Chapter 2
1) In the name of the truth, the equitableness (fairness) and the wisdom, this is a teaching through which the many laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) are revealed; and there is no doubt in this; and the teaching is a guideline (sign-posting/leading thought) for the leading of the life.
2) And those who are knowing about the unseen (the unconscious) and those who do their duty as it was revealed before you by the proclaimers, the prophets, and those of you who are building firmly on what comes out of it, they are the true ones living in equitableness (fairness/responsibility).
3) And those who are knowing about the unseen (the unconscious) and about the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) as had already been revealed to you in the old time, and if you give from what is given to you through the appearance (nature) and the formation (Creation) then you are acting in equitableness (fairness) in this wise; and those who do that are following the guidance of the prophet, and it will go well with them.
4) Those amongst you who are not knowing – it makes no difference to them whether they are warned or are not warned –, they do not want to be knowing.
5) All their senses are sealed, their intellect and their rationality, their hearts, their ears, and over their eyes there is a shroud, through which they do severe punishment to themselves.
6) And there are some amongst you who say that they are connected to the knowledge and the truth, but they are truthly not knowing ones.
7) They wish to deceive the proclaimers, the prophets, and those who are knowing; but they are only deceiving themselves; but their intellect is not sufficient to understand it.
8) There was disease in their reflecting and their disease has multiplied due to their wrong doing and their lies.
9) And if they are told that they shall not cause trouble on the earth-roundness, then they say untruthfully that they are promoting peace.
10) And if they are told that they shall be knowing in the truth and not believing like fools, then they dissent, therefore protect yourselves from them, because they do not know that they are fools.
11) And if they meet those who are knowing, then they lie saying that they are also knowing; however, when they are together with their ringleaders, they ingratiate themselves with them and lie that they share the same opinion as them and are only making fun of the knowing ones.
12) They themselves will be punished for their mockery because they remain obdurate in their outrages; because they are blinded and are going into the unreal.
13) They are those who have exchanged their true guidance by the truth for the lunacy that controls them, because they are leading themselves into the unreal, and their deeds will bring them no gain.
14) They are like a man who kindles a fire amongst his own family; and when everything about him is lit up then puts out the fire and takes the light away, and thus they sit in deep darkness, so they can no longer see anything.
15) They are deaf, dumb and blind, and so they will not find the truth.
16) Or they are like in a rain from heavy clouds, in which darkness, thunder and lightning reside, and they stop up their ears with their fingers in mortal fear of the thunderclaps and believe that the storm cannot harm them even though the lightning may strike down.
17) The lightning almost takes away the light of their eyes; whenever its luminescence comes down to them then they walk in its light; and when it goes out and darkness extends over them then they all stand still and are afraid; and if it were possible for them to do so, then they would give away their hearing, their eyes and their face so as to be free from their fear.
18) You (human beings), turn yourselves to the truth and to the Creation from the might of which you have preceded and are created, just like all those who went before you; turn to the truth so you shall be worthy of the equitableness (fairness/responsibility).
19) You shall be connected to the real truth alone, because only through it can all things prosper rightfully and lead to success, and only the real truth is in love the sign-posting (leading thought) of the life.
20) Only the truth is the way that leads to your development, whereas displeasure is created on all sides by the untruth of all those who are going into the unreal and deny the truth or replace the truth with a religious belief.
21) The truth that you have got to live is perfect because it is given by the primal power (Creation) and its appearance (creational nature) and is without any doubt.
22) The real truth is not equivalent to and cannot be compared to your personal truth that you create in yourselves based on your belief and understanding according to your own nature (individuality).
23) Truth is that which is given in reality and is evidential, whereas belief is bindingly linked to that which as the unseen (the unconscious) and the unprovable is erroneously assumed to be true.
24) You shall know what the truth of the reality revealed and is revealing to you, and you shall firmly build on what the truth will bring you in the future.
25) The in truth knowing ones are the ones who are following the guidance of the truth, and so it will go well with them.
26) You who do not know about the real truth, but who are bound up with a belief, it makes no difference to you whether you are warned against the untruth or not, because for you the belief is more important than the real truth.
27) You who are far from the truth because of belief or as a wiseacre or gainsayer, your rationality and your intellect are sealed; your ears are deaf, your eyes are blind, and your senses are enveloped in a shroud, which means that your life is burdensome and you are in constant fear of punishment.
28) If you break the bond of the Creation that it has established between you and it, and if you cut this bond that was created by a connective recommendation, then you are creating unpeace on Earth, and then you are the losers.
29) How can you deny the formation (Creation), because through it you have received your very life, because it gave life to you; but it will also let you die, although to give life back to you in a long succession and always in new persons, and then you will return to the formation (Creation) in the far future.
30) It is the formation (Creation) that created everything for you that is on Earth through its might; and it perfected everything in the firmament (universe) and on Earth.
31) The formation (Creation) has placed you (human beings) on Earth to govern; and you shall not use people of your kind (human beings) for creating unpeace on Earth and shedding blood.
32) However, those of you who give the appearance of knowing the truth and that you are also connected to it, although you unwittingly fall prey to the lie and are only believers, it is you who are attempting to deceive the truth.
33) You have no knowledge except for that which you are capable of learning through the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) and through the laws of the appearance (nature), because your thoughts and feelings result from them.
34) The true proclaimer, the true prophet, he knows many secrets of the firmament (universe) and the earths (worlds), and he knows what the laws and recommendations of the Creation and the laws of the appearance (nature) reveal, but the secret that is also unmeasurable for him is the origination (Creation) itself.
35) Those amongst you who deceive the truth through your beliefs are only deceiving yourselves, but this is beyond your intellect because you do not comprehend it.
36) You who are far from the truth and are only connected to a belief, your rationality and your intellect have fallen victim to an illness of the confusion that is based on deception and lie, which is why you suffer the pangs of torments in fear of the possible punishments that might be hanging over your heads.
37) And if the truth-deniers and the believers are told that they shall not cause any turmoil or any unpeace on Earth, then they deny their intentions, they lie and deceive, perjure themselves, bless weapons in order to be victorious in battles (wars) and in killing (murdering), and they claim to be promoters of the love, the peace and the consonance (harmony).
38) Guard yourselves against the truth-deniers, the truth-twisters and against the fanatical believers, because they are the ones who are stirring up trouble as well as creating lovelessness, unpeace and unfreedom, although they do not comprehend it.
39) Get out, all of you, out of your wrong thoughts, and follow the guidance of the true proclaimers, the prophets, so that no fear will fall upon you and you will not have to sorrow.
40) If the truth-deniers, the truth-twisters, wiseacres and the believers are told that only the real truth is important and that they must strive for the real truth, then they do not want to turn towards the truth but remain living in their lies and falsifications, as well as in the denial of the truth, and in the irrational belief, because they are fools and for this reason you shall guard against them if you do not know about their foolishness (irrationality).
41) You (human beings), remember the good deeds of the creative (Creation) as have been presented to you since time immemorial and continue to be presented; therefore fulfil your bond with it so that your life will be rich, satisfied and of long duration and you will find your protection in yourselves and in the fulfilment of the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation).
42) Know about the truth and about everything that the creative (Creation) has created and sent down to you on Earth as confirmation of what is disastrous and also of how things will be with you in the future if you fail in knowledge about the truth and you barter away the signs (the unsurpassable) of the creative (Creation) for a miserable price.
43) When believers, wiseacres, opponents, truth-deniers and truth-twisters meet with those who are truth-conscious, then they say that they themselves are also connected to the truth; however, when they are alone with those of the same views then they laugh and say that they are only mocking the truth-knowers.
44) You who mock the ones who are truth-conscious, you are committing an outrage on yourselves and punishing all-of-yourself (yourselves) through your going into the unreal and your blindness.
45) The truth-deniers and the believers have sunk in their going into the unreal into a false conduct, as a result of which their thoughts and feelings as well as their actions do not produce any evolutive success or gain, which is an unavoidable consequence of having been led astray by themselves as well as by others, meaning that they live in deep darkness and cannot see or recognise the truth.
46) Search for help in the patience and truth, which – although it may be difficult – will reward anyone who makes the effort.
47) Those of you who certainly know the truth will meet it everywhere and return to it again and again.
48) Oh you (human beings), think of the good deeds of the formation (Creation) and of the appearance (nature) created from it, and think of your life which would not be without it.
49) And fear the day on which none of the people of your kind (human being) gives account for you as a help- meet (substitute) and does not intercede for you and also cannot afford any ransom when you are in misery and you have to vindicate yourselves before life.
50) Truth-deniers, believers, wiseacres, truth-falsifiers and adversaries of the truth are deaf, dumb and blind to the reality, therefore they cannot find the way to the real truth of the reality.
51) Belief and untruth create anxieties and fear of death in you, therefore you shall turn to the truth so that you will become knowing and you can free yourselves from anxiety and fear.
52) Think of the time when the prophets made you promises that you would have a good life in the far future if you turned to the true teaching of the truth and the teaching of the spirit and the teaching of the life; but you have failed to observe the promises and have continued to walk the path of the truth-denial, therefore today turmoil, inequity (unfairness), lovelessness, peacelessness, unfreedom and disharmony reign in you; but the proclaimers, the prophets, forgave you so that you may be thankful, but you have cast everything to the wind and cursed the prophets, but they have come back in order to teach you the real truth up to the current day.
53) Think of the time when the prophets told you that you have gone against yourselves and are doing inappropriate things to yourselves because you are praying to gods and tin gods and are turning further and further away from the primal raising (Creation); and you have continued to do so up to the current day, and you have killed your next ones and fought battles (wars) with bloody deeds (murder) and fire in the name of a fabulated (invented) god in order to provide cowardly vindication for your terrible actions.
54) Your world and all the life in it have come about through the truth and love of the sole and all-embracing primal wellspring (Creation), through the principles of the inner world of the firmaments (universal consciousness), as a bed for you and the firmament as a roof, the earth as arable land and water as refreshment so that food may be brought forth, therefore the primal wellspring (Creation) shall not have any god, any demons, any liberators (angels), any venerable ones (holy ones) or helpers (substitutes) set at its side.
55) If you attempt to belittle the truth of the creative (Creation) by attempting to place a god, a tin god or liberators (angels) and venerable ones (holy ones) or demons at its side, in whom you fallaciously believe and to whom you offer prayers, then you are committing an outrage with regard to the principles of the primal power (Creation) and to yourselves, and are casting all-of-yourself into a fire which robs you of intellect and rationality.
56) And you say that you do not want to place your trust in the prophet in any wise even at the present time for his teaching of the truth, teaching of the spirit, teaching of the life until you have experienced their truth with your own body and with your own reflecting and striving, and are able to see their efficacy with your own eyes; but in return the thunderclap of a disagreeable present existence befalls you.
57) Bringing the joyful message of the truth to those amongst you who are knowing or not-knowing and are connected to the truth or are not connected to it and who do good or bad deeds means love and joy, which should belong to all of you so that in you gardens of the consonance (harmony) blossom and rivers of the wisdom flow; and whenever you give from the fruits of your garden (knowledge) and from the waters of your rivers (wisdom) to people of your kind (human beings), you will say that you are passing on that what you have been taught by the wise ones and the prophets in accordance with the laws of the primal power (Creation), therefore you pass it on in the same form as it was given to you; and this leads to you finding yourselves as people of your kind (human beings) and becoming companions in order to care for your being yourself (being human) in purity and to dwell therein.
58) The true proclaimer, the prophet, as well as the true wise one does not disdain to give an allegory (comparison) as a means of instruction, may it be ever so small as a gnat or a tiny detail, because it bears witness to the truth for those who are learning and also for those who have knowledge of the truth, which can be taught and understood through the allegory (comparison).
59) What the proclaimer, the prophet, or the wise one says with an allegory (comparison) is what serves as an explanation with words as examples so that it is understood and shows the one who is learning that there does not have to be any unknowledgeness and none amongst you has to be a confused one, also that no one shall be led into being confused or condemned as an unknowing one.
60) If you break the bond with the truth that was set up as a binding link and then was cut and destroyed, then you are creating unpeace on Earth and you will come out as losers.
61) How can you deny the creative (Creation) and its truth and laws, because only through the existence of the creative (Creation) and its principles, which bear witness of love and truth, did all life come forth, life that dies and is reborn in order to be completed through learning and to one day become one with it.
62) It is the creative (Creation) alone which created everything that is on Earth and in the unending expanses of the universe, and it created and completed all life and existence through its logical principles that are founded in truth; and therefore it is the creative (Creation) that forms the breath of the life as a part-piece in you and in all life forms as well as in everything existing.
63) Truly, the knowing ones, the wise ones, the black ones, the yellow ones, the red ones, the white ones, blue ones, green ones and everyone of any kind who truly stands in the knowledge about the truth of the formation (Creation), they will receive their fair reward during their lifetimes; and no fear will come over them, nor will they sorrow.
64) Hold fast to what the prophets gave you and will give you in future; keep their teaching of the truth in your mind and everything that is contained in the teaching so that your present existence may be good and you may be rescued from the unknowledge.
65) However, if you turn away from the truth then you fall out of the grace and boon of the life, and you will certainly be the losers.
66) And the Creation created all pre-requisites of the truth so that these reveal their truth through their principles and through the life and through you yourselves, namely by you creating love, peace, freedom and consonance (harmony) and swelling (evolving) in the inner world (consciousness) in knowledge and in wisdom, and by you remaining distant from all lovelessness, unfreedom, all disharmony and thereby do not cause any unpeace or shed any blood of your kind (blood of human beings), but respect the life in its wholeness.
67) And the truth teaches equitableness (fairness) so that any one of you may stand before the other when he or she is in the right.
68) Your knowledge must be controlled and you shall broaden the knowledge, which you learn through the laws of the appearance (nature) and the principles of the primal power (Creation), through your own efforts of fathoming to love, freedom as well as peace, sonority (harmony) and wisdom so that you will become relatively all-knowing and wise.
69) You people of your kind (human beings) of Earth, in the name of the truth it is said to you that you are able to fathom the secrets of the laws of the appearance (nature) and the principles of the primal power (Creation), because when you make the effort to do this they reveal to you what you conceal from yourselves as a result of your imperiousness.
70) You people of your kind (human beings) of Earth, think of the time when you were still without belief connected to the real truth and were not far from the truth; therefore return yourselves to that condition when you had connected yourselves, not through an irrational belief but through the truth, to the Creation and did not pray to any god.
71) Do not, people of your kind (human beings), man and woman of Earth, bow down before gods, because they are falsehoods and inventions and lies made by people of your kind (human beings) who, in the delusion, became believers by inventing untrue higher mights and praying to them; you shall not do as they do and shall not pray either to them nor to their invented gods.
72) Do not, people of your kind (human beings) of Earth, bow down before people of your kind (fellow human beings), even not before those in authority because even if they bear grand titles and have wealth, they are not worth any more than you.
73) People of your kind (human beings), man, woman and child, dwell in the large garden of Earth and eat richly of all that is given to you through the appearance (nature) and the animals and other creatures, and also is created by you, and enjoy the fermented juices of the fruits in moderate amounts, so that you do not become drunk, and eat the flesh of all animals and other creatures (birds, fishes, reptiles, etc.) in good measure, from birds and rabbits through to pigs, cattle and camels, only do not do this shamefully and do not fall into gluttony and greed so that you are not malefactors (lawbreakers).
74) People of your kind (human beings), you shall not stray from the straight and narrow when faced with the evil and shall not be of help to it, otherwise you will be driven from the place in which you live and you will be ostracised until the end of your days.
75) People of your kind (human beings), go away from those who believe themselves to be your enemies, but remember to do good to them and not to hate them, but to be connected to them in love, even if you have to speak openly of their shameful actions; never deem another to be your enemy on your own account, because you shall be connected to people of your kind (human beings) in love and be helpful to them in all good things.
76) It is to be considered by you that the dwelling of people of your kind (human beings) are the earths and also only for a time, which is why you shall make them beneficial to people of your kind (fellow human beings) and to the best, and shall not harm or destroy them.
77) The natural laws of the primal power (Creation) have been given which have a helpful effect when they are followed and applied; and truly if they are followed then everything will lead to the prosperousness and to the success as well as to the joy, to the love, to the peace and to the concord (harmony) and wisdom.
78) It is recommended for all to go out into the free appearance (nature) in order to recognise its laws and then to follow its guidance, so that the fear of the death will be banished and no one will need to sorrow in unintellect (foolishness) when the present existence comes to an end.
79) However, remaining in the unknowledge and disregarding the signs (wonderful things) of the appearance (nature) and both its and the formation-given (Creation-given) and natural laws and imputing them as a lie amounts to self-punishment because your life will be full of false peace, false freedom and love, full of unknowledge, unwisdom, joylessness and dissonance (disharmony) as a result of which you will be disrupted in your swelling (evolution) of your inner world (consciousness) and will slow down (stagnate).
80) People of your kind (human beings) of Earth, think of the unending goodness of the life and the good deeds which have been presented and created for you since time immemorial for all those of you who followed the natural and forming (creational) laws and guidelines.
81) There is a bond between you people of your kind (human beings) as well as between the laws of the Creation and the appearance (nature) which must be fulfilled, because only this fulfilment guaranties that no fear has to be nourished against the life and the death, because the laws of the primal power (Creation) and the natural laws are formed in such a wise that they fulfil themselves in any case; but you alone determine in the good or in the bad whether fear or unfear shall stir in you.
82) What has been created by the laws of the primal power (Creation) is a confirmation of what was thought out from an idea and created in love by the inner world of the firmaments (universal consciousness), by the Creation; but you are the ones who refuse yourselves the truth and have fallen into belief in gods instead of being in the knowledge about the truth, meaning that you cannot negotiate with yourselves in order to free yourselves from the very poor belief and turn to the truth which alone offers you protection.
83) Never shall falseness be mixed with truth, nor shall the truth be knowingly concealed.
84) The principles of the primal power (Creation) are laid out to care for the obligation of the knowledge to be striven for and of the wisdom for the truth, and for you not to bow down to any of your kind (human beings) nor to any divinities, however to be concerned to help those who suffer privation with appropriate gifts.
85) Others shall not be admonished to do the right whilst one's own doing that is unright goes forgotten; this is a recommendation that must be well understood.
86) Help must be sought in insight and patience, which is admittedly difficult unless for someone who is rich in the inner world (consciousness) and who does not walk along in submissiveness, but in truth, in love, knowledge and wisdom.
87) Those who are certainly knowing will unceasingly meet the truth and always find their way to it.
88) People of your kind (human beings) of Earth, always remember the good deeds of people of your kind (fellow human beings) which they presented or present to you, and do not raise yourselves up above them.
89) Fear the untruth for it can never serve as an authorised one (substitute) and intercession for the real truth and it cannot offer any ransom, because it does not help, rather takes and destroys.
90) Remember all the evil and the anguish that is afflicted upon many in the world by battles (wars), by criminals and murderers, through which sons and fathers are slaughtered and daughters and mothers raped and killed.
91) And remember the long times before the time of today when mendacious promises were given by the mighty ones in the world that no more battles (wars) shall be fought, and nevertheless uncountable lives of people of your kind (human lives) are sacrificed to the moloch battle (war) and immense destructions are wrought.
92) And it is the truth that, instead of being thankful for every day of peace, you continue to spread death, ruin and destruction in the name of an unsubstantial (imaginary) god who preaches love whilst absurdly demanding punishment, death and annihilation.
93) And prophets came to you with manifest signs (marvels and truth-teaching) by means of which the many laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) were explained, but in their absence you created tin gods and prayed to them, and therefore you were malefactors (irresponsible ones) against the truth.
94) For the wellspring-given (Creation-given) life and the appearance (nature) with all its life forms, the inner world of the firmaments (universal consciousness) allotted that thankfulness shall be nurtured for this in love, peace, freedom, consonance (harmony) and truth.
95) Thankfulness shall prevail for the differentiation between right and unright, as well as between truth and untruth, so that everyone may be led rightly.
96) It is to be considered that you are placing a heavy burden on yourselves through all your desire for unright, through your belief in divinities and praying to them in irresponsibility, because you are denying the real truth through binding yourselves to an imaginary god, elevating it to be the creator of the worlds and the universe, paying homage to it and killing people of your kind (fellow human beings) through battle (war) and punishment in its name.
97) The large mass of you does not want to know in any wise and does not want to recognise the truth unless you can hold the things of the truth in your hands, see them with your eyes and hear them with your ears, but the real truth of the real truth is not that of the holding, the seeing and the hearing, rather it is that of the inner cognition through rationality and intellect as well as of the true knowledge and the wisdom that are fully free from beliefs.
98) The truth of the life is that after this life death takes control, after which a new all-of-yourself (personality) is set up in a new life, for which thankfulness shall be given.
99) The laws of the primal power (Creation) and the natural laws let the clouds appear in the firmament and move from place to place because they bring water (rain) down, through which all kinds of edible things can thrive and all life is nourished, but people of your kind (human being) damage everything and thereby inflict the greatest harm on themselves.
100) A person of your kind (human being) shall always eat from all the gifts of the appearance (nature) that serve him or her as nourishment, and he or she shall have of it what he or she wants, and in addition in abundance, but he or she shall not beget abundant offspring in return, because he or she shall have a surplus of natural foodstuffs and not suffer from hunger.