Chapter 11
1) The teaching of the prophets is a tremendous word of the truth which proceeds from the true laws and recommendations of the primal power of all primal power (Creation), and it is explained in detail by each prophet in his wise and according to his word in knowledge and wisdom.
2) And the word of the truth teaches that you shall not pray to and worship any gods and tin gods, as well as no priests, false prophets, servants of gods and servants of tin gods, therefore however also no people of your kind (human beings), whatever and whoever and however they may be.
3) Listen to the true prophet because he is the bringer of the truth and a joyful message, as he is however also an admonisher who warns you against contravening the creational-causal laws and recommendations.
4) Arrange everything in yourselves to the good so that you may forgive yourselves for what you have done up until now that is evil, false, unfair (irresponsible), unright, inequitable (unfair) and unrighteous (conscienceless); and if you turn yourselves to the truth, then you will prepare in yourselves a rich provision until the end of your days, so that grace (favour) will be granted to you through life itself, to each one of you according to your merits; if you do not turn away from the truth then you have nothing to fear, and you will be able to bear all torments that may strike you in your existence (life) through all kinds of circumstances and which you bring about yourselves or which others bring about without your participation.
5) You shall find the real truth because it alone has truthly might over all things.
6) Do not yourselves seal up your true thoughts and feelings, and also do not hide them from people of your kind (fellow human beings) if you want to deal with them in uprightness; also, you shall not cover yourselves with the garments of the untruth (lie) and never keep the truth secret, but rather reveal it because uprightness endures (lasts) over and beyond all untruth (lies), and any keeping secret of the truth brings harm upon you and people of your kind (human beings/fellow human beings).
7) Consider that everything is based on the truth, also the existence of all things in the firmaments (universe), on the earths (worlds/planets) and on all lights (celestial bodies) of the firmament, and truly, not one created creation (life form) that lives, crawls, walks or flies anywhere was called into life by gods or tin gods, rather they were all called into life by the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal power of all primal power (Creation).
8) Truly, you have stories (fables) of the origination of your world and of the firmaments (universe), conceived through hazy pictures (delusion) of people of your kind (human beings) who thought up gods and tin gods for themselves who are supposed to have created your Earth, but these are in truth only fabulated narratives (myths) by imposters without sense and value, and everything is only evident deception (delusion), because truly everything persisting (existing) was set into existence (life) solely through the determining laws and recommendations of the primal power of all primal power (Creation).
9) Learn the truth if it becomes obvious (recognisable) to you, and do not put off learning the truth until a certain time, because if you do this then you are holding yourselves back and you will never arrive at the day when you really turn yourselves to the truth; if you set yourselves a date for when you want to start with your learning of the truth, then, by doing so, you already turn yourselves away from the truth and mock it, since if you do not instantly (at the moment/immediately) start the learning then you will never do it because truly it is the same as someone who says that he or she is going to make a journey but never makes the preparations for it and sits in his or her dwelling doing nothing.
10) Allow people of your kind (fellow human beings) to taste your benevolence (humanity) and kindheartedness and do not take anything away from them that is good and dear to them, so that they do not fall into despair and are not ungrateful to you.
11) And if people of your kind (fellow human beings) are befallen by tribulation (affliction/misery/poverty/mishappening) then let them taste the fullness of happiness and your help so that the terrible things may vanish from them and they can once again be glad.
12) Be at all times steadfast in your good deeds which you do according to the model (example) of the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation), so that great reward will be granted in yourselves which is love and peace as well as freedom and consonance (harmony).
13) And never give up even a speck of dust of a weight or one part of that which you have learned through the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, so that your breast (feelings) and your thoughts will not be constrained; keep the treasure of the truth in you as it is given by the true prophets so that you may be always your own admonisher (warner) and guardian (protector) in all things, whatever you do.
14) Do not fabulate (invent) your own truths that are not equivalent with the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) and only serve you for the purpose of false and fallacious vindication; truly, there is only one truth of the reality that dwells in the laws and recommendations of the primal power of all primal power (Creation) and is of all-embracing validity, whereas you as people of your kind (human beings) each forge your own truths according to how you observe and consider the things and assess them.
15) Do not give yourselves over to your own truths, but only integrate yourselves into the real truth as is given through the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) so that you only ever see the full (effective) truth in all things, therefore in everything that you think and gather (comprehend) in your feelings, or which you perceive with your eyes and ears or through your deeds and activity, because truly it is only through this one truthly truth that knowledge and wisdom comes about (is formed) in you, and these are based on rightness (fact) and pure truth alone.
16) If you are called (summoned) as a witness in a case, then only speak the truth and nothing but the truth, because it is inequitable (irresponsible) for you to fabulate (invent) lies in order to give a good testimony for yourselves or others; and if you fabulate (invent) lies against the truth then you will only reap harm for this because the lie will come to the light of day in its own good time.
17) Also, do not make others turn away from the truth by attempting to motivate them to bend (falsify) the truth.
18) And consider that no matter how often you invent lies against the truth, you cannot destroy the truth or kill it, and if you do invent lies nevertheless then you will not make any friends for yourselves, but only enemies who will defame (disdain) you and their defamation (disdain) will continuously double because they will neither honour you nor treat you with dignity.
19) Consider, nothing can substantiate the truth more than the truthly truth itself, which is why you shall be connected to it alone; therefore never be in doubt if you know the truthly truth and represent it, but if you doubt it then you are deceiving yourselves.
20) Whoever desires the earthly life and its splendour, it shall only be given to him or her through the truthly truth because whoever leads an existence (life) rightfully and undertakes deeds in love and in fulfilment of the truth, that human being will be fully rewarded in his or her life, because he or she will not suffer in himself or herself from unright.
21) Do not be vain (arrogant) in what you do, because vanity (arrogance) is of nought and of all kinds of evil, through which a loss in the esteem held by people of your kind (fellow human beings) comes about.
22) Do not cast yourselves or people of your kind (fellow human beings) into ruin through any kind of machinations, and do not concoct things which brand you as unfair ones (irresponsible ones).
23) Be at all times fair (responsible) and righteous (conscientious) to yourselves, so that you do not fall prey to doubtfulness regarding yourselves and you do not regard yourselves as lost in the depths of your inner nature; and be at all times fair (responsible) and righteous (conscientious) to people of your kind (fellow human beings) so that you do not fall into doubtfulness with them and they do not avoid you.
24) Truly, also practise equitableness (fairness) in all things and help people of your kind (next ones/fellow human beings) when they need your help, but do your good deeds in such a wise that you do not humiliate the needy and others requiring help and so that they are not obliged to abase themselves in unseemly (improper/inappropriate) gratitude; consider, help to people of your kind (fellow human beings) is a duty given by the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation), therefore it shall be a certainty (implicitness) for you which you shall do in contentment (modesty).
25) And consider when you give alms (gifts) that you shall not be stingy, rather act according to the best of your ability regarding what you can give in goods and riches, but see that you yourselves have enough and do not have to suffer privations through distributing (donating) alms and gifts (donations); but consider stinginess which is a terrible thing and is of no use to you at the end of your days, because you cannot take anything with you into the realm of death (death-life); therefore it is also senseless for you to have gifts and great riches (grave offerings) placed into the grave; and therefore it is senseless for you to have gold and other valueful things forged into coverings on your face (death masks) and to have yourselves wrapped in expensive and sumptuous garments or for you to want your dead body preserved (embalmed) with expensive oil since what has lost the bloom (breath) of the life remains behind on the earth and decays in its time (sooner or later); and truly neither your dead body nor anything of what you place into the grave can be taken into the realm of death (death-life) that is not made of firmness (material), but is in truth of the finest power (energy) which is the equivalent of that of the primal power of all primal power (Creation).
26) Comprehend what is the truth of the truthly truth, therefore you shall listen to the admonishing and instructive words of the true prophet so that you may become knowing (conscious) of the real truth and act and lead your life as is laid down for you through the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation).
27) Do not pray to people of your kind (human beings) who raise themselves up above you, such as rulers who only want to exert mastery over you and to exploit you, but who do not have a speck of dust of a weight for your wellbeing.
28) They see in you only creatures who deny themselves in submissiveness, but who are however believers in them, the rulers (despots/dictators/absolutists), and are subjected (submissive) to them although they only flatter (blandish) you for as long as it is of benefit (success) for them; but if they do not require you any longer or if you turn against them then they do not hesitate to persecute and to kill you; therefore you have truthly no advantage (benefit) from them, rather only exploitation and a danger looming over your life, because they do not regard you as people of their kind, only as lowly and common folk (spineless creatures) amongst all.
29) See that you have clear evidence for the kind of thinking (mentality) that you have, so that you do everything to be fair ones (responsible ones) and righteous ones (conscientious ones), and grant yourselves and people of your kind (fellow human beings) everything that leads you and them out of the gloom of that which is unright and against the truth of the primal power (Creation).
30) And do the same as the true prophet, so that you do not demand any compensation for bringing the teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life to people of your kind (fellow human beings) through your mouth (speaking), rather only take due and appropriate compensation for your contributions (expenses) or gifts (voluntary presents) if these are of an extent that is rightful for you or intended for you to do good deeds with them.
31) Appreciate all people of your kind (human beings) equally as people of your kind (human beings), because you are all, in all firmaments (universe) and on all earths (worlds/planets) a single people of the primal power of all primal power (Creation), therefore there is no difference between people of your kind (human beings), but only in your face, in the colour of your skin, as well as inside and outside your body and in your speaking (language).
32) Truly, through the truthly laws and recommendations the primal power of all primal power (Creation), you possess infinite treasures (means) through which you can lead your existence (life) and make (form) everything to the best and with which you can unfold (evolve) yourselves, however much is only given to you in concealment so that you must fathom it out (research it); and truly, much of what is hidden is revealed to you by the true prophet and is made known (conscious) to you through him; consider, however, that he is from your people and therefore no liberator (angel), but a person of your kind (human being), although with more knowledge and wisdom and cognisance than you yourselves have, therefore also of that which is given in the laws and recommendations of the appearance (nature) from the primal power of all primal power (Creation); therefore allow yourselves good and valueful things and learn from the teaching of the prophets as your prophet teaches you, so that you do not disdain him and the truth-teaching in your eyes and do not belong to the unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) who still have a very long way to go before they can recognise (see) the real truth in their time (one day) and turn to it.
33) However, they will truly strive against (reject) the truth for a long time and indeed bring about calamity many times over through jealousy and hatred, through peacelessness, unfreedom (bondage), dissonance (disharmony) and war, as well as through outrages of all kinds, activities of Gewalt such as bloody deeds (murder) and defilement (crime).
34) And consider what is proclaimed (announced) to you through the true prophet regarding what expectations (foretelling) will accrue to you (befall you) in the time to come (future) and in the far off and even farther off time to come (far and farther future), that will be fulfilled; or that which has been given to you as an oracle (prophesy) is a warning of what will happen if you do not turn the course of things to the better and do not strive yourselves to follow the truth.
35) If you do not listen to the words of the true prophet and do not heed his advice, then it will be that you yourselves destroy very much of what you have created (your achievements), just as you also destroy the appearance (nature) and stir up the weather (climate/climate change) against yourselves, as a result of which you are struck by enormous unweather, high waters and storms and earthquakes and many other calamities, so that many people of your kind (human beings) are carried off by the roaring (rampaging) of the elements of the appearance (nature) and through illness, unfortune, mishap (accident) and vexations (plagues).
36) Do not think that the oracles (prophesies) of the true prophet are merely fabulations (inventions), because he does not lay any blame upon himself with lies; however, great guilt will fall on you if you do not lend your ears to the warnings and do not change everything to the better, so that the oracles (prophesies) are not fulfilled; but consider that which is proclaimed (announced) to you in terms of expectations (foretelling) cannot be changed by you because it will happen as it has been revealed, because you have already done everything to ensure that there is no possibility of change.
37) Go in peace with your prophet who reveals to you the true teaching of the truth, the teaching of the spirit, the teaching of the life, so that the truth may prosper in you and you may pass this on to your descendants and they in turn may pass it on to their descendants for all time to come (future); truly, your far-off descendants will be other clans (families) than those which you have now, and will be more knowing and wiser than you can be in your life, but nevertheless they also need the instruction of the teaching of the prophets, so you shall take care that you are connected to the truth and that you pass it on (teach it) to your descendants (children's children, etc.) so that in all the time to come (future) they will do the same, and in this wise people of your kind (humankind) will be spared a sizeable (very great) amount of affliction and hardship, misery and spilling of blood, as well as outrages (crimes) of all kinds.
38) Consider at all times this message of the things that are still concealed to you, as it is revealed to you through the true prophet and which you do not know up until now; nevertheless persevere in hearing the message through the prophet so that you do rightfully and comprehend (understand) the teaching of the prophets and pass it on (teach it) to your descendants, so that they and their descendants and their descendants in turn into the far time to come (far future) will be able to reshape (change) the outcome of the oracles (prophesies) to the better.
39) Do not be fabulators (inventors) of lies, rather be recognisers and bearers as well as keepers (protectors) of the truth, and never demand a compensation for this because the compensation comes of its own accord (automatically/by itself) from out of yourselves to you if you are faithful to the truth in a righteous (conscientious) and fair (responsible) wise.
40) If you turn yourselves to the truth, then fruitful clouds will come over you with ample showers of rain which will wash you clean of your errors and from ununderstanding, so that your power of the truth will increase in you and you will increasingly fall away from all those things of unfairness (irresponsibility) and unrighteousness (consciencelessness) that bring continuous confusion in yourselves.
41) And as you give faithfulness to the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal power of all primal power (Creation), so you will also recognise (see) and understand the signs (evidence) of their reality (existence), as you abandon your fabulated (invented) gods and tin gods, as well as their false prophets, priests, servants of gods and servants of tin gods, so that you no longer believe in them and worship them because of a mere and made up word.
42) Be knowing (conscious) that no gods and no tin gods can inflict an evil upon you or give you help in any things whatsoever; and truly, no-one can bear witness with good admonishment (conscience) to people of your kind (human beings) that he or she has ever received even a speck of dust of a weight of evil or calamity or help or benefit (success) through a god or tin god, no matter what fulsome (very great) entreaties and prayers were made to them, and irrespective of your falling down on your knees or making offerings (sacrifices) to them.
43) Truly, it is only through the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) that help is granted to you if you follow them accountably (conscientiously) and fairly (responsibly) and at all times in equitableness (fairness); and if you do in this wise then you will have no share in what the unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) and unfair ones (irresponsible ones) do when they pray to gods and tin gods.
44) And though you are surrounded by ones who are unknowing of the truth, do not forge any evil plans against them and do not press them to learn about the truth, rather grant them their time that they need so that they may themselves find the way to interest in it.
45) Truly, trust at all times that each person of your kind (human being) will in his or her time (sooner or later) find the way to the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal power of all primal power (Creation), even if it may take a long time until then.
46) Truly, even though you have the audacity to be turned away from (deny) the truth, you can do nothing to harm it, because as truth, it remains in existence for all time and is unchangeable, even if you place every lie and slander against it (deny it) within the scope of your ability.
47) And if you think that if you turn yourselves away from the belief (assumptions) in your gods or tin gods that you will then be struck by a bane, by uncalmness and unpeace, then this is only fabulated (invented) lying by the false prophets, their priests and servants of gods and servants of tin gods in order to bind you in your belief (assumptions) in your fabulated (invented) gods and tin gods, so that you reject the truthly truth.
48) But truly you will not find calmness and peace with fabulated (invented) gods and tin gods and with their false prophets, priests and other servants of gods and servants of tin gods, rather only in the truthly truth that is solely with the primal power of all primal power (Creation) and with its incessantly activating laws and recommendations; and you shall turn yourselves to its sole truth, because only through it will you find your truthly life-conduct in your existence (life).
49) Do not, like your fathers and mothers and like your forefathers and foremothers (ancestors/forebears), pray to gods and tin gods or demons, all of which are only hazy pictures (fantasies) of confused people of your kind (human beings), but rather search for and find the sole truth of all truth in the primal power of all primal power (Creation) and in its laws and recommendations.
50) And if you search for and find the truth of all truth, then you also recognise and understand its signs (evidence) as they are given to you by the appearance (nature) and through all things and occurrences of your life.
51) And heed that you do not commit outrage (misdemeanour) against right and regulation, and not against the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) so that you rescue yourselves from all terrible things before they befall you.
52) Place all your confidence (trust) in the truth as it is taught to you by the true prophet through the teaching of the prophets, so that you may be truthful (upright) and without unsettling doubts.
53) And if you trust in the truth then you do not need to have any fear because it brings you swelling (prosperousness) in yourselves, so that you stand above everything that comes (breaks in) over you from outside because that which is your good inner nature stands gloriously over all the unfairness (irresponsibility) and unrighteousness (conscience- lessness) that can strike you from outside from people of your kind (fellow human beings).
54) And if you are struck by unfairness (irresponsibility) and unrighteousness (consciencelessness) and by unright and evil from people of your kind (fellow human beings), then do not become quivering with rage and not abusive (brazen), and do not do the same as those who attack you with evil and unright, rather be calm and behave with dignity in such a wise that you forgive the evildoers and offer them the hand of peace.
55) Truly, you alone have the might over yourselves for you to be able to examine (control) yourselves in your thoughts, feelings and in your actions, so that you do not pay back evil with evil, but rather always take the right measure in accordance with insight (intellect) and true discernment (rationality) in order to respond to attacks against you with dignity and in deference (honourableness).
56) And, if you want to honour something above yourselves, then do not honour fabulated (invented) gods and tin gods, nor people of your kind (human beings) who raise themselves up above you, rather exclusively honour the truth and the primal power of all primal power (Creation) just as you shall honour those people of your kind (fellow human beings) with suitable dignity who are truly people of your kind (human beings) and only follow the truthly truth and the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation).
57) Your counsel shall be always the truth alone, so that you may be continuously upright (of integrity) and that you do not reduce the amount of weight (deceive) in any things whatsoever when you are conducting commerce and need to measure the weight; and therefore your counsel shall always be the truth, if you are called (summoned) as a witness or if you are asked about any things whatsoever; do rightfully at all times so that your wellbeing (health) will not be reduced in any things and you do not need to fear anything.
58) Therefore, in all things, always give full measure and weight according to rightness, even when you are speaking with one another, so that you do not deceive either through action or word and do not commit an outrage against the truth (do not use Gewalt) or commit unright.
59) Truly, if betterment shall be granted to you after doing unright, then there is no might except for your own that can give you betterment, because you alone possess the might over yourselves in order to do good and better things for yourselves which has an effect both in yourselves and outside yourselves; therefore it is given on the basis that you must always trust yourselves in all things and that you always only turn towards yourselves; however, if you require counsel from people of your kind (fellow human beings), then do not turn yourselves to fools and false prophets, but to truly wise ones who are versed in the laws and recommendations of the primal power of all primal power (Creation) and have great true discernment of the life, so that you are not misguided (deluded).
60) The truly wise and discerning ones of the life are the ones who understand much of what can be interpreted from the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation), just as your prophet also teaches; therefore see that you are not weak and not self-righteous (arrogant), so you do not try to ask the ones who are truthly knowing and wise when you need their counsel.
61) And always act with regard to the truth to the best of your ability (capability), and see that you do not unknowingly (without knowledge) mix up the truth with assumptions, which in certain circumstances are the equivalent of lies and slanders (calumnies).
62) And do not reject people of your kind (next ones/fellow human beings) as the unfair ones (irresponsible ones) and the unrighteous ones (conscienceless ones) do, because they consider the others to be of less (lower) worth than themselves, indeed truly no-one amongst people of your kind (human beings) is more or less than another; truthly neither standing (rank) nor name nor goods and riches are of any importance (significance) as worth for people of your kind (human beings), just as the colour of skin, a belief, knowledge of the truth, descent from people (race) or shape (formation) of the body in the exterior or interior (physique and configuration of organs) are not of any significance either.
63) And do not do unright amongst one another in any wise, not through hatred and not out of acquisitiveness, not out of jealousy and not out of sheer lovelessness, and also not through false laws of false prophets, and not through false punishments which are fabulated (invented) by the false prophets for their bogus (mendaciously invented) gods or tin gods; be at all times knowing (conscious) of your being of your kind (being human in the real and true sense), so that you may take care for this great worth and do not fall prey to barbarity (inhumanity).
64) And do not do unright to yourselves and do not increase your ruin in yourselves by believing in gods and tin gods, in false prophets, in the priests of gods and priests of tin gods which make you turn away (lure you away) from the truth of the primal power of all primal powers (Creation) and from its laws and recommendations, so that you run into ruin in yourselves.
65) And know there is no judgement by gods and tin gods that can come over you, therefore you cannot come to a god or tin god in a kingdom of heaven and therefore also not to a place of blissfulness (paradise), just as you also cannot fall prey to a shadow world (hell) in which an embodied evil (devil) makes you burn in eternal fire, so that all that is left to you is groaning and sobbing; truly, these are delusional (schizophrenic) hazy constructions (fantasies) without any sense of the truth.
66) Therefore, do not incline to the delusional belief (assumptions) in gods and tin gods, and also not to demons, a place of blissfulness (paradise) in the kingdom of heaven of a god or tin god, and therefore also not to a shadow world (hell) in which a prince of the shadow world (prince of hell) wields his sceptre and is supposed to let you suffer torment in the fire; truly, the kingdom of heaven (paradise) and the shadow world (hell) are in yourselves, as a state (condition) of your inner world (consciousness) as your thoughts and feelings, and also as your psyche and your inner nature which you carry as yourselves (personality) and also your individuality (character).
67) Carry out your duty of the truth at all times in your existence (life), in the day and at night, and let good deeds drive out the evil deeds, hatred, jealousy, bloody deeds (murders), battles (wars) and all outrages of unfairness (irresponsibility), unrighteousness (consciencelessness) as well as all infamous actions (crimes).
68) Be steadfast and do not allow righteousness (conscientiousness) and fairness (responsibility) to become lost, rather use your true discernment (intellect) to prevent the depravity from spreading further throughout people of your kind (human beings), so that you learn to make all people of your kind (humankind) into a single and peaceful people, and so that you no longer fight one another through hatred and battles (wars) and you no longer make yourselves guilty of bloody deeds (killings), of outrage (torture) and destruction as well as all other kinds of terrible things and calamity.
69) These are the tidings and the admonishment of your true prophet, so that you may strengthen yourselves in your inner nature and in your thoughts and feelings, as well as in your individuality (character), so that you may truthly become people of your kind (truthly human beings) and fulfil the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) in order to create true love and freedom, peace and consonance (harmony) amongst all people of your kind (humankind) just like in yourselves; this is where the truth of the teaching of your prophet and the teaching of all true prophets is to be found, so that you are admonished and that you finally understand that it is solely by following the truth of the laws and recommendations of the primal power of all primal power (Creation) that you will be led into a better and good as well as fruitful (successful) time to come (future).
70) Therefore it is recommended to you that you turn to the truth and henceforth act according to the best of your knowledge and the best admonishment (conscience) as well as to the best of your ability for you to become knowing (conscious) in all the hidden things of the laws and recommendations of the primal power (Creation) and that you follow it by using it in confidence through your cognition (intellect) and through your true discernment (rationality) so that everything will turn to the best with you and inside you.