampy mass of your belief in gods, tin gods, demons as well as in angels and saints and in a devil chokes the truth in you and brings forth a weird silence there, because you have sunk into a belief-swamp and not even one healthy thought to the truth-finding can grow up in you, because an impulse for this is already nipped in the bud and decays and destroys everything before even one iota of a recognition of the truth can come about.
15) You however who are blatantly searching for the light of the real truth, all energy and power is no use to you if you do not get rid of and drain the swamp of the unknowledge and the untruth in yourselves, and if you think that through shouting and big words you will find the true light of the truth; your loud shouts and big words become fainter and fainter and go unheard as if in a desolate wasteland amongst all impostors, gurus, masters, godly ones, sublime ones, false prophets and worshippers and servants of the gods, tin gods, demons, angels, saints and of the evil, which you call the devil, as all of these whom you believe help you are leading you away from the real truth and into the unreal.
16) Truly, they do not feed you with the bread of the truth of all truth, with the creational laws and recommendations and with all the love, knowledge and wisdom contained therein, but rather they offer you stones of the unknowledge and the untruth as nourishment, so that you break your teeth thereon and lead a painful life.
17) All of them, those who deceive you to the untruth and to the unknowledge, they offer you countless books, writings and teachings that are full of falsehood and guidance into the unreal and that stupefy and tire out your human consciousness instead of it beginning to live.
18) And if you consider this truth, by finding it in yourselves, recognising it and working it out, then you will find in yourselves the proof of the unfruitfulness of all the false and irrational teachings that are ingratiatingly presented to you through all those irresponsible ones who raise themselves up above you as masters, gurus, teachers, sublime ones, godly ones, priests, representatives of gods and substitutes of gods or as self-raised glorifications and let themselves be adored and worshipped by you.
19) Consider that such ones ingratiating themselves with you are deceivers and slanderers of the truth of the Creation itself as well as of its laws and recommendations, and through their untruths, through their unknowledge and through their senselessnesses they tire out your consciousness, but this is truly never of rightness.
20) It is not cheating on the truth that stills the hunger of your consciousness for knowledge and wisdom, but rather the bread of the truth, as the truth alone refreshes and quickens you, and the light of the truth warms you and gives you life.
21) It is understandable if many of you human beings of Earth are almost faint-hearted when you see and experience how abominably the real truth is treated and that through your religions, ideologies and philosophies, as well as through the esoterism, the sectarianism and the so-called spiritual science walls are built up around the truth so that it is not open to you and you stumble in truth-unknowing confusion.
22) And everything that they offer you in terms of all the irrational, confusing, wrong and far-from-the-truth teachings, you cannot really understand, because they are written in strange expressions and words as well as in academic sentences, with which you give yourselves airs and boast if you can name them, but in reality you understand them every bit as little as those who write, teach and spread the whole drivel of the wrong teachings.
23) The true spiritual science consists however in the ‹teaching of the spirit›, i.e. in the ‹spiritual teaching›, and this is not complicated and is to be understood and comprehended by each of you human beings – provided of course that you bear intellect and rationality and are not captured in a confused belief.
24) You speak always of your imaginary god or tin gods, of your angels and saints as well as of your gurus, masters, sublime ones and self-appointed divinities etc., and assume that universities shall be established for these senselessnesses – if indeed in certain cases you have not already done so –, in order to be able to obtain the ability in yourselves to recognise and to comprehend the term god, tin god, angel or saint etc.; but truly, your pathological craving concerning this is merely connected with an irrational and confusing belief, as it is also to a great extent in your wrong ambition that is rooted in your wanting to shine before your fellow human beings and to be heard by your god or tin god, angel or saints, and to appear great before them.
25) And truly, you believers in a godhead, in a tin god or a demon, in angels and saints, in gurus, masters, sublime ones, emissaries of gods and self-appointed gods or representatives of gods, you are tumbling like drunkards through your life and from one belief-delusion to another, and in doing so you are one-sided, unfree and unsure in yourselves, because you have been led astray from the simple way of the truth, on the one hand through the blame of all those who deceive you to the untruth and to belief, and on the other hand through your own guilt, because you only want to think about a belief rather than turn consciously to the truth, because you eschew the bearing of the responsibility that is connected with the real truth of all truth.
26) But cease to be faint-hearted ones through your belief, which leads you ever further from the creational truth and lets you find neither the true love and harmony nor the peace and freedom in yourselves and in your whole humankind.
27) Learn to be serious searchers for the truth that you can find only in the creational laws and recommendations as well as in yourselves on the way of the truth, which is itself the truth and the culmination-point; this way of the truth as truth itself, lies in each of you, you humankind of Earth.
28) But truly, be conscious that the way of the truth in you, which itself is the truth and the culmination-point, cannot be taken through academic learning and not through a religious, sectarian, ideological or philosophical belief.
29) Choose solely and exclusively the way of the truth in you, the way that is in itself the way, truth and culmination-point, because only the real truth is the great example on the true way of the light.
30) The truth itself is pure and simple, without cult-activities and rites, as well as without beseeching prayers to a god or tin god or human being, and by the truth you do not have to fight against erroneous assumptions and falsehoods, consequently you do not have to tread the way of the truth arduously through belief-rules and belief-dogmas as well as through cult-activities, rites, beseeching prayers and through submissiveness, etc.; if however you are taught otherwise through false teachers and false prophets etc., then these teachings are the greatest enemies of you human beings, because they are bare cheatings, lies and calumnies against the effective truth.
31) So back away from all the false teachings and false prophets and also from all the other preachers of falsehoods and teachers of the irrational truth-teachings who characterlessly misuse everything venerable in you and guide you far from all truth into the unreal, through which you fall into lovelessness, affliction and misery in yourselves, so also into hatred, unpeace, disharmony, unfreedom and the pathological craving for revenge, which leads to the fact that through wars, revolts and through torture and the death penalty you bring many deaths and destructions over your whole humankind.
32) Truly, you humankind of Earth, you are fully seized by all the evil, which you however do not want to be true and vehemently deny, because you yourselves are not even conscious of this fact, because you are captured in you by the irrational teachings of the false prophets and teachers, which as the work of human brains are patchworks of the evil and the untruth and remain such a patchwork, however deeply your belief therein may be anchored.
33) Consider that your belief in a godhead or in a tin god, in angels and saints, gurus, masters, sublime ones or representatives of gods etc. will never lead to the creational truth, to the Creation itself and its laws and recommendations, which are also given in the nature, in all life and in all existence.
34) You shall recognise the truthly truth in yourselves, as well as in the recommendations and the laws of the Creation, so you create knowledge thereout in yourselves and turn this knowledge into wisdom, since only through real knowledge and through its essence, the wisdom, can you fully understand the effective truth of all truth.
35) Through your truth-unknowledge, however, the comprehension-capability of your consciousness is narrowly restricted, because this is firmly bound to space and time, so it is already no longer capable of really realising the eternity and the endless assigned to the Creation, even if the terms can be expressed mathematically.
36) Truly, you humankind of Earth, your consciousness with its intellect and its rationality stands before the uncomprehensible energy and power of the Creation and its laws and recommendations, which streams through everything existing, whereas the energy and power of the Creation lives and works from out of itself.
37) And you human beings receive the energy and power of the Creation and its laws and recommendations at every moment of your lives as implicitness, without you making even a tiny iota of thoughts about it; and were you to do so, then despite your intellect you could still not realise what the creational energy and power in reality are.
38) Your consciousness and your thereout resulting rationality and your intellect offer only an inadequate activity, wherethrough naturally your consciousness-works are also subject to a restriction, which is the rationality, the intellect as well as the thoughts and feelings; and out of this very reason alone, your learning, you humankind of Earth, with regard to the effective recognition of the real truth of all truth, remains left to your intellect and your rationality alone, through which you must perceive and recognise the truth and take it into cognisance in order to work it out as knowledge, experience it and then live it, out of which only then the essence evolves, the wisdom, which is relatively complete truth; relative, because the real truth of all truth always and endlessly leads to new perceptions, cognitions and cognisances, to expanded knowledge and the experience thereof, and to the living of what is experienced, and then to flow again into the essence, i.e. into the wisdom, and thus into the effective relative truth, which is again the cause for new things, i.e. new effects to continuously come forth out of it as wisdom, i.e. truth.
39) Your learning is – due to your school-knowledge and your hanging on to religions, sects, ideologies and philosophies, false teachings and teachers as well as false prophets and belief-forms – directed towards thinking about details, but not the whole of a thing, despite the fact that you as human beings all together carry that uncomprehensible whole in yourselves, through which you are fully capable of reaching the highest and most noble in yourselves through the learning of the real creational truth, which is possible for you through your intellect and through your rationality; rather than this, however, you show contempt for this creational gift, and instead of the truth, you follow your belief in a god or tin god, in angels, saints and demons, in a devil or in human beings who raise themselves above you and whom you idolise and worship.
40) Free yourselves from all this, for this is only an evil torture practised upon you not only by the false teachings and teachers and by the false prophets but also through you yourselves, because you are submissively dependent on the irrational teachings.
41) Consider that there are no great masters, gurus, sublime ones, emissaries of gods and the like, as well as no fantasised god, tin god or devil etc. who can command you against your own will, that you must follow the nonsense of their irrational teachings, because to you alone is given the power, the intellect, the rationality and the decisional Gewalt to determine over yourselves, as well as over what you want to do or not do, and whether you want to fall prey to a belief or to turn to the effective truth of the Creation and its laws and recommendations.
42) If you humankind of Earth are yourselves and do not let yourselves be steered through religions, sects, ideologies, philosophies and their false teachings, then you will be able to build up in yourselves a solid volition to the good and to the real truth of all truth, so that you can give your thoughts and feelings as well as your deeds and your activity love and purity as well as harmony, peace and freedom; and if you can do that, then you have already found the way of the truth in yourselves, which is in itself the truth and the culmination-point.
43) And to do this, you need neither religions nor ideologies or philosophies, neither do you need their irrational, confusing and false teachings in books, writings, pictures and words; and thus you do not need to dedicate yourselves to hermitage or isolation or to asceticism in order to find the truth in yourselves, to realise it and then to live according to it, nor does this require a special consciousness-based effort, through which you could be overstrained; truthly it requires only your normal consciousness-power as well as your good and clear intellect and the equally good and clear rationality, motivation and a solid will to carry out everything and to bring it to the end.
44) And if you humankind of Earth act in this wise, then you will be healthy in your mental-block and in the consciousness-block, therefore in your consciousness itself as well as in your thoughts and feelings, in your psyche as well as in your personality and in your character.
45) Thus if you act wisely in this regard, you free yourselves from all the pressure of a morbid search and rumination concerning the truth-search, so you become human beings who do not succumb to the false of a religious, ideological or philosophical belief like an orchid that can wilt at the merest touch of a cool breeze.
46) You humankind of Earth, your consciousness is the foundation stone and the tool of all your thoughts and feelings as well as of your deeds and activities, but this consciousness is in its activity still inadequate, through which restrictions are naturally imposed on you, which you must open through your own intellect and through your rationality, so that you open the blockades in your consciousness and become more broad-sighted and also comprehend all those things that go beyond the material and stir in the realm of the spiritual and the consciousness-based, and belong in the realm of the creational laws and recommendations.
47) You humankind of Earth, wake up and look around in yourselves, so that you hear your own voice in yourselves which calls for the effective truth and for the fulfilment of the creational laws and recommendations; and only if you do this shall the way of the truth open itself in you, which has the truth and the culmination-point inherent in itself.
48) Be yourselves and pay no attention to the strife in the world, nor to the strife of the religions, ideologies and philosophies, nor to the false teachers with their false teachings, and also not to the false prophets and to your false, imaginary gods, tin gods, demons, angels and saints, and to all those that pass themselves off to you as truth-bringers, such as gurus, sect-leaders, masters, sublime ones and however else they all call themselves.
49) The only truthly truth-bringer are you yourselves, if you fathom and recognise the truthly truth in yourselves and in the creational laws and recommendations; and the true prophets, who bring you the ‹Goblet of the Truth›, the ‹Teachings of the Prophets›, i.e. the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, they tell you merely what you shall look at and what you shall do in order to find the truth in yourselves and in the laws and recommendations of the Creation; the true prophets only teach you in the mode in the truth, so that you may find it in yourselves, just as they also only teach you in the causal connections of all things; however, they do not teach you to follow their words and their teaching submissively, but that you yourselves decide in yourselves for learning and fathom everything in yourselves, find the effective truth and follow it.
50) Therefore do not let yourselves be deceived by connecting yourselves to a religion, ideology or philosophy, rather be yourselves in every wise and search for the truthly truth only there, where it is actually to be found, namely in yourselves and in the laws and recommendations of the Creation.
51) Consider that there is no physical manifestation of a godly love, but only the true love, which proceeds from out of the Creation itself through the effects of the laws and recommendations which as fundamental substance is in your deepest, spiritual nature, through which you too are capable of the true love out of a fine-spiritual perception as well as the feeling-based love.
52) Do not attach yourselves to any confessions, ideologies or philosophies but rather create an own and healthy life-view, based on the truthly truth that you find in yourselves, so that you are free in your human consciousness, which may not be enslaved through religious, ideological or philosophical dogmas or through a godly spark invented by you human beings, which has no energy or power.
53) Dogmas and other compulsory tenets are and remain human inventions and are never words or the work of the Creation, but are the work of human beings in order to constrain your human sense and to press it into forms of the depravity, which however means a systematic degrading and distorting of the creational in you.
54) Truly you should recoil from dogmas and other compulsory tenets and irrational teachings, through which you can never experience the great reality of the creational truth, but through which your search for the truth becomes ever more hopeless, which drives you slowly but surely into the despair.
55) You humankind of Earth, finally wake up and become yourselves, bring forth in yourselves your own decisions and be therefore free in your thoughts and feelings, so that you shatter all dogmatic walls in you and pull down the bandage of the belief in gods, demons, angels, sublime ones, tin gods and human idols which makes you unseeing, so that you finally become seeing and can perceive the light of the truth in an unmutilated wise.
56) And if you do this, you will rejoice in yourselves and swing your consciousness through the cognition of the truth into the heights, to find the true love in the Creation and in its completion that is the highest possible for you, which your intellect does not know, because of the captivity of your belief with regard to religions, ideologies, philosophies and their irrational teachings.
57) You must recognise, you humankind of Earth, that you, in form of your spirit-form in you, are a minute part of the all-embracing Creation, which is why you shall unify yourselves with it through your consciousness, namely by turning to the truth of all truth and as a result give enough consideration to your consciousness- evolution; free yourselves with your whole energy and power from your truth-unknowledgeness and give yourselves the gift of the truth-recognition and truth-following, through which you find your way out of the chaos and rise up to the higher in yourselves, which makes you joyful of your life, fills you with true love and creates peace, freedom and harmony in you and amongst your whole humankind.
58) But you humankind of Earth, you are still not ready to really turn to the truth, because if you are looked at and considered more closely, then you are still far away from extending your hand to the truth and therefore also to the creational laws and recommendations.
59) You are still very far from the creational truth, although many amongst you are searching particularly vigorously for the truth, but unfortunately you do this in a wrong wise, because truthly you are not searching for the truth itself, but rather for leaders and helpers; leaders and helpers, to whom you want to give belief regarding their false teachings and through which you feel yourselves as raised in your thoughts and feelings as also in regard to being able to subordinate yourselves suppliantly to a leader, guru, master, sublime one or godly one, etc., merely because you nourish the wrong opinion that you are already thoroughly prepared for recognising the supposed truth-bringer, hearing his or her words and understanding his or her teaching.
60) What you are nourishing and cherishing in this regard, however, are no more and no less than many splittings (different forms of opinions, views, meanings etc.), by which you are ruled in yourselves and which will never let you find the truth.
61) The ‹Goblet of the Truth›, the ‹Teaching of the Prophets›, i.e. the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life affect you in a peculiar wise, because it is anything but a teaching with religious, ideological or philosophical empty phrases, and because you are entangled and captured in such empty phrases and are submissively dependent on them, you create in yourselves a false picture of the real truth, and establish causes to bask in overbearingness and wrong self-evaluation and to go the wrong way that is based in a religious, ideological or philosophical belief.
62) Instead of a true deference towards the Creation, there has come about in you, you humankind of Earth, a whimpering begging and beseeching to a god, demons, devil or tin gods, to angels, sublime ones or human idols; and thereby you have become Wesen who always only want to receive, but never ever want to contribute anything yourselves at any price, just as it is also not pleasing for you to bear the responsibility.
63) You pray and beseech, which you can do very well, but that it is demanded of you yourselves that you shall do something and do a lot of work for what you demand and on yourselves, you want to know nothing of this, because it is uncomfortable for you and would require you to think according to the truth.
64) Nonetheless, however, you have the audacity in the imperious belief in yourselves to be autonomous, independent and so full of power to be able to do and not do everything yourselves, as you want, and thus cultivate the delusion of being equal to the Creation.
65) Very many amongst you, you humankind of Earth, you merely await and claim and believe that it is not you who must bow to the creational laws and recommendations but that it is they that must bow to you; truly, wherever you look, you see only your doubtfulness, because on the one hand you live in an ausgeartet overbearingness against everything creational, and on the other hand you sink down in blatant submissiveness and cowardice before your invented gods, tin gods, angels and saints or before your human idols.
66) Truly, you are missing the right self-evaluation and modesty as well as the true love and the feelings for yourselves as well as for your fellow human beings, and if you nonetheless want to search for and find the truth in yourselves and around yourselves as well as in the creational laws and recommendations, then it is in the first place necessary that you descend from your artificial height that you have created for yourselves, because this is the first step you must take if you really and truly want to become a human being.
67) You are like a bloated pufferfish that senses danger and thus blows itself up, so likewise you blow yourselves up and boast with your religious, ideological or philosophical truth-unknowledge and its irrational teachings, because you fear the creational truth of all truth; but consider, how the pufferfish can in an unheedful moment find itself trapped between the fangs of its enemy and lose its life, so will it also go with you if you are cast into ruin through your belief; and if that happens, you will have no more time to lose to liberate yourselves from out of your hardship and out of your misery.
68) Do not therefore think that, with regard to the truth-finding, it can go on endlessly in this wise of the idleness, as it has been the case already for millennia, because sooner or later the time comes when you must turn to the true creational truth of all truth and connect yourselves with it.
69) Do not therefore wait for any leader or helper from whom you expect and indeed demand in a miserable wise that they shall show you and prepare a way up to the light of the truth, because truthly it is only you alone who must strive for the truth and strike and tread your own way.
70) You must yourselves make everything comprehensible in such a wise that you can understand and logically follow it by choosing the right way, so that you find both the truth and yourselves in your inner nature.
71) Therefore, search for and find the truth in your own intellect and in the rationality and let the false leaders and helpers be what they are, because it is not they who can bring you the truth, but you alone, because you alone must bear the efforts, even if you believe that these efforts would be taken away through the false teachers, leaders and helpers.
72) Only if you call yourselves to the truth can you find the right way and the truth of all truth in you and in the creational laws and recommendations, but this requires you to strive for it yourselves and not follow false teachers, leaders and helpers.
73) It is your task to find the real truth as such yourselves and to become knowing therein, not, however, to fall prey to a false conviction through false teachers and teachings as well as leaders and helpers.
74) You however, you who are many, you believe that you yourselves do not firstly need to strive to find the effective truth, because these efforts would be done for you by any teachers, leaders, helpers or prophets, truly, you are foolish and do not find the way of the truth in yourselves, which is itself the truth and the culmination-point, which is why you remain unknowing and suffer misery and hardship, are full of jealousy and hatred and indulge in pathological craving for revenge, in retaliation and wars, as well as in crime, calumny, lies and deception, and also in strife and destruction.
75) Truly, you yourselves must awaken, because all the false teachers, leaders, prophets and helpers with their false teachings cannot awaken you out of your sleep of the truth-unknowledgeness, and you must also go the way of the rightful, the responsibility and the conscientiousness alone, because only you alone can do all this for yourselves.
76) Consider the true word, that you as true human beings are still not so valueful, as you imagine and believe this, that you would be equal to the Creation, but if you want to be trustworthy, then you must turn to the creational laws and recommendations, learn out of them and fulfil them, because only thus can you become what you want to be.
77) You humankind of Earth, you search for the truth of the life, however, you are searching for something that you do not yet understand, because you are captured in the belief in godheads and tin gods and human idols and assume that this is the truth, but the effective truth is not based on a belief but in truthly knowledge and the thereout resulting, unfallible wisdom and deep-reaching love.
78) And as you do not understand the truth, so you also do not understand the life and vegetate away in confusion, wherethrough, despite the progress you make in many areas, you remain far from the creational truth of all truth and no longer know what you actually want; but be certain that sooner or later you will and must experience in yourselves what really shall be.
79) You are a peculiar sort of human beings, because although you search for the truth that you do not yet understand, you criticise, insult and slander it, because you believe in godheads, tin gods and human idols – how can you as human beings think and act so irrationally, since, after all, you possess the capability of the intellect and the rationality?
80) You humankind of Earth, consider that you cannot keep on acting and living in this wise endlessly, because the truth and the life make no concessions, but rather demand their right in all things of the existence; but since you act contrary to this with all the irrationality available to you, you tread yourselves and in so doing you cause yourselves pain, misery and hardship, from which you can free yourselves only if you cast aside and reject everything which is contrary to the truth, and is therefore unrightful and of the unright, as well as of the irresponsibility and consciencelessness.
81) Those however amongst you, you humankind of Earth, who – thinking in intellect and rationality – are seriously searching for the real truth of all truth, for the truth of the life, the truth of the Creation and its laws and recommendations, you are able to recognise that the best that the whole humankind needs lies precisely in the fair, responsible and conscientious, attentive, strict and heedful thoughts and feelings, because the whole humankind is enmeshed very deeply in its consciousness-indolence.
82) And just with this, that the intellectual understanding concerning the words of the truth demands right from the beginning a consciousness-based activity, so however also a striving and a serious volition, is the possibility given that already at the beginning of the consciousness-activity and thus the thought-activity, the chaff can easily be separated from the grain and therefore the truth can be understood; therein lies an autonomous activity, as laid down through the creational laws and as you human beings also fundamentally want it.
83) Those however amongst you, you humankind of Earth, who are that sort of human beings and think yourselves to be particularly active, you design a grotesque picture of teachers, leaders, helpers and prophets who are supposed to help you find the way of the truth and the truth itself; you are however extremely foolish, because you expect them to be really wise and knowing and consciousness-acrobats who can do miracles for you.
84) You however let yourselves be deceived even deeper into the untruth, because they know only the untruth and not the truth itself, and furthermore you presume that they are clairvoyants and clairaudients, telepaths and channelers, but truthly they understand nothing of this; and you also believe that they are emissaries of god or truth-knowers and great ‹spirits›, what in reality they are however not.
85) And truly, if they were really capable of using the consciousness-powers and of controlling the pineal gland, in order to be able to be active in the realm of fine-fluidal swinging waves, even then they would not be able to rise above the ban of the material, since these things also stir only in the lower boundaries of the material and can lay no claim to the purely spiritual, consequently they are rather worthless for the purposes of finding the truth of all truth, since they are no more, no less than only aspects of the consciousness-capabilities that can be used, if the way thereto is found and taken.
86) You humankind of Earth, you cannot be helped towards a general rise up to the truth and to the consciousness-evolution by showing you things and effects of the consciousness-powers that you can see, hear or feel, because this has nothing to do with a real rise up to the truth and to the consciousness-evolution, as it also does not serve any purpose for your material progress; things and effects that are brought about out of the consciousness-powers are no more, no less than signs of the powers of the consciousness, nothing more than that, and are interesting only for entertainment, carrying out work or for obtaining information etc.; for the evolution of the consciousness and using its powers, as well as fathoming out and following the effective truth that you find in yourselves and in the creational laws and recommendations, does not require any demonstration of the things and effects of the consciousness-powers.
87) That you, however, wish for yourselves teachers, helpers, gurus, clerics as well as sublime ones and the like, who present you consciousness-powers as miraculous signs and proof of the rightness of their belief in a godhead, a tin god or demons, this is already founded in blatant ridiculousness, and even then, if you take their activities in this wise bitter seriously – if those worshipped and beseeched by you are even capable of bringing forth such signs of the consciousness-powers.
88) And you are of the irrational opinion that a true teacher and proclaimer of the truth is of godly nature, but this also corresponds to an irrational belief, such as the belief in a godhead, because a true proclaimer and teacher of the truth is a human being out of your midst and is as integrated into all the heights and depths of the life as you yourselves, so therefore also into illness, health, accident as well as fortune and unfortune; so they are not spared from these things, even if you think wrongly that such things cannot happen to a truthly teacher and proclaimer because he or she is under god's protection; truly, you do not consider that every godhead is an insubstantiality invented through you human beings yourselves and is completely without energy and power, whereas true proclaimers and teachers are simple human beings and thus integrated into the course of fortune and unfortune and illness and health of the life; and since true prophets and teachers are in flesh, blood and consciousness human beings and therefore people of your kind, it is erroneous to assume that they were raised above unfortune and illness or even above departing out of the life, because fundamentally everything existent is integrated into these things and into the becoming and passing; if however you think that this does not meet the fact, then you make yourselves a wrong opinion which sinks into complete ridiculousness.
89) Consider, it is quite true that you humankind of Earth shall help yourselves, which also refers to illness and unfortune, so you can bring under control illnesses and pains that simply belong in one wise or another to the material body, depending on how the bodily state of health is formed, but you cannot one-sidedly through the Gewalt of the consciousness-powers make the body permanently insensible to internal and external influences, as this is also by no means possible by an outstanding ‹great spirit›; truly, the body can one-sidedly be made temporarily insensible, e.g. through hypnosis and meditation, but anyone who is able to do this is nonetheless no outstanding great one, because the whole doing is merely based on the control of one’s own consciousness-powers, not however on the use of any godly powers, which do not exist.
90) If however you believe in godly miraculous powers, which are purely illusory, if some amongst you can show signs through their consciousness-powers that you understand neither as to their source nor to their effects and in the final effect itself, and therefore believe that these are godly miraculous powers that bring forth everything, then you are human beings who stand there with shining eyes and open mouth, wishing you could do the same.
91) Therefore there are many amongst you who are in the present time still miracle-believers as well as ‹spirit›- and god-searchers, and who cling to the untruth of a religious, demonic, ideological or philosophical belief, through which however you realise no gain of the truth, but wander about in a dark vault of the truth-unknowledge, which you yourselves have created.
92) Truly, in your unknowledge about the truth you are like consciousness-based clowns who are drunk from the belief and balance dangerously on a high-strung tightrope, in danger of falling at any time, but you do not recognise to where your doing will finally lead you.
93) If you look at and consider your search for the true of the truth, then you will experience that you do not know where you are actually going and what you want to strive for; and you are living in the delusion that you cannot live alone but rather only under the protection of a god, tin god or idolised human being, a leader, helper, master, guru or sublime one and god-equivalent, etc., who must be great enough that through his or her consciousness, which you wrongly call ‹spirit›, he or she can rule his or her body and his or her life to such an extent that he or she no longer knows any illness or hardship, as has been handed down to you slanderously since time immemorial through stories of lies about true prophets.
94) And consider, only the spirit itself cannot be afflicted by illness, unfortune and hardship of any kind, because it alone is of purest creational nature, whereas the body has a pure material substantialness, and thus is directly connected with everything material, so therefore also with illness, unfortune and every hardship, as it is on the other hand also with health, fortune etc.
95) But the spirit or the spirit-form needs the human consciousness for its own evolution, therefore also the body, wherethrough the consciousness and the body are connected with the spirit-form; if however the body becomes weak or suppressed through any powers, then the consciousness can no longer evolve completely, because it will concentrate itself only on a specific direction, wherethrough everything else is neglected, and therefore no general consciousness-based evolution will occur, but only a purposeful and one-sided one; this will however lead to the swinging waves of the consciousness becoming too lifeless to bring the entire scope of its full power into the entire materialness of the body, thus the latter begins to suffer here and there.
96) Therefore, if you want to suppress an illness or minimise or resolve an existing one, then you must put a great pressure on your body in a consciousness-based wise, by concentrating solely on the illness or the afflicted area, through which the illness or the pain resolves, in which case you however leave the rest of the body completely out of your attention, which can in turn be befallen by illness or pain; this is the same effect as when you have toothache which you push away in yourselves through fear when you go to the dentist.
97) The fact is that such states of arousal are often brought about through you, you humankind of Earth, and can be repeated several times without danger, but not permanently, otherwise serious harm will occur and endless sufferings will be the result.
98) If however false teachers, false prophets, gurus, masters, godly ones, sublime ones or other idolised human beings advise you to do so nevertheless, then they infringe against the natural creational laws and recommendations, because consider, you shall treat your body as a valueful treasure that has been entrusted to you and keep it safe as such, so as to bring about a healthy harmony between it and your consciousness as well as with your spirit; you shall therefore not harm your body and also not rob it of the life through suicide or commissioned murder.
99) If you suppress or maltreat your body, then you do the same with your consciousness, as a result an evolution and a rise up to the truth is not possible anymore, because this gives rise only to a drastic hindrance that prevents any fulfilment of the task of your life; even the materialness of the body itself is affected, because the full power of the consciousness goes thereby lost in terms of its activity in the whole physical body, because the consciousness-power, which must harmonise with the material body, is enslaved.
100) If however you are irrationally taught in this through false leaders, prophets, helpers, gurus, teachers or masters etc., then these are less than you yourselves, because they misteach you and cheat you with false knowledge, because they do not know the tasks and the evolution-necessity as well as the function of your consciousness, whereas you dedicate yourselves to being taught the truth honestly in all things, so you are therefore truth-searchers, who are however deceived with irrational teachings through vermins of your consciousness who falsely call themselves truth-knowers.