Chapter 2
301) The good that you do on the journey is seen by those who are with you, therefore provide yourselves with the necessary victuals so that you can also nourish those who are in need and do not have any victuals for the journey to the place of the truth-teaching; but truly, consider that the best victual at all times is righteousness (conscientiousness).
302) And when you return from the place of the truth-teaching to your dwelling, then think about the teaching of the truth, the proclaimers, the prophets, so that you will keep it in yourselves and be well led by it; and this applies even if you were previously one of those who had gone astray, before you imbibed the truth-teaching in yourselves.
303) Always think about the truth-teaching of the prophets for all time, but you do not bring down any guilt on yourselves if you nevertheless do unright on one or another occasion because this is the way of the learning; therefore it is given that you are also fallible in the knowledge of the truth, in order to learn from it, but in this sense only be doers of unright in what concerns your thinking and feeling and in your nature as well as in understanding and actions; do not however be as doers of unright also fallible ones, because the sense of the fallible ones is to do evil and illegal things deliberately in order to advantage themselves and to obtain unlawful gain from it.
304) Believers in a god or tin gods say that their god or tin god may bestow good on them in this world and good in the future world, and they beg in blind submissiveness that their god or tin god may save them from the anguish of the fire of the shadow world (hell) and its princes; however neither a god nor a tin god is truthly given, because they are only imaginary forms which are fabulated (invented) by yourselves without responsibility and which have no might even to make a single hair on your head turn grey; and therefore the shadow world (hell) and its fire and the prince of the shadow world (prince of hell) are only inventions by irresponsible and honourless ones amongst you who have fallen victim to a delusion of belief, as well as their own might which they wish to wield over you in order to obtain great gain of all kinds from it; and therefore the shadow world (hell) is no place, because truly it is a state in your head (consciousness) and a mentality (thoughts, feelings and psyche).
305) If you obey your god or tin gods in your belief, then you will receive your share according to your belief and its merit, then consider that it is not a god or a tin god which effectuates the things that you believe, but only the might of your thoughts and your inner world (consciousness).
306) When you think about the truth of formation (Creation) and its laws and recommendations and are loyally connected to them, then you do not bring down any guilt upon yourselves, when you follow the laws and recommendations and oppose evil, falsehood and inequity (unfairness) in order to pay tribute to the truth; and do not be afraid of evil and falsehood or of inequity (unfairness), but trust in your knowledge of the truth so that you make use of it and gather like-minded ones about you.
307) Many have gathered amongst you whose words about this life appeal to many of you, and who like to be led into confusion through their beliefs and words when the delusional leaders speak in the name of a false truth and of a delusional belief and misuse them for lies and deception, and for their evil doings they even take the formation (Creation) to be witness and call on it; however they are living and effecting in lies and deception, and what is in them is only cantankerous squabbling and malicious delusional leading of those who listen to them; and when they have the might then they go about the country fomenting unpeace, hatred and battles (war) against all those who are of another belief and another skin colour as well as of another race and other peoples; and they are caught up in their self-opinionated attitude (fanaticism) and fervour and in their false and stubborn conviction; and against all right and all responsibility, they spread threats and Gewalt, and they also lay waste to the seed and the fruits of the field, just as they also commit bloody deeds (murder) and atrocities and destroy your works and homes; but truly, the laws and recommendations of the formation (Creation) do not teach such doings, but love and peace as well as freedom and harmony and equitableness (fairness); and if they are told they should be afraid when you recognise their evil doings and be afraid that they may be called to account, then their pride and their irrationality drives them to further guilt which they will have to carry and will demand a reckoning from them sooner or later, whether through themselves or by authority or jurisdiction; and they are unknowing ones and ones without equitableness (unfair ones/irresponsible ones/inequitable ones) in whose thoughts and feelings and in whose psyche the shadow world (hell) blazes as reward, and truly this inner condition is a bad state and of destructive constitution.
308) And truly, many of those amongst you would sell themselves or their mothers in the striving of belief for their god or tin gods, but each one among you is waiting in vain for your god or tin gods and their favour and goodness for you, because gods and tin gods are powerless inventions of your own which you want to use to turn everyone else into your servants (hands/helpers).
309) And all of you who are living in belief in your god or tin gods, not only are you approaching them entirely in total devotion but are also following the footsteps of the delusional leaders who truly are your manifest enemies and are only using you to obtain their own gains.
310) You will always partake of your false belief and its merit that is directed (regulated) according to what you are hoping and wishing for yourselves because all of fulfilment lies in your inner world (consciousness), through the might of which you direct and call forth everything and make yourselves into what you are.
311) The prophets have given you signs (evidence) of the real truth and of the true existence of the Creation and of its laws and recommendations, but you turn away from the clear signs (evidence), that have come to you through the prophets and have been given by the Creation since the existence of the earths (worlds/planets) and the firmaments (universe) and are ever-present; you shall however not turn away, but be knowing in the truth and in the laws and recommendations of the Creation, so that you may be full of equitableness (fairness/ responsibility).
312) And heed the truth-teaching which teaches you to uphold all virtues and be honourable in their fulfilment, because according to them you will be assessed as people of your kind (human beings) by people of your kind (human beings); however, anyone who lives without virtue is debasing themselves and making themselves into an outcast and ausgeartet one.
313) Do not wait for your gods and tin gods to come to you in the shadow of clouds and with liberators (angels) in order to judge you and decide in equitableness (fairness) whether you will go into the fire of the shadow world (hell) or into heaven in their paradise (realm of gods and tin gods); truly, this will not happen, because you will not return to your gods or your tin gods because they are inventions of your own without any power and without any existence and reality, but are only imagined, unsubstantial delusions.
314) As a person of your kind (human being), your dwelling is the world on which you live, and as such you can only raise yourselves into the firmament (space/universe) with flying craft that you build for yourselves, in order for you to be able to cross the air of Earth and the firmaments (space/universe); but even with such flying craft you cannot reach the heaven of one of your invented gods or tin gods (realm of gods and tin gods), because the heaven and its gods and tin gods (realm of gods and tin gods) are really only inventions of your imaginations.
315) In you, there lives the spirit which is a minute part of the formation (Creation), therefore you are also a part of the formation (Creation); however, your body is of your world and when you die then it will cease to be and will not return, just as it will not cross over into a heaven of your gods and tin gods and not into a paradise (realm of gods and tin gods), but will cease to be; only your form of the spirit in you is subject to reincarnation and intended to one day return to the formation (Creation) in order to become one with it, although you as a person cease to exist and will no longer continue to be such.
316) Many clear signs (evidence) of the truth and the existence of the formation (Creation) and its laws and recommendations have been given to you since time immemorial by the true proclaimers of the truth, but after you had received the teaching of the truth, you swapped this gift for the untruth of your belief in your gods and tin gods, therefore you have punished yourselves and continue to do so up to the present day; and it will take a very long time until you perceive the truth and understand it, so you will suffer in untruth as unknowing ones for a very long time and will commit many evil things and bring down guilt on yourselves.
317) Your life on the world is made so that you learn and fulfil the sense of the life that is given in the swelling (evolution) of knowledge and wisdom, in fulfilment of love and peace as well as freedom and consonance (harmony) which become truth and reality for you and shall apply to all amongst you.
318) The beauty of all things and signs (unsurpassabilities) of the wellspring of existence (Creation) and its appearance (nature) shall appear appealingly to you and reveal the truth and grace of the wellspring of existence (Creation) and its laws and recommendations to you, but there are very many amongst you who scorn the real truth and those who have knowledge of the truth, but both the wellspring of existence (Creation) itself as well as the prophets and those who have knowledge of the truth stand at your side with their love and freedom as well as with their peace and their harmony and are gracious to you, because in your unknowledge you do not know what shameful things you are doing against the wellspring of existence (Creation), the truth, those who have knowledge and against the proclaimers of the truth; your unknowledge and your shameful doing will be forgiven because you have been led into confusion and have to learn.
319) And there are many amongst you who boast in your megalomania and selfishness and place yourselves in the light of attention of the people of your kind (human beings) in order to shine before them, but your nature is depraved and your psyche and inner world (consciousness) are ill through wanting to shine before the others; and truly, your efforts are based on immodesty and in the greediness to make a sensation about your person, but your present existence is therefore joyless and inequitable (unfair), and your happiness is as fragile as mouldy wood, and your life-conduct is as useless as a rotting fruit.
320) Modesty is the true nature of the true people of your kind (human beings), who go along in honesty and equitableness (fairness/responsibility) and who determine their words and deeds accordingly; and it is not possible to trust anyone who raises themselves up and sets themselves above others in any wise, rather true trust can only be given to someone who leads their present existence in modesty and also displays modesty in their dealings with you.
321) Those who fear immodesty and move in true modesty, and therefore lead their present existence in the same wise, they will always stand above those who are immodest, because the modest ones gain true friends through honour and dignity, and the immodest ones and those addicted to sensation and worship find their actions are only sufficient to establish false friendship and idolatry by those who are bowing down (are in bondage) to them, who are blind-believingly and sufferingly caught up in false zeal through their delusion of their thoughts and feelings.
322) The peoples of your kind (humankind) were peaceful communities in the earliest times, but over time they grew apart and became at odds with one another and fractious and enemies, because they grew apart from the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring (Creation) and the laws of appearance (nature); but there were wise ones amongst the people who lived their existence in a good wise according to the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring (Creation) and according to the laws of appearance (nature), therefore they established themselves as teachers in order to instruct the peoples who had become disloyal and fallible to the direst extent in the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring (Creation) and in the laws of appearance (nature), to teach them all right things and how to follow the truth and the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring (Creation) and the laws of appearance (nature); and amongst all the wise ones, a particularly wise one came forth, Nokodemion, who prevailed as the bringer of the message of the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring (Creation) and the laws of appearance (nature) and as their teacher and warner, and gave rise to the line of the series of prophets; and therefore all successors of his person remained at this task from birth to birth, making this their determination, because the wise teacher changed himself into the proclaimer, the prophet, and endured for eons in continuous coming again in a new person in order to appear in the far future on your earth as Henoch (Enoch), as the first prophet on the earth-roundness in the far line of Nokodemion; and it will be that the line of Nokodemion will be continued in the same form of spirit, but however always in a new person with a new inner world (consciousness), in a sequence of seven from Henoch (Enoch) to the new time when the last prophet in the series will complete the work of the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life.
323) The word and the writing of the truth-teaching has been given by the proclaimers, the prophets, as a teaching in a equal wise, so it is not doubtful or contradictory, but is however passed on from proclaimer, prophet, to proclaimer, prophet, in an ever more advanced form of explanation, given in accordance with your new and better understanding; and the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life has been given to you by Nokodemion and by all proclaimers, prophets, in his line as a guideline (sign-posting/leading thought) of the life and the swelling (evolution) of your inner world (consciousness), so that you may decide between right and unright, as you fulfil the laws and recommendations of the primal wellspring (Creation).
324) In early times, you were at odds about leading the present existence, and you killed (murdered) and slew one another, and so you were given the truth-teaching by the proclaimers, the prophets; and you were given clear signs (evidence) by the proclaimers, because you were disunited amongst one another, but the signs (evidence) were disregarded and misconstrued and assigned to the evil and this was done out of envy for one another because you begrudge the one or another amongst you to be able to explain the signs (evidence) correctly.
325) The proclaimers of the truth set you on the right way, and each of you who turned to the teaching of the truth was rightly led and rose in the value of your knowledge above those who were disunited; and those who were connected to the teaching of the truth have been striving continuously since time immemorial to show (reveal) to the unknowing ones in the truth the right path so that they may become knowing and equitable ones (fair ones/responsible ones).
326) Do not think that you will go into heaven (dwelling of the gods and tin gods) to a god or tin gods, because just like the gods and tin gods, your heaven (realm of gods and tin gods) is only an invention by you who are without any responsibility, but are caught in a delusion, or are striving for great gain and to beat you into servitude (bondage) and slavery and unautonomy in order to plunder you and to be able to take from you what is your property and what you have earned and created through the sweat of your brow; therefore they use their delusional teachings to beat you into a belief in fabulated (invented) divinities and tin gods and in a fabulated (invented) heaven as paradise (realm of gods and tin gods) so that you will be caught and bound in your thoughts and in your feelings and in your inner world (consciousness) in order for them to attain advantages from you for their own benefit and so they can use your goods and your possessions and the content of your strongbox (savings) to lead a life in pleasure and splendour.
327) Learn what those who passed away before you learned, those who turned to the teaching of the truth and who had a good existence thereby, because they did not fall into poverty and hardship through unknowledge of the truth and were not shaken by Gewalt because they were connected to the teaching of the prophets and therefore the truth-teaching, because they were helped by following the real truth.
328) And if you are asked whether you should give donations to the poor and needy, to the sick and suffering and for the truth-teaching, in order to spread it, then answer that whatever goodly and ample wealth is given to this cause brings its own gladness and prosperousness, just as it prospers the spreading of the truth and love, as well as help for the sick and suffering, for the poor and needy and for orphans and wayfarers.
329) And whatever you do that is good, truly it will be rewarded to you by people of your kind (human beings) and through all your life, because nothing goes unrewarded in its form.
330) You have not been commanded by the laws and recommendations of the Creation to fight by shedding blood and destroying, which may displease you in your doings of hatred and revenge and retaliation, but you have been given the truth of the laws and recommendations so that it is very well possible for you in your free will to deem a thing or a law and recommendation as unwelcome although it is good for you.
331) And truly, the freedom is given to you to deem things good and welcome despite them being harmful, therefore use your intellect and decide accordingly so that you go the right way and do not fight senseless fights.
332) And if you are asked whether you should fight and kill with weapons for your belief, then say that fighting and Gewalt with weapons and killing for a belief are not rightful and not in accordance with the laws and recommendations of the Creation, and therefore do not comply with the truth of the life.
333) You shall never accept other things, such as lies and slanders (calumnies) and other untruth, as true, just like you should not accept any belief in a god or tin gods, because all of them are lying inventions and therefore untruth.
334) Do not commit a serious misdemeanour against the truth by not accepting it and banishing it, and by persecuting those who are knowing of the truth, because banishment and persecution are equally as bad as manslaughter.
335) Heed the words of the truth that truth-deniers are those who are without equitableness (unfair ones/irresponsible ones/inequitable ones) and who are without knowledge of the truth and those who cloak themselves in priestly robes in accordance with their belief in a god or tin gods and continue to fight against and revile the ones amongst the people who are versed in the truth as well as the true prophets; and if it is not possible for them to prevail over the equitable ones (fair ones) then they take recourse to slander (calumny) or they slaughter them or have them killed (murdered) in a dastardly fashion.
336) And those who are without equitableness (unfair ones/irresponsible ones/inequitable ones) and the believers, as well as the priests of gods and tin gods, will not cease earlier their evil deeds of fighting against those who are knowing of the truth, insulting them, slandering them or slaying them or having them killed (murdered) in dastardly fashion; and they will not take an early repose until they have made the ones who have knowledge of the truth defect to their belief and to their god or tin gods, even if they were able to do so, because it is not possible to get those who are knowing of the truth away from their true knowledge about the truth.
337) Believers in a god or tin gods are not the same as those who are knowing of the truth, because they allow themselves to be persuaded to leave one belief for another belief, and they are the ones who go through their present existence as losers and miss the true life; they have no trust in life and do not live it because they believe in their gods and tin gods and that heaven and paradise (realm of gods and tin gods) are awaiting them or that, after their existence on Earth, they will have to eke out their ongoing life as inhabitants of the fire in damnation, depending on how they conduct their present existence on Earth.
338) Those who are knowing about the truth of the wellspring of existence (Creation) and its laws and recommendations and those who are struggling for the cause of this truth, they are the ones who are anticipating and will win everything good in the present existence; therefore they are also kindhearted and lenient towards you, even when they are reviled and slandered by you, because they are benevolent and forgiving, as is demanded by the truth-teaching of the prophets.
339) If you are asked about wine and fermented juices, then say that there is great harm in both if they are enjoyed to excess and drunkenness ensues; therefore they bring great harm to those who fall into a pathological craving for them, because the pathological craving strikes the inner world (consciousness) and the psyche with injurious disease and delusion and destruction just as it does the entrails (internal organs = liver, kidneys and gall bladder, etc.) and the slings (intestines) of the body.
340) And if you are asked about the game which is supposed to lead to riches through luck, then say that there is great harm in it, however also some benefit, which is however always a modest one; the harm, however, is greater than the benefit if the game turns into a pathological craving through getting very badly out of the control of the good human nature, as a result of which all goods, possessions and wealth are lost, and the connections among friends and the family life are ruined.
341) And if you are asked about giving then say that whatever is dispensable shall always be given, whether it be goods and chattels or things put aside in the strongbox (savings), or whether it be good counsel or performing a work.
342) You are given the laws and recommendations of the Creation and the laws of appearance (nature), presented and explained in real truth by the prophets, so that the entirety of the truth-teaching may be clear and understandable for you and that you may contemplate it and follow the teaching.
343) Consider that ill-gotten goods never prosper, therefore you shall always be attentive and only think about what is good and true, so that you only do what is good and truthly and heed and follow the laws and recommendations of the Creation.
344) And if you are asked about the world in which you live, and about the future world, then say that your world in which you live is the world of learning, the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, by means of which the sense of the life shall be fulfilled, which is the unfolding and swelling (evolution) of the inner world (consciousness), so that love and knowledge and wisdom grow and peace and freedom and therefore consonance (harmony) are created in your nature, by means of which the spirit living in you does the same.
345) And if you are asked about the orphans, then say that promoting their welfare is a deed of great goodness and a duty and that a relationship shall be entered into with the orphans and care of them shall be undertaken.
346) And if you are asked about fomenters of turmoil then say that they shall be distinguished from peace-bringers in such a wise that the fomenters of turmoil are called to account and the peace-bringers are rewarded.
347) And if you are asked about the slanderers and their machinations, then say that it is worthless to do anything against them before authority or jurisdiction, because it only brings harm and hatred and desires for revenge, as well as the loss of goods and chattels and wealth because the authority and jurisdiction demand payment for their administration of justice; leave the slanderers to be slanderers in themselves and outwardly, and do not create any hatred or undertake any revenge and retaliation against them, because staying silent and amusing oneself at their slanders (calumnies) is its own medicine, whereas the slanderers create harm and trouble in themselves through their evil deeds and will soon become tired of them because they do not achieve any success and only provide joy and benefit for the slandered ones.
348) Do not make the truth a hindrance for yourselves through oaths, so that you do not refrain and grow apart from doing good and rightful deeds as well as being honest and promoting peace amongst yourselves; do not take any oath, because your word of honesty shall be enough, that this is yes, yes or no, no; therefore do not swear any oath either on the world nor on a belief or god or tin god, because you will not be able to prove the truliness of your word by them if it is doubted; and if it turns out that your oath was false although you assumed it was of rightness but you had erred, then you will be unknowingly guilty of a lie or calumny (slander) and will therefore commit harm to another and you will be brought to reckoning for your false avowal (perjury); and if you speak a word of witness and avowal then act with forethought; if you are fighting on your own behalf, then do not fight with falsehood, but in honesty, and be forbearing and forgiving against those against whom you are fighting.
349) Always be alert about the truth, and do not cower down in submissiveness before people of your kind (human beings), therefore not before authority or jurisdiction either, before no enemy, and in no belief in a god or tin gods, because you shall not be subservient; be indeed obedient when obedience is rightful, but do not be subservient and do not deny yourselves; esteem and appreciate yourselves in true freedom so that you will not be subservient to any people of your kind (human beings) or to any gods and tin gods.
350) If you are anxious or afraid, then gird yourselves with courage by freeing yourselves from anxiety or fear through contemplation (meditation) and putting yourselves deeply (meditatingly) into good and free thoughts and feelings; when you are in safety however, then think about the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life as the prophets have taught you and as you have received it from them.
351) You have heard from the proclaimers, the prophets, that you shall select a wise head (wise leader) for your guidance and instruction so that you may live in love and peace as well as in freedom and balance (harmony) and in wisdom, and may spend your entire present existence in this wise; and you shall not take up arms and fight against one another or against other tribes and peoples; if you are however attacked by a battle troop (war troop/military) with armed Gewalt so that you are driven out or beaten down into servitude (bondage) or imprisoned, then fight against it with gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit; if the possibility of gewaltsame Gewaltlosigkeit is taken away from you, however, then conduct a battle in consequentiality (logic) by means of which solely rationality decides whether a defence in extremis (self-defence) may be justified, therefore you do not kill (murder) in Ausartung; however, you shall not let yourselves be stirred up (be agitated) to battles with weapons, neither in the family nor amongst groups, nor by following authority or leaders and rulers and not by following priests and other worshipers of gods and tin gods; only ever use the Gewalt of weapons to fight if you are attacked with the same, but when doing so always ensure that you are fighting rightfully and are only bringing about the death of the opponent in extremis when there is no other possibility of defending yourselves, so that you do not kill (murder) and do not become malefactors (lawbreakers) against the life of those who bring you enmity; therefore you shall defend yourselves only rightfully and not load guilt upon your life through any outrage.
352) And it is taught to you that you shall only select wise heads (wise leaders) for your guidance who do not impose mastery over you, because you are worthy not of a dominance (mastery) over you, but are worthy of a wise and kindhearted guidance in freedom, peace, love and in concord (harmony); never elect Gewalt-rulers over you, whether they may be people of your kind (fellow human beings) or gods or tin gods, because no such ruler is worthy of leading you and instructing you in the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life; truly, you yourselves elect your wise heads (wise leaders) so that you are led rightly by them and you can increase your knowledge and your wisdom as you are gracious towards people of your kind (fellow human beings).
353) The sign (evidence) of a mastery is that you are given unfreedom and you are exploited and placed under the yoke, made dependent and enchained, whether it be by a female or male head of the family (matriarch or patriarch), a belief in a divinity or in a tin god and by their priests, by bread-givers and wage-givers or by authority, by despots and other tyrants; pay attention to these words if you are knowing and you do not want yourselves to be beaten into servitude (bondage), because the horror-ruler and the martinet as well as the Gewalt-ruler and other despots are many in a variety of attitudes (type, behaviour); mastery is at all times a sign (evidence) for you that there is a threat of unfreedom, lovelessness, unpeace and dissonance (disharmony).
354) Now, those who drink out of the river of the untruth are deepening themselves in (in bondage to) the lie, but those who drink from the wellspring of the truth promise to lead their present existence in righteousness (conscientiousness) and equitableness (fairness); and the righteous ones (conscientious ones) and the equitable ones (fair ones/responsible ones) and all those who have knowledge of the truth have great power against all attacks by the unknowing and inequitable ones (unfair ones/irresponsible ones), because they know with certainty that they will lead a joyful and a good life through the truth; and therefore the knowing ones in the truth as a small group will achieve victory over all large groups of the inequitable ones (unfair ones/irresponsible ones) and the unknowing ones in the peaceful struggle for the real truth, because the prosperousness of the truth is on the side of the stalwarts.
355) And when the ones who have knowledge of the truth advance and meet the hordes of those without equitableness (unfair ones/irresponsible ones) and those without knowledge of the truth, then they pour out their steadfastness over the ones without knowledge and the ones without equitableness (unfair ones/irresponsible ones) reinforce their stance and strive to bring the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life against the gaping unknowledgeness and inequity (unfairness) of the people.
356) And those who have knowledge of the truth do not put the unknowing ones and the ones without equitableness (irresponsible ones/unfair ones) to flight with the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, because if these do not want to hear the truth then the ones who have knowledge of the truth do the same as the prophets and continue to teach undaunted, by means of which the truth will become evident to the unknowing ones and those who are without equitableness (irresponsible ones/unfair ones) at a time (sooner or later); therefore the truth-teaching is given and taught to them so that they may recognise it as true at a time (sooner or later) and turn to it; and if it were the case that the prophets held themselves back in the explanation of their teaching, then you would also be held back in your learning; but so that it does not happen that one holds back another, you have been given free will so you may decide for yourselves what you want to do or not do, if you get along peaceful with one another; and if this were not the case, then Earth would be filled with great chaos, and there would not be any greatness of heart amongst you and the peoples.
357) These are the recommendations that are brought by the prophets and that proclaim the truth; and indeed, the explanation of signs (evidence), of recommendations, are based in wisdom.
358) Never were the prophets from the line of Nokodemion raised above other prophets, so none is raised above the other, because all proclaim the one and only teaching of the truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of the life without any difference in their value, however always re-explained in the course of time according to your better understanding of the teaching; therefore there have never been elevations of the prophets because the proclaimers of the teaching of the truth in the sense of the laws and recommendations of fruitfulness (Creation), proceeding from Nokodemion, are not placed in any order of level, because all their values and the values of the teaching are the same and immutable.
359) All prophets are strengthened with the true love for you and all people of your kind (human beings), and by the power of their knowledge and wisdom as well as by following the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, through which they possess the capability and talent achieved through their own efforts without self-interest and in open modesty to teach you and all people in their teaching and in the truth of the laws and recommendations of the origination (Creation).
360) And if it were given by the power of the prophets and by your rationality and acceptance of the truth-teaching, then you would never have fought with one another, never have killed (murdered) one another, not waged any battles (wars) and not caused any destruction; at all times the prophets taught true love amongst you, as well as freedom, peace and consonance (harmony), so that gladness and co-existence may be given; and they gave signs (marvels) of the might of their inner world (consciousness), but they were condemned as evil illusions (absurdities) and sorcery, but were not recognised as the truth which they served for; but there were some amongst you who saw the signs (marvels) who were at odds in consideration (assessment) or who assessed the signs (marvels) of the prophets to be an illumination of belief (proof of belief) in a god or tin gods; but it was always in the will of the prophets to continue teaching the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life steadfastly, and if it had been in their power, then the prophets would have ended all evil amongst you themselves so that you would never have fought with one another; but since time immemorial you have feuded with one another and committed outrages on one another involving hatred and jealousy, in greed for wealth and might, therefore you kill (murder) and destroy for this and conduct battles (wars) and this has continued up to the present day; but the prophets remain undismayed and carry out what they have already started even in Nokodemion's time; but you lay hatred and slander (calumny) against them, and you strive to take their life so that they shall be prevented from bringing the truth-teaching in order to show (reveal) to you and the peoples the way to real truth and love, and to freedom and consonance (harmony) and therefore to peace amongst everyone.
361) You, however, who are knowing in the truth-teaching of the proclaimers, the prophets, donate to those who are searching for the truth from what the proclaimers, the prophets, have bestowed on you in the sense of the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life; donate from your knowledge that you have learned from them and continue to learn so that many will become knowing in the truth of the origination (Creation) and its laws and recommendations, before a day dawns on which the truth-teaching can no longer be passed on; donate your truthly knowledge before the day dawns on which no buying and selling and neither intercession nor friendship are worth anything anymore, when those who persist in the untruth and in the inequity (unfairness) inflict harm on themselves in life and in all things.
362) Creation – there is no truth except for the laws and recommendations proceeding from Creation, from the vitality of its BEING, from the itself-being, all-preserving; Creation is true life and it too was seized by slumber before its presence (existence), as is immanent in all life, and therefore it will fall back into slumber again after a very long time (311,040,000,000,000 years), in order to become truth in new life (reincarnation) as new creational form; all things existing on the earths (worlds/planets) and in the firmaments (universe) is the act (work) of the Creation, and its BEING is spiritual primal power which is also given as a minuscule part in your inner world (consciousness); and your inner world (consciousness) can be called on by you in intercession in order to improve yourselves through your own strivings in all virtues and in the character, as well as in the individual being (personality) and the conduct (behaviour); however, the inner world (consciousness) cannot be asked for worldly help and things of value and the like, nor can they be obtained from it, just as this cannot be requested from any invented god or tin gods either; and you may speak to, intercede with and call on your spirit (prayer to your own spirit or directly to the consciousness), but your speaking and calling will be perceived by your inner world (consciousness) through which your swelling (evolution) is given when you strive for this knowingly and wisely.
363) Your inner world (consciousness) is knowing in many things, but you do not want to understand anything of its knowledge, except what appeals to you and gives you mirth in festivities, pleasures and amusements.
364) There shall not be any coercion in the knowledge about the truth and the truth-teaching, but nevertheless it shall be clearly distinguishable in all things in the sense of right and unright, so that no one lets himself or herself be guided (led) by the malefactors (lawbreakers) who curse the truth and disregard it; therefore may everyone who is searching for the truth have a strong head (rationality) that knows no breaking in order to decide knowingly and willingly between the coercion to a belief or the freedom of the knowledge of the truth and the truth-teaching.
365) The real truth stands at all times in good friendship with those who are knowing of the truth and continuously leads them from every twilight into light; those, however, who are caught up in a belief in a god or tin gods and are malefactors (irresponsible ones) against the truth of the Creation and its laws and recommendations and in the teaching of the proclaimers, the prophets, to them the truth and the truth-teaching is open so that they may learn and find the way to true life; and if the malefactors against the truth believe themselves to be enemies of those who are knowing of the truth, then those who have knowledge of the truth are not their enemies, because truly they are always striving to lead those committing an outrage against the truth out of the darkness of their unknowledgeness and into the light of the truth in friendship, so that they do not have to remain in the fire of unknowledgeness.
366) No one who is knowing of the truth dares to dispute the truth and the truth-teaching of the laws and recommendations of the Creation, as has been given by the proclaimers, the prophets, since time immemorial; through their own power and their own efforts, those who are knowing of the truth have created the cognition of the truth in themselves through the teaching of the proclaimers, the prophets, and their teaching of the truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of the life and have given themselves the opportunity to lead their present existence in accordance with the true laws and recommendations of the Creation.
367) The real truth of the laws and recommendations of the Creation is bringing forth life in the right measure and not killing (murdering), as you people of your kind (human beings) shall bring forth life in the right measure (begetting offspring in the right measure) and not kill (murder); however, if you contravene the recommendation and bring forth life beyond the right measure and you also kill (murder) in Ausartung, then you are ones without equitableness (unfair ones/inequitable ones/irresponsible ones) and you are casting yourselves into hardship and evil and misery.
368) If you kill (murder) life and destroy things of the people of your kind (human beings), then they cannot be given back, because you do not have the might to do so, just as you do not have the might to bring forth once more or rebuild in the same wise and with the same form the things that you have destroyed; every killed (murdered) life escapes from the body and cannot return, because a return is only given for the form of the spirit which escapes into the realm of the invisible (other world/death-life) and is reborn when the time for a new inner world (consciousness) and for a new individual being (personality) has come, without equivalence with the deceased inner world (consciousness) or to the deceased individual being (personality).
369) And the truth of the return of the spirit in a new person of your kind (human being/new consciousness, new all-of-yourself [personality] and new material body), after the preceding person of your kind (human being) has died, may be for you a sign (evidence) of the truth of the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the truth (Creation); and it is through the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the truth that living and dying and death and therefore the return of the spirit in a new body of a new person of your kind (human being) are possible, just as everything is possible and nothing is impossible which originates from the might of the laws and recommendations.
370) And consider, there is neither a god nor tin gods nor people of your kind (human beings) and demons or either liberators (angels) and venerable ones (holy ones) who can reanimate a dead person (deceased person), because when someone dies the spirit escapes into the realm of invisibility (other world) and cannot return to the deceased body because this is irreversibly connected to death.
371) Be certain (knowing) that if you give your goods and chattels and wealth from your strongbox (savings) and alms (gifts) in an appropriate measure for the purpose of the truth without harming yourselves in these things, then you are the same as a seed of corn that grows seven ears and has one hundred grains in every ear, because in this wise you multiply the teaching of the truth through your gifts for everyone who spreads it, and also for those who want to recognise it and be connected to it; and make donations according to your sense and whatever is right for you, then you are gracious to the unknowing ones who are searching for the truth and to those who are in need of alms (gifts).
372) But do not give your goods and chattels and alms (gifts) from your wealth from the strongbox (savings) if in your giving you are following with reproach or contempt (insult/outrage), for which you will not find any good reward, and the fear will come over you as well as the shame rising red in your face and sorrow will befall you on the day of the impulsation of admonishment (conscience).
373) If you give a gracious word and give forgiveness in honesty, then that is better than a present given in dishonourableness intended to bring reconciliation; a good word and a respectfully presented forgiveness are given in honesty, but a present is commonplace (impersonal) and valueless without a word of kindheartedness and forgiveness; because no matter how excessive (expensive/precious) the present may be, it is nevertheless no more than a honourless giving of alms for false reconciliation; a true and good word and honourable forgiveness are evidence of forbearance and one's own contentment (modesty) as well as of peaceableness; an unhonest present for reconciliation gives rise to contempt (insult/outrage), both in the one who gives it and in the one who takes it, with enmity and hatred originating therefrom.
374) And if you give alms, do not make yourselves conceited with your giving by allowing contempt (insult/outrage) and reproach to prevail by reviling those to whom the alms are intended; therefore do not donate in the sense of being wealthy so that people of your kind (human beings) see it, because you want to show off (vaunt yourselves/boast/brag) and believe that you are placed above (superior to) those to whom you are giving alms; but if you do not comply with this recommendation and act against it then you will be the same as a smooth rock covered with loose soil upon which a heavy downpour of rain falls, thereby revealing its smoothness and hardness; and if this is done then nothing of significance (merit) will be carried away because the people of your kind (human beings) do not like those who are without equitableness (unfair ones/irresponsible ones) and who raise themselves above them and demean them with unhonest and calculating almsgiving.
375) And those among you who give your goods and chattels and your wealth in striving for the delight of a god or tin gods invented by yourselves, as well as for the desire (lust/comfortable feeling) of one of your kind (human being), a liberator (angel) or venerable one (holy one) or a demon, then you will still not receive any strengthening, but will suffer loss because you are building your house on sand which will be blown away by a strong wind leading to the collapse of the house; and if you build on sand then you lose twofold, namely your goods and chattels and your wealth as well as your honour and dignity, because your loss gives rise to malicious gossip.
376) In the sense of your knowledge of the truth-teaching, the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, create for yourselves a large garden with vegetables, plants, trees and shrubs which are full of the fruits of wisdom and love, peace, freedom and consonance (harmony); make sure that no weak offspring arise from the seeds, but that love and knowledge and wisdom multiply in you; do not allow any fiery whirlwind to blow through your garden of your love and of knowledge as well as of wisdom, so that everything which you have arduously acquired through your learning will not be scorched; take heed and follow the recommendation so that you do not fall back into unknowledgeness.
377) Donate from all the good things that you have acquired and acquire, and from all that which is brought forth to you through the earth so that no one might suffer in need; give alms (gifts) and good things according to your wealth, but do not search out the poor things for this that you would yourselves not take; turn a blind eye when giving alms and good things for the needy, so that you will not be overwhelmed by stinginess and so that you do rightfully; and consider, the one who is self-sufficient is the dignified one and will be treated with esteem.
378) It is only your stinginess and your foolishness that warn you against poverty and command you to do shameful things if you sadden and torment yourselves about alms and good gifts that you shall give; be rightfully frugal (modest) and do not hoard goods and chattels and possessions and wealth for the sake of might, but do it for the sake of right, in order to help the needy who require your assistance, alms and good things.
379) Also be respectful to the poor and needy, and give them alms and good things in right measure according to your wealth and possessions, and when doing so consider that you will not be able to take one thing to the realm of the invisible (other world/death-life) from all that which you have gathered together in terms of goods and chattels and possessions and wealth, because there are no pockets in which you could take anything with you.
380) If you have a woman or a man or offspring when you die, then whilst you are still living, divide up your goods and chattels, your possessions and wealth through an apportionment (testament) set in writing so that after your passing everything will be regulated and everyone will receive the portion that is intended for him or her; consider that the apportionment (testament) shall be rightful and equitable (fair), therefore it shall be that when there are sons and daughters, that the surviving woman or the surviving man shall receive two thirds of the goods and chattels, possessions and wealth, and the third portion shall be shared equally between the surviving sons and daughters; and if the woman or the man survives and there are no offspring, then the surviving woman or man shall receive all of the goods and chattels, as well as all of the possessions and wealth; and it shall not be the case that a surviving woman, a surviving man or surviving children shall be deprived of their due portion (inheritance) because of disputes and the like; and if there is no apportionment (testament) set down in writing, then the jurisdiction is to decide on the distribution in accordance with the sense of the recommendation, as the recommendation is given; if an offspring – daughter or son – dies who is not in a bond of marriage and does not have any offspring, then his or her goods and chattels, possessions and wealth shall revert to the parents; if a woman or a man dies and neither a woman nor a man nor offspring are left surviving, then a written apportionment (testament) shall be given as to how the goods and chattels, possessions and wealth shall be used; if, however, there is no apportionment (testament) then all the possessions (the whole inheritance) fall to the people and are administered by the authority.
381) Impart to those from your knowledge and from your wisdom who ask about them and want them; and if you impart to those who want your knowledge and your wisdom then you are truly giving rich goods, and everyone will think about them in honour and use their understanding in order to comprehend them.
382) Whatever you may give and whatever vow you may make to help other people and to teach them the truth, it will be repaid a thousand times over by those who esteem your help and your knowledge and your wisdom.
383) If you give alms publicly and do good deeds, this is certainly good and meritorious, but if you do it in secret and thereby help the poor and needy, then that is better and more honourable for you, because what you do secretly in this wise shows your modesty and kindheartedness which you do not want to display before the people in order to shine before them and be praised by them.
384) And whatever alms and goods you donate, do not donate them for the sake of your appearance; not to stand in the light of the people and not to be regarded as something that you are not; donate alms and goods in modesty and out of your kindheartedness and your honest benevolence in modesty; and giving alms and good things to the poor and needy is a sublime (noble) virtue; and what you donate to the poor and needy in terms of alms and good things will be amply repaid to you with the goods of love and through a good conscience, so that you will experience happiness and joyfulness, however not suffer any disadvantage.
385) Alms and good gifts for the poor and needy are all-timely for those who are defined as (verifiably) living in poverty and need, and those who are incapable of earning their bread themselves; alms and good gifts are also for the old who are infirm and can no longer do anything of importance (work); the unknowing ones amongst you believe that those defined as poor and needy as well as the old and infirm are free from need if they refrain from demanding (begging); you may recognise the truly honest poor and needy and the aged and infirm by their appearance (conduct), because they do not ask importunately and they direct their eyes to the ground in humiliation (shamefacedness).
386) And those among you who give from their goods and chattels, from their possessions and wealth to the poor and needy, to the aged and infirm, and who do it day and night, secretly and known (publicly) and in good modesty and honourable benevolence, their reward will be thanks and esteem, and no fear shall befall them because of their good deeds, nor shall they suffer because of them.
387) It is not your responsibility if the unknowing ones and inequitable ones (irresponsible ones/unfair ones) do not follow the right way, in order not to be connected to the truth-teaching and the laws and recommendations of the formation (Creation), because you can only give them benevolent advice and instruction, but how they guide (lead) themselves is a matter of their own volition.
388) Anyone who undertakes haggling (usury/greed) in any form of commerce and unrightfully demands a markup (interest or price increase) shall be exposed to the punishment of recompense through the authority or jurisdiction, so that the disadvantaged ones do not suffer any loss of goods and chattels, possessions and fortune; in commerce involving goods and things, the markup (interest or price increase) shall be regulated and defined by the authority according to the goods or things and their value; however, if hagglers (avaricious ones/usurers) and inequitable ones (irresponsible ones/unfair ones) taking a markup (interest) are not understanding and they continuously repeat their outrageous and fallible behaviour against the given demand (instruction/regulation/ directive) of the authority, then they are given over to the jurisdiction for the fulfilment of guidelines which is the separation from the people (society) for a certain time.
389) Commerce may well permit taking a markup (interest or price increase) to an equitable (admissible/fair) extent, however it shall not be permitted for additions (interest or price markup) to be taken to a dishonourable and excessive extent; therefore whoever receives a reminder from someone taking a markup (taking interest) for payment that has an addition of a dishonourable and excessive amount shall refrain from paying this and call on the authority or jurisdiction to decide that to the fallible one taking the markup (taking the interest) shall only remain as punishment the value without markup (interest or price increase) that he himself gave for the purchase as settlement (payment), so that he may not obtain any profit for this.
390) Taking a markup (interest or price increase) shall not be abolished, but shall serve to conduct honest commerce so that even someone trading in one commodity may receive an equitable (fair/appropriate) reward through honest revenue; but truly, the people does not love anyone who practises haggling (usury/greed) in commerce and takes a unrightful markup (interest or price increase).
391) And if anybody demonstrably falls into great need and cannot settle (pay for) the commercial good, then drop the markup (interest or price increase) and only take the price that you yourselves have paid; it is better not to make any profit than to bring harm and inequity on another through greed; this is what you shall do, because you shall not do unright, but if you do not follow this recommendation then you will suffer from your unright in your admonishment (conscience).
392) And if a debtor falls into difficulty, then grant him an extension until it is once again easy for him or her to settle the debt; however, if the debtor falls into difficulty with very great hardship and he or she can no longer settle the debt, then act in rationality, thus you take back the commercial item if it is extensive, but leave it as a good deed if it is not of great value.
393) Guard yourselves against pinning your hopes and wishes too high on a judgement if you have to call on jurisdiction or authorities in a transaction (deal) or in conflict (dispute/enmity), in order to ask for arbitration in a case, because in spite of being in the right, you will scarcely receive your full reward according to your significance (merit), but only a partial reward, so you will think that something unright has happened to you and this will make you joyless; but consider that every jurisdiction reaches a judgement according to its own legal guidelines (criteria) which do not correspond to your wishes and hopes which you have set out in advance; it may very well be that the jurisdiction agrees that you are in the right, if this is the case, but you suffer some loss in any case because you pin your hopes and wishes too highly.
394) If you take a loan (credit) from another for a particular term and with an honest markup (interest rate), then set it down firmly in writing, and if you cannot write yourselves then have it written down truly by a scribe in your presence, however only in the presence of two other righteous (conscientious) bystanders (witnesses) who are also versed in writing, so that the one does not write anything that is not the truth and does not correspond to the agreement; and no one who is versed in the script shall refuse to write, because everyone who is versed in the script shall provide this service to those who do not know how to write for a small but appropriate payment; therefore have the scribe perform the writing and have the one who is entering into the undertaking (obligation) say to the scribe what he or she has to write, and say that he or she must not falsify or defraud anything; however, if the one entering into the undertaking (obligation) is of low intellect or weak or incapable of instructing what has to be written, then someone who looks after his or her affairs says in honesty and equitableness (fairness) what must be recorded in writing; and the witnesses shall not refuse to attend when they are called on; and do not disdain to write down everything precisely whether it be much or little, and together with the defined term (period for repayment); and do not make the bystanders (witnesses) and the scribes into fallible ones, and do not bring any disadvantage (forfeiture/damage) on them if the one who gives out the loan (credit) does not stick to the agreement and has to be brought before the jurisdiction; and it is also permitted for the one giving the loan (creditor/credit giver) to demand a contribution (loan deposit) of a rightful amount as collateral and contingency (deposit) which shall become his or her property if the loan (credit) is not repaid by a redemption (repayment).
395) And if something is entrusted to someone in contingency (deposit), then the one to whom it is entrusted shall hand back (issue/give back) what has been entrusted when it is demanded back rightfully; if what has been entrusted in contingency (deposit) is concealed (hidden/not given back/denied) then the bystanders (witnesses) shall present their justification (evidence); if what was entrusted in contingency (deposit) is nevertheless concealed, then the authority or jurisdiction shall be called upon.
396) If you undertake a transaction from hand to hand and the goods are small, then you shall not be obliged to issue a receipt, but when you undertake a transaction with great goods, then you shall be bound by the obligation of a receipt.
397) And always have bystanders (witnesses) if you offer one another anything for sale and sell so that everything is done in honesty and nothing occurs that is unright.
398) Truly, when you are knowing in the truth and you do good works in respect and honesty, and carry out your duty, and if you give your alms and good gifts to those who need them, then your reward will be love and equitableness (fairness), and therefore you will not have to fear that anyone will revile you as a stingy one or someone without equitableness (unfair one/irresponsible one), nor that others will cause sorrow in you.
399) To you is granted everything that is in the firmaments (universe) and on the earth-roundness (Earth), as well as everything that is in you and whatever you make known; therefore do your part (responsibility); and if you do any things which you shall not do because they are wrong and against the right and against the laws and recommendations of the wellspring of the love (Creation), then you will have to give account; and if the misdeed you have committed can be forgiven, then forgiveness shall be granted to you, but if you cannot be forgiven because your misdeed breaks the bounds of all right, then you will be subjected to punishment by the authority or jurisdiction so that you will be subjected to the fulfilment of guidelines and the possibility of compensation.
400) Know about all these laws and recommendations that have been revealed to you by the proclaimers, the prophets, so that you may heed the right and outlaw (proscribe) the unright; and consider that in right and unright everyone shall be equal without difference, so no one shall be advantaged and the other disadvantaged, therefore the poor like the rich and the equitable ones (fair ones/responsible ones) and the dissemblers (deceivers), as well as the ones who are knowing of the truth and the ones who are unknowing of the truth will be assessed equally in all things, thus in freedom as well as when called to account.
401) And no one shall be imposed upon beyond their capability (abilities/strengths); and to everyone shall be awarded what is due to him or her and what appertains to him or her, irrespective of whether he or she has lost control over himself or herself and committed an offence or whether he or she carries out everything rightfully and in respect and honesty; and no one may place his or her responsibility onto another, neither onto gods and tin gods, but everyone shall take their responsibility upon themselves and come under it; and there is no one who has not been given the power to do what is rightful and of responsibility.